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Lucas Lee
In order to continuously improve my professional identity, I have collected and analyzed various forms of feedback from
myself, my peers, and my superiors. The feedback I received will assist me in identifying key areas of improvement that I
could address in the development of my professional persona video and the professional profile. It will also allow you to
track the progress of my developing professional persona. The most important piece of feedback I received from my
colleagues was that my approach to leading discussions made others feel like their opinions and input were not considered
in the project. Below, I am going to further analyze surveys and direct feedback from peers and superiors and how these
align with my culture map and people style results.

PeopleStyle Analysis CultureMap Analysis

The results of my PeopleStyle self-assessment test In terms of my culture map results, my colleagues on
indicated that I am categorized as an expressive, which average rated me within one point in six of the eight
means I am more assertive and responsive in my categories measured. This includes communicating,
interactions with others. My assertiveness score of 5 evaluating, leading, deciding, disagreeing, and
was much stronger than my responsiveness score of 1. scheduling. Communicating and evaluating were both
As seen in the pi chart below, of my eight responses, within .2 points, which indicates that my peers see me
only one of my peers identified me as an expressive. approach conversations in a sophisticated manner with
However, five of the respondents identified me as a a consideration for others feelings. Overall, considering
driver which also tends to score high in assertiveness. the majority of categories did not have a significant
The difference in our perceptions likely arises from my difference, this suggests that I'm mostly being perceived
tendency to lead discussions in an objective and work- the way I want to be when I communicate with others.
focused manner, which would decrease the amount of
time I spend socializing with team members. As a Peer PeopleStyle Identification
result, my colleagues may have lowered my
responsiveness score to reflect my focus on getting
work done.
PeopleStyle Score

Peer PeopleStyle Identification

Expressive 1
Me 0





















Peers' Results My Results

Significant CultureMap Variances
The two categories that saw the largest variances
between my colleagues’ and I’s CultureMap results were
persuading and trusting. My personal results for
persuading were .6666, which means that I try to
persuade others using a theoretical framework rather
The starkest difference in comparing PeopleStyle than providing anecdotes or examples. On the other
results is that two individuals identified me as an hand, my colleagues rated me an average of 2.7 in
analytical, which falls on the opposite side of the persuading, which means they think I tend to take a
spectrum for both assertiveness and responsiveness middle of the road approach using both theory and
scores. Though the assertiveness scores from these examples in my arguments. This variance likely resulted
responses are close to 0, these responses are significant from my different experiences with colleagues which
because I would like to be seen as more assertive and required different argument techniques, such as real
responsive in my professional identity. These world examples that related to the issue at hand.
individuals may view me as less assertive because I did
not take a leadership role in the team while working While I scored a high 3.666 in the trusting category, my
with them, thus, I would be less involved in setting and colleagues rated me below this at an average of 2.4
guiding the discussions. points. In other words, while I view non-work time as
more important to building trust, my peers have
This semester, my expressive PeopleStyle has observed that I have to have a fair amount of both non-
manifested in working with my Eller team, work and work experience with someone to build trust.
volunteering in community events, and pledging for a Taking into account my full schedule of classes,
fraternity on campus. Through these activities, I have fraternity activities, and club involvement, it is
put myself into situations and positions that require understandable that my peers may see me in and out of
agile responses that evoke my assertiveness and the work environment, and hence, give me a medium
responsiveness to address issues at hand. score in this category.
Lucas Lee
Direct/360 Feedback Stand-Out Feedback Quotes

In my OLCE survey responses, two people specifically

said that I can be “stubborn” and “dismissive” when
working with groups. Other respondents had similar
observations, noting that my attitude could be more ... he is always focused and trying
open and accepting. While it is not my intention to to better the project or assignment
come off so harsh, it is important that I work on
establishing a better aura and attitude so that other we are working on.
members of my team feel more comfortable
contributing to the work. I can do this by working to
listen more intently to others’ input as well as smiling
more and adding more inflection to my voice when I am ... has a really good understanding
of the content of what we are
The quotes to the right are directly from my Eller team, working on and is able to explain to
with whom I have been working with across three
classes and multiple projects this semester. These quotes
other team members when others
best reflect my recent work ethic and attitude because I may be confused.
have recently been working on my approachability and
teamwork skills. The only direct critique I received from
my peers is that I could work on aligning communication
and timelines better during meetings so that everyone is
on the same page. This can easily be done by laying out
... super hard working and is
written schedules for myself and my team in the future. always willing to step up and go the
extra mile for the team.
Core Values

The word cloud at the bottom of the document is a

collection of the values that my colleagues attributed to
me. The most common words used to describe my core Key Takeaways
values were hard work, respect, integrity, and honesty. I
identify with all of these values in my daily life, in and The most interesting variance in how my peers and I
out of the work environment. The main themes from the perceive myself was the persuading category. I agree
responses can be attributed to my work ethic and care with my peers in saying that I tend to use small
for others. Above all, treating everyone with respect and anecdotes or concrete examples when trying to persuade
being honest are my two guiding principles when I someone to accept something. To me, bringing up
interact with anyone, so I am glad to see my peers reflect precedents and examples is the best way to convey the
this in their responses. message of your argument.

In the future, I want to amplify the core values of loyalty I also received a lot of responses about my stubbornness
and dependability in my professional persona. Being and how my overly-direct approach to working can be an
sure that I demonstrate loyalty to my organization and a disruption to the flow of work. Though this isn’t
work will help me to develop deeper, and thus more unfamiliar feedback, I feel that I try to make people feel
valuable, relationships with my colleagues. Moreover, heard but I am often trying to argue for my side and
dependability is one of the strongest values related to often with a little bit of passion. While it is a frustrating
efficient and trustworthy teamwork. I can work to build process, it is clear that this is an area I will need to invest
these core values by investing into strong relationships more time into. Moving forward, I should focus on
and ensuring that I complete my piece of the work to the developing my listening skills to ensure all my team
best of my ability consistently. members feel comfortable and excited to work with me.

To conclude, this assignment provided me insight into some areas that I could improve in my professional persona and
work ethic. I did this by analyzing the differences in my self-assessment results with how my peers and superiors
reported to perceive me in a working environment. Generally, there is little variance between my peers in how they
perceive me and my actions while working with them, which is a good sign that I am executing my work ethic
successfully. Yet most importantly, I have learned that I need to show more responsiveness to my work environment
and attention to my teammates when leading discussions. To do this, I will work to develop better listening habits and
to find better approaches to providing input into discussions. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me at

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