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Topic, Statement of problem

Research Question

Method of investigation

Instrument Use to Collect Data


Data Procedure


Presentation and Explanation of Data

Interpretation of Data



What are the effects and causes of school drop outs in the community of Portland.

The Aim Is To Find Out:

1. What are the causes of school drop out in the community?

2. How persons are affected when they drop out of school?

3. What can be done to reduce person dropping out of school?


Place a tick beside the appropriate answer.

1. Sex

Male Female

2. What is your age?




OVER, please state._____________

3. What is your occupation?


4. How long have you been residing in Long Road?

Over 10 Years

6 – 10 years

1 – 5 years

Under 1 year

5. Which type of family do you belong?

Sibling House Hold

Nuclear Family

Extended Family

Single Parent Family

6. What is the last level of education that you received?



7. What difficulty did you face when you drop out of school?

Can’t help the family financially

Create additional financial & burden on family?

Stress and frustration on parent?

Parent being criticized

8. Why did you drop out of school?

Challenging school work

Financial problem

Teenage pregnancy

9. Should parent take interest in their children school work?



10. What are some of the effect that school drop out face?



Back of self worth

Living in poverty

11. What are some of the contributing factor toward school dropout in Long Road?

Expelled from school

Peer pressure

Teenage pregnancy


Addicted to illegal drugs

12. What are some of the reason why we have school drop out in Long Road?

Lack of parental guide

Parents are not fully employed

Child is left unprotected

13. Are these the reason why we have so many drop out in the community?

Mother is unemployed

Father not supporting child

Child has help parent work

Child has to work for them self

14. Do you believe that guidance council should play more roles in the cases of drop out?



15. Do you believe school drop out is on the increase?



Be specify

16. Do you think student who drop out would face difficulty toward there future? And why.



The table below shows the problem that family face when their student is drop out of school.

Number of Samples Response

5 Cant help house financially

3 Create additional financial burden on family

7 Stress and frustration an parent

10 Parent being criticize

Total 25

The table above illustrate that out of 25 samples interviewed 5 or 20% state that they cant help the house
hold financially would affect the family Another 3 or 12% state that create additional burden on family
would affect the house hold. Another 7 or 28% state stress and frustration on parent. While the remaining
10 or 40% stated that parent being criticize would affect the family.

The table below shows the problem at school that may cause student to drop out of school
Number of samples Response

4 Lack of school facilities

12 Challenging school work

9 Strict rules and regulations

Total 25

The table above illustrate that out of 25 samples interviewed 4 or 16% state that lack of school facilities is
one cause for school drop out. Another 12 or 48% state that challenging school work can cause drop out
while the remaining 9 or 36% state that strict rules and regulation is the main problem for school drop out
in Long Road.

The pie chart below show if student who drop out would face difficulty toward their future.



The pie chart above reveals that out of 25 samples interviewed, twenty 5 or 100% state that being out of
school would affect their future while no one stated no out of the sample.

The Pie Chart Below shows the gender that has the highest percentage of school drop out.




The pie chart above illustrates that out of 25 sample interviewed 20 person or 80% stated that male is the
frequent one that drop out of school. While the remaining 5 or 20% stated that female least likely to drop
out of school.

The bar graph below shows the type of family school drop out have.
Types of Family
# of samples

Sibling Household
Nuclear Family
Extended Family
Single parent Family
Sibling Nuclear Extended Single
Household Family Family parent


The bar graph above illustrate that out of sample interview 3 or 12% state that they have sibling house
hold family and 7 or 28% have nuclear family and 5 or 20% have extended family. While the remaining
10 or 40% stated that they have single parent family.

The pie chart below illustrates the percentage of parent who takes interest in their student school work.
Interest in School work


The pie above illustrates that out of 25 sample interview 8 or 32% state that their parent takes interest in
their school work. While the remaining 17 or 68% state that their parent doesn’t take interest in their
school work.

The table below shows the contributing factor toward school drop out in Long Road
No. of Samples Response

5 Expelled from school

4 Peer pressure

5 Teenage pregnancy

5 Poverty

6 Addicted to illegal drugs

Total 25

The Table above illustrate that out of 25 samples 5 or 20% state that expelled from school is the
contributing factor of school drop out. Another 4 or 16% state that peer pressure is a contributing factor.
Another 5 state that teenage pregnancy and poverty is also a contributing factor. While the remaining 6 or
24% state that addicted to illegal drugs is the contributing factors toward school drop out.

The histogram below illustrates the last level of education that was received from the school drop out in
Long Road.
Level of Education


# of samples

6% Secondary



The histogram above illustrates that out of 25 sample interview 11 or 44% state that the last level of
education they receive is tertiary. While 8 or 32% stated that secondary is the last level of education they

The table below shows the effect that school drop out face
Number of samples Responses

5 Illiteracy

9 Unemployment of individual

5 Lack of self worth

6 Living in poverty

Total 25

The table above illustrate that out of the 25 sample interviewed 5 or 29% state that illiteracy and lack of
self worth are the effect from dropping out of school. Another 6 or 24% state that living in poverty is on
them. While the remaining 9 or 36% stated that unemployment is the largest effect on school drop out.

Rural Hill is a small community it is located in the eastern part of Portland about 12 miles from the main
town of Port Antonio. There are 2 churches 1 basic school, 1 primary school and 6 shops located in the

This research is about school drop out in Rural Hill. The reason I have chosen this particular topic is
mainly because there are a lot of student on the street not doing anything and some of them even fight and
rob the community members. I further observed that the return resident help these children, it was
estimated that about 100 student are not going to conduct a survey to investigate why the school drop out
in Long Road is not getting any help from the ministry of education.


This is a survey being carried out to find out what are the main contributing factor of school drop out and
the impact it has on the resident in the community of Long Road.

The information given will confidential as most of the question require a tick at the end the writer hopes
to find suitable and workable recommendation and developing positive work attitude as any task given.


Questionnaire was administer to twenty five resident living in Long Road among those resident there
thirteen male and twelve female. The samples were selected ramdomly, one questionnaire to every house
hold. The researcher visits the area at 10-12 noon on Sunday. The researcher did this so because most
people were home. Sample was selected to one person in every house hold. This was done in order to
represent the various age group and social economic back ground. There was no refusal.

This study could not have been completed without the co-operation of a number of people. I would like to
thank the community of Long Road for their support of answering the questionnaire that were given.

I would like to thank my sister who was by my side every night helping me with my questionnaire s and
helping me to hand them out. Finally special thank to my teacher.

A total of twenty five questionnaires were distributed to the community members of Long Road and
which the 25 questionnaires were retured, of the respondents 12 were female and 13 males.

According to the data shown in chapter two it is interpreted that the main contributing factor for school
drop out is challenging school work stated by 48% of the sample. Because of hard work in school the
child might not be able to cope with it cause he/she to drop out of school. Other response is strict rule and
regulation stated by 36% and lowest response is lack of school facilities stated by 16% of the samples.

It can be concluded that from figure 2 it is interpret that child can also drop out of school because they
have single parent family stated by 40% of the samples. This family can cause the child not to go to
school because the parent can’t provide money and instrument for the child to use in class. The lowest
with sample of 12% is sibling house hold.

In Table 4 it reveals that the effect school drop out face is unemployment stated by 36% of the samples.
Because they had drop out of school their education status is limited so they are unable to gain
employment. While the lowest sample of 20% stated illiteracy as a minor effect.

After the survey was completed the writer came up with the following findings.

1. The major cause of school drop out in Long Road is challenging school work stated by 48% of the
samples. Because of the hard work in school the child might can’t cope with it and cause him/her to drop

2. The greatest effect on school drop out in Long Road is unemployment as stated by 40% of the sample.
The writer believes this is so as these drop out did not get to master the skill and literacy programmers
that were offered in school, hence they will have a problem to get employment.

3. The community member can elevate the problem of school in Long Road by building a community
with a heavy emphasis on support and recreational activity stated by 44% of the samples.

Base on the findings the writer makes the following recommendation.

1.I recommend that steaming should be done in each grade according to student ability so the challenging
work at school should reduce to the ability of child, this will limit drop out as they performed according
to their ability Ministry of Education should lesser the class and teacher pupil ratio 1:25.This will foster
individuals to slower learners.

2. I recommend that the Ministry of Education should provide training programs at the community center
to help school drop out in mastering a skill.


In order to solve the problem the ministry of education can do the following:

The government can build more classrooms and provide more school facilities so that class size will be
reduce so teacher can gain individual attention. To slower learner, this will enable the slow learner to
learn at their speed and do not become frustrated and drop out of school because they can not keep up
with the other children.

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