Es 2 Res 2nd Guru2 March 15 2021

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MEET RES 2nd MARCH 15, 2021



In the first meeting we discussed topics/titles and problems of a research.

Now we are going to talk about part of a research proposal. Why should we
have a proposal before conducting a research ? You conduct a research and the result
of your research you write down for other people to know. In the academic enterprises
as part of the requirement to graduate you have to conduct a research. In Indonesia
your research report at the undergraduate study (S1) is called SKRIPSI, at the graduate
study (S2) it is called THESIS, and at the post graduate study (S3) it is called a
In other words the thesis that you have to write as part of the requirements to
graduate is a report of the result of the research that you have conducted. As such
the research that you have conducted has to be evaluated, so we begin to evaluate
the proposal of the research first. Because the research proposal is the plan
elaborating what you are going to do in your research. You have to be able to
justify that the research you are going to conduct is worth for a thesis. That is why it
is called a proposal for your research or for your thesis.
You begin with the INTRODUCTION


1.1 Background of the Research

The background of the research consists of: 1.1.1 Justification of the research;
1.1.2. Relevant researches; 1.1.3. Position of the research; 1.1.4. Significant of the

1.1 Background of the Research

1.1.1 Justification of the research. In this part you have to answer three questions,

1. What is it that you want to find out ?,

2 Why do want to conduct your research in this area (area of Text Analysis and
Translation: Descriptive Analytical Research) ?
3. What is the importance of conducting this research ?

For example:
Descriptive Analytical Study:
The Translation and Analysis of English Phrasal Verbs: a Descriptive Analytical
1.1 Bckground of the Research
1.1.1. Justification of the research. English phrasal verbs are unique as they
do not exist in the Indonesian language. In the Indonesian language there is the term
Frasa Verbal (Hasan Alwi, et al. p.157, 3rd ed.), but its definition is very different from
that of the English Phrasal Verb. A phrasal verb is a verb combined with a preposition or
an adverb or both that has a different meaning than its individual word. For example:
make up consists of the verb make and the preposition up. The meaning of make up is
not make , neither is it up. It has a new meaning. As such is the case the researcher is
curious to find out how a translator of an English source book translated a phrasal
verb. .

(Students: This is only an example. Relevant to your topic you can give a more
elaborate reason, let’s say half a page, or at least 6 sentences.).

Descriptive analytical study focuses on describing and analyzing certain items in

the source text that has become the interest of the researcher. Here the researcher’s
point of investigation is phrasal verbs (English). This kind of research describes how
that particular component of the language (phrasal verb) is translated and then gives a
thorough analysis on the process of translation. The analysis will be based on
Chesterman’s Translation Strategies. As the researcher describes and analysis, this
research is called descriptive analytical study. That is the reason why the researcher

has chosen this branch of research, namely Descriptive Analytical Study.

(Students: This is only an example. Relevant to your topic you can give a more
elaborate reason, let’s say half a page or at least 6 sentences.)).

In Indonesia there are many translations from books written in English. Mostly
those translations have not been edited, especially novels. It is universally known that
the structure of the English language is quite different from that of Indonesian. How do
the Indonesian translator cope with that discrepancy. It is necessary to investigate
whether the English language, especially the dissimilarity of function in the language
component, such as phrasal verbs. This investigation is deemed useful in order not to
confuse those who have studied English as a foreign ;language. Phrasal verbs is only
one point in the component of language of which the function is totally different than that
of the Indonesian language. There are still other components of the English language
which need to be thoroughly looked into more deeply in comparison with its translation,
among others idioms and register. However, this time the researcher focuses on phrasal
verbs due to the fact that they do not occur in Indonesian Therefore it is important to
conduct this study.

(Students: This is only an example. Relevant to your topic you can give a more
elaborate reason, let’s say half a page or at least 6 sentences.)).

1.1.2 Relevant researches. This part discuses the researches

conducted which are relevant to the topic under study. In your research you should have
at least 3 relevant researches. Of the three relevant researches 1 (one) should and
must be from outside Indonesia. The other two can be from abroad or from Indonesia
itself, If you take Gunadarma, it must be only one.
Of each relevant research you must find out:

1. the problem(s) 4. he result
2 the purpose 5. the findings
3 the research method

Note: you do not make problems or purposes for the researcher you only find out and

For example ;
Relevant Research 1
Topic/title :…
Thesis/ dissertation :
Writer :
Univeersity :
Year :
1. the problem(s)
2. the purose
3. the research method
4. the result
5. the findings

Relevant Research 2

1.1.3.Position of the research. This part of the research discuses what is

The difference between your research and those relevant researches, in method, in
purposes, etc.

Note: You cannot discuss position of the research before your relevant
researches are right.

1.1.4. Significance of the research. This part discuses what the result of
your research means for the society, e.g. for your peers, for the future researches, for
people interested in your research. etc.

The research er hopes that the results of this study camn benefit …..

1.2. Problem of the Research

This part talks about problems of the research (what you are doing now !)

1.3.Purpose of the Research

In this part you talk about the aim of your research. But keep in mind if you have 2
problems (formulated ones) than you have also 2 purposes.

For example
1.3 Purpose of the Research
This research aims at ….

1.4. Scope of the Research

This part discuses the range of your research.

For example
Scope of the Research
This study discuses only how the translator render phrasal verbs from an English
source text and how the researcher analyses the proses of translating those phrasal

(Students: consider that as the topic sentence of a paragraph, so elaborate it into
approximately half a page or at least 10 sentences!)


Relevant to your topic make your Introduction:

1. 1.1.1 Justification of the research
2. 1.1.2 Relevant research, one only
3. Make a screen shot of the pages of the relevant researches on which you copy
the problems, purposes, method, etc. and
4. highlight the problems, purposes, etc. on those particular pages.
5. Significant of the research

PRESENT the assignment on March 22


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