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Unit Week: Writing Formative Assessment- Lesson 1 Learning Objective: After a of 5 statements. lesson on informative texts, the students will sort facts and opinions correctly for 4 Description of Assessment: The lesson will begin with a mini-lesson on informative texts that covers the type of information in these types of texts and their purpose. To ensure that students understand that only facts are used in informative texts and that students know what facts are, they will sort facts from opinions to prepare them to be able to generate their own facts about Diwali, The assessment will be presented in a Padiet with the columns Fact and Opinion, There will be five statements to be sorted, which the students will do by writing *F’ or ‘O” on their white boards. As they show their answers to the camera, their responses will be tracked on a checklist to see who is able to meet the objective. If many students are still unsure of what a fact is, clarifications will be provided. If ‘most of the students know this information, the lesson can move forward as planned, Perpur hove pps. Scoring Guide: Checklist Tracking Who Correctly Sorted Each Statement Pizzaisthebest | Penguins | Theanswertoan | Ohioisthe | A phoneme isa food, hhave flippers, | addition problemis | beststate | sound, not a called a sum, letter Abbysai Jord Tyan Ronal Logan| Clarene Jayla “Domine <— | = | = Vn oi” X- Answer Correct ‘A- Absent ‘Not on Camera Differentiation: A differentiated assessment and scoring guide will not be used for this formative assessment The activity is being presented in a format that all of the students in the class will be able to participate in since the directions and statements will be repeated by the teacher multiple times. This assessment will be beneficial for target student | since it will not involve him physically ‘writing full responses, which is an area he struggles in. This assessment is also appropriate for target student 2, and he will likely find this technological format to be engaging, Unit Week: Writing Formative Assessment- Lesson 2 Learning Objective: After teacher modeling, the students will write an informative text with a topic sentence, at least 2 details, and a closing sentence. Description of Assessment: The students will spend the lesson on day 2 actually writing their informative pieces with the support of modeling from the teacher. It will be completed one piece at a time: first the topic sentence will be written, then the details, and then the closing sentence. These will be completed one at a time with there being allotted time for the students to be writing in between, Near the end of the session, the students will hold up their writing to show what they have completed and the teacher will be looking for inclusivity. Notes will be included on the rating scale by each student’s name so that guidance can be provided to them during the next lesson as they edit their work. Scoring Guide: Rating Scale with Descriptions 1-No Elements Included 2-Some Elements Included 3- All Elements Included “Oliver Abb; Jordan Tyan Ronak Logan| Claret Jayla *Dominicl ny Lovee il serenity Mrangel on X- Answer Chosen Different ‘A= Absent NC- Not on Camera A differentiated scoring guide is not needed for this lesson, but it will be made aware to target student | that he only needs to include one detail in his informative writing. This scoring guide simply assesses whether all elements have been included or not, so this separate distinetion for student 1 only warrants its own scoring guide in the final rubric used for the summative assessment. For student 2, he may be prompted to include additional details, but this also does not warrant any changes to this s coring guide. Unit Week: Writing Formative Assessment- Lesson 3 Learning Objective: Given a writing convention checklist, the students will edit their informative writing to include beginning capitalization and ending punctuation in all sentences, Description of Assessment: ‘The students will finish adding any elements they did not add on day 2 to their writing. A writing convention checklist will also be displayed and the students will be given the opportunity to check over their writing to ensure that each sentence has beginning capitalization and ending, punctuation. As the students are editing, they will hold their work up to the screen. The teacher will take anecdotal notes and give the students immediate verbal feedback regarding their strengths and areas for growth when it comes to their writing convention skills. Scoring Guide: Anecdotal Notes on Writing Conventions Strengths Areas for Growth “Oliver Abbygail Jordan Ty’Aze Ronald| 5 fo Serenity Hi Jason || | on Differentiation: Allof the students will be using the same writing convention checklist, The students will each be given feedback from the teacher, which individualizes this assessment for each student in the class. Students 1 and 2 will both benefit from receiving specific verbal feedback in the form of both praise and redirection as they edit their work. No differentiated scoring guide is needed for the assessment though.

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