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Generic Name and

Method of Action Indications Adult Dose Pediatric Dose Contraindications Side Effects
Brand Names
Apnea of short duration, respiratory
Premedication for medication 0.2-0.4 mg/kg IV/IO over depression, hypoventilation, hyperventilation,
Etomidate short acting hypnotic that acts at the 0.2 to 0.6 mg/kg IV Hypersensitivity, labor/delivery, or septic
-facilitated intubation or 30-60 seconds max dose dysrhythmias, hypotension, hypertension,
(Amidate)27 level of the reticular activating system over 30-60 sec, 20 mg shock particularly in peds
procedural sedation. 20 mg nausea, vomiting, involuntary muscle
movement, pain at injection site.
Confusion, paradoxical excitation, delirium,
50-100 mcg-1 mcg/kg drowsiness depression, sedation, resp
Fentanyl Citrate Binds to opiate receptors, producing Pain management, anesthesia 1-2 mcg/kg IM/IV/IN slow Known hypersensitivity, use with caution in
IM/IV slow push over 1- depression, tachycardia, hypotension,
(sublimaze) analgesia and euphoria adjunct push over 1-2 min traumatic brain injury.
2 min, max 150 mcg syncope, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
dehydration, fatigue
Sedation for procedure or post-
procedural medication for
short acting benzo, central nervous 2.5 mg IV/IO/IM/IN Hypotension, respiratory or cardiac arrest,
Midazolam longer term sedation as 0.2 mg/kg IV/IO/IM/IN
system depressant that produces every 5 min, 10 mg Hypersensitivity, shock, resp depression, CNS depression, hiccups, over sedation,
Hydrochloride needed. Sedation for combative every 5 min, 5 mg max
sedation and recall max blurred vision
patients in behavioral agitated
Confirmed or expected
hypoxemia, ischemic chest pn,
resp. insufficiency,
nasal cannula, NRB,
prophylactically during air nasal cannula, NRB, Certain pts with COPD will not tolerate o2 Decreased LOC, decreased resp drive, dry
Oxygen Reverses Hypoxemia BVM, blow by, 0-15
transport, confirmed or BVM, blow by, 0-15 LPM concentrations over 35%, hyperventilation mucous membranes
suspected C02 poisoning,
decr eased tissue oxygenation,
decreased LOC
IV push-dose pressor-5-
IV 50-200 mcg every 2-
20 mcg/kg per minute,
Phenylephrine (Bei- Stimulates adrenergic receptors Transient hypotension and 5 min. IV infusion 10- Hypersensitivity, hypertension, glaucoma, Ocular pain, necrosis, angina, dysrhythmias,
every 5 min. IV infusion-
Synephrine) causing peripheral vasoconstriction hypotension related to shock 200 mcg/min, tirated to VT heart failure, hypertension
0.1-0.5 mcg/kg per minute
titrated to effect

slow IV 0.06 to 0.1 Weakness, prolonged neuromuscular Hypersensitivity, inability to control airway
Induction or maintenance of
Pancuronium Binds to the receptor for Acetylcholine mg/kg, repeat every 0.04 to 0.1 mg/kg slow block, bronchospasm, apnea, resp failure, and/or support ventilations with oxygen and
paralysis after intubation to
bromide (Pavulon) at the nuromuscular junction. 30-60 minutes as IV/IO tachydysrhythmias, transient hypotension, positive pressure, neuromuscular disease
assist ventilations
needed. hypertension, PVC's, salivation hepatic or renal failure.

Anesthesia induction, IV/IO 1.5 mg-3 mg/kg Seizure, apnea, dysrhythmias, asystole,
2.5-3.5 mg/kg.
Produces rapid and brief state of anesthesia maintenance, Maintenance infusion Hypovolemia, known sensitivity including hypotension, hypertension, nasea, vomiting,
Propofol (Diprivan) Maintenance infusion 125-
general anesthesia sedation for mechanically 25-75 mcg/kg per soybean oil, peanuts and eggs involuntary muscle movement, acute renal
300 mcg/kg per minute.
ventilated patients minute failure
Bronchospasm, wheezing, rhonchi, resp
Antagonizes Acetylcholine at the
Rocuronium Peds older than 3 mo Known sensitivity to bromides, use with depression, apnea, dysrhymia;s, tachycardia,
motor end plate producing skeletel RSI IV/IV 0.6-1.2 mg/kg
Bromide (Zemuron IV/IV 0.6-1.2 mg/kg caution in heart and liver disease transient hypertension, hypertension, nausea,
muscle paralysis
Ultra short acting, depolarizing skeletal Apnea, resp depression, brady dysrhythmia,
Acute narrow angle glaucoma, penetrating
muscle relaxant that mimics tachy dysrhymia, dysrhythmia, cardiac arrest,
eye injuries, malignant hyperthermia, acute
Succinylcholine A cetylcholine as it binds with the IV 1-2 mg/kg, repeat IV 1-2 mg/kg, repeat once salivation, prolonged muscle rigidity,
RSI injury after multi system trauma, major
Chloride (Anectine) cholernergic receptors on the motor once if needed if needed rhabdomyolysis, malignant hyperthermia,
burns, extensive muscle injury that may
end plate producing a phase 1 block increased interocular pressure, hypercholemia,
result in hypercholemia
as manafested by fasciculations trauma pts.
neuromuscular agent with intermediate Acute narrow angle glaucoma, penetrating Weakness, prolonged neuromuscular block,
duration of action that competes with eye injuries, inability to control airway or bronchospasm, apnea, dysrhythmias,
Aceylcholine for receptors at the motor RSI IV push, 0.1-0.2 mg/kg IV/IO 0.1-0.3 mg/kg support ventilations with O2 and positive bradycardia, tachycardia, PVC’s, transient
Bromide (Norcuron)
end plate, resulting in neuromuscular pressure, newborns, myasthenia gravas, hypertension, cardiac arrest, excessive
blockade hepatic or renal failure salivation

dose related-headaches, fatigue, light headed,

asthma, wheezing, prevention MDI-(metered dose less than 20 kg-1.25 mg
Albuterol (Ventolin, vasoconstrictor, beta 2 agonist, prior sensitivity, tachycardia, dysrhythmia, irritability, restlessness, aggressive behavior,
of exercise-induced and COPD inhaler)-90 mcg SVN- SVN over 20 kg same as
Proventil) smooth muscle relaxant synergistic w/other sympathometics PE, hoarseness, nasal congestion,
bronchospasm 2.5 mg/3ml adult

None from a single dose. headache,

Supresses acute and chronic Anaphylaxis, asthma, altitude IV 10-100 mg altitude 0.25 to 1 mg/kg restlessness, euphoria, psychoses, pulmonary
Dexamethasone Hypersensitivity, use caution in supspected
inflammation, imunosuppressive illness, spinal cord injury, croup, illnes s-8 mg then 4 mg (one time max dose of 16 TB, hypertension, peptic ulcer, nausea,
sodium phosphate sysemic sepsis
effects ICP, treatment of shock every 6 hours mg) vomiting, G I bleed, edema hyperglycemia,
drowsiness, sedation seizures,
Blocks H1 histamine receptors in the Symptomatic relief of allergies, dizziness,headache, blurred vision, wheezing,
resp tract, blood vessels, and GI allergic reactions, motion IV/IM/PO/IO(slowly) 1-2 thickening of bronchial secretions, palpitations,
smooth muscle, decreases motion sickness and relief of acute IV/IM/PO 25-50 MG mg/kg except PO 5 mg/kg Hypersensitivity to antihistamines hypotension, dysrhythmias, dry mouth,
sickness, reverses extrapyramidal dystonic reactions caused by max in 24hrs diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. PEDS
reactions phenothiazines halluc inations , confusion and paradoxical CNS
exc itation

Cardiac Arrest(asystole, PEA, arrest-IV/IO:

Direct-acting alpha and beta agonist.
VF and pulseless VT) 1mg(1:10,000) ET: 2- arrest:IV/IO 0.1 mg/kg
Alpha-vasoconstriction. Beta-1 positive
sympathomatic bradycardia as 2.5 mg diluted in 10 ml (1:10,000) ET diluted in 3-
isotropic chronotropic, and nervousness, restlessness, headache, tremor,
Epinephrine an alternative infusion to NS. Hypotension or 5 ml NS athma/allergic
dromotropic effects. Beta-2 bronchial None in the emergency setting PE, dysrhythmias, chest pain, hypertension,
(Adrenalin) DOPamine, hypotension from Brady 2-10 mcg/min reaction 1:1,000 0.01
smooth muscle relaxation and dilation tachycardia, nausea, vomiting
shock other than hypovolemia, titrated to pt response. mg/kg max single dose
of skeletal vasculature. Blocks
allergic reaction, anyphlaxis, Asthma or allergic 0.3 mg
histamine receptors
asthma reaction:IM 0.3-0.5 mg
Stimulates beta-2 receptors in lungs:
bronchodilation with relaxation of Inhalation:under age 4-
Bronchial asthma, prevention of Dilute 5 ml(1%) in 5 ml headache, anxiety, fear, nervousness, resp
Epinephrine-racemic bronchial smooth muscle. Reduces 0.25 ml 2.25% inhalation Hypertension, underlying cardiovascular
bronchospasm, croup, NS administer over 15 weakness, palpitaions, tachycardia,
(MicroNefrin) allergy resistance. Useful in treating solution mixed in 3 ml disease, epiglottis
laryngeal edema. min. dysrhymias, nausea, vomiting
larygeal edema:inhibits histamine over age 4 up to 0.5 ml
dizziness, headache, EKG changes,
Blocks the absorption of sodium and
IV 0.5-1mg/kg, can Hypovolemia, anuria, hypotension, weakness, orthostatic hypotension,
chloride at the distal and proximal Heart Failure, PE, hypertensive
Furosemide (Lasix) double the dose if IV/IO-1mg/kg hypersensivity, hepatic coma, suspected dysthymias, NVD, dry mouth, may exacerbate
tubules and the loop of Henle, causing crisis
needed electrolyte imbalance hypovolemia and hyperkalemia,
increased urine output
hyperglycemia(due to hemoconcentration)
Systemic fungal infections premature
Shock due to acute infants, contains benzyl alcohol which is
Hydrocortisone Anti-inglammatory:
adrenocortical insufficiency, associated with fatal gasping syndrome, Headache, vertigo, pulmonary TB, heart
Sodium succinate immunosuppressive with salt-retaining 4 mg/kg slow IV bolus 2 mg/kg slow IV bolus
anaphlyaxis, asthma, and characterized by CNS depression, failure, hypertension, fluid retention, nausea
(Solu-cortef) actions
COPD metabolic acidosis and gasping
respirations, known hypersensitivity .

inhibits interaction of ACH at receptor dizziness, nervousness, fatigue, tremor,

cites bronchial smooth muscle 250-500 mcg inhalation blurred vision, cough, dyspnea, worsening
Ipratropium bromide Persistent bronchospasm hypersensitivity to ipratropium, atropine,
resulting in decreased cyclic SVN every 20 up to 3 same as adult CO PD symptoms Tachycardia, palpitations,
(Atrovent) COPD exacerbation alkaloids, and peanuts
guanosine monophosphate and times flushing, MI, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, GI
bronchodilation distress

1-2 inhalations with

Isoetharine Acute Bronchial Asthma, MDI use with caution in pts with diabetes, nervousness, dose related tachycardia,
Beta 2 agonist, relaxes smooth muscle 0.01 mg/kg max dose 0.5
(Bronchosol, Bronchospasm (especially in for COPD 2.5-5 mg hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular disease palpitations, nausea, tremors, multiple doses
of the bronchioles ml in 3ml
Bronkometer) COPD pt’s) diluted in 3 ml of NS and cerebrovascular disease can cause paradoxical bronchoconstriction
and nebulized use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou
with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness,
dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose
nervousness, tremor, anxiety, headache, cautio tr emor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor
Acts directly on bronchial smooth related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
, related
Bronchial asthma, reversible Inhalation: 0.2 to 0.3ml cough paradoxical bronchospasm, n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in inhalat n in
Metaproterenol muscle causing relaxtion of the 6-12 0.1-0.2ml-5% Tachydysrhythmia, hypersensitivity, tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc tachyc
bronchospasm secondary to of a 5 % solution hypertension, chest pain, tachydysrhythmias, pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet ions pts anxiet
Sulfate (Alupent)33 bronchial tree and peripheral solution diluted in 3 ml NS tachycardia caused by digitalis toxicity ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 A cute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2
bronchitis, COPD diluted in 2.5ml NS palpitations, cardiac arrest, NVD, backache, with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with
vasculature palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis Bronc palpita agonis
skin reactions, diaphoretic diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts MDI diabet heada Acts
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1-2 inhalations with mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a, a, mg/kg a,
Isoetharine Acute Bronchial Asthma, use with caution in pts with diabetes, nervousness, dose related tachycardia, hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch for hyroidi parad (Bronc Symp bronch
Beta 2 agonist, relaxes smooth muscle MDI for COPD 2.5-5 0.01 mg/kg max dose 0.5 max tr emor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot max tremor smoot
(Bronchosol, Bronchospasm (especially in hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular disease palpitations, nausea, tremors, multiple doses sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc CO PD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial Bronc COPD sm, oxical hosol, athom ial
of the bronchioles mg diluted in 3 ml of ml in 3ml dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h hospa dose Tachy bronch s, h
Bronkometer) COPD pt’s) and cerebrovascular disease can cause paradoxical bronchoconstriction cardio Bronk etic smoot hial Inhalat 2.5-5 cardio Bronk etic smoot hial Inhalat 2.5-5 cardio Bronk etic smoot hial Inhalat 2.5-5 cardio Bronk etic smoot hial Inhalat 2.5-5 car dio Bronk hial Inhalat
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doses Metap beta-2 muscl
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the reversi doses Metap beta-2 muscl ially in 0.3ml 0.1- hypers hypert
the reversi doses Metap beta-2 muscl ially in 0.3ml 0.1- hypers hypert
the reversi doses Metap beta-2 muscl ially in 0.3ml 0.1- hypers hypert
the reversi doses Metap beta-2 muscl ially in 0.3ml 0.1- hypers hypert
the reversi doses Metap beta-2 muscl the
nervousness, tremor, anxiety, headache, diseas
0.2ml- ensitivi e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi
diseas in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi
diseas in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi
diseas in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi
diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e CO PD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitividiseas e COPD in 3 ml 0.2ml- ensitivi diseas
Acts directly on bronchial smooth can rotere bronch can rotere e
bronch COPD can rotere e
bronch COPD can rotere e
bronch COPD can rotere COPD can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere bronch can rotere e
Bronchial asthma, reversible Inhalation: 0.2 to 0.3ml cough paradoxical bronchospasm, 5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty,and ension nol ble ofof a
NS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty,and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of a
NS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of a
NS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of a
NS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS5 5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin ble of of aNS 5
5% e ty, and ension nol adren causin
Metaproterenol muscle causing relaxtion of the Ages 6-12 0.1-0.2ml-5% Tachydysrhythmia, hypersensitivity, cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles bronch
pt’s) cause ioles
bronchospasm secondary to of a 5 % solution hypertension, chest pain, tachydysrhythmias, cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat bronch and
solutio tachyc
% cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g and% cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g and% cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g and% cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g and% cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
and cerebr , chest Sulfat ergic
solutio tachyc g
Sulfate (Alupent)33 bronchial tree and peripheral solution diluted in 3 ml NS tachycardia caused by digitalis toxicity parad
pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
pain, ospas solutio parad
pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
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pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
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pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
pain, agonis ospas solutio parad
pain, agonis
bronchitis, COPD diluted in 2.5ml NS palpitations, cardiac arrest, NVD, backache, n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
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ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti nebuli n ovasc
ardia oxical e relaxti
vasculature ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd m n
zed diluted causeular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted causeular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted causeular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted causeular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted causeular tachyd t, m n
zed diluted cause ular tachyd t,
skin reactions, diaphoretic diluted cause bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of bronch (Alupe on of
ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch secon diluted ysrhyt bronch
in 3 ml diseas
d by oconst nt)33 the in 3 ml diseas
d by oconst nt)33 the in 3 ml diseas
d by oconst nt)33 the in 3 ml diseas
d by oconst nt)33 the in 3 ml diseas
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d by oconst nt)33 the in 3 ml diseas
d by oconst nt)33 the in 3 ml diseas
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Highly potent synthetic glucocorticoid NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch NS digitali riction bronch
Asthma, COPD, depression, euphoria, headache, restlessness, palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r bronch 2.5ml palpita r
Methylprednisolone that supresses acute chronic Prematue infants, systemic fungal s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree s ial tree
anaphylaxis, bronchodilator for anaphylaxis 1-2 mg/kg seizure, increased ICP, TB, hypertension, tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions, itis, NS tions,
Sodium Succinate inflamation; potentiates vascular same as adult infections, use with caution in patients with toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and toxicity and
unresponsive asthma IV max dose of 60 mg heart failure, nausea, vomiting, peptic ulcer, cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia CO PD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia COPD cardia
(Solu-Medrol) smooth muscle relaxation by beta- GI bleeding periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph periph
in 24 hrs fluid retension, hypernatremia, hyperkalemia c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
adrenergic agonists eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral eral
arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest, arrest,
vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul vascul
ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature ature
backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa backa
che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che, che,
skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin
reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio reactio
ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns, ns,
diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho diapho
retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic retic

Hemodynamically unstable Drowsiness, confusion, headache,

Inhibits the action of ACH at bradycardia, organophosphate Bradycardia-0.5 mg IV/IO tachycardia, palpitations, dysrhythmias, N/V,
postganglionic parasympathetic poisoning, nerve agent every 3-5 min, max dose Tachycardia, hypersensitivity,unstable pupil dilation, dry mouth/nose/skin, blurred
neuroeffector sites. Increases heart exposure, RSI in Peds, beta- 3 mg, organ.phos 0.2 mg/kg, chi ld, 0.5 mg/kg, cardiovascular status in acute myocardi al vision, urinary retention, constipation, flushed,
rate in symptomatic brady blocker, calcium channel poisoning-2 to 4 mg or adolescent 1 mg, max dose 1 ischemia, narrow-angle glaucoma, hot dry skin, paradoxical brdycardia when
Adenosine Sulfate dysrhythmias blocker overdose higher mg. hypothermic bradycardia pushed too slowly or given at low doses
use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou use nervou
with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness, with sness,
dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose dose
1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tr emor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor 1-2 cautio tremor
, related
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Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
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y, Beta 2 Acute ardia,
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with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with
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