Minutes May 2019

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Bonnyrigg and Lasswade Community Council

MINUTES of May meeting

Held at the Sports Pavilion, King George V Public Park, Bonnyrigg on Thursday
9th May 2019 at 7.00 p.m.

Community Councillors: Marnie Crawford (in the chair), Diane Easton, Rhona
Matthews, Bill McDonald, Darius Namdaran, Alison Thomson

Visitors: Caroline Anderson (McDonalds), Lauren Denton (McDonalds), Sam

Elliot (Bonnyrigg After School Club), Stuart Bruce (Broomieknowe Golf Club),
Lorna Miller, Flora Kenny, Fiona Gilbert, Mike Strasser, Janet Clark, Steven


Community Council Chair Marnie Crawford welcomed everyone to the
meeting, and everyone introduced themselves around the table.


Apologies were received from Midlothian Councillor Derek Milligan,
Community Councillors Jan Irvine, Ann Morrison, Shelia Metcalfe and Owen
Proudfoot and from John Aichison (Poltonhall and Hopefield Community


Community Council Chair Marnie Crawford said that Community Councillor
Owen Proudfoot had done the minutes of the meeting and they were keen for
him to continue doing them as a minute secretary was needed.

No objections were received to the minutes.

Community Councillor Bill McDonald proposed the minutes and Community

Councillor Alison Thomson seconded them.
At this stage Stuart Bruce (Broomieknowe Golf Club) asked about the erection
of a flashing speed sign at Hillhead. It was stated that it was still under
discussion. Community Council chair Marnie Crawford had spoken to Kenny
Dougal (from the council) and said that we would like it recorded that we
wanted a flashing sign there. It was going to show the speed that traffic
comes through Hillhead. Due to staffing changes at Midlothian Council
everything was in a state of flux and there would likely be delays.
Community Council Chair Marnie Crawford said that she had to deal with the
matter of the gardens at the war memorial. She had received a letter from
Justin Venton at the council. They would be looking after it this year but were
interested in getting someone else to look after it. Marnie had forwarded the
letter to the Boys Brigade.

Community Councillor Diane Easton mentioned the issue of the demolition of

the old Scotmid building and what impact it would have on local traffic. As
Dianne Alexander (Midlothian Council) was not present at the meeting the
Community Council will need to come back to this next time.

Community Council Chair Marnie Crawford drew attention to the visitors and
that there were several traffic, parking and road issues raised by visitors. It
was felt it was better to leave them till the time for discussion of these issues
came up on the agenda.

Stuart Bruce (Broomieknowe Golf Club) spoke about parking at Lasswade

Primary School. He commented that Midlothian Council had written to the
golf club asking for permission for their car park to be used by parents as a
drop off and collection point for the school. He believes that Midlothian
Council was to send a letter to householders in the immediate area advising
them how to contact the Council if they had any concerns about this. Mr
Bruce would like a copy of this letter and would be grateful if someone from
the Community Council could pursue this with Midlothian Council.
Community Council Chair Marnie Crawford then asked if there were any
separate issues that visitors wanted to raise. There were no other issues.

Community Council Chair Marnie Crawford said that the police report was
more of the same issues – stealing from the co-op and Tesco, traffic issues and
fire-raising. There had been a fire in her local area and the issues with fire-
raising in the park.

Stuart Bruce referred to a fire at Golf Club Road involving damage to a storage
facility at the golf club. Mr Bruce complained that the Police Report did not
reflect the seriousness of the incident and he had concerns about how long it
took the police to respond. Mr Bruce was advised to raise this with the police
himself using the contact details published in the police report.

Community Council Chair Marnie Crawford mentioned that there had been a
police incident at Poltonhall Industrial Estate; more will become known about
this in due course.

There were no councillors present at the meeting. Community Council Chair
Marnie Crawford said that she had been at a meeting where the public had
been asked what services could be cut. There is a consultation going on via
the Midlothian Council website and viewpoints and ideas from the public are
welcomed. They can either be sent to councillors or submitted via the
consultation on the website.


Community Councillor Bill Mc Donald has written to Midlothian council and all
the councillors about the proposal to erect youth shelters but has received no
response. He believes the community council should ask the council for a
copy of their strategy for dealing with anti-social behaviour. Could Chair
Marnie pursue this with Midlothian Council? Community Councillor Darius
Namdaran said that we could use the freedom of information act to get
information on what the council was doing with regards to anti-social
behaviour. There was a discussion around the table about how to address
anti-social behaviour and whether youth shelters would be useful. Chair
Marnie Crawford said that issues concerning anti-social behaviour were
brought up at every Community Council meeting. She agreed to ask the council
about their strategy for dealing with anti-social behaviour. She will also follow
up with Community Councillor Ann Morrison to see if she has met up with the
Deputy Head of Lasswade High School.

The visitors from McDonalds reported that they are proactively dealing with
anti-social behaviour in their premises. They had had some problems with a
small group of youth and the police had issued banning orders. They had said
they would be happy to keep attending Community Council meetings and to
support local groups’ efforts to address issues. There had been one incident
at McDonalds with regards to a fight. An issue was also raised about youths
congregating at Tesco’s and the fact that it might be better to let them into the
shop two at a time. One of the visitors from McDonald’s had said they would
be willing to help with regards to youth shelters if more young people could be
accommodated in them. They did however feel that the issue needs to be led
by the councillors.


The Community Council had written a letter to Midlothian Council in response
to the community asset transfer application, noting concerns about traffic and
parking. The Bonnyrigg After School Club responded to BLCC's comments via
the Council but this does not seem to have been forwarded to Bonnyrigg and
Lasswade Community Council. Chair Marnie noted the request had been
debated at Midlothian Council and had been deferred for a month. BLCC
understands that this site may also be under consideration by Midlothian
Council for housing development. Bonnyrigg After School Club contacted BLCC
Chair Marnie directly and advised her that the Catholic Church on Eskdale
Drive had agreed to their car park being used by the facility. A member of staff
would supervise the car park during peak times. Sam Elliot stated that it was
unfortunate that the Council hadn’t passed on the response of the Bonnyrigg
After-School club. They were hoping that they could get lottery funding to
extend the building and have community rooms for use by the community.
They would like to have the Community Council’s support for the asset transfer
Chair Marnie asked for views around the table. There were questions about
traffic and parking issues. Sam Elliot replied that a staff member from the
Bonnyrigg After-School club would supervise parking in the Church car park
during peak times. Also, parents would be asked to park considerately. Could
this conflict with religious masses being heard in the Church? Sam Elliot
replied this shouldn't be an issue; the peak times for their service would be
7.30-8.20am and 5.00-6.00pm. The Community Councillors were asked to vote
on the issue; they accepted that parking arrangements seemed to be adequate
for the proposed childcare facility at the old bowling green. Chair Marnie
agreed to notify the Council that this discussion had taken place.


Re-cap from the BLCC meeting on 21 February 2019. Visitors had reported
concerns about the volume and speed of traffic through Bonnyrigg High Street.
They had presented a petition detailing 112 signatures from residents of the
surrounding area. The objective of the petition is to find a way to reduce the
volume and speed of the traffic. A speed monitor had previously been fitted
and recorded traffic moving in excess of 50mph. However, the traffic monitor
was only in place for a very short time therefore evidence was limited. The
Community Council is still looking at this; they have requested a flashing speed
sign to be installed at Hillhead and had previously voted in favour of a 20-mph
speed limit being introduced. The visitors had been following this up with
Midlothian Council but are dissatisfied with their response. They are
concerned that a serious accident could happen before anything is done.

The parking arrangement at Lasswade Primary School was brought up by some

visitors; they are concerned that parents are being forced to park on the main
road and this could result in an accident. The Community Council believes the
parking strategy at Lasswade Primary is being piloted with the intention of it
being rolled out to other Midlothian schools. The Community Council will
continue to monitor this.

Car parking in Bonnyrigg town centre and at the health centre was also
discussed; it is believed that these areas are being used as a park and ride

There were some comments about the bridge at Lasswade and the volume of
traffic crossing it. The bridge doesn't seem to have a weight limit and there are
concerns it is not able to sustain current traffic levels.
Community Councillor Rhona Matthews has replied to the Council’s
consultation to change paths to dual purpose [for pedestrians and cyclists] and
stated her belief that it would be better for paths to become multi-use instead
as this would safer for equestrians. CC Rhona will follow this up by contacting
the local Councillors.

The Lothian street take-away application has failed at the review stage. There
is a planning application by Bonnyrigg Rose Football Club to erect floodlights in
the football park. The Melville Inn has submitted an application to erect an
illuminated sign.


There was nothing new to report concerning the Community Council's


A community noticeboard has been erected beside the flats at the Old Spar.
Community Councillor Diane Easton commented that it would be useful for
posters for the Community Council.

Community Councillor Ruth Scott had been asked by a friend with a mobility
scooter to complain that the quality of pavements in Bonnyrigg are terrible.

A temporary post office will start running for 4 hours per week each Monday
from 13th May 2019. It will be held in the building next to the Co-op.


The next meeting will be on Thursday the 13th June 2019 at 7.00 p.m. in the
Sports Pavilion at King George V Park.

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