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Comments and Statuses – Guidelines

Live Leads rules:

All online leads that do not pick up the first call must be redialed using ‘connecta’, and this
action must be recorded using a comment in the dialer
Call Again – General: To be called again (client asked for a call back or did not offer strong
resistances), by any other agent (pool)

Call Again General must not be set for more than two days in the future. Two days from the date of
the call is the maximum allowed for live leads.

Call Again – Personal: To be called again, but keep the client assigned to you

If you want to remove a Call Again Personal from you, assign it to Call Again General only

Do not put a call back unless you have actually arranged a call back with the client. Agents found
“saving” leads for themselves will face consequences as this freezes a fresh lead and seriously reduces
chances of FTD for anyone

You should only put Call Again Personal if:

● If you have done some KYC with the client and recorded it in the comments (trading
experience, occupation, age, discussed the product/video with them etc.) (See useful
information for comments listed below).
● A minimum of two pieces of information (KYC and/or Landing page related) should have been
discussed and recorded in the comments.

You cannot put Call Again Personal:

● If you did not actually speak with the client (voicemail, etc.)
● You did not ask the client some basic KYC questions or discussed the product/video
● The client asked for a call back but you did not speak with them about anything else (should
be Call Again General)

Agents must not have unnecessary Call Back Personals, if it is found that agents are saving leads under
Call Back Personal without a proper reason, they will face disciplinary consequences.

Voicemail: When a Voicemail can be heard

Deposit: After successful deposit

Do Not Call: If the client threatens to call the police, mentions courts, a lawyer or going to his
bank, chargeback etc. must be approved by a Team Leader

Failed: Failed Deposit attempt

Ghost Call: No sounds at all (not just voice, no breathing etc. this is often used incorrectly)

HUCC: Hung Up on Credit Card

Language Barrier: Does not speak available language

If a client is saying “No, not interested” in English but clearly does not speak English well, put the
client on Language Barrier so that an agent can try in a different language, make sure to write the
client’s other language(s)

Low Quality Client: Client is: Homeless, does not have a bank account, trolling

Underage: Client is under 18

No Answer: Dialer only (Unless there is a ringing and no voicemail)

Not Interested 1-8: Client says that they are not interested or have changed their mind, they say
this more than once and agent has attempted a rebuttal (1-8 minutes)

Not Interested over 8: Client says that they are not interested or have changed their mind, they say
this more than once and agent has attempted a rebuttal (over 8 minutes)

Not Interested Under 1: Client says they are not interested, have changed their mind or not to call again
and hangs up by themselves (under 1 minute)

Old Depositors: Not to be used by agent

Pending Deposit: Not to be used by agent

Wrong Person: Client gives a different name and or email. Do not use this unless you are
absolutely certain this is the wrong person and the client is not just trying to get
rid of you

Bad Line: Client cannot be heard clearly or cannot hear you

Institutional: Company Number

Statuses affect the weight of the leads and their ability to be called in the dialer, agents misusing
statuses will hurt your results and their own results

Comments should be useful for future conversations. Comments should prepare the next agent to be
able to create chemistry quickly and handle objections well. Useful information includes:

● Age
● Employment status, Job/Study/Retired etc.
● Experience (Investment, Financial or Trading)
● Expectations or financial goals
● Reason for the end of the conversation (if it does not end in an FTD)
● Family and marital status
● Hours when they will be available to call or are at work
● Trading/financial knowledge or other history
● Names of other companies they have worked with
● Amounts they have deposited or traded with before (or money they lost)
● Methods of trading
● Assets they traded on or are interested in (Bitcoin, Oil)
● Specific objections (example: “I only get paid on the last Friday of the month”)
● Other personal info, country they are from originally, other languages spoken etc.

The following comments are not useful and must be avoided:

● Opinions on whether or not this is a good/bad client

● Opinions on whether or not the client is interested or wants to talk
● Vague or useless information (“client is asking about activation”, What is he asking? Which
answers did you give him? Payment methods? Minimum amount? Potential profits?)

The following information must never be left in comments in the dialer. Consequences will be severe
for comments which are any of the following:

● Cursing or swearing
● Insulting the client or anyone else
● In any other language than English or the desk language
● General complaints about client
● Any of the client’s CC info (besides last 4 digits of card number)
● The educational site or brand
● The mentor/broker company
● Any phone numbers

No comments should be written for No Answer or Voicemail

Consequences for:

● Incorrect/Incomplete comments (missing information)

● Banned information in comments
● No comment at all
● Not leaving comments recording actions taken
● Not redialing online leads
● Lead wasting (agent hangs up for no reason, agent is silent, agent does not fight at all, agent
makes no (or a very poor) attempt to continue conversation
● Incorrect pitch (lack of keywords, no mention of landing page or media)
● Using Incorrect statuses (especially Deposit/Pending Deposit Statuses)
● Hoarding Call Again Personals (saving too many of these or unnecessarily)
● Setting Call Backs too far in the future (more than two days)
● Using Do Not Call on a live lead without Team Leader’s approval in the comments (and
reported to management by email)

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