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Histopathology 2012, 60, 153–165. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2011.04079.


Therapy-associated effects in the prostate gland

John R Srigley , Brett Delahunt1 & Andrew J Evans2
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, 1Department of
Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Otago, Wellington,
New Zealand, and 2Laboratory Medicine Program, Department of Pathology, University Health Network, Toronto General
Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada

Srigley J R, Delahunt B & Evans A J

(2012) Histopathology 60, 153–165
Therapy-associated effects in the prostate gland

Diverse therapies are used to treat both benign pros- apy, and interstitial laser thermotherapy, may have
tatic hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma. Transurethral morphological effects on prostate tissue. It is important
resection, a common surgical procedure, may give rise for the pathologist to be aware of the spectrum of
to characteristic necrobiotic granulomas that manifest histological changes affecting the prostate gland post-
in subsequent pathology samples. Radiation and hor- therapy. The treatment effects may obscure residual
mone therapy have traditionally been used in prostatic carcinoma, and make measurements of tumour extent
adenocarcinoma. Morphological effects are often iden- and stage difficult. Furthermore, some therapies can
tified in needle biopsy specimens, transurethral resec- profoundly alter the neoplastic glands to such an extent
tates, and radical prostatectomy specimens. A range of that Gleason scoring is no longer valid. As new
histological changes are noted in the non-neoplastic therapies are developed for prostate cancer, it is
prostate tissue, as well as in the pre-neoplastic and important to document their effects on benign and
carcinomatous areas. Other ablative therapies, such as malignant prostate tissue and to understand possible
cryotherapy, and emerging focal therapies, including implications for traditional prognostic factors, espe-
high-intensity focused ultrasound, photodynamic ther- cially Gleason grade.
Keywords: ablative techniques, carcinoma, chemotherapy, hormones, prostate, radiation, treatment
Abbreviations: 5-ARI, 5a-reductase inhibitor; AMACR, a-methylacyl-CoA racemase; BPH, benign prostatic
hyperplasia; HGPIN, high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia; HIFU, high-intensity focused ultrasound; LHRH,
luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone; MAB, maximal androgen blockade; PCPT, Prostate Cancer Prevention
Trial; PDT, photodynamic therapy; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; RT, radiation therapy; TURP, transurethral
resection of the prostate

resectates, and radical prostatectomy specimens. The

best-studied therapy-associated effects are those asso-
A wide variety of therapies are used to treat both ciated with traditional surgery, radiation therapy (RT),
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatic ade- and hormones.1,2 It is important for the pathologist to
nocarcinoma (Table 1). Many of these modalities result know the spectrum of morphological changes associ-
in morphological effects that may be identified in post- ated with these therapies, and to be able to identify
treatment needle biopsy specimens, transurethral residual tumour when present. Ideally, the pathologist
should be provided with clinical information related to
Address for correspondence: Professor J R Srigley, Department of
prior therapies on requisitions accompanying pathol-
Laboratory Medicine, Credit Valley Hospital, 2200 Eglinton Avenue ogy samples. In some cases, even in the absence of
West, Mississauga, ON L5M 2N1, Canada. e-mail: clinical information, the morphological effects are
 2011 Blackwell Publishing Limited.
154 J R Srigley et al.

Table 1. Therapies with potential effects on the prostate granulomas is thought to represent a response to
gland cauterized prostate tissue, secretions, and material from
Traditional surgical procedures the diathermy instruments.4
Transurethral resection The histological pattern consists of granulomas
varying in shape from round and oval to elongated,
Orchidectomy (castration) stellate, and irregular (Figure 1). They display a central
Radiation zone of fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by pallisaded
External beam epithelioid histiocytes. A rim of lymphocytes and
fibrosis is often seen around the histiocytes. Occasion-
Brachytherapy ally, giant cells are seen. Older granulomas may display
Novel radiation delivery devices (Gamma Knife;
hyalinization, and localized vasculitis may be noted.
Cyber Knife) The differential diagnosis includes infective granulomas
and non-specific granulomatous prostatitis.5 The latter
Hormone therapy tend to be centred on ductal acinar units, and do not
Oestrogen display the striking fibrinoid change associated with
Maximum androgen blockade post-TURP granulomas. Infectious granulomas usually
have caseous necrosis and frequent giant cells.
LHRH agonists, anti-androgens

5-a-Reductase inhibitors orchidectomy

Chemotherapy Historically, bilateral orchidectomy (castration) has
been used as a androgen-ablative treatment for pros-
Other ablative and focal therapies
tate cancer. In recent years, with the advances in
chemical castration, orchidectomy is uncommonly
Microwave therapy used. The therapeutic effects of bilateral orchidectomy
on prostate histology are profound, and essentially
High-intensity focused ultrasound similar to those seen with other forms of maximal
Photodynamic therapy androgen blockade (MAB), and will be covered in a
subsequent section.
Interstitial laser

Nutritional and herbal supplements Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy (RT) is commonly used as a primary
treatment for prostate cancer. External beam RT, often
characteristic of a particular therapy, and should be
with conformal and intensity-modulated approaches, is
noted in the pathology report. Furthermore, severe
treatment effects, especially those associated with
hormone therapy and RT, may interfere with the
assessment of histological tumour grade and extent of
disease. In this article, the morphological effects of
traditional therapies and those associated with the
novel and emerging treatments will be reviewed.

Traditional surgical procedures

transurethral r esection of the prostate

TURP is commonly used as a treatment for BPH, and is

occasionally employed to relieve obstruction in patients
with established prostate cancer. This procedure may
result in a characteristic pattern of granulomatous Figure 1. Characteristic post-transurethral resection granuloma.
prostatitis.3 This pattern may also be seen rarely after Note central necrosis surrounded by palisaded histiocytes and a rim of
prostatic needle biopsy. The development of post-TURP small lymphocytes.

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Therapy-associated effects in the prostate gland 155

often employed for locally advanced disease.6,7 Brachy- A

therapy, which involves the implantation of radioactive
seeds in the prostate gland, is used to treat clinically
localized disease, particularly low-volume and low-
grade tumours.8 Neoadjuvant and adjuvant hormone
therapy may also be combined with RT.9 Novel
radiosurgery with Gamma Knife and Cyber Knife
technology is also being developed for the treatment
of prostate cancer.10
Pathologists usually encounter the effects of radia-
tion in needle biopsy specimens obtained to assess
residual disease post-RT.1 Radiation changes may also
be identified in transurethral resectates and salvage
radical prostatectomy specimens.11 The prostate biop-
sies are often associated with clinical trials, and are
usually performed 18–24 months after completion of
the RT. The morphological effects of RT are well
described in the literature, and may range from
minimal to pronounced.1,2 All RT modalities produce
similar findings at the histological level.
Non-neoplastic prostate tissue often displays a vari-
ety of histological effects after exposure to radia-
tion.1,2,12–16 The non-neoplastic glands are
commonly atrophic, resulting in an increased stromal
to glandular ratio (Figure 2). The secretory cells are
markedly shrunken, and there is a prominence of basal
cells. Spotty cellular atypia is commonly noted. These
findings are usually identified at low magnification. The Figure 2. Radiation effects on non-neoplastic glands. A, Note
degree of RT-associated changes may vary between glandular atrophy, basal cell prominence, and focal cytologic atypia.
cases, and within an individual case. At intermediate to B, Note focal nuclear enlargement and chromatin smudging.
high magnification, basal cells are often vacuolated and
show nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromasia, and surethral resectates and salvage radical prostatectomy
smudged chromatin. Macronucleoli may also be iden- specimens, RT effects similar to those described for
tified. Squamous, mucinous and Paneth cell-like meta- needle biopsy specimens may be encountered.1
plasia may occur in patients treated with RT with or On scanning magnification, irregularly scattered
without hormonal therapy. In addition to the epithelial glands, nests and single cells showing cytoplasmic
changes, stromal fibrosis and vascular sclerosis may vacuolation and nuclear enlargement are noted (Fig-
occur, and the latter may be quite striking. ure 3).1,13,14,16 The low-power architecture is partic-
High-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia ularly important in separating malignant glands from
(HGPIN) is often less prevalent and less extensive in the treatment effects induced in non-neoplastic glands.
post-RT biopsy specimens than in pretreatment speci- The latter show a more regular epithelial–stromal
mens.1,13,16 The typical architectural patterns of relationship, often maintaining some degree of lobular
HGPIN are maintained, but individual cells show organization. Perineural invasion may also be helpful
cytoplasmic shrinkage, resulting in a more crowded in identifying residual tumour cells, although non-
appearance, and nuclear smudging may be seen. The neoplastic glands may abut nerves (Figure 4). In many
effect of RT on adenocarcinoma is variable, and ranges cases, the residual tumour is readily identified with
from no to minimal effects to pronounced changes, routine microscopy; however, in some difficult cases,
making the identification of cancer cells challeng- immunohistochemistry may be required. The tumour
ing.1,13,14,16 In an individual case, the presence and cells showing treatment effects stain positively for low
degree of RT effects may vary between cores and even molecular weight cytokeratin, prostate-specific antigen
within one core. This pattern is seen especially in (PSA), and a-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR)
brachytherapy cases, and may relate to the distribution (P504S) (Figure 3). They are negative for basal cell
of radiation dosage around individual seeds. In tran- markers such as high molecular weight cytokeratin
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156 J R Srigley et al.

A have received combined RT and androgen deprivation

treatment, no treatment effects over and above those
attributed to the RT will be observed unless the patient
is receiving hormone therapy at the time of the post-RT
It has been shown that 2-year post-RT biopsy results
can be predictive of long-term disease-free survival.15
The degree of treatment effect and the Gleason score
are important variables in this analysis.14,15 Radiation
effects can lead to spurious increases in Gleason score,
and when treatment effects are pronounced, a Gleason
score should not be rendered; however, a suitable
comment should be added to the report. There are a
few grading systems for treatment effects, based on the
detailed assessment of cytological and nuclear fea-
tures14,17 (Table 2). The grading systems are used in
part to decide on the application of Gleason scoring. In
the Crook modification of the Bocking and Aufferman
system, nuclear and cytoplasmic features are graded
separately, and individual grades are combined for a
score of 0–6. Biopsy specimens showing a combined
score of 0–1 have minimal treatment effects, and are
cases where Gleason scores can be applied. Local failure
rates associated with low treatment scores were about
55% in one study.15 Combined treatment scores of 3–4
had local failure rates in the range of 30%, and those
tumours showing dramatic treatment effects (scores of
Figure 3. Adenocarcinoma with radiation effects. A, Note small 5–6) had 5-year survival rates, similar to negative
clusters, poorly formed glands, and individual cells with small biopsy specimens.15 From a practical perspective, one
smudged nuclei. B, Strong a-methylacyl-CoA racemase can qualitatively categorize the radiation effects as
(AMACR ⁄ P504S) positivity is seen in residual tumour cells.

Table 2. Grading treatment effects in post-radiation prostate

biopsy specimens14,17
0: no identifiable treatment effect

1: swelling and microvesicular change

2: more extensive vacuolization with voluminous

cytoplasm, ruptured cytoplasm, and lipofuscin

3: only single cells

Figure 4. Radiation effects on carcinomatous glands. Note small 0: no identifiable treatment effect
clusters of vacuolated tumour cells and tiny, poorly formed glands.
1: some enlargement, with smudging and still visible
Note the perineural distribution of some residual tumour cells. Non-
neoplastic prostate glands showing atrophy, inflammation and basal nucleoli
cell prominence can be seen in the upper part of the field.
2: large bizarre nuclei with smudging and rare or
and p63. In contrast, atrophic non-neoplastic glands absent nucleoli
show prominent basal cell markers, often with residual 3: pyknotic, small nuclei
PSA staining and AMACR negativity. In patients who
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Therapy-associated effects in the prostate gland 157

minimal, moderate, or severe. Gleason scores are given in locally advanced and metastatic disease, but it is also
in those cases where there are minimal RT-associated used in neoadjuvant or adjuvant settings along with
changes. The degree of RT-associated effects may be RT or radical prostatectomy.25,26 5a-Reductase inhib-
used to predict which patients may benefit from salvage itors (5-ARIs) have been used both for the treatment of
radical prostatectomy in the setting of RT failure. BPH and, more recently, as chemopreventive agents to
reduce the risk of prostate cancer development.27–29
Pathologists need to be familiar with the changes
Hormone therapy
associated with hormone therapy, as these may be
Androgen deprivation therapy is commonly used to encountered in needle biopsy specimens, transurethral
treat patients with locally advanced and metastatic sections, and radical prostatectomy specimens.
prostatic carcinoma. This approach exploits the andro- Several characteristic histological effects are associ-
gen-dependent nature of prostatic adenocarcinoma, ated with MAB.1,2,12,13,30,31 The changes vary with
and can have profound morphological effects on benign the type of agent, dosage, and duration of therapy. The
and neoplastic prostate tissue.1,2,12,13 Historically, more severe changes are generally associated with
hormone therapy involved castration and ⁄ or oestro- higher dosages over a longer duration. In normal
gens.18 The early studies on the effects of androgen prostate tissue, glandular atrophy, basal cell promi-
deprivation on prostate tissue led to the ground- nence and hyperplasia, and cytoplasmic vacuolation
breaking discovery of Huggins and Hodges19,20 of the are commonly seen (Figure 5). Although global glan-
androgen-dependent nature of prostate cancer. Oestro- dular atrophy may be seen, it tends to be more
gen treatment leads to prominent squamous metapla- prominent in the peripheral zone. Occasionally, atro-
sia of benign prostate glands and a reduction in the phic glands undergo rupture, with spillage of secretions
number and size of prostatic adenocarcinoma cells.21,22 and corpora amylacea into adjacent stroma. Although
Prominent nuclear pyknosis is seen, and cytoplasmic squamous metaplasia was commonly noted with oes-
vacuolation with ballooning and signet ring cells is trogen treatment, it is rarely associated with modern
commonly noted. Cell rupture may be identified, and MAB.
the stroma is often pale-staining and may be vacuo- MAB has been shown to decrease the prevalence and
lated or fibrotic. extent of HGPIN.31–37 Recognition of HGPIN may be
In more recent years, MAB with a combination of difficult, as high-tufted and micropapillary patterns
luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agon- may be reduced to low-tufted and flat patterns
ists and anti-androgens has been used to produce (Figure 6). Furthermore, cytoplasmic loss and a reduc-
‘chemical castration’.18,23 Some hormonal agents used tion in the prominence of nucleoli may be seen with
for the treatment of prostatic disease are listed in hormone therapy.
Table 3. Monotherapies with LHRH agonists or pure The effects of MAB on adenocarcinoma have been
anti-androgens such as cyproterone acetate have also well studied, and are often dramatic in patients who
been used.24 Hormone therapy has an established role have been treated for 2–3 months.1,2,12,13,30–34 There

Table 3. Hormone treatment modalities


Oestrogen (diethylstilbestrol)

Contemporary androgen blockade

LHRH agonists (leuprolide, goserelin)

Steroidal (cyproterone acetate)

Non-steroidal (flutamide, bicalutamide)


5a-Reductase inhibitors (finasteride, dutasteride) Figure 5. Effects of maximal androgen blockade on non-neoplastic
glands. Note glandular atrophy and basal cell prominence. The
LHRH, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone. secretory cells are shrunken and show vacuolation.

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158 J R Srigley et al.

Figure 6. Effects of maximal androgen blockade on high-grade Figure 8. Effect of maximal androgen blockade on prostatic adeno-
prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN). Note atrophic, non- carcinoma. High-power photomicrograph showing irregular small
neoplastic glands on the left, and HGPIN on the right. HGPIN glands vacuolated spaces containing mucin near the inked prostatic margin.
show a low-tufted pattern. There is cytoplasmic loss. Marked nuclear A few spaces are lined by shrunken tumour cells.
atypia and nucleoli prominence are still present.

Immunohistochemistry may be used to identify

is a decrease in the number of neoplastic glands, with a residual neoplastic cells.1,13 The hormone-treated cells
relative increase in the amount of stromal tissue. stain positively for low molecular weight cytokeratin
Neoplastic glands are often small and atrophic, with a and often for PSA. AMACR (P504S) expression is
compressed or collapsed lumina (Figure 7). Small cords usually maintained, and there is an absence of basal
and individual tumour cells, sometimes resembling cell markers (high molecular weight cytokeratin and
histiocytes, may be present. There is often nuclear p63). The severity of the hormone effects is related to
pyknosis and hyperchromasia with relatively incon- the duration of therapy, and is generally most pro-
spicuous nucleoli. Cytoplasmic clearing, vacuolation nounced after 3 months of treatment.
and, sometimes, dissolution may be seen (Figure 8). In The morphological effects associated with androgen
addition, one may identify mucinous stromal pools deprivation, in particular the glandular collapse and
and ⁄ or unusual branched clefts within the stroma, arrangement of cells as cords and individually, can lead
yielding a haemangiopericytoma-like pattern.30 to a spuriously high Gleason score (score of 9–10)
Chronic inflammation may accompany the stromal (Figure 9). While appearing to be high grade, the
changes. neoplastic cells often have a low mitotic rate and show

Figure 7. Effects of maximal androgen blockade on prostatic adeno- Figure 9. Effects of maximal androgen blockade on prostatic adeno-
carcinoma. Note the presence of shrunken and vacuolated tumour carcinoma. Note shrinkage of tumour cells resulting in poorly formed
cells between non-neoplastic glands. Some spaces contain mucoid glands and nests. This change would result in a spuriously high
material, and lining cells are inconspicuous. Gleason score.

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Therapy-associated effects in the prostate gland 159

a low Ki67 (MIB-1) score, indicating reduced prolifer- raising the possibility that high-grade disease was
ation.38,39 It is generally recommended that a Gleason induced by this treatment.27 It was also suggested that
score should not be assigned when significant hor- the Gleason scoring post-5-ARI therapy might be
monal effects are identified.1,2,12,13,31 Some investiga- unreliable, for reasons cited earlier in this article.50
tors have suggested that cribriform and intraductal However, the effects of 5-ARIs on prostate tissue are
patterns are strong architectural predictors of PSA generally mild or non-existent. A recently published
failure; however, this has not been fully validated.40 blinded histological review indicated that the morpho-
When MAB has been used as neoadjuvant therapy logical changes associated with 5-ARI treatment are
prior to radical prostatectomy, there has been a unlikely to result in a spurious increase in Gleason
significant down-staging of prostatic carcinoma in scores.51 Most pathologists continue to provide Gleason
about half of cases.41 This effect is related to tumour scores in prostate cancer specimens from patients
shrinkage, with volume reductions in the range of 40– treated with 5-ARIs. The increased proportion of
60% being observed with prolonged MAB treat- high-grade tumours found in the PCPT is probably
ment.32,38 There are also reductions in the rates of the result of an ascertainment bias related to the pro-
extraprostatic extension and margin positivity.31,42,43 It nounced prostate shrinkage in the 5-ARI group.52–54
may be difficult to identify residual carcinoma in radical
prostatectomy specimens in the setting of neoadjuvant
Neuroendocrine differentiation
hormone therapy. Careful examination at scanning
magnification can lead to the identification of subtle There is an association between the use of MAB and
areas of epithelial stromal disruption and the presence neuroendocrine differentiation in prostatic adenocarci-
of small foci of hormonally altered adenocarcinoma. nomas.55,56 Scattered neuroendocrine cells are com-
Apparent lymphohistiocytic infiltrates should be care- monly seen in prostatic carcinoma, and it has been
fully examined, as tumour cells may resemble histio- shown that there is an increased proportion of
cytes. A pathologist encountering the so-called neuroendocrine cells in patients treated with anti-
‘vanishing cancer’ syndrome (pT0) should think about androgen therapy.57 Neuroendocrine tumours in the
the possibility of neoadjuvant hormone therapy as a form of small-cell or large-cell neuroendocrine carci-
possible reason for the apparent lack of tumour noma may arise in the setting of hormonally treated
cells.30,41,44 Additionally, MAB may result in fewer prostatic adenocarcinoma of the usual acinar type
lymph nodes being found in pelvic lymph node dissec- (Figure 10).55,56,58 Patients with the emerging neuro-
tions.45,46 Serial sections and immunohistochemistry endocrine tumours often have low or undetectable
may be employed in some situations, as some histiocyte- PSA levels, but present with local-regional or meta-
like cells may turn out to be altered tumour cells. static disease.56 Sometimes, the neuroendocrine carci-
Although neoadjuvant hormones have a dramatic nomas are identified in patients undergoing TURP for
effect on prostate cancer, several trials have failed to malignant urinary obstruction.56 The neuroendocrine
identify a specific clinical benefit of neoadjuvant carcinomas may be pure or combined with usual
hormone therapy prior to radical prostatectomy, and, acinar patterns (Figure 11).55,56,58 Neuroendocrine
for the most part, this practice has been abandoned.47 markers such as CD56, synaptophysin and chromogr-
anin may be used to confirm a diagnosis. Prostatic
Effects of 5-ARI therapy on prostate epithelial markers such as PSA and prostate-specific
acid phosphatase are often negative in the neuroen-
docrine areas.56 Gleason scoring is generally not
5-ARIs such as finasteride and dutasteride block the applicable in the setting of a neuroendocrine carci-
5a-reductase enzyme, which converts testosterone into noma of the prostate gland.59 Neuroendocrine carci-
dihydotestosterone. These agents have been commonly nomas occurring post-androgen treatment may be
used to treat BPH and male pattern baldness. Recently, treated with the standard therapy used for neuroen-
there has been much interest in the use of 5-ARIs as docrine carcinomas arising elsewhere, but generally
chemopreventive agents to reduce the risk of develop- respond poorly.56,60
ment of prostate cancer.28,48,49 The Prostate Cancer
Prevention Trial (PCPT) reported a reduction in pros-
tate cancer in patients treated with finasteride as
compared with the placebo group over 7 years of Chemotherapy has traditionally been used for patients
follow-up.27 There was a higher proportion of high- with metastatic hormone-resistant prostate cancer. A
grade tumours (Gleason 7–10) in the finasteride group, variety of chemotherapeutic agents have been em-
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160 J R Srigley et al.

Figure 11. Post-chemotherapy treatment effects in radical prosta-

tectomy specimen after neoadjuvant treatment with docetaxel and
mitoxantrone. Note prominent tumour cell vacuolation. (Image
courtesy of L. True, Seattle, WA, USA.)

spicuous individual tumour cells, prominently vacuo-

lated tumour cells, and intraductal and cribriform
architectural growth patterns. Less frequent findings
included tumour-associated basophilic mucus, a nested
growth pattern, and large pleomorphic eosinophilic
tumour cells. In that study, the presence of intraductal
and cribriform histological features post-chemotherapy
Figure 10. Large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma after hormonal were associated with shorter relapse-free survival.
therapy. Note the presence of both large-cell neuroendocrine (A) and Further detailed studies on chemotherapy-associated
small acinar (B) patterns of carcinoma. The acinar carcinoma shows effects are needed to validate and further elucidate the
cytoplasmic vacuolation. spectrum of morphological changes. A variety of new
drugs and targeted agents are under development, and
ployed, including, in recent years, drugs such as there is little published experience related to their
mitoxantrone, etoposide, cistplatinum, vinblastine–est- morphological effects.66
ramustine, taclitaxel, and docetaxel. In general, little or
no positive effect on survival has been demonstrated in
Other ablative and emerging focal therapies
prospective randomized control trials. A number of new
chemotherapeutic agents are being developed.61,62 Novel ablative therapies have been used in the treat-
Relatively little is known about the histological effects ment of BPH.67 Minimally invasive therapies that
of chemotherapy on prostate cancer in metastatic ablate either the entire prostate gland or only a specific
settings, as follow-up biopsies are rarely performed and portion of it are attractive as cancer treatments,
neoadjuvant studies are uncommon.26,63 More re- especially as alternatives to either radical prostatecto-
cently, there have been clinical trials of neoadjuvant my, RT, or active surveillance.68
chemotherapy for high-risk prostate cancer prior to Cryotherapy has been used as an alternative to
radical prostatectomy. Some trials have resulted in traditional surgery for a number of years.68,69 This
interesting observations regarding the morphological technique causes localized tissue destruction by the
effects of chemotherapy.64 A recent study by O’Brien formation of an ice-ball and its subsequent thawing.
et al.,65 investigating radical prostatectomies following Ultrasound is generally used to monitor the size of the
neoadjuvant treatment with docetaxel and mitoxan- ice-ball. There is marked tissue damage related to the
throne, documented significant morphological findings. direct cooling effect and associated inflammation. In
The carcinomas in the prostatectomy specimens some studies, the histological effects have been
showed a variety of distinctive histological patterns, assessed, and the observed changes are dependent on
including inconspicuous collapsed glands, small incon- the time when biopsies are taken after cryother-
 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 60, 153–165.
Therapy-associated effects in the prostate gland 161

apy.70,71 Oedema and haemorrhage are identified in a recent study conducted by one of the current authors
the first few days, and tissue necrosis is identified (A.J.E.), viable adenocarcinoma was found in 63% of
thereafter. Stromal fibrosis, chronic inflammation and, 30 post-HIFU biopsy specimens (Figure 12).13 The
sometimes, foreign-body giant cell reactions may be positive biopsy findings were most commonly made
identified after a few months. The most common when PSA was elevated post-HIFU, but, in two of eight
histological findings in needle biopsy specimens after cases without elevated PSA, residual carcinoma was
cryotherapy include stromal fibrosis and hyalinization, identified. There are no treatment effects documented
basal cell hyperplasia, coagulative necrosis, and that would affect the assignment of Gleason score.
non-specific inflammation. Haemorrhage, haemosider- Furthermore, staining patterns for common immuno-
in deposition, dystrophic calcification, squamous and histochemical markers, including 34BE12, p63, and
urothelial metaplasia and oedema may be seen. AMACR, were unaffected by the HIFU treatment.
Residual carcinoma is frequently present in needle Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with a photosensitizing
biopsy specimens obtained post-cryotherapy.72 Often, agent has been used to treat prostate cancer.84,85 This
the carcinoma lacks any significant treatment effects. treatment results in thrombosis and coagulation of the
The tumour cells may show chromatin smudging and vascular bed when it is exposed to an appropriate light
cytoplasmic swelling. There is no significant effect on source, resulting in necrosis of adjacent tissue. Studies
Gleason score, which is generally assignable post- using PDT as salvage therapy after failed RT have been
cryotherapy. Relatively few radical prostatectomies carried out in one centre.84,85 Biopsy specimens
have been performed post-cryotherapy, but residual obtained 6 months after PDT have shown tissue
carcinoma is often detected.73 damage with zones of dense fibrous connective tissue,
Microwave thermotherapy has also been used as a usually with an absence of prostatic glandular ele-
treatment for BPH and prostate cancer. Tissue necrosis ments.13 Coagulative necrosis and granulation tissue
and other non-specific histological findings may be
identified post-microwave treatment, and destruction of
the prostatic urethra has been identified in radical
prostatectomy specimens obtained 1 week after the
microwave therapy.74
High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) has been
used as a treatment for BPH and also for prostate
cancer, either as a primary modality or as salvage
therapy post-RT.75–79 HIFU therapy causes coagulative
necrosis by raising the local temperature to >60C.80 A
number of devices are available for either whole gland
or focal therapy, although HIFU has not been approved
as primary therapy for prostate cancer by the Food and
Drug Administration in the USA. Biopsy specimens
have been reported as negative in up to 90% of patients
who have been biopsied 3–6 months post-HIFU. Five- B
year biochemical and disease-free survival rates follow-
ing primary HIFU have been reported as 75% and 66%,
Morphological studies of prostate tissue post-HIFU
are few in number.81–83 Early studies documented
necrosis and haemorrhage in prostatectomy specimens
obtained 2 weeks after HIFU therapy. The changes
noted included acute and chronic inflammation, focal
coagulative necrosis, glandular atrophy, haemosiderin
deposition, reactive fibroblasts, stromal fibrosis, and
oedema. These changes were seen in the non-neoplas- Figure 12. Post-high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) needle
tic tissue. Residual adenocarcinoma was identified in biopsy specimen. This biopsy specimen was obtained several months
after HIFU treatment. A, Note area of dense fibrosis in the core on
44% of patients, and no specific tumour effects were right and lower. Residual adenocarcinoma is present at the left and
noted in residual adenocarcinoma.83 The authors top. B, High-power photomicrograph of adenocarcinoma showing no
recommended Gleason scoring in these situations. In appreciable morphological effects.

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162 J R Srigley et al.

study found no significant inflammatory process, but

the authors described the presence of so-called ‘epithe-
lial contracture’.89
It is fair to say that the morphological effects of saw
palmetto (and other herbal agents) need to be better
defined in the context of randomized controlled trials.

Patients with prostate cancer have a wide variety of
treatment options. Many of these therapies result in
structural changes in benign and malignant prostate
tissue. In some clinical settings, particularly when
hormonal therapy and RT is used, the morphological
effects on the cancer cells may make detection of
Figure 13. Needle biopsy specimen post-interstitial laser treatment.
Note the well-defined zone of coagulative necrosis surrounded by
residual tumour difficult, and may result in changes
non-specific fibroinflammatory reaction. that would preclude Gleason scoring. It is important
for the pathologist to be aware of these changes and
to record appropriate observations in the pathological
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