Project Paper Increase Student Awareness of Reading Literacy - (Group 2) Nabila Shifa Raechana 1911000187 & Naomi Margaretha 1911000061

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Increase students' awareness of reading literacy

Group 2 :

1.Nabila Shifa Raechana (1911000187)

2.Naomi Margaretha (1911000061)

research problem
reading is an important activity to get information. as everyone knows
reading is a window to the world. Reading activities as much as possible are
planted from childhood, because in reading literacy activities contain many
important benefits for us such as improving the quality of one's thinking and
analytical skills. but there are still people who are lazy to read books, so how
do you get people to read books?

Reading books or literature is a very important reference source for students.
Unfortunately, students' interest in reading is currently very minimal. The
development of information technology makes students search for information from
the internet more often than books.
Reading literacy is very beneficial for a student because it can add very
important knowledge information. However, there are still many students who
do not want to read, so there are some students who lack important
The low reading interest of students can be seen from the number of
visits in each campus library. Libraries usually look very crowded before
exams because many students are looking for books to reference their
assignments. On the other hand, on normal days the library tends to be empty
of visitors. Usually what is seen a lot is only students working on their thesis.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this report is to recommend ways to increase students'

awareness of reading. In this report, we will focus on the problem: what factors make
students dislike reading literacy.

Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate

and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.


My recommendation to make this paper is based on the people around us

who lack important information. because there are still many students who spend
more time playing on cell phones than spending time reading books.

Our information for this report came from sources on the internet, and
distributed questionnaires to friends, friends and new people around us, totaling 53
respondents. we also use observation methods in other internet media


The research we conducted had several obstacles. First, looking for accurate
sources of information on the internet, which is very limited. Second, in this condition
it is very difficult to meet and provide our questionnaires with respondents.

lack of awareness of students in reading books

This research focuses on reading interest in today's youth generation. where

students spend more time playing on their cell phones and students prefer to listen
to material from videos rather than reading books. In this research, it is proven that
many students are still lazy to read books that contain a lot of important information.
We collect data from respondents who have filled out the questionnaire as many as
53 respondents.

In this data, it shows that 84.9% of respondents answered that they like to
read books, and 15.1% of respondents do not like to read books.
and the data above shows that 71.7% of respondents answered that they
read less than 3 books in a month, while 26.4% of respondents answered that they
read more than 3 books in a month. and while some respondents answered that they
had never read a book in a month.

In the data above, it is stated that 52.8% of respondents said they liked the
novel book genre, while 17% of respondents said they liked the book genre with a
study program. and the 3 data above shows that many students like to read books
with the novel book genre, which within one month they are only able to read books
less than 3.
increase student awareness in reading books

Students need to develop more about literacy to improve students' skills to

communicate with others through language (language development). Literacy
development does not only occur in the classroom but in every aspect of everyday
life. We interact with other people when we chat. We read maps, advertisements,
newspapers, recipes, manuals and websites. We analyze and interpret a large
amount of media information. Students need to be taught how to read different types
of text, write and express themselves in formats related to each subject, and use
content-specific vocabulary.
We also asked respondents whether reading books was very beneficial for the
younger generation and showed the following data results

From the data above shows 37.7% of respondents agree, 35.8% of respondents
strongly agree and 26.6% of respondents choose neutral.
Appendix A : Raw Survey Data

N = 54

Question Answer Choices Response


1. Do You come to
the library often, Every day 1 (1,9%)
and how often do
you come? Free time 18 (33,3%)

Once a week 6 (11,1%)

Once a month 20 (37%)

Never 9 (16,7%)

2. Do You like
reading Books? Yes 46 (85,2%)

No 8 (14,8%)

3. If you like reading

books, then what Novel 29 (53,7%)

books do you like
Philosophy 3 (5,6%)

Geography and general History 4 (7,4%)

Arts, Entertaiment,Sports 2 (3,7%)

Languages 1 (1,9%)

Books according to your study 9 (16,7%)

Other 2 (3,7%)

I prefer reading comics 1 (1,9%)

History 1 (1,9%)

Related to the problem that is 1 (1,9%)


Math and accounting 1 (1,9%)

4. In a month how

many books do you Less than 3 39 (72,2%)

More than 3 14 (25,9%)

Never 1 (1,9%)

5. ​Do you agree that

reading is very Strongly disagree 1 (1,9%)
important for
youth​? Disagree 1 (1,9%)

Neutral 13 (24,1%)

Agree 20 (37%)

Strongly agree 19 (35,2%)


1. From the survey results that have been collected, it is concluded that most
people within one month can only read less than 3 books.

2. From the survey results that have been collected, it is concluded that most
respondents prefer to prefer the novel genre to reading scientific books or
books that have a lot of important information.

3. From the survey results that have been collected, it is concluded that the
majority of respondents think that they agree that reading books is very
important for the younger generation even though technology is increasingly

4. From the survey results that have been collected, it is concluded that most
respondents think that they know that reading books has very many benefits.

​ The advice that we can give from this paper is the importance of
reading books for our insight. because it can improve our skills, increase our
broader insight and can increase the concentration (memory) of the brain. So
our suggestion is that, if you start as a child, parents must instill a culture of
reading. and if from a young age the parents did not cultivate a reading
culture, then we ourselves must be aware and care for a reading culture.

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