Simplified Self-EMDR Protocol: Phase 1 - Preparation

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Simplified Self-EMDR Protocol

Phase 1 - Preparation
Make sure you have a container and safe / calm place established.

Phase 2 - Assessment
Float back and identify a target memory that you’re going to work on. Identify the
most relevant negative cognition (you can use the Negative Cognition Sheet for help).

Phase 3 - Desensitization
Start tapping. Write down what comes up for you between sets. Each set can be
20-60 seconds.

Tip: if you’re doing this at home, you can use computer based programs or phone apps
for eye movements!

Phase 4 - Closure
This is really important! No matter what happens, at the end you take the time to put it
away in your container and you go to safe / calm place

Tip: it’s okay if you don’t work to completion, so remember to always contain and go to
your safe place.

Vivian Kulaga | Self-EMDR Training Intensive | |

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