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nF 010| Ror 10261219 FL Haward Technology Middle East November 16-20, 2014 Rabigh City, KSA Course Instructor Mr. Karl Thanasis This document the property ofthe couse nsructr and/or Howard Techaslogy Mile East. No gat of thie puication may be regradued stored in 2 viel aston, er trasitaedn any foro by any reas, lca, mechaneal,prtscoping, eco, oF thewise, what the pit wren sermon Howard Teena) Nadi P.O, Box 26070, Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel: «971-2-59.69 400 Fax: 1971-25969 401 Email: http://www .haward.ore Ge o the Participa The Course Notes are intended as an aid in following lectures and for review in conjunction with your own notes; however they are not intended to be a complete textbook. If you spot any inaccuracy, Kindly report it by completing this form and dispatching it to the following address, so that we can take the necessary action to rectify the matter. Haward Technology Middle East P.O. Box 26070 ‘Abu Dhabi, UAE 1 +971-2-59 69 400 4971-2-59 69 401 il: Name Address E-mail | Course Title Course Date Course Location Description of Inaccuracy Fo sclaimer The information contained in these course notes has been compiled from various sources and is believed to be reliable and to represent the best current knowledge and opinion relative to the subject. Haward Technology offers no warranty, guarantee or representation as to its absolute correctness or sufficiency. Haward Technology has no responsibility in connection therewith; nor should it be assumed that all acceptable safety and regulatory measures are contained herein, or that other or additional information may be required under particular or exceptional circumstances. Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Thermal Conductivity «) Thermal Conductivity (K): is the “Time rate of transfer of heat by conduction, through unit_thickness, across unit area for unit difference of temperature” . * Dimenstons are [cal/ (°C/cm)] Or [Btu/hr.ft2. (°F /ft)] Que —_—r a K(ty = t,)AT : ee = 4 a Heat transfer coefficients (U) [Btu/br.ft2.°F] U =Q/ A(ty-t,) Thermal Power Plant Operation and Haintenar The Main Boiler Systems = In order to study boiler operations and there control, we can distinguish four separate systems in a Boiler which must function in order for a boiler to operate properly. = These systems and their accessories are separate and independent each other. However, the failure of any one of these systems will result in a plant shutdown: 1. The Fuel System 2. The Water System 3. The Steam System 4. The Draft System mal Power Plant Operation intenance Boiler Systems 1. The steam system controls and directs the steam to the point where its energy is used for process, heating, or generation of electricity. In addition, the system includes accessories that reclaim all uncontaminated steam in the form of condensate and return it to the feed-water system for reuse. ‘Operation 2. The feed-water sea supplies suitable water to the boiler at the proper temperature and Oe to Lan =a CEistainythe steaming cycle. This system includes all the equipment necessary to supply the boiler with properly heated and ee boiler water for maximum boiler efficiency. w ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation a and Maintenance Boiler Systems 3. The fuel system supplies fuel in the proper condition Wad for the eBmbustion process. The combustion process changes the chemical energy of the fuel to heat energy in the steam. The fuel system includes all the necessary equipment and accessories to safely store heat, filter, and transport the fuel to the boiler in the proper state for safe and efficient burning. pee bri a i ee “Thermal Power Plant Operation _ and Maintenance \ ides aig for ce and 4. The ergsystem Grvi al for cbuston discharges the gases of combustion into tI here in a non-polluted condition. This system includes all the equipment necessary to supp! ulate air to achieve complete A in order to reduce, or if possible, eliminate air pollution. Theva Power Plant Operation a es Boiler Systems The feedwater system has many components that must function in an orderly fashion to provide a normal operating water level (NOWL). 58 3503 oIppiW ABojouN>a, prEMeH twopses “CIMON) jon! Jo1em Bulresedo UNIOU w UPPIUTELI oF ‘euneseid pur esnyesoduso) sedoid eu 1B JoVeM JwYD|}INS AiddNs ysnuu WOIsAS soVeMpeR) at 61-1eIN6}.4 sep. ® seen /aett@ NN ta oo! omg fvaiwmt93 (a) 4 stg LiLo otto I Lomo sna unyMaRes NB@) YG MO}{ 1aIeM Ja}10g se Thermal Power Plant Operation Maintenance Feedwater System * The boiler operator must know various ways of getting water to the boilers. A steaming boiler can have the water in the gauge glass go from half a glass to an empty glass in a matter of minutes. A boiler that is on- line and loses its water could burn up or even explode, causing injury or loss of life to the operator and damage to equipment. If the boiler is generating 20,000 pounds of steam per hour, it must be supplied with 20,000 pounds of water per hour. Water weighs approximately 8.3 pounds per gallon, so the boiler needs about 2,410 gallons of water per hour (20,000 + 8.3 = 2,410 gallons of water per hour). Thermal Powe and Maintenance Operation Steam System & Accessories = One pound of water is needed to produce one pound of steam. In the interest of economy, much of the used steam is reclaimed in the form of condensate and returned to the boiler. See Figure1-20. Accessories are pieces of equipment not directly attached to the boiler, but which are necessary for its safe and efficient operation. Feedwater heaters, feedwater pumps, condensate tanks with booster pumps, main feedwater lines, steam traps, desuperheaters, and pressure reducing stations are accessories required for the operation of boilers. “Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenan Steam System ase 88 3503 oIppIW ABojoUYD9, premeH buop2es ‘AwiOUoe LUNWI}CEWY BABIYIE 0} POUL}E}O6s s! (\wwE}s Posh ‘peyeU|LUB}UOSUN) a¥EsUEpLIOD Oz-1 eANB I a wauoxa: vorvwanao. ouvss oMgnaay auneeaua ‘ny omuvmisangs ‘one 'sanamvcav 01 @) ‘ava uuvnanis EAL, ns iin = waysks Weals ann wuntaw a1vsnaano9 s2ueuazulew pue uoiyesado ueld JaMOd EWaYL Steam Accessories Superheaters increase steam temperature De-super-heaters reduce the temperature of steam to be used by auxiliary equipment Re-superheaters Attemperators reducing and controlling the temperature of a superheater steam Pressure-reducing stations reduce high pressure steam for process Steam traps separates condensed steam and increase the efficiency of plant operation Thermal Power Plant Operation Maintenance COURSE RECAP COURSE RECAP Day 1 EeeHee eee eee Ebi eee (0800-0815 | Registration & Coffee 0815 - 0830 _| Welcome & Introduction (0830 - 0845 | PRE-TEST ‘Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries 84s - 1990 | Economizer & Feed Inlet Pipework © Steam Drum & Circulation System Primary Superheater © Secondary & Final Superheater © Reheater System @ ‘Main & Hot Reheat Steam System’ # Boiler Blow Down System 1000 - 1015 | Break ‘Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries (cont'd) 101s 1209 | Combustion Air & Flue Gas System © Furnace & Windbox @ Burner Rows © Burner Detail © Ignition Oil - Burner Rows © Light Oil Supply & Return Systeme Heavy Oil Supply & Return 1200 - 1300 _| Lunch ‘Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries (cont'd) 1300-1445 | S20! Blowing System © Atomizing Steam System © Steam Coil Air Heater System © Fuel Additive System © Forced Draft Fans © Gas Recirculation Fans 1445 - 1500 Break ‘Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries (cont'd) 1500-1550 | Induced Draft Fans © Air Preheater © Electrostatic Precipitator © Ash Handling System © SCR_e Flue Gas Desulphurization 1550 - 1600_[ Recap 1600 End of Day One Day2 Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries 0800-1000 | Steam Jet Air Ejector SJAE © Waterbox Vacuum Pump © Condenser Tube Cleaning System CTCS for Condenser 1000 - 1015 Break ‘Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries (contd) 1015-1200 | Debris Filter for Condenser © Tube Cleaning System for Closed Cooling Water H/EX Debris Filter for Closed Cooling Water H/EX' 1200 - 1300 Lunch Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries (cont'd) 1300-1445 | Lube Oil System for Steam Turbine © Steam System for Steam Turbine « Lube Oil Tank for Steam Turbine 1445-1500 _| Break Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries (cont'd) 1500 - 1550 | Hydraulic Fluid System for Steam Turbine © Boiler Feedtwater Pump Turbine Driven BFPT 1550-1600 __| Recap 1600 End of Day Two Day 3 Balance of Plant (BOP) 0800-1000 | Condensate System © Feed Water System © Aux Sleam System © Steam Transformer © Fuel Oil System 1000 - 1015 Break Balance of Plant (BOP) (cont 1015-1290 | Clean and Dirty Oil System — « Circulating Water System © FGD Supplementary Senater Supply System © Auxiliary Cooling Water System © Compressed Air System 1200 - 1300, Lunch Balance of Plant (BOP) (cond) 15001445 _| Sera Air System Instrument Air System «Closed Contng Water CCW System # N Gas System 1445 - 1500 Break Balance of Plant (BOP) (con? 1500-1559 | Miscellaneous Searonter Supply System © Potable Water System & Service & F/E Water System © Distilled Water Supply System © Demineralized Water Supply System (Make up Water System) 1550 - 1600 Recap 1600 End of Day Three Day4 Electrical Equipment 0800-1000 | Goemior Tangormer «Unit Temfrmer Staton Transformer 6 Auxiliary Transformer 1000 - 1015 Break Electrical Equipment (cont'd) 1015-1200 | ev Switchgear @ LV Switchgear 7200 = 1300 | Lunch Electrical Equipment (cont) 1300-1445 | Cand UPS System. © ECMS 1445 - 1500 Break Electrical Equipment (cont) 1500-1550 | Fiectricity Power Metering System # Panel 7550 - 1600 _| Recap 71600 End of Day Four Days T& C Equipment 9800-1000 | Control Valve » CEMS 7000-1015 _| Brenk Z 1 & C Equipment (cont'd) 1015-1200 | Condition Monitoring System 7200-1300 | Lunch z 1 & C Equipment (cont'd) 1300-1430 | og Metering Equipment 1301445 _| Break 5 1& C Equipment (con?) 145 ~ 1515 | Fictd instrument 1515 - 1530 Course Conclusion 1530 - 1545 POST-TEST 1545 ~ 1600 _ | Presentation of Course Certifentes 1600 _— [End of Course Thermal Power Pant Oper SSS ted Kamran Temperature and Heat * The driving force which produces a transfer of internal energy is termed “temperature” and that form of energy which is transferred from one body to another as a result of a difference in temperature is termed “heat”. * First Law of Thermodynamics: + Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but only changes in its form. Temperature and Heat = Second law of thermo-dynamics: + Heat transfer in the opposite direction can be affected only by the performance of external work on the system. * Can you think of where the each Law of Thermodynamics applies in a boiler? The Temperature Units = Temperature measuring units are: + The Centigrade degree (°C ), Water Freezing at 0 °C, and boiting at100 °c + The Fahrenheit degree (°F ), (32 -212). + Rankine °R=°F + 460 = Kelvin scale is the absolute thermodynamic scale, in which the temperature measure is based on the average kinetic energy per molecule of a perfect gas. Zero °C = 32 °F = -273 °K, one °C = one °K = 9/5 °F = Temperature Conversion: §9C = (F 32) /1.8 § °F = (1.8 x C) + 32 Thermal Power | and Maintenance Measuring Units of Heat * Standard unit of heat is the calorie * A calorie (cal) is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1” C * The relationship between joules and calories is: 1 cal = 4.186 J= 1/860 watt-hour * Akilocalorie (kcal) equals 1000 calories * Transferring 1 kcal of heat to 1 kilogram of water will increase its temperature 1° C * Also Btu is a unit of heat, it is the quantity of energy necessary to raise the temperature of 1 lb. of water 1° F 1 Btu = 0.252 kcal =1055.06 J mal Power Pl Maintenance Heat Transfer Fundamentals Operation * Kinds of heat: + Sensible heat, Latent heat, Specific heat, Total heat * Sensible Heat: + Can be measured with a thermometer = Latent Heat: + Changes state but not temperature + Latent heat of fusion * Latent heat of vaporization * Total Heat = sensible + latent = Specific Heat: + Amount of heat required to raise 1kg of a substance 1°C What is Steam? + As the temperature increases and the water approaches its boiling condition, some molecules attain enough kinetic energy to reach velocities that allow them to momentarily escape from the liquid into the space above the surface, before falling back into the liquid. Further heating causes greater excitation and the number of molecules with enough energy to leave the liquid Increases. As the water is heated to its boiling point, bubbles of steam form within it and rise to break through the surface. * Considering the molecular arrangement of liquids and vapours, it is logical that the density of steam is much less than that of water, because the steam molecules are further apart from one another. The space immediately above the water surface thus becomes filled with less dense steam molecules. What is Steam? = When the number of molecules leaving the liquid surface is more than those re-entering, the water freely evaporates. At this point it has reached boiling point or its saturation temperature, as it is saturated with heat energy. = If the pressure remains constant, adding more heat does not cause the temperature to rise any further but causes the water to form saturated steam. The temperature of the boiling water and saturated steam within the same system is the same, but the heat energy per unit mass is much greater in the steam. = At atmospheric pressure the saturation temperature is 100°C. However, if the pressure is increased, this will allow the addition of more heat and an increase in temperature without a change of _ phase. aa ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation ll an iaintoranic What is Steam? * Therefore, increasing the pressure effectively increases both the enthalpy of water, and the saturation temperature. The relationship between the saturation temperature and the pressure is known as the steam saturation curve (see Figure 2.2.1). Fig. 2.2.1 Steam seturation curve Plant Operation What is Steam? = Water and steam can coexist at any pressure on this curve, both being at the saturation temperature. Steam at a condition above the saturation curve is known as superheated steam: + Temperature above saturation temperature is called the degree of superheat of the steam. + Water at a condition below the curve is called sub- saturated water. Power Plant Operation Halntenence What is Steam? = If the steam is able to flow from the boiler at the same rate that it is produced, the addition of further heat simply increases the rate of production. If the steam is restrained from leaving the boiler, and the heat input rate is maintained, the energy flowing into the boiler will be greater than the energy flowing out. This excess energy raises the pressure, in turn allowing the saturation temperature to rise, as the temperature of saturated steam correlates to its pressure. Enthalpy of Evaporation or Latent Heat (Hg) = This is the amount of heat required to change the state of water at its boiling temperature, into steam. It involves no change in the temperature of the steam/water mixture, and all the energy is used to change the state from liquid (water) to vapour (saturated steam). * The old term latent heat is based on the fact that although heat was added, there was no change in temperature. However, the accepted term is now enthalpy of evaporation. Enthalpy of Evaporation or Latent Heat (He.) * Like the phase change from ice to water, the process of evaporation is also reversible. The same amount of heat that produced the steam is released back to its surroundings during condensation, when steam meets any surface at a lower temperature. * This may be considered as the useful portion of heat in the steam for heating purposes, as it is that portion of the total heat in the steam that is extracted when the steam condenses back to water. Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Enthalpy of Saturated Steam, or Total Heat of Saturated Steam = This is the total energy in saturated steam, and is simply the sum of the enthalpy of water and the enthalpy of evaporation. hp=hy + hee Eauaton 2.2.4 Where: = he Total enthalpy of saturated steam (Total heat) (kJ/kg) = he Liquid enthalpy (Sensible heat) (kJ/kg) = hyg= Enthalpy of evaporation (Latent heat) (kJ/kg) Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Enthalpy of Saturated Steam, or Total Heat CE Catena d Chm nee finest esas of The Steam Phase Diagram = As water is heated from °C to its saturation temperature, its condition follows the saturated water Une until it has received all of ts Liquid enthalpy, hy, (A ). = If further heat continues to be added, the water changes phase to a water/vapour mixture’ and continues to increase in enthalpy while remaining at saturation temperature ,hi,, (B - C). = As the water/vapour mixture increases in dryness, its condition moves from the saturated liquid line to’ the saturated vapour line. Therefore at a, point exactly halfway between these two states, the dryness fraction (X) is 0.5. Similarly, on the saturated steam line the steam is 100% dry. Power Plant Operation Maintenance The Steam Phase Diagram * Once it has received all ofits enthalpy of evaporation, it reaches the saturated steam line. If it continues to be heated after this point, the pressure remains constant but the temperature of the steam will begin to rise as superheat is imparted (C - D). = The saturated water and saturated steam lines enclose a region in which a water/vapour mixture exists - wet steam. In the region to the left of the saturated water line only water exists, and in the region to the right of the saturated steam line only superheated steam exists. £9 3883 oIppiW ABojoUYDe, prEMEH aan uine/s peypanyps Aup jo seijsedore sayqe | weas aoueuaqulew pue uoresado qe} Jamog JeWaYL 1F9.3803 oIppIW ABojouyre1 puemeH gege't | zezerr | 2 Tae | & sere. | ti e201 Sect sear 92: ere 298 oan Som tre [oo | oer [eons saiiadoid weays payeausadns ‘p-| ajqe 1. 1 ones | © cepzie | 4 oe age | ese) | oF 5 ene 2 = cooraiz) Pe age ‘ot oe | * Geto t w291s peyeyiedns jo sensedorg aoueuaqurew pue uo}3eJadQ yue}g JaMog ]EUaYL saiqe, wears Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Heat Forms In Material ceorees cr at ea mo te eso as 10 wre wo 0 9 00 j | 78 ON ae a SSE Ed 20 1300 Figs 1-13, nesrcower se Heat Transfer Fundamentals Our optimum goal in operating the boiler is to: 1. Transfer as much heat as practical from the combustion process to boiler metal. 2. Reduce heat transfer from boiler to surrounding atmosphere. Factors Influencing Heat Flow =Temperature =Surface Area =Material *Thickness =Time mal Power Plant Operati alntenence Heat Transfer & Its Application Heat transfer is the process of increasing the kinetic energy of a material's particles. Fig.1-16, Enthalpy: Total Heat = Sensible Heat + Latent Heat Heat Transfer Methods Conduction is when materials are in physical contact and kinetic energy is transferred through collisions of their particles, according to the Kinetic Theory of Matter. Convection is the movement of thermal energy from one area to another in a liquid or gas. Radiation is when warm or hot matter emits electromagnetic_radiation--especially infrared--that is then absorbed by an object at a distance. cao aan Heat Transfer: By: Conduction, Convection & Radiation Sass a eS 3.22 Datwoea tracy gay race emits el-mag. radiation physical contact Qe asa Alri Ty!) Qd = AT/R Qv =UAAT i Between refractory gray eee ess"? The hot flue gases surfaces & Flam the liquid Thermal Power Pl \d Maintenance Conduction The transfer of heat from particle to particle without movement of the object. Conduction requires the particles to be in direct contact with each other. An application would be how heat is transferred from the flue gases of combustion to the tubes in a boiler and then through the thickness of the tube. “Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Convection * Convection: Is the transfer of heat energy in a fluid (liquid or vapor or both) from one location to another by the motion of molecules, which are carrying the heat. = Natural_convection: When movement of the fluid is due to the difference in density caused by the amount of energy contained. An example would be the natural circulation of water in a heated tank or vessel or warmed air rising to the top of a space from a non-fan driven heater. Convection * Forced convection: When fans, pumps or jets circulate the fluid. An example would be a convectional hot water heating system using a pump for circulating the water or a warm air system using a circulating fan. Convection The flow of flue gases through the boiler transfers heat to the boiler metal (heating surface) as the gases pass through the boiler. Gi A watched pot will show you convection currents in action. This occurs in any fluid (gas or liquid state) when it is heated. Figure 1-17, Heating by convection Radiation Figure 1-18, Heating by Radiation Indian Radiation * Heat transfer by rays, emitting heat in rays from a source to a solid object where the heat energy is released to the object. = An example would be the radiated energy waves coming from a flame. The tubes and heating surfaces in the direct sight of the flame receives radiant heat transfer. = The area within the firebox is where our maximum heat is transferred, so it of utmost importance that we build a good fire and continue to fan it to produce our most important heat transfer. \ Section 1 Boiler & Boiler Systems CR anc ez as Thermal Power Operation and Maintenance ermal Power Pant Operation $$ nd Waintenance Course Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, each participant will be able to: * Apply and gain an in-depth knowledge on thermal power plant operation and maintenance Discuss steam generator boiler and auxiliaries including economizer and feed inlet pipework, steam drum and circulation system, primary, secondary and final superheater, reheater system, main and hot reheat steam system, boiler blow down system as well as combustion air and flue gas system Power Plant Operation Maintenance Course Objectives = Determine furnace and windbox, burner rows, burner detail, ignition oil, light and heavy oil supply and return system, soot blowing system, atomizing steam system, steam coil air heater system and fuel additive system, etc = Identify steam turbine generator and auxiliaries including steam jet air ejector and waterbox vacuum pump = Carryout tube cleaning system and debris filter for condenser and for closed cooling water as well as lube il system, steam system, lube oil tank and hydraulic fluid system for steam turbine = Discuss boiler feedwater pump turbine driven and condensate system =| int Operation Course Objectives + Recognize Balance Of Plant (BOP) equipment and systems which includes feedwater system, aux steam system, steam transformer, fuel oil system, clean and dirty ofl system, circulating water system, FGD supplementary and miscellaneous seawater supply system, auxiliary and closed cooling water system, compressed, service and instrument air system, N gas system, potable, service, FF, distillated, demineralized and make up water system = Discuss generator transformer, unit and station transformer as well as auxiliary transformer including MV/LV switchgear, DC and UPS systern, ECMS, electricity power metering system and panel in electrical equipment and systems Course Objectives = Identify and discuss instrumentation and control equipment like control valve, CEMS, condition monitoring system, oil metering equipment and field instrument 3nd Maintenance Section 1 Boiler & Boiler Systems Steam Boilers = The water in the steam boiler is pressurized and turned into steam when heat is added. When a fuel is burned, the chemical energy (ability of the chemical to do work) in the fuel is transformed into heat. This heat, which is a form of energy, is released in the steam. The total heat in the steam is called Enthalpy. * Steam boilers are generally classified as either low steam boilers or high pressure steam boilers. Steam boilers, however, can be further classified as fire tube steam boilers or water tube steam boilers. The type of steam boiler used in a particular application depends on the pressure, temperature, and amount of steam required. = Tog mass 7 “Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Low Pressure Steam Boilers " A low pressure steam boiler has a maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) of 15 pounds per square inch (psi). This may vary in some countries. * Low pressure steam boilers are used primarily for heating buildings such as schools, apartments. warehouses, and factories, and for heating domestic water. These boilers can be of fire tube, water tube, or cast iron sectional type. Boiler size will vary based on the quantity of steam required. Cie Haward Technology Middle East Ter COURSE OVERVIEW ME038-IH Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Course Title Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Course Date/Venue November 16-20, 2014/Rabigh Power Plant No. 2, Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Premises, Rabigh City, KSA Course Reference ME038-IH Course Duration/Credits Five days/3.25 CEUs/32.5 PDHs Course Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, each participant will be able to:- * Apply and gain an in-depth knowledge on thermal power plant operation and maintenance + Discuss steam generator boiler and auxiliaries including economizer and feed inlet pipework, steam drum and circulation system, primary, secondary and final superheater, reheater system, main and hot reheat steam system, boiler blow down system as well as combustion air and flue gas system * Determine furnace and windbox, burner rows, burner detail, ignition oil, light and heavy oil supply and return system, soot blowing system, atomizing steam system, steam coil air heater system and fuel additive system, etc + Identify steam turbine generator and auxiliaries including steam jet air ejector and waterbox vacuum pump * Carryout tube cleaning system and debris filter for condenser and for closed cooling water as well as lube oil system, steam system, lube oil tank and hydraulic fluid system for steam turbine + Discuss boiler feedwater pump turbine driven and condensate system + Recognize balance of plant (BOP) equipment and systems which includes feedwater system, aux steam system, steam transformer, fuel oil system, clean and dirty oil system, circulating water system, FGD supplementary and miscellaneous seawater supply system, auxiliary and closed cooling water system, compressed, service and instrument air system, N gas system, potable, service, FF, distillated, demineralized and make up water system * Discuss generator transformer, unit and station transformer as well as auxiliary transformer including MV/LV switchgear, DC and UPS system, ECMS, electricity Power metering system and panel in electrical equipment and systems + Identify and discuss instrumentation and control equipment like control valve, CEMS, condition monitoring system, oil metering equipment and field instrument (EDGE =PageTaTE) = aces “BACIIAGET, (ME038-1H\Rev,00P|¥6 October 2014 aon | Gr Haward Technology Middle East CLUE 7 Who Should Attend This course is intended for operation and maintenance personnel who are involved in the operation and maintenance of thermal power plant. Course Accreditations USA International Association for Continuing Education and Trainin (ACET) Haward Technology is an Authorized Training Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), 1760 Old Meadow Road, Suite 500, McLean, VA 22102, USA. In obtaining this authority, Haward Technology has demonstrated that it complies with the ANSIIACET 1-2013 Standard which is widely recognized as the standard of good practice internationally. As a result of our Authorized Provider membership status, Haward Technology is authorized to offer IACET CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET 1-2013 Standard. Haward Technology's courses meet the professional certification and continuing education requirements for participants seeking Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in accordance with the rules & regulations of the International Association for Continuing Education & Training (IACET). IACET is an intemational authority that evaluates programs according to strict, research. based criteria and guidelines. The CEU is an internationally accepted uniform unit of measurement in qualified courses of continuing education, Haward Technology Middle East will award 3,25 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) or 32.6 PDHs (Professional Development Hours) for participants who completed the total tuition hours of this program, One CEU is equivalent to ten Professional Development Hours (PDHs) or ten contact hours of the participation in and completion of Haward Technology programs. A permanent record of a Participant's involvement and awarding of CEU will be maintained by Haward Technology. Haward Technology will provide a copy of the participant's CEU and PDH Transcript of Records upon request. ozs ° |. BAC} British Accreditation Council (BAC: Haward Technology is accredited by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education as an International Centre. BAC. is the British accrediting body responsible for setting standards within independent further and higher education sector in the UK and overseas. As a BAC-accredited intemational centre, Haward Technology meets all of the international higher education criteria and standards set by BAC. Course Certificate(s) Internationally recognized certificates will be issued to all participants of the course a) [ME038-IH- Page 7 of 6 | > aa = 9 O28® ee. (acRete, = wo oe rial Ee Haward Technology Middle East DOOSAN, Course Instructor(s) Mr. Karl Thanasis (Greece), PEng, MSc, MBA, BSc, is a Senior Mechanical Engineer with over 30 years of extensive industrial experience. His wide expertise includes Steam Generation, Steam Turbines, Power Generator Plants, Gas Turbines, Combined Cycle Plants, Boilers, Process Fired Heaters, Air Preheaters, induced Draft Fans, All Heaters Piping Work, Refractory Casting, Heater Fabrication, Thermal & Fired Heater Design, Heat Exchangers, Heat Transfer, Coolers, Pumps, Turbo-Generator, Turbine Shaft Alignment, Lubrication, Mechanical Seals, Packing, Blowers, Bearings, Couplings, Clutches and Gears. Further, he is also versed in Wastewater Treatment Technology, Networking System, Water Network Design, Industrial Water Treatment in Refineries & Petrochemical Plants, Piping System, Water Movement, Water Filtering, Mud Pumping, Sludge Treatment and Drying, Aerobic Process of Water Treatment that includes Aeration, Sedimentation and Chlorination Tanks. His strong background also includes Design and Sizing of all Waste Water Treatment Plant Associated Equipment Such as Sludge Pumps, Filters, Metering Pumps, Aerators and Sludge Decanters. Mr. Thanasis has acquired his thorough and practical experience as the Project Manager, Plant Manager, Area Manager - Equipment Construction, Construction Superintendent, Project Engineer and Design Engineer. His duties Covered Plant Preliminary Design, Plant Operation, Write-up of Capital Proposal, Investment Approval, Bid Evaluation, Technical Contract Write-up, Construction and Sub-contractor Follow up, Lab Analysis, Sludge Drying and Management of Sludge Odor and Removal. He has worked in various companies worldwide in the USA, Germany, England and Greece. Mr. Thanasis is a Registered Professional Engineer in the USA and Greece and has a Master and Bachelor degrees in Mechanical Engineering with Honours from the Purdue University and SIU in USA respectively as well as an MBA from the University of Phoenix in USA Course Fee As per proposal Training Methodology This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours:- 30% Lectures 30% Workshops & Work Presentations 20% Case Studies & Practical Exercises 20% Videos, Software & General Discussions {The course instructor may modify the above training methodology before or during the course for technical reasons with no prior notice to participants. i 5 r |ME038-IH - Page 3 of 6 * Acer OL OD ern. [acetal = 80 9120 cag Ger Haward Technology Middle East (Leet Ty Course Program ‘The following program is planned for this course. However, the course instructor(s) may modify this program before or during the course for technical reasons with no Prior notice to participants. Nevertheless, the course objectives will always be met: Day Sunday, 16” of November 2014 it (0800 - 0815 | Registration & Coffee (0815 - 0830 [Welcome & Introduction (0830 - 0845 | PRE-TEST Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries 0845 - 1090 | Economizer & Feed Inlet Pipework @ Steam Drum & Circulation System « Primary Superheater @ Secondary & Final Superheater « Reheaier System @ Main & Hot Reheat Steam System’ © Boiler Blow Down System 1000-1015 _| Break ‘Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries (contd) 1015 ~ 1209 | Combustion Air & Flue Gas System @ Furnace & Windbox © Burner Rows © Burner Detail @ Ignition Oil - Burner Rows @ Light Oil Supply & Return System_e Heavy Oil Supply & Return 1200 - 1300_| Lunch ‘Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries (cond) 1300-1445 | S00t Blowing System @ Atomizing Steam System @ Steam Coil Air Heater System Fuel Additive System © Forced Draft Fans © Gas Recirculation Fans 1445 - 1500_| Break | Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries (conF@) 1500-1550 | Induced Draft Fans @ Air Preheater © Electrostatic Precipitator @ Ash Handling Systeme SCR_@ Flue Gas Desulphurization 1550-1600 | Recap 1600 End of Day One Day Monday, 17” of November 2014 Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries 9800-1000 | Steam jet Air Ejector SJAE_ @ Waterbox Vacuum Pump © Condenser Tube Cleaning System CICS for Condenser 1000-1015 | Break Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries (cont'd) 1015-1200 | Debris Filter for Condenser # Tube Cleaning System for Closed Cooling Water H/EX_@ Debris Filter for Closed Cooling Water H/EX 1200-1300 _| Lunch Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries (conta 1300-1445 | Lube Oil System for Steam Turbine Steam System for Steam Turbine © Lube Oil Tank for Steam Turbine 1445 - 1500 _| Break | Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries (cont'd) 1500-1550 | Hydraulic Fluid System for Steam Turbine Boiler Feedtater Pump Turbine Driven BEPT 1550-1600 | Recap 1600 End of Day Two 2 2 aa ap fi Page fof6] a om eed |M038-H\Rev.00|16 October 2014 Ce Haward Technology Middle East LEI Day 3: Tuesday, 18" of November 2014 Balance of Plant (BOP) 0800-1000 | Condensate System © Feed Water System © Aux Stemm System © Steant Transformer @ Fuel Oil Systent 1000 - 1015 Break Balance of Plant (BOP) (cont'd) 4015-1200 | Clean and Dirty Oil System © Circulating Water System © FGD Supplementary Seawater Supply System © Auxiliary Cooling Water System © Compressed Air System 1200-1300 | Lunch’ Balance of Plant (BOP) (con 1300 - 1445 | Service Air System ¢ Instrument Air System © Closed Cooling Water CCW Systeme N Gas System 1445 - 7500 _[ Break Balance of Plant (BOP) (cont) 1500-1550 | Miscellancous Seawater Supply System © Potable Water System & Service & E/E Water System Distillated Water Supply System © Dentineralized Water Supply System (Make up Water System) 1550-1600 [Recap 1600 End of Day Three Day 4: Wednesday, 19” of November 2014 Electrical Equipment 0800-1000 | Generator Transformer © Unit Transformer & Station Transformer Auxiliary Transformer 1000 - 1015 Break | e Electrical Equipment (cont'd) ee Y MV Switchgear _@ LV Switchgear 1200 - 1300__| Lunch Electrical Equipment (cont'd 1300-1445 | Cand UPS System © ECMS 1445 - 1500 Break a Electrical Equipment (cont'd) 1500-1550. | Ficcticity Power Meterin Systent © Panel 1550-1600 | Recap 1600 End of Day Four Day 5: ____ Thursday, 20” of November 2014 1& C Equipment Codie ltd Control ‘Valve « CEMS: 1000 - 1015 Break 1 & C Equipment (cont'd) 1015-1200 | condition Monitoring System 7200 - 1300 [Lunch 6 3 /@k ME03E-IH- Page 5 o er se | a (ME036-IH)Rev.00PI16 October 2014 “BAC| Cr Haward Technology Middle East (SF T& C Equipment (conta 1300-1430 | oi Neen Equipment 1430 - 1445 _| Break 1& C Equipment (cont 1445-1515 | ent incninet 1515 - 1530 _| Course Conclusion 1530 - 1545 | POST-TEST 1545 - 1600 | Presentation of Course Cerfificates 1600___| End of Course EDGE Page Behe] | (ME038-IH|Rev.00P|16 October 2014 c Ge Table of Contents Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Boiler & Boiler Systems Steam Power Plants Condensation Boiler & Steam System Management Boiler Instrumentation & Controls Generator Components Generator Excitation AVR and Pss

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