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A - Leadership

1. Traits manager
  worker
2. Cultural influences
National Founder History Current Structure)
3. Cultural web
Control Power Routine Structure Symbols Stories
Profitable Fair Right Legal Sustainable
5. Ethical Code
Confidentiality Objectivity Prof Behaviour Prof Competencies Integrity
6. Bribery
Legal – Procedure - Barrier

B – CG &Agency
7. Agency costs
AGM, EGM, Analysis Costs, Monitoring Costs
8. Stakeholder list
Creditors, S/H, Director, Employee, Government, Neighbours Etc
9. Mendalow’s matrix
Key Player, Keep Informed, Keep Satisfied, Min Effort
10. Principles/Rules
P Jurisdictional optional comply or why no tick box no loophole
R Rules comply or jail red tape loopholes
11. CAPITALS integrated reporting
Financial Intellectual Social Human Manufacturing Natural
12. Sustainability & Footprint
Enviro (Recycle) Social (Football, Roads) Human (Schools)
13. BOD Neds Eds
Go over
14. Remuneration
Salary, Bonus, L/T Incentive, Holidays, Car, Insurance Etc

C - Models
15. Models/Lenses
Cust, Subs, Rival, Supplier, Competitor
Political Enviro Social Tech Economy
19. 9Ms
Machinery, Man Women, Make Up, Money, Materials, Manager Skill Ideas, Market, Method
20. SWOT
Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats TOWS
P M New Existing / Market Penetration M Development P Development Diversify
22. 7Ps
People, Price, Promotion, Place, Product, Process, Physical
23. BCG
Market Share Growth / COW $$$$ ??? XXXX
Inbound, Operations, Outbound, Marketing Sales, Cust Service / Procure HR infrast QC
25. VIRO
Value Imitate Rarity Organisation Utilize
26. SAF
Sustainable, Affordable, Feasible
27. Pricing strategies
LIDL M&S Costa Cannon ACCA iPhone
28. Developing strategies
Go Over

D - Risk
29. Risk averse/seek
30. Risk types
As Low As Reasonably Possible
32. IAPM
Identify Assess Plan Monitor
33. TARA
Transfer Accept Reduce Avoid

E – Big Data
34. 3Vs
Volume Velocity Variety
35. E-business (why/why not)
Good For All / Scared, Techophobia, Security Set Up Costs
36. CRM
Customer / identify acquire retain up sell customer service
37. E-procurement
38. 6 i’s

 Individualisation (Cookies)  Indep location (no store

 Interactivity (Live Chat) needed)
 Intelligence (preferences)  Industry structure |cut out
middle man)
 Integration (auto update)

39. Cyber security

F – Internal Control Systems
40. Why ICS (SCARE)

 Safeguard Assets  Reduce Fraud

 Compliance (Law)  Efficient Business
 Accurate (Fin Info)

41. Why have (SOAPSPAM)

 Segregation of Duties (3 Step)  Supervision (Oversee For QC)

 Organisation Controls (Reporting Lines)  Personnel (Higher Qualified)
 Authorisation (Signature)  Arithmetic (Reconciliation)
 Physical Controls (Password)  Management (Performance Reports)

42. Elements of Good ICS (CRIME)

 Control Activities (SOAPSPAM)  Monitoring Risk (Dated and Evolving)

 Risk Assessment (TARA)  Environment of Control (Do
 Info Gathering (Correct & Sufficient) EDs/Culture Follow It)

43. Internal Audit (Doctor)

44. Limitation (Human Error, Fraud, Lack of Resources, Only for Routine Stuff)
45. IA Role (WE ARE HIM)

1. Work Reviewed 5. Efficiency if IA Ensured

2. Effectiveness Assessed 6. Head of IA Appointed
3. Accountable for IC 7. Independence preserved
4. Recommendations are Actioned 8. Monitor IA

46. IA reports

G – Finance Function
47. Financial Risk/Return/Funding
High Gearing Is Bad. Return Is NPV IRR ROCE
48. FF structure
Business Partner/Outsource/Share
49. Decision tree
Work forward then back
50. NPV
51. Option to abandon
52. Special contract
53. 4 risk analysis
54. Budgeting
55. Costing

H – Innovation
56. Business model shapes
57. Talent management
6 Things, Leadership Strategic Position Customer Work Force Operations Overall
60. Overcome change
Tune In, Negotiate, Educate, Support, Force
61. Types of change
Adapt, Evolve, Reconstruct, Revolution
62. Influences of change

 Scope  Capable
 Time  Manger Power
 Area  Workforce
 Diversify  Capacity


Freeze Change Unfreeze
64. Process of change
Reengineer Simplify Add Value Rip Mang Gaps
65. PID

 Objective  St/H
 Benefit  Toles
 Scope  Estimated Costs
 Deliverable  Performance Management
 Constraints

Discuss = State, say why (use scenario)

§ Inform
§ Persuade
§ Clarify
In summary, this means the candidates have to express themselves clearly and convincingly through the
appropriate medium while being sensitive to the needs of the intended audience.

Commercial acumen
§ Demonstrate awareness
§ Use judgement
§ Show insight
In summary, this means the candidates have to show awareness of the wider business and external factors
affecting business, using commercially sound judgement and insight to resolve issues and exploit opportunities.
§ Investigate
§ Scrutinise
§ Consider
In summary, this means the candidates have to thoroughly investigate and research information from a variety
of sources and logically process it with a view to considering it for recommending appropriate action.

§ Probe
§ Question
§ Challenge
In summary, this means the candidates have to probe, question and challenge information and views presented
to them, to fully understand business issues and to establish facts objectively, based on ethical and professional

§ Assess
§ Estimate
§ Appraise
In summary, this means the candidates have to carefully assess situations, proposals and arguments in a
balanced way, using professional and ethical judgement to predict future outcomes and consequences as a basis
for sound decision-making.

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