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Poverty is the main problem of the family whom we are helping,

After poverty the education is also the biggest problem.


Poverty can be regarded as a big cause for a lack of education and for educational inequality.
Children from poor families often do not have access to proper education since it is simply too
expensive for their families to send them to school. Moreover, these children also often have to
work instead of attending school since they have to contribute to the family income in order to
support their family members financially.

Feudalism is one of the most important root causes of poverty in Pakistan. In rural areas almost
half of the land is belong to those persons who are the landlord of these villages. The main
reason of the poverty in these areas is that they landlord owns the land of the village. They did
not use it for agriculture but if they used they only pay minimum amount of wages to the labors.
In this way, the people of the villages did not get enough money for their daily usage items.

Illiteracy is the most prominent root cause of poverty in Pakistan. In rural areas, almost all the
people have not passed the Matric School. They did not know about the modern method of the
agriculture. They do the agriculture on the old methods, the result of that, the things they produce
which they are of low quality in a result of that they do not get the desired amount of the money.

People haven’t studied much, they have lack of awareness. Even though the government have
announced to take precautionary measures but still people are being naïve and going out and not
taking it seriously. The number of infected people was around 7 thousand and today it is about 8
thousand already due to lake of understanding. People who refuse to take it at all seriously are
also creating panic in those who are talking it serious and now are a little too worried about it.
The panic is leading them to panic buying and socketing up on things and not leaving anything
for those behind and the underprivileged. Which is leading to price swings, all because of lack
of awareness and people taking it seriously. Same goes for other aspects, they don’t have
awareness of anything, they think girls are made to be at home and they should not study. This
happens mostly in rural areas.


With Pakistan under an unpopular lockdown aimed at fighting the coronavirus pandemic raging
around the world, a large portion of the country's devout and poverty-stricken people are
resisting limits on physical and social contacts and their mobility. Daily wagers now don’t have
source of income because they're not allowed to go out and work due to the lockdown. Also,
there are fewer people on the streets now, so even those who are going out to sell thing don’t
generate the income as much as they use to which is already a very small amount. In the Swat
district, the per kilogram rate of tomatoes has dropped to 30 rupees from a normal price of
between 100 and 120 rupees due to farmers' inability to export their produce to cities such as
Peshawar and Islamabad, causing a glut on local markets. Thus, they're having difficulty feeding
their family.

If you grow up in a family with homeless parents, chances are that you will not get proper
education since your parents will not have sufficient money to send you to school and they might
not even care too much since they often have other problems like drug addiction and you may
therefore be at great risk to be neglected. Thus, growing up in a family with homeless parents
may also contribute to educational inequality.


In many countries, there is a lack or only insufficient social aid. If people become unemployed,
they may not get any financial subsidies from the government. Imagine you have children and
lose your job. Now, you will likely not be able to afford the tuition fees for your kids anymore
which may lead to a lack of education for your children.

There is lack of communication between people. If the lady we are helping had good
communication skills she must not be in this condition as she would have get more people to her
customer list because she was selling food on daily basis she must be interacted with the
people who want food on daily basis but her communication skills were not good. She don't have
any friends circle or relatives to help in this matter.

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