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Subject: Introduction To Literary Studies

Class: BS English 1 (Afternoon)

Submitted To: Mr. Shahzad

Submitted By: Bisma Mehma

Roll No. : Lhr 2181

Question: Write features of Old English Period.

Time Period: The Anglo-Saxon or Old English Period in literature roughly from 670A.D. to
1100 A.D.

Overview: The Anglo-Saxons first landed on England in the middle of fifth century by
670A.D. Their most prominent king, Alfred the great ruled till 1066. The last king of this period
was Harold, who was defeated by William the conqueror of Normandy, France.

Origin: Angles and Saxons were the ancestors of English before they occupied Britain. English
was their common name. Before they occupied Britain, these tribes used to live on the coasts of
Sweden and Denmark. They first landed in England in the middle of fifth century and occupied
the whole country. Unlike Romans, they settled in England and made it their homeland.

Religion: Angles and Saxons embraced Christianity.

Language: The Anglo-Saxon language is only a branch of great Aryan or Indo-European

family of languages. It has some root words for the common needs and common relations of life,
as we find in Sanskrit, Iranian, Greek and Latin. It is this old Anglo-Saxon language that forms
the basis of modern language.

Poetry: English poetry began in the ancient Engle-land while Britain was still a Roman
province. Their poetry deals with traditions of an older world. The most important poem of this
period is Beowulf, which is a tale of adventures of Beowulf, the hero.

Poets: The poets took up religious themes after embracing Christianity. The two important
poets of this period were

1. Caedmon 2. Cynewulf.
Prose: The Anglo-Saxon period was also marked by beginning of English prose. Unlike poetry,
there was no break in prose. The two great pioneers of prose were Alfred the great, who
translated a number of Latin chronicles in England, and Aelfric, a priest who wrote sermons in a
sort of poetic prose.

Principles of Angles life: They followed five great principles i.e.

1. Love for personal freedom
2. Responsiveness to nature
3. Religion
4. Love for womanhood
5. Struggle for glory.

Traits of Character: The Angles and Saxons combined in themselves opposing traits of

1. savagery and sentiment

2. rough living and deep feeling
3. splendid courage and deep melancholy

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