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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Math V

I.              Objectives
At the end of the period, the pupils should be able to:
A.   Identify kinds quadrilaterals
B.   Draw different kinds of quadrilateral
C.   Display cooperativeness during group activity
II.            Learning Content
A.   Topic: kinds of Quadrilaterals
B.   Refrence: Gatbagan, Erlinda E. et al. Maths for Meaningful Lives. Book crafts
Publishiing Co. IncMotiva. 2003. Pg. 261-265

C.   Material: cut-outs of triangles, ruler,

D.   Values: cooperativeness
III.           Learning Experiences
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A.   Preparatory Activities
1.    Drill

a.    Write PF  if the figure is plane figure and

SF if the figure is solid figure.

1.    Pyramid
2.    Cube
3.    Pentagon 1.    SF
4.    Rectangle 2.    SF
5.    Cylinder 3.    PF
4.    PF
5.    SF
b.    Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.This polygon has 5 sides.

a. quadrilateral
b. heptagon
c. pentagon 1.c
d. triangle

2.This figure is called ______

a. triangle
b. hexagon 2.b
d. nonagon

3.A decagon has ____ sides.

a. 8      b. 9         c. 10     d. 5

4. What do you call a polygon with 9

a. octagon 4.d

5.How many sides does an octagon has?

a. 8    b. 9       c. 10        d.11
2.    Review
Match column A with column B.
A                                         B
1.   ( Figures of POLYGONS) 




B.   Developmental Activities
1.    Motivation
Find four-sided polygon in the picture
 (Show a picture of a playground  with
various kinds of quadrilateral)
Let them figure 4 sided polygons as much
as they can. 

2.    Discussion of the lesson

I will distribute envelops with activity cards 
inside. Each group must work out on the
group activity.

Activity card – Group 1

Look at the figure

 (Figure of a parallelogram labeled A< B< The figure has 4 sides

C< D)
Side AB and CD are parallel

Side BD and AC are parallel

Two pairs of side are parallel

AB and CD has the same measurement.

BD and AC has the same measurement

1.   1. How many sides does this figure has?
2.    2.Look at side AB and CD. Are they
parallel with each other?

A parallelogram is a  quadrilateral with two

3.How about side AC and BD? What can pairs of parallel side and each opposite
you say about them? sides has the same measurement
Therefore, how many pairs of parallel
sides are there?
3.  Measure side AB and CD. Do they have the
same measurement?
.How about side AC and BD? What can
you say about their measurement?

This figure is called parallelogram. What

can say about parallelogram? The figure has 4 sides

AC and BD are parallel with each other.

AB and CD and h are parallel with each
Activity Card – Group 2 other

Look at the figure. Two pairs of sides are parallel with each

AB and CD has the same measurement.

 (figure of a rectangle labeled a, b, c,d) AC and BD too.

Opposite sides has the same


All angles are right angle.

1.    1.How many sides does this figure has?
2.    Look at side AB and CD. Are they parallel
with each other?
2.How about sides AC and BD? What can A rectangle is a parallelogram with all
you say about them? angles right.
Therefore, how many pairs of parallel
sides are there?

3    3.  Measure side AB and CD. Do they have
the same measurement? The figure has 4 sides
How about side AC and BD? What can
you say about their measurement? AB and CD are parallel sides

AC and BD are parallel too.

4.    4.What can you say about their
corners/angles? What is the measurement Two pairs are parallel.
of their angles?
All sides are equal
This figure is called rectangle. Rectangle is
a kind of parallelogram.
What can you say about rectangle?

Activity card – group 3

Look at the figure. All angles are right angle.

A square is a parallelogram with all sides
equal and are right angle.
( figure of a square)
It has 4 sides
1.How many sides does this figure has?
2.Look at side AB and CD. Are they AB and CD are parallel
parallel with each other?
How about sides AC and BD? What can AC and BD are parallel too.
you say about them?
Therefore, how many pairs of parallel Two pairs of sides are parallel
sides are there?
3.. Measure the sides of this figure. What
can you say about it?
4. What can you say about their
corners/angles? What is the measurement All sides are equal
of their angles?

 This figure is called square. It is a kind of

Describe the characteristics of square.

Activity Card – Group 4

Look at  the figure.

 Figure of a rhombus

A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides

equal but not all of its angles are right

1.How many sides does this figure has?

It has 4 sides.
2.Look at side AB and CD. Are they
AC and BD are parallel with each other
parallel with each other?
AB and CD are not parallel with each other
How about sides AC and BD? What can
you say about them?
Therefore, how many pairs of parallel
sides are there?
3.Measure the sides of this figure. What
can you say about it?

This is called rhombus. It  is a kind of

What can you say about rhombus? Only one pair of sides are parallel

Activity Card – Group 5

Look at the figure.

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair
of parallel sides
 (figure of trapezoid)

1.How many sides does this figure has? It has 4 sides

2.Look at side e AC and BD. Are they
parallel with each other? They are not parallel
How about sides AB and CD? What can
you say about them? They are not parallel too.
Therefore, how many pairs of parallel
sides are there? No sides are parallel
This figure is called trapezoid/trapezium. No sides are equal.
What is a trapezoid?

Activity Card – Group 6

Irregular quadrilateral has no pairs of

 (figure of a irregular polygon) parallel sides

1.How many sides does this figure has?
2.Look at side AB and CD. Are they 2.a
parallel with each other?
How about sides AC and BD? What can 3.e
you say about them?
Therefore, how many pairs of parallel 4.c
sides are there?
3.Measure the sides of this figure. What 5. f
can you say about it? Are they equal?

This is an example of irregular

Describe an irregular  quadrilateral.

4.    Generalization
What are the different kinds of
What are parallelogram? Rectangle?
Square? Rhombus? Trapezoid? 2.rectangle
Irregular quadrilateral?

5.    Application
For groups  1 and 2

Identify the kind of quadrilateral .




For groups 3 and 4.

Draw the following quadrilaterals.

1.    Parallelogram
2.    Rectangle
3.    Square
4.    Rhombus
5.    Trapezoid
6.    Irregular quadrilateral

For groups 5 and 6

1.    Color Parallelogram red
2.    Color Rectangle blue
3.    Color Square yellow
4.    Color  Rhombus violet
5.    Color Trapezoid orange
6.    Color Irregular quadrilateral green

IV.          Evaluation
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1.    What kind of polygon has 4 sides?
a.    Rectangle
b.    Triangle
c.    Pentagon
d.    Hexagon
2.    This kind of quadrilateral has 2 pairs of parallel sides.
a.    Trapezoid
b.    Irregular quadrilateral
c.    Parallelogram
d.    Kite
3.    What do you call a parallelogram with all side equal and all angles are right angle?
a.     Square
b.    Rectangle
c.    Rhombus
d.    trapezoid
4.    The figure below is called _______.

a.     Trapezoid
b.    Rhombus
c.    Square
d.    Rectangle
5.    A trapezoid is_________
a.    a quadrilateral with 1 pair of parallel side.
b.    A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sides
c.    A quadrilateral with all sides parallel.
d.    A quadrilateral with no parallel sides.
V.           Assignment
Write T if the statement is true and F if false.
_____1. A parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides.
_____2. All rectangle are parallelogram.
_____3. Trapezoid has 1 pair of parallel side
_____4. A rectangle is a kind of square.
_____5.  A, irregular quadrilateral has no sides equa
Values Education Lesson Plan for High School Level

I. Objectives

After the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. define teamwork.
2. learn how to work in groups.
3. develop three or four positive guidelines for working in a group together. 
II. Subject Matter (Teamwork)  

Introduction and Definition:

For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. Whether it’s at home, in the
community, in school, or at work, we are often expected to be a functional part of a
performing team. 
Teamwork was coined from two words - team and work.

Team is defined as a number of persons associated in some joint action. On the other

hand,work is defined as exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something.

Therefore, teamwork would mean an exertion of effort by a number of persons

associated in some joint action to produce or accomplish something.
In simpler term, it is cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons
acting together as a team.

Some Advantages of Teamwork (This topic could be re-phrased depending on the

output of the students)

• Gives better end result

• Teamwork involves every person.
• Execution of new ideas can be more effective and efficient.
• It increases support in a project or activity.
• Increases learning in the team.
• Provides more security and develops inter-personal relationships.
•It is easier to solve problems.
• People share common goals and interests among others.
• It strengthens bonds and friendships.
Some Guidelines in Working with a Group
(This topic could be re-phrased depending on the output of the students)
 Have a clear focus or a clear goal as a group.
 There should be an open communication within the members of the group. Listen
to each others' ideas, concerns, problems, and suggested solutions.
 Everyone should participate and cooperate.
 Be a good follower or a good leader.
 Someone should come up as a leader of a team.
 Avoid conflicts if possible.
 Be patient and understanding of each other.
 Be willing to share your time, talent or expertise, or even your finances to reach
your team's goals.
III. Procedure
1. Opening Prayer
2. Motivation: Play Find the Animal Sound 
3. Lesson for the Day (Part I - Introduction): Definition (etymological and technical)
of Teamwork
4. Group Dynamic Activity: Paper House Building
5. Class-sharing of the end result of the activity. (Evaluation)
6. Lesson for the Day (Part II): Advantages of Teamwork and Guidelines for
Working with a Group.
IV. Evaluation 
How do you find the paper house building activity? For the winning team, how do you
feel about winning in the game? What did you do to win? For the losing team/s, how do
you feel about losing in the game? Why do you think you lost in the game?

Note: Lesson for the Day (Part II) would be a guided class discussion on the topics:
Advantages of Teamwork, and Guidelines for Working with a Group 

Based on our activity for today, what are the advantages of Teamwork? What guidelines
do you recommend when working with a group?

V. Assignment (Class Project)

Enhance the houses you made today, redesign and make it more beautiful as a group.
Next, come together as a class, and put all your work together to create a miniature
Lesson Plan in MAPEH
Detailed Lesson Plan


Lesson 1: Philippine Folk dance

I.            Objectives:

a.       Identify different Philippine folk dance

b.      Know the history and origin of the different  Philippine folk dances

c.       Learn the basic step in different Philippine folk dances

d.      Perform a dance presentation

II.            Subject matter:

Topic: different Philippine folkdance

Materials: pictures, video, computer

III.            Procedure:

A.      Daily Routine: checking of attendance

B.      Motivation:

Group the class into 4 with 8-10 members each group. Present some pictures of different
Philippine folk dances, tell the student to identify the Philippine folk dance that shown in
the picture, (and you can also ask them if they can identify the place where the dance
originated or at least identify if it is in luzon, visayas or Mindanao) the group with the
most correct answer wins the game.
C. Lesson proper: (FIRM UP)

1. Ask the student to sort the pictures of the different Philippine folk dance based on the
region Luzon Visayas Mindanao

2. Have the learner watch some videos of different Philippine folk dance, after each video
be sure to prepare some questions with regards to what they have seen.(e.g costume,
props, steps).

3. Ask the students to recall and describe the different Philippine folk dances they have
4. From the sharing of the students, explain the history or origin of each folk dances,
summarize the discussion have a lecturette about the different Philippines folk dances

* history               * nature of the dance

5. Divide the class into subgroup with 8-10 people. Tell them that the grouping will be
their group for the culminating activity of the class. The group will perform one
Philippine folk dance and present it in the class. Assign a particular folk dance for each

IV.            Evaluation:

Evaluation of a Performance of different Philippine folk dances based on the following


*Appropriate movements      *Appropriate sound and music    * Appropriate costume   

*Culturally based     *Creativity

V.            Assignment:

Sharing of individual thoughts, discoveries and realizations through experience in your


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