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Hannah Comes

Phone Number

Today’s Date

Employer’s First and Last Name/Company

Attention: (if applicable)
Address Line 1
City, State Zip

Dear Hiring Committee Members:

I am writing to you today to express my interest in the elementary teaching position available in the (school
name). I am delighted the school district has a position available suiting my education and skills. I am a patient
educator who encourages, challenges, and accepts all students in and out of my classroom. I have the skills to
create a positive classroom environment where all students can learn.

I will graduate in May 2021 from Northern State University with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary
Education. While attending Northern State University, I have had three different student teaching experiences
to help shape me into the teacher I am today. During my first experience I observed a 2nd and 4th grade
classroom for a total of 40 hours. During this experience, I learned how important technology is in schools
today and the importance of being prepared to teach students. During my second experience I observed a 2 nd
grade classroom for a total of 60 hours. This experience allowed me to start building my “teacher toolbox” and
gain confidence in myself as a teacher. My student teaching experience in 3 rd grade has taught me how to keep
my students and myself organized throughout the day, how to give clear expectations students understand, and
the importance of building positive relationships with students and educators. This experience has left me
eager to have my own classroom one day to teach bight, beautiful minds.

During my coursework, I completed a classroom management plan describing how I would manage my future
classroom. In the plan, I described the procedures I had for my students and myself, expectations I had for my
students, and the importance of meeting each student’s needs in order for them to learn. Literacy assessment
and educational assessment are courses I took to teach me about Running Records, BAS, and how to choose a
high-quality assessment that measures what it is designed to measure. Teachers must know how to use
assessments that accurately align with the content being assessed. I have also taken courses on how to properly
communicate with parents/guardians. A few questions I would ask parents/guardians are what the best way to
communicate with them is, their goals for their child, and if there is anything they would like me to know.
Asking these questions, is one step to building a positive relationship with a student’s parents/guardians.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read through my letter. If you have any questions or concerns, please
feel free to call me at (phone number) or email me at (email address). I look forward to hearing from you and
discussing the elementary teaching position in the (school name).


Hannah Comes

Enclosure: Résumé

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