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Clinical Chemistry 51:7

1102–1109 (2005) Molecular Diagnostics

and Genetics

Multiplexed Analysis of Biomarkers Related to

Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome in Human
Plasma, Using the Luminex-100 System

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Mine Y. Liu,1 Antonios M. Xydakis,2 Ron C. Hoogeveen,1 Peter H. Jones,1
E. O’Brian Smith,3 Kathleen W. Nelson,4 and Christie M. Ballantyne1*

Background: The complex pathology of disease has TNF-␣, IL-8, and IL-6 (Linco, Biosource, Upstate, and
sparked the development of novel protein expression R&D) with correlation coefficients of ⴚ0.107 to 0.318.
profiling techniques that require validation in clinical Within- and between-run imprecision values for the
settings. This study focuses on multiplexed analyses of multiplex method were generally <15%. Relative
adipocytokines and biomarkers linked to the metabolic changes in plasma leptin and insulin concentrations
syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. after diet-induced weight loss were similar whether
Methods: Multiplexed immunoassays using fluorescent assessed by multiplex assay or ELISA.
microspheres and the Luminex-100 system were per- Conclusion: Although this technology appears useful in
formed on plasma from 80 obese patients (40 with the clinical research studies, low assay sensitivity and poor
metabolic syndrome) before and after 6 – 8 weeks of correlations with conventional ELISA methods for some
analytes with very low plasma concentrations should be
diet-induced weight loss. Leptin, insulin, C-peptide,
considered when using the Luminex platform in clinical
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), eotaxin,
interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor-␣ (TNF-␣), © 2005 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
and IL-6 concentrations measured with multiplex panels
from 3 different manufacturers were compared with Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United
results from commercial ELISAs. Detection limits and States; ⬃30% of US adults are obese, and the percentage is
between- and within-run imprecision were determined increasing (1 ). Obesity increases the risk for the metabolic
for each analyte. Bland–Altman analysis was used to syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and
determine agreement between multiplexed immunoas- thrombosis (2– 4 ). The National Cholesterol Education
says and ELISAs. Program Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III)5 defined the
Results: Correlation between the Luminex multiplexed metabolic syndrome using clinical criteria for abdominal
assays and ELISAs was good for leptin (Linco), insulin obesity, triglyceride and HDL-cholesterol concentrations,
(Linco), MCP-1 (Biosource and Upstate), and eotaxin blood pressure, and fasting glucose (5 ), and ⬎20% of
(Biosource) with correlation coefficients of 0.711– 0.895; adults in the United States meet these clinical criteria (6 ).
fair for eotaxin (Upstate) and C-peptide (Linco) with Novel technologies such as gene expression arrays have
correlation coefficients of 0.496 – 0.582; and poor for identified a large number of molecules that have altered
expression in adipose tissue and may be relevant to the
development of the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and
cardiovascular disease with obesity. In contrast to the
ability to simultaneously examine the concentrations of
Section of Atherosclerosis, Department of Medicine, 2 Division of Endo- thousands of mRNA transcripts, plasma concentrations of
crinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, and 3 Section of Nutrition, Department of
Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.
Methodist Wellness Services, The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX.
*Address correspondence to this author at: Baylor College of Medicine,
6565 Fannin, M.S. A-601, Houston, TX 77030. Fax 713-798-3057; e-mail Nonstandard abbreviations: ATP III, Adult Treatment Panel III; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; TNF-␣, tumor necrosis factor-␣; IL,
Received December 17, 2004; accepted April 6, 2005. interleukin; and NIBSC, National Institute for Biological Standards and Con-
Previously published online at DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2004.047084 trol.

Clinical Chemistry 51, No. 7, 2005 1103

cytokines, chemokines, or other biomarkers are usually were not started on any medication that would influence
measured one at a time by ELISA. Measurement of glucose tolerance, insulin secretion, or insulin sensitivity.
plasma concentrations of each putative biomarker with
individual ELISAs incurs considerable time, cost, and collection and storage of blood samples
sample volume, which thus limits the ability to systemat- Blood samples were collected by venipuncture from the
ically examine the effects of a clinical intervention. participants into EDTA-containing Vacutainer Tubes after
Multiplexed proteomics research may offer a major an overnight fast. The freshly drawn blood was centri-
advance for clinical research. Protein microarrays are the fuged at 3000g for 20 min at 4 °C. Plasma was then
most commonly used for simultaneous determination of separated and subsequently stored at ⫺70 °C in small
multiple proteins in a biological fluid. The technique uses aliquots. All analyses were performed on frozen plasma
primary antibodies as the immobilized probe on a solid samples.
surface, and protein antigens labeled with fluorophores

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luminex multiplex assays
with or without bound secondary antibodies are recog-
Multianalyte profiling was performed on the Luminex-
nized and detected. However, binding of antibodies and
100 system and the XY Platform (Luminex Corporation).
antigens to a solid support can cause denaturation or
Calibration microspheres for classification and reporter
drying of proteins. The Luminex-100 bead-based system
readings as well as sheath fluid were also purchased from
is a recently developed platform that provides multiplex- Luminex Corporation. Acquired fluorescence data were
ing in a solution phase and thus is particularly flexible analyzed by the MasterPlexTM QT software (Ver. 1.2;
and nondestructive for protein analysis. Each set of up to MiraiBio, Inc.). Plasma concentrations of leptin, insulin,
100 uniquely color-coded polystyrene microspheres is and C-peptide were determined by the Linco Human
anchored with a different capture antibody. The use of Endocrine 3-Plex Panel (Linco Research, Inc.). Chemo-
detection antibodies labeled with the fluorochrome R- kines [monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and
phycoerythrin allows quantification of antigen–antibody eotaxin] were measured by both the Biosource Chemo-
reactions that occur on the microsphere surface by mea- kine 5-Plex Panel (Biosource International, Inc.) and the
surement of the relative fluorescence intensity. The sys- Upstate Beadlyte Human Cytokine 8-Plex Panel (Upstate
tem is capable of measuring potentially up to 100 analytes USA, Inc.). Cytokines [tumor necrosis factor-␣ (TNF-␣),
simultaneously in a small sample volume (25–50 ␮L). In interleukin-8 (IL-8), and IL-6] were analyzed by the Linco
theory, the Luminex platform may also provide a wider Human Cytokine 6-Plex Panel (Linco), the Upstate Bead-
dynamic range than conventional ELISA methods be- lyte Human Cytokine 8-Plex Panel (Upstate), and the
cause of the greater linear range of fluorescence intensity R&D Fluorokine MAP Human Cytokine 6-Plex Panel
compared with absorbance. The increased dynamic (R&D Systems, Inc.). All analyses were performed accord-
movement during antibody–antigen reactions that occurs ing to the manufacturers’ protocols.
in solution also may increase its assay efficiency (7–11 ).
The purpose of this study was to compare, in a clinical ELISAs
research study, several commercially available Luminex All corresponding ELISAs were performed with commer-
multiplex panels with conventional commercial ELISAs cially available reagent sets. Plasma leptin and C-peptide
for measurement, in human plasma, of biomarkers asso- were analyzed by use of the Human Leptin ELISA Kit and
ciated with obesity and inflammation. the Human C-Peptide ELISA Kit (Linco). Insulin was
assayed by the 1-2-3 Ultrasensitive Human Insulin ELISA
(Alpco Diagnostics, American Laboratory Products Com-
Materials and Methods
pany). MCP-1 and eotaxin were measured by the Quan-
tikine Human Eotaxin Immunoassay and Quantikine Hu-
From September 2001 to September 2002, a total of 80
man MCP-1 Immunoassay (R&D Systems). TNF-␣ and
obese individuals [56 women and 24 men; mean (SD) age,
IL-6 were measured by the Quantikine HS Human TNF-␣
47.1 (0.9) years; mean (SD) body mass index, 38.3 (0.7) Immunoassay and the Quantikine HS Human IL-6 Immu-
kg/m2] were enrolled in a protein-sparing, very low noassay (R&D Systems). The circulating IL-8 concentra-
calorie diet-induced weight loss program. Written in- tion was measured by the Biosource Human IL-8 Immu-
formed consent was obtained from each participant. The noassay (Biosource International).
weight loss program was approved by the Baylor College
of Medicine Institutional Review Board (12 ). All partici- detection limits and recovery study
pants were obese (body mass index ⬎30 kg/m2), and To determine the detection limits for the Luminex assays,
one-half had the metabolic syndrome based on the ATP III 3 SD were added to the mean fluorescence intensity of 2
criteria (5 ). Analytes were measured in plasma at baseline zero calibrator replicates. The respective analyte concen-
for all 80 participants and after 4 – 6 weeks of rapid weight trations were then calculated from the calibration curve.
loss for the 40 individuals with metabolic syndrome Similarly, to evaluate the detection limits for the ELISAs,
(mean weight loss, 7%). During weight loss, participants 3 SD were added to the mean absorbance value of 2 zero
1104 Liu et al.: Luminex Multiplexed Analysis of Human Plasma

calibrator replicates, and the respective analyte concentra- panel was not yet calibrated against the WHO standard
tions were calculated from the calibration curves. The and no WHO standard for eotaxin is currently available, it
recombinant protein MCP-1 and IL-6 calibrators provided was not possible to compare the detection limits of the
with the ELISA and Luminex reagents were added into Biosource panel with ELISAs. Unlike the Biosource panel,
normal healthy human plasma. The plasma was manu- the Upstate multiplex panel has a significantly higher
facturer pooled with specific concentrations of lipids detection limit for MCP-1 than the ELISA from R&D.
requested (lot no. BC0208A; Pacific Biometrics, Inc.). Cytokines TNF-␣, IL-8, and IL-6 in 3 different multi-
plex panels from different manufacturers (Linco, Upstate,
statistical analysis and R&D) were compared with ELISAs. In general, the
Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS data anal- ELISAs tended to have lower detection limits.
ysis software (Ver. 11.5; SPSS Inc.). Analyze-it software
(Ver. 1.71; Analyze-it Software Ltd.) was used for Deming percentage of samples with undetectable

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regression and Passing–Bablok analyses for method com- MCP-1, TNF-␣, IL-6, and IL-8 concentrations in
parisons to account for imprecision in both the ELISA and the luminex assays and ELISAs
Luminex methods. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was We compared the percentage of samples in which 4
used to analyze the effect of rapid weight loss on leptin representative analytes could not be detected by the
and insulin. Bland–Altman analyses (13 ) were performed Luminex and ELISA methods; the results are shown in
to calculate limits of agreement and systematic errors, and Table 2. For the ELISAs, generally the percentage of
the results were plotted with y as the value of the samples with undetectable analyte concentrations was
difference (⌬) between Luminex and ELISA, x as the mean 0%, except for IL-8 in the Biosource assay, which is not a
of the Luminex and ELISA values, and the upper and high-sensitivity assay. For the Luminex assay, in the
lower limits defined by the mean ⌬ ⫾ 2 SD. Upstate multiplex panel, nearly 50% of samples had
undetectable concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-␣; in the
Results R&D multiplex panel, nearly 100% of samples had unde-
detection limits of luminex assays and ELISAs tectable IL-6, TNF-␣, and IL-8; and in the Biosource
A comparison of detection limits for the Luminex assays multiplex panel, 61% of samples had undetectable IL-8.
and the ELISAs is shown in Table 1. Some analyte
concentrations were also converted to the National Insti- assay precision of luminex and ELISA methods
tute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC)/WHO The between- and within-run imprecision, as the CV
international reference standard unit (IU/L) if calibra- (CV ⫽ SD/mean), for the Luminex assays is shown in
tions of the assays were performed by the manufacturers. Table 1 of the Data Supplement (available at http://
In the Linco Endocrine multiplex panel, leptin and C- and in Table
peptide had significantly lower detection limits by the 3. The Upstate multiplex panel and 3 plasma pools from
Luminex assay. The Alpco ultrasensitive insulin ELISA patients with metabolic syndrome with low, medium, and
was more sensitive for detection of insulin than the Linco high concentrations of added analyte were chosen to test
Endocrine multiplex. the between-run precision. The 2 normal control plasma
Two chemokine panels (Biosource and Upstate) were samples (QA and QC) were not selected because they
chosen to compare with ELISAs for the analysis of MCP-1 were undetectable by the multiplex panel. The MCP-1
and eotaxin. Because the MCP-1 assay in the Biosource between-run imprecision, determined from 7 multiplex

Table 1. Comparison of detection limits for the Luminex multiplexed assays and the individual ELISAs.
Multiplex panels Analytes Luminex ELISA ELISA manufacturer
Linco Endocrine Leptin 0.13 ␮g/L 1.39 ␮g/L Linco
Insulin 0.31 mIU/L 0.14 mIU/L Alpco
C-peptide 0.037 ␮g/L 0.132 ␮g/L Linco
Biosource Chemokine MCP-1 2.35 ng/L 2.57 ng/L R&D
Eotaxin 4.37 ng/L 3.80 ng/L R&D
Upstate Chemokine MCP-1 20.5 ng/L (0.023 kIU/L) 2.57 ng/L (0.002 kIU/L) R&D
Eotaxin 27.72 ng/L 3.80 ng/L R&D
Linco Cytokine TNF-␣ 1.61 ng/L (0.249 kIU/L) 0.092 ng/L (0.0028 kIU/L) R&D
IL-8 2.52 ng/L (0.026 kIU/L) 0.26 ng/L (0.0018 kIU/L) Biosource
Upstate Cytokine TNF-␣ 0.065 ng/L (0.0019 kIU/L) 0.092 ng/L (0.0028 kIU/L) R&D
IL-8 0.70 ng/L (0.0003 kIU/L) 0.26 ng/L (0.0018 kIU/L) Biosource
IL-6 0.75 ng/L (0.1029 kIU/L) 0.068 ng/L (0.0084 kIU/L) R&D
R&D Cytokine TNF-␣ 1.53 ng/L (0.052 kIU/L) 0.092 ng/L (0.0028 kIU/L) R&D
IL-6 0.977 ng/L (0.1280 kIU/L) 0.068 ng/L (0.00843 kIU/L) R&D
Clinical Chemistry 51, No. 7, 2005 1105

Table 2. Samples with undetectable concentrations of MCP-1, TNF-␣, IL-6, and IL-8 in the ELISAs and the Luminex
multiplexed assays.
IL-6 TNF-␣ MCP-1 IL-8

Assay manufacturer % undetectable n % undetectable n % undetectable n % undetectable n

R&D 0 40 0 40 0 120 NAa NA
Biosource NA NA NA NA 40.5 40
Luminex system
Upstate 47.4 154 51.7 114 10.3 154 0 120
R&D 100 40 95.2 40 NA NA 100 40
Linco 16.7 40 7.1 40 NA NA 21.4 40

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Biosource NA NA NA NA 2.4 40 61 40
NA, not applicable.

assays with each sample analyzed in duplicate, was validation of the luminex method in human
⬎15%. The within-run precision represents the mean plasma
values of 3 samples with low, medium, and high concen- We chose ELISAs for comparison with the newer Lumi-
trations of the analyte that were analyzed 20 times in 1 nex technique because the ELISA is a generally accepted
assay. The within-run CVs for all analytes ranged from method for analyzing biomarkers in human serum or
6.6% to 12% and were within the acceptable limit. plasma. Two methods of comparison between Luminex
The between- and within-run precision of the ELISAs assays and ELISAs were carried out. We first used linear
are shown in Tables 1 and 3 of the online Data Supple- correlation to evaluate the relationship between Luminex
ment. The between-run CV was determined from 2 assays and ELISAs. We then applied the Bland–Altman
plasma control samples (QA and QC) because they were method (13 ) to assess the agreement between the 2
detectable by the high-sensitivity ELISAs. For each sam- measurement methods.
ple, the CV was determined from the means of 6, 8, and 5
assays for MCP-1, TNF-␣, and IL-6, respectively, and were Correlation. The results of the Deming regression analysis
analyzed in duplicate. The within-run precision was cal- comparing the Luminex and ELISA methods are shown in
culated from the mean CVs of n samples analyzed in Table 4. The correlation coefficient indicates scatter of the
duplicate. Overall, the within-run CVs were within rea- measured data about the Deming regression line, and it is
sonable limits, ranging from 5.0% to 15%, except for IL-6 determined by the precision of the 2 assay methods. Table
(21%). For the high-sensitivity ELISAs, the between-run 4 shows the results for the Linco endocrine panel. The
imprecision generally indicated a ⬎15% CV of random correlation coefficients (R) were 0.812, 0.895, and 0.582 for
errors, and the within-run imprecision showed a ⬎15% leptin, insulin, and C-peptide, respectively. The correla-
CV of random errors. tion coefficient for C-peptide was 0.67 after omission of
the 2 outliers (defined as values outside 3 SD). In the
Deming regression analysis, the slope indicates a propor-
tional error that might have originated from incomplete
Table 3. Within-run assay imprecision. recovery in one of the methods or from different accura-
Analytes Within-run CV, % n
cies of the calibrators used. The slopes were 1.28, 2.38, and
Multiplexed panels
0.68 for leptin, insulin, and C-peptide, respectively. The
Linco Endocrine Leptin 11 120 smallest proportional error was for leptin, i.e., the values
Insulin 6.6 120 obtained from the 2 assay methods were the least differ-
C-Peptide 10 80 ent. The intercept indicates a systematic error that might
Biosource Chemokine MCP-1 12 40 be caused by interference, such as insufficient blank
Eotaxin 10 40 compensation. The intercepts were 2.26 ␮g/L, ⫺3.03
Upstate Chemokine MCP-1 8.1 40 kIU/L, and ⫺1.83 ␮g/L for leptin, insulin, and C-peptide,
Eotaxin 11 40 respectively. The smallest systematic error was for C-
ELISAs peptide.
Linco Leptin 5.9 120 The correlation coefficients were 0.263 and 0.899 for
Alpco Insulin 15 40 MCP-1 in the Biosource panel with and without the 2
Linco C-Peptide 10 40 outliers, respectively; outliers were defined as values
R&D MCP-1 5.4 120
outside 3 SD. For eotaxin, the correlation coefficient was
R&D Eotaxin 5.0 120
0.711 for the Biosource panel. The slopes for MCP-1
1106 Liu et al.: Luminex Multiplexed Analysis of Human Plasma

Table 4. Deming regression results for comparison of the multiplexed assays performed on the Luminex systems (y) and
individual ELISAs (x).
Slope Intercept
a b
Analyte Deming Sy円x R Coefficient SE 95% CI Mean SE 95% CI
Leptin (␮g/L) 9.90 0.812 1.28 1.28 1.11–1.44 2.26 3.19 ⫺4.05 to 8.57
Insulin (mIU/L) 5.62 0.895 2.38 0.19 1.99–2.77 ⫺3.03 3.47 ⫺10.06 to 4.00
C-Peptide (␮g/L) 2.32 0.582 0.68 0.15 0.37–0.99 ⫺1.83 1.20 ⫺4.25 to 0.59
Eotaxin (ng/L) 20.44 0.711 7.71 1.29 5.10–10.32 ⫺49.85 80.64 ⫺213.55 to 113.86
MCP-1c (ng/L)
With outliers 110.14 0.263 40.44 25.09 ⫺10.49 to 91.36 ⫺7829.64 6421.28 ⫺20 865.54 to 5206.25
Without outliers 49.99 0.899 4.97 0.42 4.11–5.82 79.60 109.36 ⫺142.90 to 302.09

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The manufacturers of the assays for the Luminex multiplex systems (y) and the individual ELISAs (x) were as follows: for leptin, Linco for both; for insulin, Linco
and Alpco, respectively; for C-peptide, Linco for both; for eotaxin, Biosource and R&D, respectively; and for MCP-1, Biosource and R&D, respectively.
CI, confidence interval.
Outliers are defined as values outside 3 SD of the mean for 2 replicates of the zero calibrators.

without the outliers and for eotaxin were 4.97 and 7.71 for gave higher values than the ELISA, although only 2.5% of
the Biosource panel, respectively, and the intercepts were the values differed by ⬎2 SD. For C-peptide, most of the
79.60 and ⫺49.85 ng/L, respectively. Passing–Bablok Luminex measurements gave lower values than the
analysis revealed both proportional and constant bias for ELISA (mean difference, 3.9 ␮g/L). At concentrations ⬍4
MCP-1 and eotaxin (data not shown). ␮g/L, the 2 methods agreed very well, and only 2.5% of
We also analyzed the correlations between the Lumi- the values differed by ⬎2 SD. For MCP-1 in the Biosource
nex assays and ELISAs for the cytokines TNF-␣, IL-8, and panel, the 2 methods agreed well at concentrations ⬍0.5
IL-6. The correlation coefficients were 0.104 and ⫺0.107 kIU/L, and 5.5% of patients had values that differed by
for TNF-␣ and 0.266 and 0.318 for IL-8 in the Linco and ⬎2 SD. For insulin, C-peptide, and MCP-1, the only
Upstate panels, respectively. The correlation coefficient measurements that differed by ⬎2 SD were the extreme
was 0.298 for IL-6 in the Upstate panel. Overall, the correla- highest values of the analytes for patients in this study.
tions between Luminex assays and ELISAs for the 3 cyto-
kines analyzed were poor in all the multiplex panels. recovery study
Recovery experiments detect inaccuracy of a method
Bland–Altman analysis. The difference between the Lumi- resulting from systematic errors. The results of the recov-
nex assay and the ELISA was plotted against the mean of ery study for MCP-1 in both the ELISA and Luminex
the Luminex assay and ELISA for each plasma sample assay are shown in Table 2 of the online Data Supplement.
measured. The Bland–Altman plots for several analytes The recombinant protein calibrators provided with the
are shown in Fig. 1. The Bland–Altman analysis was ELISA and the Luminex assay were added at 3 different
carried out only for (a) analytes that showed good corre- concentrations in pooled normal healthy human serum
lation and used the same calibrators for calibration curves for measurement of recovery with 10 replicates or more.
in both the Luminex assays and ELISAs (leptin, insulin, The 3 concentrations (32, 128, and 512 ng/L) of MCP-1
and C-peptide) or (b) assays already calibrated against the were selected because they were commonly seen in our
WHO standards (MCP-1 and insulin). study in healthy individuals and in patients with meta-
The Bland–Altman plots for leptin, insulin, and C- bolic syndrome. The pools containing added Luminex
peptide in the Linco endocrine panel and MCP-1 in the calibrator were measured by the Luminex method, and
Upstate panel are shown in Fig. 1. The systematic differ- the pools containing the added ELISA calibrator were
ences between the 2 assay methods as calculated by the measured by ELISA. As shown in Table 2 of the online
Bland–Altman analysis were 11.0 ␮g/L, 13.8 kIU/L, 3.9 Data Supplement, for the pools containing 128 and 512
␮g/L, and 0.21 kIU/L for leptin, insulin, C-peptide, and ng/L MCP-1, the ELISA gave mean recoveries of 98.8%
MCP-1, respectively. The 2 methods agreed fairly well for and 102.1%, respectively. However, in the Luminex assay,
leptin values ⬍50 ␮g/L. Above 50 ␮g/L, however, the the mean recoveries of MCP-1 were 58.2%, 49.1%, and
Luminex assays gave both higher and lower values than 54.6%, respectively, for the 3 concentrations.
the ELISA; the discrepancy for some measurements was
as large as 75%. For leptin, 7.5% of the patients had values effects of active weight loss on leptin and
that differed by ⬎2 SD. Agreement between 2 methods is insulin in individuals with the metabolic
generally acceptable if ⬍5% of values differ by ⬎2 SD. For syndrome
insulin, the 2 assays agreed very well at concentrations The patients with metabolic syndrome lost 7% of their
⬍30 mIU/L, but above 30 mIU/L, the Luminex assay initial weight [8.0 (0.55) kg, or 17.6 (1.2) pounds] after 4 – 6
Clinical Chemistry 51, No. 7, 2005 1107

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Fig. 1. Bland–Altman analysis showing the agreement between Luminex assays and ELISAs for the measurement of leptin (A), insulin (B), C-peptide
(C), and MCP-1 (D).
The y axis in each panel represents the difference (⌬) between Luminex and ELISA values, and the x axis represents the average of the Luminex and ELISA values.
Solid lines are mean values; dotted lines are 2 SD. For leptin (A), the mean difference is 11.0 ␮g/L (2 SD ⫽ 29.7 ␮g/L); for insulin (B), the mean difference is 13.8
mIU/L (2 SD ⫽ 37.4 mIU/L); for C-peptide (C), the mean difference is ⫺3.9 ␮g/L (2 SD ⫽ 6.8 ␮g/L); and for MCP-1 (D), the mean difference is 0.21 kIU/L (2 SD ⫽
0.99 kIU/L).

weeks of the diet-induced weight loss program. Plasma and the median percentage changes in insulin were ⫺41%
concentrations of leptin and insulin at baseline and after and ⫺56%, respectively.
weight loss were measured by both the Luminex and
ELISA methods, and the results were compared. Mean comparison of MCP-1 between healthy
(SD) leptin concentrations measured by ELISA were sig- controls and metabolic syndrome patients
nificantly higher before weight loss compared with after with 4 or more risk factors
weight loss [36.3 (21.5) vs 19.8 (18.7) ␮g/L; n ⫽ 40; P We compared plasma MCP-1 concentrations in healthy
⬍0.001, Wilcoxon signed-rank test]. The Luminex assay controls (n ⫽ 14) and metabolic syndrome patients with 4
also showed a significant mean (SD) difference after or more risk factors (n ⫽ 20). The MCP-1 concentrations
weight loss [47.4 (25.6) vs 27.6 (22.1) ␮g/L; n ⫽ 40; P measured by ELISA and the Luminex assay are shown in
⬍0.001]. Insulin concentrations were also significantly Fig. 2 of the online Data Supplement. The mean (SD)
higher before weight loss than after weight loss whether MCP-1 concentrations measured by ELISA were signifi-
measured by ELISA [19.2 (17.3) vs 9.4 (7.8) mIU/L; n ⫽ cantly higher in the metabolic syndrome patients than in
13; P ⫽ 0.039] or the Luminex assay [37.4 (41.1) vs healthy controls [536.5 (316.1) vs 263.3 (96.5) ng/L; P
14.7 (16.0) mIU/L; n ⫽ 13; P ⫽ 0.028]. The percentage ⬍0.001, Wilcoxon signed-rank test]. The median MCP-1
changes in leptin and insulin after weight loss are shown values measured by ELISA were 414.6 and 231.4 ng/L for
in Fig. 1 of the online Data Supplement. The median patients and controls, respectively. The results obtained
percentage changes in leptin were ⫺54% and ⫺46% as with the Luminex assay also indicated that the mean (SD)
measured by the ELISA and Luminex assay, respectively, MCP-1 concentrations in the metabolic syndrome patients
1108 Liu et al.: Luminex Multiplexed Analysis of Human Plasma

were significantly higher than those in healthy controls (Fig. 1 of the online Data Supplement). The relative
[83.5 (101.1) vs 20.4 (8.6) ng/L; P ⬍0.001, Wilcoxon difference in plasma concentrations of MCP-1 between
signed-rank test]. In the Luminex assay, the median controls and metabolic syndrome patients also were sim-
MCP-1 values were 63.9 and 18.4 ng/L for patients and ilar in the 2 methods (Fig. 2 of the online Data Supple-
controls, respectively. ment). The total error acceptable for an assay depends on
the clinical setting in which the assay is being used. For
Discussion example, in clinical research, studies are frequently de-
Multiplex immunoassays using a small sample volume signed to examine the association of plasma concentra-
could facilitate clinical research in complex disorders such tions of analytes with the disease phenotype (in this case,
as the metabolic syndrome and could be extremely help- obese patients with the metabolic syndrome vs lean
ful in the evaluation of changes in biomarkers with controls) and the impact of a therapeutic intervention on
therapeutic interventions. The detection limits shown in the disease state (such as weight loss). In the present

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Table 1 allow for a potentially high degree of detectability study, measurements of MCP-1 by ELISA or Luminex
in the patients’ samples. However, because the focus of assay provided similar information about the relative
this study was to compare the validity of Luminex-based increase in plasma concentrations associated with obesity
assays vs traditional ELISAs as a tool for clinical research, and the metabolic syndrome compared with lean controls,
the use of functional sensitivity is a more meaningful and the relative changes in leptin and insulin concentra-
index than limit of detection, and in our clinical study, tions before and after weight loss were similar by either
many cytokines were not detectable in a high percentage ELISA or Luminex assay. However, the “total error” of an
of patient plasma samples by the Luminex multiplex assay that is acceptable to assess relative change in a
method. The inability to detect these analytes by the clinical research setting may be far greater than what is
multiplex method may be explained in part by interfer- acceptable in a clinical practice setting, which is focused
ences, such as heterophilic antibodies, that are present in on diagnosis and treatment of disease.
complex sample matrices such as plasma. Our study has important differences in design com-
The within-run imprecision (CV) values obtained for pared with previous reports that have validated multi-
the multiplex method were generally ⬍15%, whereas the plexed immunoassays, which measured IgG antibodies
between-run imprecision for the multiplex method for (16 ), lipopolysaccharide-stimulated human plasma sam-
MCP-1 was ⬎15%. The large interassay variations seen ples (8 ), or supernatant from stimulated cells (17 ). A
with MCP-1 should be considered when using multiplex recent study reported the use of Luminex-based multiplex
panels for this analyte (and potentially others) in clinical analysis to measure 9 cytokines in sera from 30 children
research, for example, by measuring all samples in 1 run infected by rotavirus and 9 healthy control children, but
(or at least all the samples from a specific individual the investigators did not validate their findings against
before and after an intervention), and by including control conventional ELISAs (18 ). A different study used dried
sample pools in all runs. blood, spotted on paper, from children with cerebral
The poor correlations between the Luminex assay and palsy and showed rather poor correlation between the
ELISAs for the 3 cytokines analyzed in our study are most Linco and Upstate multiplex panels (19 ).
likely attributable to the extremely low plasma concentra-
tions of these cytokines and the presence in blood of In conclusion, although this technology appears useful for
interfering substances such as heterophilic antibodies, analytes present in a wide range of concentrations in
which are known to interfere with immunoassays (14, 15 ). plasma, low detectability and poor correlations with con-
Furthermore, our results show an increase in variability at ventional ELISA methods for some analytes when present
lower concentrations for both methods (Luminex and in very low concentrations in plasma should be consid-
ELISA), which also may partially explain the poor corre- ered when using the multiplexed assay platform in clini-
lations between the 2 methods. cal studies. Furthermore, improvement in the detection
Our studies demonstrate that in our laboratory the limits for some of the analytes that have very low plasma
multiplexed assays for leptin (Linco), insulin (Linco), concentrations and are currently commercially available
MCP-1 (Biosource and Upstate), and eotaxin (Biosource) for Luminex-based multiplex assays is crucial for their use
showed good correlations of ⬎0.7 (correlation coefficients in analysis of unstimulated blood samples. Issues such as
ranging from 0.711 to 0.895); eotaxin (Upstate) and C- the effects of interfering heterophilic antibodies, efficiency
peptide (Linco) showed fair correlations of 0.5– 0.7 (corre- of capture antibody-coupling techniques, development of
lation coefficients ranging from 0.496 to 0.582); and high-sensitivity multiplex assays, and optimization of
TNF-␣, IL-8, and IL-6 (Linco, Biosource, Upstate, and capture/detection antibody pairing need to be studied
R&D) showed very poor correlations (⬍0.5) with ELISAs further to improve the efficacy of this technology for use
(correlation coefficients ranging from ⫺0.107 to 0.318). in clinical studies. Manufacturers should calibrate their
The changes in plasma concentrations of leptin and insu- secondary standards to the primary NIBSC/WHO stan-
lin after diet-induced weight loss showed similar percent- dards, consistent with the recommendations for immuno-
age reductions as assessed by multiplex assays or ELISA assay standardization described in the report of Wadhwa
Clinical Chemistry 51, No. 7, 2005 1109

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