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Chapter 10: Rotation 10.1: What is physics?

„ Angular position, velocity, acceleration „ In previous chapters we have discussed the

translational motion
„ Constant angular acceleration
„ In this chapter we will discuss the motion when object
„ Angular and linear quantities turn about an axis (Rotational Motion)
„ Rotational kinetic energy „ Variables in rotational motion are analogous to those for
„ Rotational inertia translational motion with few changes Æ We will
Discuss the quantities in angular variables (we will focus on the
„ Torque „
angle when object rotating)Æ find the angular position, velocity ,
„ Newton’s 2nd law for rotation and acceleration.
„ Apply Newton second law but instead of force and mass we will
„ Work and rotational kinetic energy use torque and rotational inertia.
„ Apply energy concepts to angular quantities like work kinetic
energy theorem

10.2: Rotational variables 10.2: Rotational variables:

„ Consider a particle on rigid object at point p rotates through an angle
„ We will focus on rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis
θ Æ As object rotates, the point P make an Arc length s Æ s = rθ
„ Rigid body: body that can rotate with all its parts packed
together without any change in its shape s
Æ Angular position θ= in radians (rad.)
or revolution
„ Fixed axis: rotation about an axis that does not move
„ Radians: ratio between the two length s
„ Figure shows a rigid body of arbitrary and r Æ dimensionless quantity
shape in pure rotation about the z- axis „ When r = s Æ θ = 1 rad. ≡ 57.3°
of a coordinate System Æ every point
„ Full circle = 360° = 2π rad. ≡ 1 revolution (‫)دورة‬.
of the body moves in a circle whose
where π = 22/7 = 3.14 Æ we can convert between
center lies on the axis of rotation (see
rad. and degree from the correlation:
the arbitrary reference line), and every
Degree rad.
point moves through the same angle
360° → 2π 2π
during a particular time interval θ (rad) = θ (deg)
θ → ?? 360

10.2: Rotational variables 10.2: Rotational variables: Example
Angular „ As particle moves
displacement: ∆θ = θ f − θ i (Rad.)
from angular position
θ f − θi θi to θf
Average ∆θ (Rad/s)≡ s-1
ωavg = =
angular speed: t f − ti ∆t

Instantaneous ∆θ dθ
ω = lim = (Rad/s)≡ s-1
angular speed: ∆t → 0 ∆t dt

Average angular α = ω f − ωi = ∆ω θ2
acceleration: avg t f − ti ∆t (Rad/s²)≡ s-2 ω= 7200
∆ω dω
angular α = lim = (Rad/s²)≡ s-2 90°
∆t → 0 ∆t dt R=6 cm θ1

All particles of a rigid object rotate at the same angular

displacement, speed and acceleration.

10.2: Rotational variables: Example 10.3: are angular quantities vectors?

A child’s top is spun with angular acceleration „ Angular velocity ω, is arvector
At t = 0, the top has angular velocity 5 rad/s, and a reference line on Æ it can be written as ω
it is at angular position (θi) θ = 2 rad. Find (a) angular velocity ω at „ For rotation about a fixed axis,
the top at any time (b) angular position θ at any time the direction of the angular
tf tf velocity is along the axis of For rotation
a) ∆ω = αdt ∫ b) ∆θ = ∫ ωdt rotation. counterclockwise
(‫)ﺑﻌﻜﺲ ﻋﻘﺎرب اﻟﺴﺎﻋﺔ‬
ti ti „ Use the right hand rule to
t t determine direction. Æ +ve ω
⇒ ω − ωi = ∫ (5t 3 − 4t )dt ⇒ θ − θ i = ∫ ( t 4 − 2t 2 + 5)dt „ Also angular acceleration α is a
0 0
vector quantity
r Æ can be
⇒ ω − 5 = t 4 − 2t 2
1 2
⇒ θ − 2 = t 5 − t 3 + 5t written α having same rules
4 4 3 for direction and same rules of For rotation
5 4 1 5 2 3 speeding up rotation or slowing clockwise
⇒ ω = t − 2t 2 + 5 ⇒ θ = t − t + 5t + 2 down rotation (‫)ﻣﻊ ﻋﻘﺎرب اﻟﺴﺎﻋﺔ‬
4 4 3 Æ -ve ω

10.4: Rotation with constant angular 10.4: Rotation with constant angular
acceleration acceleration
For rotational motion with constant rotational acceleration α Linear (1D) Motion Rotational Motion
The equations of motion are similar in to the equation of with constant linear acceleration, a with constant rotational acceleration, α
motion in one dimension (1D);
Only do the following symbol replacement v = v0 + at ω = ω0 + αt
x f − xi = ∆x = (vi + v f )t
θ = θ 0 + 12 (ω0 + ω )t

x≡θ x = x0 + 12 (v0 + v)t


x − x0 = ∆x = 12 (v0 + v)t θ − θ 0 = ∆θ = 12 (ω0 + ω )t

1 1
∆x = v0t + at 2 ∆θ = ω0t + αt 2
2 2
v 2 = v0 + 2a∆x ω 2 = ω0 2 + 2α∆θ

10.4: Rotation with constant angular

10.4: Rotation with constant angular acceleration: Example: continued from
acceleration: Example previous slide
α = 3.5rad / s 2 , ti = 0 s, ωt = 2.00 rad s , t f = 2.00 s

Åα ∆θ = ?, revolutions = ?, ωt f = ?

⎛ 1 rev. ⎞
∆θ = 11 rad ⎜ ⎟ = 1.75 rev.
⎝ 2π rad . ⎠

α = 3.5rad / s 2 , ti = 0 s, ωt = 2.00 rad s , t f = 2.00 s


∆θ = ?, revolutions = ?, ωt f = ?

10.4: Rotation with constant angular 10.5: Relating The Linear And Angular
acceleration: Example Variables
While you are operating a Rotor cylinder, the angular velocity of the For a rotating object, both linear and angular
cylinder from 3.4 rad/s to 2.0 rad/s in 20 rev., at constant angular quantities are simultaneously exist Æ there must
acceleration. Find (a) the angular acceleration (b) time to decrease be a relation between them Æ
the angular speed.
We have ωi= 3.4 rad/s ωf = 2 rad/s ∆θ = 20 rev.
„ Arc length s: s = rθ
2π rad .
„ Tangential speed of a v = rω Rotational axis -
ω 2 = ω0 + 2α∆θ with ∆θ = 20 rev.(
) = 125.7 rad . point P: out of page
1 rev.
ω 2 − ω0 2 „ Tangential acceleration at = rα
⇒α = b) ω = ω0 + αt of a point P:
2 ∆θ
ω − ω0 v2
⇒α =
4 − 11.56
= −0.03 rad/s² ⇒t =
„ Centripetal acceleration
for rotation object:
ar = = rω 2
251.4 α r
2 − 3.4
⇒t = = 46.7 s Æ Magnitude of total 2
a = ar + at2 Rotational axis -
− 0.03 acceleration
out of page

10.5: Relating The Linear And Angular

10.5: Relating The Linear And Angular Variables: Example: continued from
Variables: Example previous slide
A race car accelerates constantly from a speed of 40 m/s to 60 m/s in 5 s We have t = 5s,
around a circular track of radius 400 m. When the car reaches a speed of v1 = 40 m/s ⇒ ω1 = 0.1 rad / s, v2 = 60 m/s ⇒ ω2 = 0.15 rad / s
50 m/s find the (a) Angular speed (b) Centripetal acceleration, Tangential at v = 50 m/s at =?, atot=?
acceleration, and angular acceleration (d) The magnitude of the total
c) From linear quantities we can find the linear acceleration at
acceleration. v2 − v1 60 − 40
v1 40 v2 = v1 + at t ⇒ at = = = 4 m/s
We have t = 5s, v1 = 40 m/s ⇒ ω1 = = = 0.1 rad / s t 5
r 400 at 4
v2 = 60 m/s ⇒ ω2 = 0.15 rad / s at = rα ⇒ α = = = 0.01 rad . / s 2
r 400
at v = 50 m/s find ω =?, ac =?, at =?, atot=? Or from angular quantities we can find angular acceleration α
ω2 − ω1
0.15 − 0.1
v 50 ω2 = ω1 + αt ⇒ α = = = 0.01 rad / s 2
a) v = rω ⇒ ω = = = 0.125 rad/s t 5
r 400
⇒ at = rα = 400(0.01) = 4m / s 2
v 2 (50) 2
b) ac = = = 6.25 m/s 2 or ac = rω 2 = 400(0.125) 2 = 6.25 m/s 2
r 400 c) The total acceleration a = ac2 + at2 = 6.252 + 4 2 = 7.42 m/s 2

10.6: Kinetic Energy Of Rotation 10.6: Kinetic Energy Of Rotation: Example
a collection of n particles rotating about a fixed
axis has a rotational kinetic energy of:
1 n 1 n
K = ∑ mi vi2 = ∑ mi ri 2ω 2
2 i =1 2 i =1
vi is the linear speed for i particle

1 2 Mathematically, Similar in
KR = Iω shape to linear K with the
(J) following replacements
2 I ≡ m, ω ≡ v
Spheres of mass m has I=0 because r=0, they lie on y-axis
where I is the moment of inertia
or rotational inertia:

I = ∑ mi ri
(kg.m2) (for collection of particles)
i r is the distance from rotational axis

10.6: Kinetic Energy Of Rotation: Example:

continued from previous slide 10.7: Calculating the rotational inertia

I ≡ ∑ mi ri
„ for collection of particles, we had:
„ For an extended, rigid object:

I = ∑ ∆mi ri 2 ⇒ for ∆mi → 0


⇒ I = ∫ r 2 dm
m=ρV Æ dm= ρdV
m=σA Æ dm=σdA
m=λL Æ dm=λdL If dm = ρdV I = ∫ ρ r 2 dV

10.7: Calculating the rotational inertia: 10.7: Calculating the rotational inertia:
Example Moments of inertia for various objects
ICM : Moment of inertia about an axis of rotation through the center of mass

Extended object Æ

; λdL=λdx (L is on x-axis)


10.7: Calculating the rotational inertia:

Parallel axis theorem 10.8: Torque
„ If ICM is known, the moment of inertia through a parallel axis F
of rotation a distance h away from the center of mass is:
r φ
I = I CM + Mh 2
I = I CM + Mh 2
⎛L⎞ 1 φ Is angle between F
I= ML2 + M ⎜ ⎟ = ML2 and r directions
12 ⎝2⎠ 3

„ Consider a rigid object about a pivot point (‫)ﻧﻘﻄﺔ ارﺗﻜﺎز‬.

„ A force is applied to the object.
„ This force causes the object to rotate having what is
called Torque τ.
τ = rF sin φ

Torque and Angular Acceleration
10.8: Torque 10.8: Torque: Example
consider a particle of mass m rotating a bout a fixed axis under
an influence of applied force F
ÆThe component Fr does no torque since (anti-parallel to r) Two forces T1 and T2 are applied as shown
Æ the tangent component Ft has a torque
τ = Ft r (sin 90° = 1)

but Ft = mat
and at = rα
For rotation
⇒ τ = Ft r = mr 2α counterclockwise
(‫)ﺑﻌﻜﺲ ﻋﻘﺎرب اﻟﺴﺎﻋﺔ‬
⇒ τ = Iα Æ +ve α
For rotation

∑τ = τ
If more than one force
applied to the object Î net = Iα Newton’s second law
in rotation
clockwise ( ‫ﻣﻊ ﻋﻘﺎرب‬
‫ )اﻟﺴﺎﻋﺔ‬Æ -ve α

10.8: Example: a uniform disk, with mass M = 2.5 kg and radius R = 20 cm,
10.8: Example: A uniform rod of length L and mass M is
mounted on a fixed horizontal axle. A block with mass m = 1.2 kg hangs from a
massless cord that is wrapped around the rim of the disk. Find the acceleration of
attached as shown. The rod is released from rest in the
the falling block, the angular acceleration of the disk, and the tension in the cord.
horizontal position. What are the initial angular acceleration of
The cord does not slip, and there is no friction at the axle. the rod and the initial translational acceleration of its right end?
α=? and at=?
* The rode will move like pendulum
under the effect of Fg=Mg
•Extended object Î look at the CM
solution at
T=? L
a τ = rF sin φ = rF = ( ) Mg
L The translational
but τ = Iα = ( ) Mg acceleration is
1 1 τ ( L / 2) Mg 3g
with I = MR 2 = (2.5)(0.2) 2 = 0.05 kg.m 2
2 2 ⇒α = = =
⇒ a = 4.8m / s 2 , T = 6 N , and α = 24 rad / s 2
I 1 / 3ML2 2L

10.8: Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy:
10.8: Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy Work Kinetic Energy theorem
Work in linear motion 1 1
∑ W = mv f − mvi
2 2
dW = F ⋅ ds The work-kinetic energy theorem for linear motion:
2 2
r r
W = F⋅ s External work done on an object changes its kinetic energy

dW r r
P = = F .v
Work in rotational motion
dW = F ⋅ ds 1 1
∑W = 2 Iω − Iωi = ∆K R
2 2
… and for rotational motion: f
dW = τdθ 2

W = τ∆θ External rotational work done on an object changes its

rotational kinetic energy
P = τω

10.8: Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy: 10.8: Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy:
Example Example: continued from previous slide
In previous example of disk, if the disk start or ∆K R = W
from rest at time t = 0 . What is its
rotational kinetic energy KR at t = 2.5 s? K f − K i = K − 0 = τ ( ∆θ )
From previous example we have We need to find τ and ∆θ
1 1
I = MR 2 = (2.5)(0.2) 2 = 0.05 kg.m 2
2 2 τ = RT = ( 0.2 )( 6 ) = 1.2 N.m
a = 4.8m / s 2 , T = 6 N , and α = 24 rad / s 2
1 1
1 2 ∆θ = ω0t + αt 2 = 0 + (24)(2.5) 2 = 75 rad
KR = Iω We need to find ω at t = 2.5s 2 2
ω = ω0 + αt = 0 + 24(2.5) = 60 rad/s
⇒ K R = τ∆θ = (1.2)(75) = 90J
1 2 1
⇒ KR = Iω = (0.05)(60) 2 = 90J
2 2
M = 2.5 kg ,radius R = 20 cm, and m = 1.2 kg M = 2.5 kg ,radius R = 20 cm, and m = 1.2 kg

Review Review
„ Linear quantities have analogous angular counterparts. „ Object rotating make both linear and angular quantities
at same instant Æ there is a relation with angular and
linear quantities
„ Torque is the tendency of a force to rotate an object.
„ The total kinetic energy of a rotating object has to
include its rotational kinetic energy.

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