Activites The Gothic

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Activité 1 – Culturel – The Gothic genre

Culturel – The ingredients of the Gothic story

The Ingredients of a Gothic Story

B orn in 1764 with Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto, Gothic literature combines horror and romance. Here are some

characteristics of the genre.

1. A helpless victim is faced with a cruel torturer.

2. The story takes place in a castle, ruined or intact, haunted or not, with underground passages, crypts and catacombs.

3. There is a victimizer who is associated with evil and whose powers are immense or supernatural.

4. The atmosphere is oppressive, created by shadows, the moonlight in the dark or flickering candles.

5. Horrifying or terrifying events happen or are feared. Magic or supernatural manifestations occur.

6. There are labyrinths, dark corridors, and winding stairs.

7. Suspense is created by a sense of mystery, darkness, fear and doom.

8. The victim is entranced or fascinated by the power of his/her victimizer.

9. The scenes take place in extreme landscapes, like high mountains, thick forests, or icy wastelands.

(adapted from

1. Classify the nine items above in three categories :

The characters : 1,8,3

The setting : 2,6,9

The atmosphere: 4,7,5

2. Find the English equivalents for :

Impuissante : helpless Craints : feared Glacé : icy

Le mal : evil En colimaçon : winding Désert: wastelands

Vacillantes : flickering Le destin : doom

Bougies :candles Subjuguée : entraced

Activité 2 - Vocabulary


1. Classez les mots ci-dessous dans la colonne correspondante. Attention, certains mots peuvent être utilisés plusieurs fois. Aidez-vous d’un
dictionnaire si nécessaire.

remote – isolated – old – supernatural – uninhabited – unoccupied – haunted – gloomy – werewolf – ghost – dark – scary – mysterious – spirit
– manor – disturbing – mansion – weird – scared – eerie – abbey – woods – terrified – young – innocent – surprised – abandoned – menacing –
anxious – moonlight

Place Atmosphere People

isolated = remote supernatural eerie old ghost
Uninhabited old moonlight gloomy scared anxious
unoccupied abandoned dark terrifying terrified spirit
manor scary young supernatural
mansion mysterious innocent weird
abbey disturbing surprised
woods weird abandoned
hauned menacing werewolf

2. Cherchez les dérivés de fear et fright grâce aux suffixes. Traduisez-les en français.

Rappel : -ful (« plein de »), -less (« sans, dépourvu de »), -some (« qui provoque »)

Noms Adjectifs Verbes

Fear (la peur - Feared (craint) Fear (craindre)
- ……..…………………… sans peur
- ……..…………………… craintif
fearsome (………………………)
- ……..…………………… redoutable
Fright (l’effroi) - frightened (effrayé) fright
- ……..…………………… effrayer
- ……..…………………… effroyable
Activité 3 – Compréhension orale : Mythical characters of the Gothic genre

Compréhension orale – « Mythical Characters of the Gothic genre »

Listen to the document and answer the questions.

Find the subject of the conference :

Pick out elements of the two characters presented :

N°1 : Dracula N°2 : Frankenstein

Saisissez du texte ici - Date : 1818

- Author : Mary Shelly

- Inspiration :
* Percy Bish Shelley = her husband = a poet
* Lord Byron = a friend = a romantique poet
Read ghost stories
* read ghost stories
*scientific experiments = sending electiricity
into dead frogs --> the legs moved
* corpses/creating a creature with body parts
Brought yo life
What have these writers inspired today ?

- Video games
- Cinema = horror stories / silence fiction
- Goth fashion
- Bande / groupes = The Cure, ...
Activité 4 – Compréhension écrite : At Count Dracula’s

*a solicitor = a lawyer

*a land deal = une vente de terrain

At count Dracula’s


1. Present the document:

Jonathan Harker a solicitor/alwyer has jusre arrived at Count Dracula's for work. It is an extract from his diary


The Count

2. Pick out words and details that describe the count’s character.
He lives in a castle / "his eyes blazed with a sort of demonic fury" / no reflection in the mirror


3. Paragraph 2. How is the count feeling? Say what produces the crisis and what stops it.

He is furious : "his eyes blazed xith a sort of demonic fury" = he sees blood

He touches the crucifix : he calms down : "the fury passed"


4. What does the reader understand about the Count? Who (what?) is he really?

He is a vampire. He wants blood = he lusts for blood.



5. Explain what the Count’s words mean for the reader. And for Jonathan? (l.18)

The reader understands that Jonathan is in danger and there may be other vampires. Vampires

want blood and cutting yourself is dangerous.


Jonathan understands it differently. A piece of advice because razors can be dansgerous


Jonathan Harker

7. Pick out words and details that describe Jonathan’s character.

He is a young soliciter . He only slepy a little the night before. He is at the count's castle. He is shaving.

He did a little exploring in the castle.


8. Is Jonathan aware of who (what?) the Count really is?

No, Jonathan is not aware of who he is : he asks himslef questions about Dracula.

9. Study the evolution of his feelings throughout the text.

He is tired / he is amazed / he is afraid ("the feeling transformed in fear") / he feels like a prisoner : "locked"

"the view was magnificient" / "doors" / stairs




The Gothic

10. Pick out the words/expressions/elements referring to the strange atmosphere or to the supernatural.
"there was no reflection of him in the mirror" / "the blood was trikling over my chin" / "it is strange" /"his eyes
blazed with a sort of demonic fury"


11. Give details about the castle and its environment. What feeling does the place create? (l.20-26)

"no windows" / "on the edge of terrific precipice" / it is described as a prison /stairs / a room

/ no exit / a prison --> it feels like a prison, a trap, Gigantic, Jonathan seems very small.

12. How is this passage typical of Gothic literature?

A helpess victim (Jonathan) - a cruel torturer (Count Dracula) - a castle - a cruel victimizer with

supernatural powers - oppressive atmosphere - magic elments (crucifix stops him, no reflections

- stairs, impression of labyrinth - suspens and mystery - the victim is fascinated, Jonathan stays -

extreme landscapes (a terrific precipice)

Activité 5 – Grammaire : les 2 prétérits

Prétérit simple vs. prétérit be-ing

Regarde ces phrases tirées du texte At count Dracula’s

« I was beginning to shave when I felt a hand on my shoulder ».

J’étais en train de commencer à me raser quand j’ai senti une main sur mon épaule.

« I saw that the cut had bled a little, and the blood was trickling over my chin. »

J’ai vu que la coupure avait un peu saigné, et que le sang était en train de couler le long de mon menton.

Rappel :

Le prétérit simple (-ed ou verbes irréguliers) interrompt une action en cours au prétérit be -ing (be au prétérit +

Exercice d’application – Prétérit simple vs. prétérit be-ing

Conjugue les verbes en utilisant le temps qui convient. Attention au sens de la phrase.

1. Count Dracula (come) ______________ was shaving
into the room while Jonathan Harker (shave) _______________.

2. When the Count (speak)_____________________to Jonathan, Jonathan was so surprised that he (cut)
_______________________ himself.
3. When Jonathan (realize) ______________________ was bleeding
he (bleed) _________________________ he (turn)
___________________________ to look for some plaster (= pansement).
Activité 6 : Compréhension orale + écrite – Wuthering Heights

Compréhension orale et écrite – song – « Wuthering Heights », Kate Bush

Read the first verse, what is the song about?

Vocabulary : guess the meaning of the words or expressions underlined in the song.

- Who always want more : gready

- Spirit : soul
- On the grass : in green
- Open ground covered with a lot of heather (=bruyère), wild grass and moss (=mousse) in Yorkshire, England : the moors
- To wander ,to go somewhere with no fixed aim or goal : to roam
- To take , to seize : grab
- To languish, to wait impatiently and suffer from this waiting : pine

Tick the correct answer. « The lot falls through without you » means…
□ When I’m alone, I feel so great.
□ If you are not here, then I have nothing.
□ It’s too late to forgive you now.

Look at the video clip.

What is particular about this love story ? What do we learn about the woman ?

Read the lyrics.

Pick out the words/expressions that prove that she’s dead.

Lyrics – Wuthering Heights, Kate Bush

Out on the wild and windy moors we'd roll and fall in green.
You had a temper like my jealousy, too hot, too greedy.
How could you leave me when I needed to possess you?
I hated you. I loved you too.

Bad dreams in the night.

You told me I was going to lose the fight,
Leave behind my Wuthering, Wuthering, Wuthering Heights

Heathcliff, it's me, your Cathy, I've come home.
I'm so cold, let me in your window.
Heathcliff, it's me, your Cathy, I've come home.
I'm so cold, let me in your window.

Ooh, it gets dark, it gets lonely on the other side from you.
I pine a lot, I find the lot falls through without you.
I'm coming back, love, cruel Heathcliff,
My one dream, my only master.

Too long I roamed in the night.

I'm coming back to his side to put it right.
I'm coming home to Wuthering, Wuthering, Wuthering heights

Heathcliff, it's me, your Cathy, I've come home.
I'm so cold, let me in your window.
Heathcliff, it's me, your Cathy, I've come home.
I'm so cold, let me in your window.

Ooh, let me have it. Let me grab your soul away.

Ooh, let me have it. Let me grab your soul away.
You know it's me, Cathy !

Heathcliff, it's me, your Cathy, I've come home.
I'm so cold, let me in your window.
Heathcliff, it's me, your Cathy, I've come home.
I'm so cold, let me in your window.
Heathcliff, it's me, your Cathy, I've come home.
Activité 7 : méthodo – Book cover

Méthodologie – « Wuthering Heights », Emilie Brontë (première et quatrième de couverture)

Replacer à côté de chaque mot le numéro correspondant.

Summary 5

Critics / opinion 6

Title 3

Author 2

Editor 7

Illustration 1


Bar code 9

Quotation 4

3 8

Activité 8 – Compréhension écrite – The hand

“The Hand” (p.60)


Make a list of the characters present in that scene.

Lockwood, Catherine Liton


Who or what do the following pronouns refer to ?

The narrator
I (l.1) _______________________________________ the noise of the branche
It (l.1) _______________________________________

horror of nightmare
Me (l.7) _____________________________________ lockwood's arm
It (l.8) _______________________________________

Find information about the creature he meets. Classify it in the following grid.

Name Physical characteristics Voice Elements from its past

catherine linton "a child's face" "melancholy voice" "I'd lost my way on the
"sobbed" moor"
"ice cold hand" "moaned" "I've been a waif for
"cry" 2years"

Pick out the sentences that show the fear the narrator experiences.

"The intense horror of nightmare came over me" (l 6-7)


"Terror made me cruel" (l 12) "almost maddening me with fear" (l 14-15)


Reorganise the following statements in chronological order (from 1 to 8).

_____ He sees the creature. 2
_____ He tries to get rid of the hand.

_____ He grabs a hand. 6
_____ He offers to let the creature in.

_____ The creature refuses to let go. 7
_____ The hand lets go of its grip.

_____ The hand starts bleeding. 8
_____ He refuses to let the creature in.

Make a list of the characters present in that scene.

Heathcliff / Lockwood

Focus on lines 32 to 34. Classify the phrases referring to Heathcliff in the grid below.

Movements Physical description

" got on to the bed" pale
"busting of tears" (L 32)

Which of the following adjectives could be used to describe Heathcliff’s feeling(s).

relaxed anxious panic-striken suspicious brokenhearted

What can you guess about his relationship with Catherine ? Tick the possible answer(s).

He is still in love with Catherine. He is angry at her.

He would like to see her again.

Read the last sentence. Choose the statement that best corresponds to what you understand.

The ghost stayed for a few seconds and blew out the light when he left.

The ghost blew out the light before it left.

The ghost disappeared and only the wind could be heard howliing.
Activité 9 – Expressions / traduction

TRADUCTION – Expressions

Translate the following expressions. Be careful, translate the idea to find the French expressions.

Traduis les expressions suivantes. Fais attention à bien traduire l’idée pour trouver une expression

1. It made me jump : Ca ma fait sursauter

2. She had to catch her breath : Elle a du reprendre son souffle

3. His face was as white as a sheet : Il est blanc comme un linge

4. I had to run for my life : Je pris mes jambes a mon cou

5. It gives me the creeps : Ca me donne la chair de poule

6. I was scared to death : J'étais mort de peur

Activité 10 – grammar – Particles vs. prepositions

Phrasal verbs vs. Prepositions

Here’s a list of verbs from the text The Hand (Wuthering Heights). WIth the help of the context match each
verb with its translation.

1 To stretch out (l.3) Faire entrer, laisser entrer

2 To come over (l.7) Se libérer de, se débarrasser de
3 To draw back (l.7-8) Entasser, accumuler
4 To let in (l.8) Continuer à se plaindre, se lamenter
5 To shake off (l.12) S’emparer de, saisir
6 To run down (l.13) Mettre à la porte, renvoyer
7 To pile up (l.16) Souffler, éteindre en soufflant
8 To moan on (l.19) Etendre, allonger
9 To go away Pousser un ou des cris
10 To push open (l.22) Faire monter
11 To call out (l.25) Pousser en avant
12 To show up (l.27) Enlever, retirer S’en aller, partir
13 To come in (l.33) Couler, descendre en coulant
14 To blow out (l.36) entrer

Particle or preposition?

Un même mot peut être une particule adverbiale ou une préposition.

- I switched on the computer : “switch” et “on” peuvent être séparés, « on » est donc une particule.

Une particule change souvent le sens de départ du verbe, donne une précision.

Exemple : I switched on the computer / I switched it on.

- The cat jumped on the computer : “jumped” et “on” ne peuvent pas être séparés, « on » est donc
une préposition.

Exemple: the cat jumped on it / the cat jumped it on

Exercise: decide whether it is a particle or a preposition.

Can you look up this word in a dictionary?

The policeman asked him to put down his gun.

The Titanic collided with an iceberg and went down the ocean.

Put on your coat, it’s cold outside.

Can we go out of the house?

Activité 11 – Reading compréhension

Compréhension écrite - Psycho

Psycho, by Robert Bloch (1960)

Lila is roaming* through Norman Bates’ frightening and apparently uninhabited house near his old motel, while her
friend Sam is outside. She suspects Norman of being the murderer of her sister.

Lila turned away. She saw the old-fashioned laundry tubs*, and the table and chair beyond them, next to the
wall. There were bottles on the table, and carpentry tools, plus an assortment of knives and needles. Some of the
knives were oddly curved, and several of the needles were attached to syringes. Behind them rose a clutter of wooden
blocks, heavy wire*, and large shapeless blobs of a white substance she could not immediately identify. One of the
bigger fragments looked something like the cast* she had worn as a child, that time she'd broken her leg. Lila
approached the table, gazing at the knives in puzzled concentration.
Then she heard the sound.
At first she thought it was thunder, but then came the creaking from overhead, and she knew. Somebody had
come into the house. Somebody was tiptoeing* along the hall. Was it Sam? Had he come to find her? But then why
didn't he call her name?_
And why did he close the cellar door?_
The cellar door had closed, just now. She could hear the sharp click of the lock, and the footsteps moving away,
back along the hall. The intruder must be going upstairs to the second floor. She was locked in the cellar. And there
was no way out. No way out, nowhere to hide. The whole basement was visible to anyone descending the cellar stairs.
And somebody would be coming down those stairs soon. She knew it now.
If she could only keep herself concealed* for a moment, then whoever came after her would have to descend
all the way into the basement. And she'd have a chance to run for the stairs, then. The best place would be under the
stairway itself. If she could cover up with some old papers or some rags.
Then Lila saw the blanket* pinned* to the far wall. It was a big Indian blanket, ragged and old. She tugged at it, and
the rotted cloth ripped free of the nails which held it in place. It came off the wall, off the door. The door. The blanket
had concealed it completely, but there must be another room here, probably an old-fashioned fruit cellar. That would
be the ideal place to hide and wait.
And she wouldn't have to wait much longer. Because now she could hear the faint, faraway footsteps coming
down the hall again, moving along into the kitchen. Lila opened the door of the fruit cellar.
It was then that she screamed.
She screamed when she saw the old woman lying there, the gaunt, gray-haired old woman whose brown,
wrinkled face grinned up at her in an obscene greeting.
"Mrs. Bates!" Lila gasped*.
To roam : errer Laundry tubs : lessiveuses Wire : du fils A cast : un plâtre
To tiptoe : se déplacer sur la pointe des pieds Concealed : caché A blanket : une couverture

Pinned : punaisé To gasp : hateler

Name : Class :

Reading comprehension

« Psycho »

1. Where is Lila ? Be as precise as possible.



2. Focus on the first paragraph. Circle the objects that are listed in the description.

3. Pick out the sentence that best describes Lila’s reaction. What does it reveal ?



4. « Was it Sam ? » (l.10). What does the pronoun « it » refer to ?

5. « The cellar door had closed, just now » (l.13). What is the consequence ? Quote the text to justify your




6. What makes her an easy target ? Justify by quoting the text.



7. What does she discover immediately afterwards ?



8. Which room does she find herself in ?


9. What/who does she find ?


10. Describe Mrs. Bates. What do you think happened to her?




11. What are Lila’s feelings then ?


ACTIVITE 12 – Expression écrite

Imagine the front cover of a gothic novel and write its back cover.

Vous allez devoir créer la première et la quatrième de couverture d’un roman gothique.
Imaginez tous les éléments vus en classe (nom de l’auteur, titre, code barre, numéro ISBN,

Vous pouvez créer ces éléments, trouver une photo (en citant la source), en prendre une ou
encore dessiner.

Vous devrez ensuite créer le résumé. Attention, il ne s’agit pas d’un résumé COMPLET.
Toute l’histoire n’est pas racontée au dos du livre, sinon, personne n’en achèterait. Il s’agit
de raconter le début, la mise en place de l’histoire.

Souvenez-vous également de ce qui fait une histoire gothique, relisez « les ingrédients du
gothique » de la première activité.

120 mots

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