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Table of Contents


1.2 Document Conventions…....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions.….................................................................................1
1.4 Project Scope…...................................................................................................................................1
1.5 References..........................................................................................................................................1

2. Overall Description…...........................................................................................................................................2

2.1 Product Perspective............................................................................................................................2

2.2 Product Function................................................................................................................................2

2.2.1 Login………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2.2.2 Enrolment………………………….
………………………………………………………………………………………….2 2.2.3 Book Flights
………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………2 2.2.4 Reserve
Seats.....................................................................................................................3 2.2.5 Flight
Status ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 2.2.6
Flight Schedules……...........................................................................................................4 2.2.7
My Account…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......4 2.2.8
Logout ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics…………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

2.4 Operating Environment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………......5
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraint………………………………………………………………………………………....5
2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies…………………………………………………….……………………………………………...5

3. System Architecture:

3.1 Use case Diagram………………………….…………………………………………….…………………………………………………6

3.2 Class Diagram………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
3.3 State Diagram …………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………8
3.4 Sequence Diagram………………………….……………………………………………………………………………................10

4. External Interface Requirements.………………………….………………………………………….….……………………………………..11

4.1 User Interfaces ……….……………………………………….……………………………………………………….………………...10

4.2 Hardware Interface …………….……………………………..…………………..…………………………………………………..10
4.3 Software Interface……….…………………...………………………………..……………………………………………………….10
4.4 Communications Interfaces..............................................................................................................11

5. Functional Requirements…………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11

6. Non-functional Requirements ..........................................................................................................................13

6.1 Performance Requirements .............................................................................................................13

6.2 Safety Requirements…………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………..13
6.3 Security Requirements ………………………………………………………………………………………………..................13
6.4 Software Quality Attributes..............................................................................................................13
6.5 Business Rule……………………..............................................................................................................13

7. System Feature…………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14

8. Prototype……………………………………….................................................................................................................15

"Abhay Travels" is Online Airline International or Domestic ticket and railway system which provide
an option to customers to book the tickets online and to check the confirmation online. This system will help
the company to sell the flight and train tickets online. Unless like in the previous stage people as to walk into
travel agency or this company ticket counter to buy the tickets. And also, to check the flight and trains timings.
This problem is overcome by introducing this problem solution "Abhay Travels".

1.1 Purpose:

The main purpose of this project is to reduce the manual errors involved in the Airline
International or Domestic ticket and railway reservation process and make it convenient for the
customers to book the flights and trains as when they require such that they can utilize this project to
make reservations, modify reservations or cancel a particular reservation. The project is to construct a
specification, refinement and implementation of an Airline International or Domestic ticket and
railway reservation system.

Before there were manual systems people come to the airport reserve seats, find timing by
asking from the agents. While in propose system, the main purpose is to provide alternatives and
convenient way to passengers to reserve a seat.

1.2 Document Conventions:

The document follows the IEEE format standard (IEEE Std. 830 – 1998).

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions:

This project is a prototype for the Airline International or Domestic ticket and railway
reservation system and it is restricted within the college premises. This has been implemented under
the guidance of college professors. This project is useful for the Airline International or Domestic
ticket and railway reservation team and as well as to the passengers.

1.4 Project Scope:

Subject Fact:

User interface, searching one way flight and railway, searching multiple destination.
Railway reservation, Reservation cancellation, online payment, request and response for
reservation, displaying warning message.

Usage fact:

Searching, sorting of flights, railways, reservation of ticket, managing existing

keeping flight and railway up to date.

1.5 References:

Some of the references used for preparing the vision document include:



3. IEEE document for Software Requirements Specifications

4. E-Draw software is used to generate the use case diagrams

5. Wikipedia
2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective:

A distributed airline database system stores the following information.

Flight and Railway details:

It includes the originating flight and railway terminal and destination terminal, along
with the stops in between, the number of seats booked/available seats between two
destinations etc.

Customer description:
It includes customer code, name, address and phone number. This information may
be used for keeping the records of the customer for any emergency or for any other kind of

Reservation description:
It includes customer details, code number, flight and railway number, date of
booking, date of travel.

2.2 Product Features:

We can subdivide the project into 7 main features. Details of each of the following functions
can be found in Section 3.

2.2.1 Login

Description: This function allows a registered user to login his account using his
frequent flyer number with the airline and railway and password. If a user is not registered,
the website shall allow the user to enrol first. The system will check both the frequent flight
and train number and password, when a user attempts to login.

Rationale: This provides security to the system by authenticating each member and
provides confidence to the consumer that his/her personal information is secure.

2.2.2 Enrolment

Description: This function allows unregistered user to enrol and to create a new
account with the website. In order to create a new account, the user has to provide required
information such as first name, last name, email address and password. Other optional
information, such as phone number, credit card information and mailing address, can be
provided during the registration process. The system checks if all required data are provided
and then will prompt the user to enter additional information, if required. After all required
information is provided, the system auto-generates a unique frequent flyer number that the
user must use as username for future authentications. The system shall auto-generate this
number in less than five seconds.

Rationale: A user who wishes to purchase flights and railway tickets and use
advanced features, must be logged in. However, without enrolment, a user can never be a
member. This section offers all users a chance to become a member.

2.2.3 Book Flights and Railway

Description: The user can use the Book Flights and railway function to purchase
seats for an airplane flight and railway. The system shall present the user with information on
all current flights and railway. The user may then select a pair (departure and return) of
flights and railway on which to purchase seats. The user can indicate the number of seats and
placement of such. Finally, the system shall guide the user completely through the checkout

Rationale: The heart of the business is selling seats on flights and railway. This
section provides the primary source of system transactions.

2.2.4 Reserve Seats

Description: The user can use the Reserve Seat function to reserve seats for an
airplane flight and railway. The seats to be reserved are initially found through the user’s
previous bookings. These bookings were previously completed through the Book Flight and
railway function (SEE 2.2.3).

The system shall display available seats for the departing and returning flights and
railway booked by the user. The user selects seats from each flight and railway, where the
number of selected seats from each flight and railway is the number that the user booked on
that particular flight and railway. Once the flight and railway seats are selected, the user
confirms the seat selection.

Rationale: Customers prefer to know where their seats are located. Further, they
prefer to pick out particular seats – closer to the front, window seat, aisle seat, etc. From
that point, the seats are removed from available/unreserved seats and the user’s booking is
linked to those particular seats. If the user fails to reserve a seat prior to flight take-off and
train gets start, the user is randomly assigned a seat from available seats 30 minutes prior to
initial take-off time. This function is offered immediately after booking the user can wait and
use the function to book seats any time after up until 30 minutes prior their flight and

2.2.5 Flight and Railway Status

Description: This section shall allow the user – whether enrolled or not – to view
flight and railway information that matches input criteria. The user will provide:

1. A flight and railway number and Date OR

2. Departing/Arriving Cities and Date.

The system will display matching flight and railway information including the
following fields:

• Flight and Railway Number

• Departure City

• Arrival City

• Status (one of the following)

o In Flight and Railway

o At the Gate

o Delayed

o On Time

Rationale: Users will want to query the system to find flight and railway information,
even if they’re not at an airport and railway station(e.g., on their mobile phone). By
making this information available through the web site, we can provide an extra
service to the customer and increase our company’s value.
2.2.6 Flight and Railway Schedules

Description: This section of the system shall allow a user to query flight and railway
schedules based upon simple input criteria. The user will provide departure and arrival cities,
and a departure/return date. If any flights and railway match the criteria, the system will
display the following information:

• Flight and Railway Number

• Departing City & Date/Time

• Arriving City & Date/Time

• Number of Available Seats

The system shall define a “matching” flight and railway as one that uses the
departure/arrival cities at a flight and railway time greater or equal to the time provided by
the user. Otherwise, the system shall alert the user that no matching flights and railway can
be found.

Rationale: A customer will want to book flights and railway based on his/her travel
plans. This section provides the user a choice of available flights and railway from which to

2.2.7 My Account

Description: This section gives the user the power to view, save, edit or delete the
information stored in his/her account. The user can check his/her accumulated points, look
at the status of a flight and railway that was booked, cancel a flight and railway that was
already booked (optional) and change his/her address, phone number, email or password.
This feature is not available for non-registered user.

Rationale: A customer’s information changes from time to time. Giving the users a
way to modify their account information allows the business to have current & updated

2.2.8 Logout

Description: The Logout section provides a way for the user to securely log out of
the system. This process will save all user operations when he/she exits the system. If a user
wishes to continue accessing the website, he/she must log-in again to access user features.

Rationale: Customers often use shared computers. Providing a way to clearly state
and log-out gives our customers confidence that nobody else will use their flight-booking

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics:

2.3.1 User requirements

 User properties like Name, Address, Age,

 Associated with Flight and Railway Miles accumulated and Credit Card

 Flight and railway properties like Departing/Arriving City, Departure/Arrival dates

and times, Miles, and an identifying Flight and railway Number.

 Flight and railway Seat properties of identifying seat number, reserved and flight
and railway.
 Associated to Flight-by-flight and railway-by-railway number

2.3.2 User Education Level

At least user of the system should be comfortable with English Language.

2.3.3 User’s Technical Expertise

User should be comfortable using general purpose applications on the computer


2.4 Operating Environment:

The system is thought to be a website and will be a available via any web-browser
application. It will not be dependent on the technical capabilities or operating system of users device

Usable web browsers are:

- chrome

- Edge

- Mozilla Firefox

2.5 Constraints

System constraints:

 The system is a web base, so it will run on a web browser i.e. IE, Chrome, Firefox

 The system will run under any OS with internet functionality.

2.6 Assumption and Dependencies

 Booking agent will be having a valid user name and password to access the system.

 The software needs booking agent to have complete knowledge of ARS.

 Software is dependent on access to internet.

3. System Architecture:

3.1 Use case Diagram

3.2 Class Diagram

Customer Common Function

+cid:int +searchticket()
+name:char +bookticket()
+add:char +phno:int +cancelticket()
+age:int Customer +makeayment() Bank
Owner Owns +details()

Refund +price:int +custid:int
+cust:char +cardno:int
+amount:float +type:char +expirydate:int



+trainname:char +trained:int
3.3 State Diagram
3.4 Data flow Diagram

Level 0:



Level 1:

Abhay travels databse

Seat no

Checked status

Username, date

No of seats etc CHECK


Payment bill

PRINT Confirm ticket PAYMENT

Confirm payment
3.5 Sequence Diagram
4. External Interface Requirements

The different types of interfaces that we would come across while developing the Airline Reservation
System application are as follows:

• User Interface

• Hardware Interface

• Software Interface

4.1 User Interfaces

A Help link will appear on every screen that describes the function of each page to the user.
The implementation should be written so that blind users can still interact with the system (using a
screen reader.)

4.2 Hardware Interface

 Windows.
 A browser which supports CGI, HTML & JavaScript.

4.3 Software Interface

The application should run on a Windows XP/2000 Operating System. Since the application
needs a database to store all the customer details, airline, motel and package information, SQL server
2000 would be used. Visual Studio.NET 2003 would be used for creating the application. All the coding
will be done in Java.

4.4 Communications Interfaces

This project supports all types of web browsers. We are using simple electronic forms for the
reservation forms, ticket booking etc.

5. Functional Requirements

The functional requirements of the Airline Reservation System are divided among the customer and
the administrator of the application. These functional requirements can be explained in detail as

5.1 User Registration:

The user or the customer will have to provide all the necessary details present in the
customer registration form of the application.

All the details entered in the customer registration page will be verified and accepted by the
system into the database.

5.2 User Login:

The user or the customer creates a username and password at the time of registering with
the system. He then uses them to logon to the system and make reservations or view any

The application then verifies the authenticity of the username and password that the
customer has provided and allows the user to view the information available on the system, if the
username and password are valid.

5.3 Contact the company:

The customer can contact the airline company, requesting them for any information he

The application verifies the authenticity of the username and password that the customer
has provided and allows the user to view the contact information for the company

5.4 Booking Instructions:

After the customer logs onto the application with his username and password, he can look
up the instructions posted on the website for booking flights, packages or motels.

The application verifies the authenticity of the username and password and displays the how
to book instructions page.

5.5 Book Flights and Railways:

After logging into the application, the customer looks up the information related to various
airlines and checks the availability of seats on flights. If he finds that there are any available tickets, he
then purchases them.

The application verifies the authenticity of the username and password and then displays
information related to various flights to the customer.

5.6 Book Motel:

After logging onto the application, the customer looks up the information for all the available
motels at his destination.

The application verifies the authenticity of the username and password and then displays
information pertaining to various motels at the customer’s destination.

5.7 Booking Packages:

The customer looks up information regarding various touring packages available at his
destination at the time of airline ticket reservation.

The application verifies the authenticity of the username and password of the customer and
then displays information of various touring packages available at customer’s choice of place.

The administrator activities use cases will be described here:

5.8 Login/Logout

This use case describes the scenario where the administrator of the application, logs into the
system and logs out after the work is done.

The application verifies the authenticity and displays the home page of the administrator

5.9 Add/Delete or Modify Customer information:

The administrator of the applications logs onto the system with his username and password.

The application authenticates the administrator, and then displays the page where the
administrator can add new customers to the database, or delete existing customers or modify details
of customers in the database.

5.10 Add/Delete or Modify flight information:

The administrator logs onto the system with the username and password provided to him.
The application authenticates the administrator, by verifying the username and password.
Then the application displays the page where the administrator can add new flights to the database,
delete the flights that have been cancelled or modify information for the flights.

5.11 Cancellation of Reservations:

The administrator logs onto the system with the given username and password.

The application authenticates the administrator and then displays the page where the
administrator looks up the id of the customer who has requested cancellation of reservation. After
cancelling the reservation, the administrator then sends a confirmation e-mail to the customer.

5.12 E-mail confirmations:

The administrator logs onto the application with the username and password provided.

The application then authenticates the administrator and displays the page where the
administrator can send e-mail confirmations to the customer. These e-mail confirmations may be sent
in cases where the customer has cancelled a reservation or changed the personal information
available on the website.

5.13 Modifying details of webpage:

The administrator logs onto the application with the username and password provided to

After verifying the username and password of the administrator, the application then allows
the administrator to login. The administrator can then browse through the website and change the
details of any webpage in the Airline Reservation system application.

5.14 Add/Delete or Modify Motel information:

The administrator logs onto the system with the username and password provided to him.

The application authenticates the administrator, by verifying the username and password.
Then the application displays the page where the administrator can add new motels to the database,
delete a specific motel from the list of motels, since there are no more available rooms there. He can
even update the price per room of each motel. To make it easier, the administrator might assign a
unique id for each hotel.

5.15 Add/Delete or Modify package information:

The administrator logs onto the system with the username and password provided to him.

The application authenticates the administrator, by verifying the username and password.
Then the application displays the page where the administrator can add new packages to the
database, delete the packages that are no longer available or modify information for any particular

6. Non-functional Requirements

6.1 Performance Requirements

The ABHAY TRAVEL Agency application should be able to respond to the queries submitted
by the customer without much delay. When a user searches for a flight and train leaving from a particular
place to another place, the application should not take much time to return the results, similarly for the motel
and package information. Considering that the application is of moderate size, it should be able to display 10
results at a time on each page, when the customer looks up for any particular data. Since the Online ticket
Reservation websites have much traffic, the user should also be able to logon to the system using high speed
internet. Most of the requests sent to the application should be answered in less than 5 seconds.
6.2 Safety Requirements

System should include restore and recover functions in order to prevent data loss.

System should assure data integrity.

6.3 Security Requirements

Security systems need database storage just like many other applications. However, the
special requirements of the security market mean that vendors must choose their database partner carefully.

6.4 Software Quality Attributes

 AVAILABILITY: The flight and train should be available on the specified date and
specified time as many customers are doing advance reservations.

 CORRECTNESS: The flight and train should reach start from correct start terminal and
should reach the correct destination.

 MAINTAINABILITY: The administrators and flight and train in chargers should maintain

correct schedules of flights and train.

 USABILITY: The flight and train schedules should satisfy a maximum number of

customer’s needs.

6.5 Business Rule:

The system must have at least a Super-User role and a User role defined for accessing and
interacting with the system. Additional roles may be defined for the system as long as the business rules for
the administrator and user roles are satisfied. At a minimum, the Super-User role must account for the data
explorer, data curator, and administrator account type requirements.

7. System Feature:


The ABHAY TRAVEL Agency System maintains information on flights and train, classes
of seats, personal preferences, prices, and bookings. Of course, this project has a high
priority because it is very difficult to travel across countries without prior reservations.


 Search for Airline Flights and railways for two Travel cities
 Displays a detailed list of available flights and train and make a
“Reservation” or Book a ticket on a particular flight and train.
 Cancel an existing Reservation.
8. Prototype:

Figure representing the sample Customer GUI

Figure representing the sample Administrator Interface

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