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Tim Donahue Candidate Statement

A candidate statement from Tim Donahue, who is running for Danvers Select Board.

I'm Tim Donahue, candidate for the Danvers Select Board.

I own a small business, own a home, and absolutely love raising my family here in Danvers. I grew
up in Ipswich and went to high school at Bishop Fenwick. I began my professional career in retail
working my way up through supervisor and management roles beginning at the Danvers locations
of two major and well respected retailers. I was married in Danvers and shortly after my amazing
wife and I bought our 200 year old farm house on Locust Street. A couple years later I left my career
in retail to become a stay at home dad when our first daughter was born. I spent the most
rewarding 6 years of my life raising my children while building a successful landscaping company
working nights and weekends until our youngest began preschool.
Once both children were in school and my wife finished her PhD, our lives rapidly changed. While
putting more focus towards my business I also volunteered for various committees and projects at
our children's school and ultimately became the co-chair of the PTA. I became active in town
politics. I am a Meeting Member in precinct 4. As such, I have done my best to keep up with events
and issues around town. Since being elected a meeting member I have spoken on issues at Town
Meetings, Select Board meetings, and others as well. I have been proud to represent my neighbors
on important matters most recently voicing their concerns at the Beverly Airport master plan
I love my career because it keeps me deeply rooted in our wonderful town. I have the best
customers I could ask for who welcome me to their homes. First time home owners to life long
residents I am happy to be a part of so many people's lives. We not only talk business, but what's
going on in their neighborhoods, what's been happening in the schools, or what its like to be
retiring here. My business also keeps me in touch regionally. We have been a vendor for several
local municipalities, and often work with boards or commissions for customer projects. This gives
me the opportunity to experience and compare the different ways our surrounding towns operate
from our own.
I believe my greatest skill applicable to the Select Board is the ability to level headed and open
minded debate on issues I both agree and disagree with. Danvers is a run like a well oiled machine.
Our electric department is possibly the best in the country. Our streets are noticeably better cared
for than neighboring towns. Our water department is battling aging infrastructure, but is quick to
respond to emergencies minimizing service interruptions. Our police and fire departments excel at
maintaining safety, handling emergency needs, responding to those in need and involvement in
town activities. I would like to bring a more fiscally conservative opinion to the board making sure
we are justifying the money we spend. I want to make sure I can tell a struggling new family in
Danvers that their tax money was not wasted while still ensuring that family and their retiring
grandparents have all of the safety, support and opportunities Danvers currently provides.
I would like to ensure that employees of Danvers go home at the end of the day feeling respected,
fulfilled with their work, appropriately compensated and happy to contribute to making our town a
better place. Two decades of management and ownership experience has shown me how important
employees are, and having employees leave can be detrimental to operations. My fair, open minded
and level headed leadership has benefited my company and my life. I have learned how to hold
people accountable while still maintaining a positive working environment and avoiding
micromanagement. I am open to different opinions, and openly admit when I am wrong. These
skills I feel are most applicable to Danvers Select Board right now, as we have lost many great
employees and have several important positions which need to be filled.
Over the past year, things have been very different for us all. The pandemic has shaken every one of
us in some way or another. We will continue to face challenges as the world combats this virus. I
have been right here alongside everyone in Danvers. My children are currently living life with
extreme social restrictions and a very different school life. My business has faced incredible
challenges trying to keep employees safe and still be productive enough to survive. Like many of
you, my family has spent more time at home than ever before. I look forward to seeing restrictions
eased and eliminated as we overcome this virus globally. I am ready to take on all challenges
associated with the recovery from the pandemic.
Our election is May 4th and I'm asking you to get out and vote. Vote for positive change. Vote for
your tax money to be responsibly spent. Vote to support our town employees. Vote for an open
minded voice of reason. On May 4th please get out and vote Tim Donahue for Danvers Select Board.

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