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Melloso, Cristy T.


Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI (Third Quarter)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

A. Cognitive: Find the missing term in Proportion.

B. Affective: Believe that they can form ratio and proportion for group of
objects or numbers.
C. Psychomotor: Use colon and fraction form in writing ratios and proportion.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Ratio and Proportion

B. References: Mathematics for Everyday Use Textbook, pages 128-134
Today’s Math Textbook, page 218
C. Materials: Chalks, Laptop for PowerPoint presentation
D. Values Focus: Self-confident, Appreciate Numbers and Dedicated to work

III. Procedure

 Preparatory Activities
A. Drill
Direction: Express the following fractions in lowest term.

1. 9/18
2. 15/30
3. 28/20
4. 72/9
5. 18/42

B. Review
Direction: Divide the following.

1. 2/3 ÷ 4/9 = n
2. 4/5 ÷ 2/15 = n
3. 8/9 ÷ 5/6 = n
4. 3/8 ÷ 1/4 = n
5. 3/8 ÷ 2/3 = n
 Developmental Activities
C. Motivation
The teacher will play a short video about Math so that, student will
cooperate and listen carefully.

D. Presentation
Teacher will present lessons through PowerPoint Presentation.

E. Discussion

What is Ratio?

- Ratio is a comparison of two quantities.

- Two equal ratios form a proportion.
- Ratios can be written as fractions.
- We use colon ( : ) or fraction form (x/y) in writing ratios.

Yaya Dub planted 12 fruit trees in his orchard. Of these trees, 5 are
mango trees and the rest are apple trees. *picture*

Let us compare the number of Mango trees to the total fruit trees
The ratio is 5:12 or 5/12

- Ratios, like fraction can expressed in lowest term.

In a classroom, there are 4 boys and two girls.
The ratio is 4:2 or 2:1
- Remember, ratios must expresses first in both measurement and unit.
6hours to 2days
To make the unit same, we will change days to hours.
The result is 6hours to 48hours.
The ratio is 6:48 or 1:8

- The statement that two ratios are equal called Proportion.

3:10 = 15:50 *To prove that they are equal,
cross multiply. Each has an
means answer of 150.

- Finding the term in proportion.
n:3 = 10:15 *n is the unknown variable.

To find the unknown variable, follow these guide steps.

Step1. Write the proportion in fraction form.
n = 10
3 15
Step2. Multiply the extremes and then the means. Note that, we use the
raised dot (.) for multiplication instead of x symbol.
n = 10
15 . n = 3 . 10 15n = 30
3 15
Step3. Divide the left and right sides.
15n = 30
15 15

To check, replace n with 2, and then cross multiply.

2 = 10
2 . 15 = 30
3 15
3 . 10 = 30

F. Generalization
Ratios are numbers express rates. It shows the comparison of two
quantities. Ratios, when equal are called Proportion. In writing Ratios, we use
colon or fraction form.

IV. Evaluation
A. Direction: Express the following ratios in lowest term.
1. 5:20
2. 12:4
3. 6:18
4. 1hour to 120minutes
5. 9days to 3weeks

B. Direction: Find the value of n in each following proportions.

1. n : 4 = 3 : 6
2. 8 : 12 = 10 : n
3. 5 : n = 1 : 2
4. 3 : 7 = 24 : n
5. n : 10 = 18 : 5

V. Assignment
In your textbook, do answer page 132 A and B.
Put your answers in your notebook.

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