Nueva Vizcaya State University Graduate School Ed 505 - Theories and Values in Education Activity Sheet 3

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EDUC 505 - 1st Sem.

- 2020-2021

Republic of the Philippines

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Ed 505 – Theories and Values in Education
Activity Sheet 3

Lesson Title: Student Centered Teaching and Learning

Objective: Determine observable conditions as manifestation of a student-centered teaching and

learning procedure.

Name: Charlie T. Meriales Course: MAT-Filipino

Discuss the following. Relate your answers with the actual classroom condition in your
workplace. If possible, avoid or limit a “copy-pasted” answer. Try to expound your
answers by mentioning related examples, situations, concepts or related studies.
1. Describe a “students centered classroom” (10 points).

In the 21st century teachers & instructors encourage to facilitate the needs of the
student. The term “student centered” it refers to wide variety of their experiences they
used it in the applicable situation or in real life situation. The truth is that caring for
the learners is necessary sometime what I’m doing inside the classroom by giving
them a praise such as “mahusay at magaling” to boost their positive feeling. In
pandemic how do I describe the classroom centered the challenge is that student
centered classroom mostly seen it in the four corners of classroom the point is we
cannot buy a centered textbook or student-centered software but there is a lot of ways
to do student centered classroom by interaction because communication is important
to build a learning. What I usually do during my class in Filipino sometimes I usually
do the active learning by saying their thoughts, experiences and concept,
collaborative learning I let them do group activity I let them interact and decide they
want to do in their presentation base from my observation collaborative learning is
more than effective cooperative learning sometimes when cooperative learning what I
usually hear from my student is “ako ulit” its more effective when I’m going to grade
them individual. Differentiation I will let them differentiate what they found and what
is inside their thoughts, Social-emotional learning by integration of social media flat
forms, student voice they will record or narrate the story for example “Tata Selo” the
student will show their creative voice by inserting an emotion when the product is
done its like a radio drama because of their creativity, and last but not the least is
technology integration is a bit outlier in this list interactive whiteboards may receive a
lot of attention (and funding) but do a little enhancement of better to put a
collaborative learning.

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EDUC 505 - 1st Sem.- 2020-2021

2. Discuss the following as manifestation of a “student centered classroom” (15 points):

a. Students are aware what and why are they learning;
Base from my observation it will depend into the objectives of the subject matter
what and why are they learning. The q
b. Students actively join collaborative team or group learning;

c. Students develop and consume personalized technology, projects and designs;

d. Students are given the opportunity to work at their own pace to explore their
interests to learn;

e. There is a high degree of engagement among students that challenges enthusiasm,

willingness and eagerness to learn.

3. Aside from the situations mentioned in item no. 2, give at least 3 more observable
conditions that describe a “student centered classroom” (15 points).

4. Due to COVID 19 pandemic, the government educational system has shifted to

“blended learning” which includes modular. Is modular learning a “student-centered”
approach (10 points).

Prepared by:


Associate Professor 5

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