Market Study Survey: Jerson Darío Aldana Rodríguez

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Jerson Darío Aldana Rodríguez.

Sena Atlantic Regional Trade and Service Center

Market Management TechnologistIns.

Claudia Ardila

August 4, 2020

1. Why do you like consuming Da ’Gusto bakery products?

A. Variety of products

B. Customer service

C. Prices and excellent presentation of your products

D. Presentation of the establishment and employees

2. What differentiates the Da ’Gusto Bakery from the others?

A. Customer service

B. Products in optimal conditions

C. The cleanliness and organization of the establishment

D. All of the above

3. What is the type of bread that you consume the most at the Da ’Gusto Bakery?

A. Family Bread any reference

B. Bread Unit any reference

C. Cookies and biscuits

D. All of the above

4. What do you think of the attention received at the Da ’Gusto Bakery?

A. Excellent

B. Regular

C. Bad

5. How many times a week do you buy bread at Da ’Gusto Bakery?

A. One or two days a week

B. Three to Five days a week

C. On weekends

6. How many members of your family consume bread from the Da ’Gusto


A. No member

B. Between 1 to 3 members

C. The entire family nucleus


7. What do you consider important when you go to the Da ’Gusto Bakery?

A. Finding fresh produce

B. Minimum waiting time

C. Find the product to purchase

D. All of the above

8. What do you dislike about the Da ’Gusto Bakery?

A. Lack of chairs and tables to consume within it

B. That not all references are always found

C. They do not carry out domiciles

9. ¿Qué le gustaría que mejorara de la Panadería Da’ Gusto? What would you like

the Da ’Gusto Bakery to improve?

A. Presentation of the products

B. That the prices of some products drop

C. That they install more tables and chairs on the premises

10. What would be the reasons why I would not buy from the Da’Gusto Bakery


A. Presentation of the products is not the one indicated

B. Customer service was not the same

C. Competitive prices

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