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\ Section 4 Boiler & Steam System Management war Pant Operation and Maintenance Section 4 Boiler & Steam System Management “Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Introduction = Workshop Programme Detailed programme in course manual Timetable (Lunch, Breaks, Amenities) Workshop - Slides and Visuals Course Text Book “Efficient Boiler Operation Sourcebook” William Payne & Richard Thompson “Boiler Plant and Distribution System” Harry.R.Taplin,Jr. Feel free to ask questions Interaction within participants and Instructor Introduction Course Aim * Participants to become more effective in the operation and use of steam plant = Optimize the efficiency of the Steamplant * Save energy in the plant operation = Increase safety of the steam plant * Control steam plant emission “Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Introductions Course Content and Manner of Presentation = Reference is made to water tube boilers sub critical and supercritical (O.T.U) = Theoretical and Practical sessions = Practical sessions: Workgroups, Quiz tutorials, Basic Calculations "Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Boiler Explosions ges Explosion (ca. 1996) When boiler water flashes to steam, it expands to approximately 1700 times its original volume a vey oe Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Thermal int Operation and Maintenence Package Fire Tube Boiler Boiler Plant Efficiency As - found efficiency is the efficiency for a boiler in its existing state of repair and maintenance. This efficiency will be used as the baseline for any later efficiency improvements. It is very important that the as - found efficiency be recorded because it will serve as a benchmark to estimate the value of a Boiler Optimization program. “Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Boiler Plant Efficiency Tuned up efficiency is the efficiency after operating adjustments, lowering excess air, and minor repairs have been completed. This will be the baseline efficiency for estimating all future savings. Thermal Power Plant Operation ang Maintenance Boiler Plant Efficiency Maximum economically achievable efficiency is the efficiency that can be achieved with efficiency improvement changes only if it is economically justifiable. Thermal Power and Maintenanc Boiler Plant Efficiency Maximum attainable efficiency is the result of adding the best available efficiency improvement equipment, regardless of cost considerations. ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation ane Maintenance Boiler Plant Mazin Eesomicaly Achebe Gceny Livi ‘cay Efficiency que Ee a0 -3e To36 | G6. 10350)7 0-350 woe fe soe Ther and Maintenance Boiler Plant Efficiency wha ‘i | fF : ate 2 Se ees : 7 2:4 ek he of Rated Capacity Figure 2.1 Typical performance of gas fired water tube bolls. ‘Power Plant Operation Thermal Power Plank Operation and Maintenance Boiler Plant Efficiency Ericleney 5 0 rt = i Hl ‘Large Units with Hest Recovery : ol i eo ‘ee E “ fai ear fa "| I jeael T | sof Rete Capacity Figure 2.2 Typical performance of oil fired water tube boilers. Measure to Manage The 2M system “Measure to Manage” has been a very successful approach to reducing plant energy costs. It is too easy to waste energy without it. Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance An Effective Energy Conservation Program The essential elements of an effective energy conservation program are: 1. Management commitment 2. Boiler and system testing 3. Economic evaluation of energy conservation projects An Effective Energy Conservation Program Assignment of project priorities Final plan Plan implementation Loss control management program Monitoring results PNOwe ‘Typical Cost Factors For 1,000 Pounds of Steam Boller Plant Boiler Steam System Elecicly 25% bawipsanes eons” | Water 0.75% taser son 8 Ne ares erence 975% ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation 4 Maintenance Essential Information Fuel Consumption and Costs Boiler Losses “Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Fuel Information Natural Gas 181.7 Million Btu/he 481.7 (000) ft3/hr Figure 4.3 Fuel use information ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation {and Haintenance Fuel Information $4.00 per Million Btus $4.00 per Met S727 Ihe Figure 4.4 Fuel use information Thermal Power Plant Operation andiaintenance Fuel Information Figure 4.5 Annual fuel costs UY Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Stack Losses Dry Gas Losses Moisture Losses 4.6 Stack Losses Thermal Power Plant Operation and Haintenance Stack Losses 18.6% As Found Conditions: ‘Oxygen 6.0% coz 8.4% Excess Air 35.8 Temperature 400F [205C] Figure 4.7 Stack losses measured using the Heat Loss method. Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenar Blowdown Losses 1.5% 6,000 lb/hr 4% Blowdown 2.8 Million Btu/hr Figure 4.5 Blowdown losses Thermal Power Plant Ope and Maintenance Boiler Surface Losses 3.2 Million Btu/hr Radiation & Convection Losses Figure 4.9 Radiation and convection losses from the boiler surface ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Efficiency 78% Stack Los: 18.6% seers | te ar Blowdown Losses Figure 4.12 When the percent losses are subtracted from 100% an approximation of efficiency is possible. “Thermal Power Plant Operation snd Maintenance Tune Up AsFound = Tuned Up Stack Losses 18.6% 16.8% Oxygen 6% 2.0% coz 8.4% 10% Excess Air 35.5% 9.3% Temperature 400F [205C] [Same] Figure 4.13 The first step in improving efficiency is to reduce excess air losses by tuning up a boiler. ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation rT and Maintenance Sources of Air Fuel Ratio Errors 1. Fuel: gravity, temperature, Btu content 2. Fuel System: pressure variations & wear 3. Combustion air: pressure, temperature, humidity fan performance, dampers & ducting 4. Exhaust system: back pressure variations, boiler fouling, stack effect & wind effect 5. Control system: fuel & air positioning accuracy, alignment, synchronization, repeatability & linearity oe or Tao wae 30 From ‘To Stack Losses 16.8% 14.1% Temperature 400F 250F [20 [izic) Figure 4.15 Reducing outlet temperature produces higher efficiency. YU Stack Temperature Checklist = Check for over firing .. Firesides deposits of soot and slag . Waterside deposits of scale and baked on sludge . Gas pass short circuits . Install economizer . Install air preheater . Reduce excess air . Install tabulators . Install condensing heat recovery PON Fao N a Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Blowdown Reduction As Found 1.6% Loss Optimized 0.13% Loss Btu Content of Water Dumped to Drain From 475 Btu/lb To 60 Btu/lb (92F - 33C) Figure 4.17 Blowdown heat recovery improvements. YU Efficiency As Found 78% Optimized Figure 4.18 Optimized efficiency Cost of Steam Fuel Water Water Treatment/Chemicals Labour/Operation Maintenance/Repairs Inspections Spare Parts Electricity (If Purchased) “Thermal Power Plant Operation Maintenance | Waste Heat Recovery H.R.S.G “Thermal Power Pant Operation and Maintenance Waste Heat Recovery Typical uses for waste heat energy are: >pange . Boiler feedwater heating Makeup water heating Combustion air preheating . Process heating . Domestic hot water Generating electricity YU Waste Heat Recovery Flue Gas Temperatures Above Steam Temperature aoflv2 Gas Terme F Above Steam Temp. oo S888 8858 The in ‘ano Maintenance Waste Heat Recovery Acid Eomwpetot 20 Frnor waowstansOOF (200 ) irure 12.2, The relationship of acid dewpoint aed water dowpotat io he formation of ale ‘rom the sulfv i fit. BE 15e3 oIppIW ABo}OUYD= prOMeH, ieee “PRY UE ANgTOS ayy wos spyoe Jo UOReULTOY Buf o} yuYOdmap s9}eM puE yuJodmep prow Jo diysuonElar ous, “z°Z] alnsiy [a omreredwo, eapiing. eu0z ojos eee PRY oping > Maaoday Jeay ayseAA aoueuazuley pue YolJe1adQ jue}g Jamog eWay, Waste Heat Recovery Temperature (F)/Z. 09 oh a UFR sso] I 144 300} Agic-D 10 280 rae Mefmum Hecommendea| 66 120 ater Dew Pout TSUaT—T ag oenage sie igs Temes ola ae Sulfur Content (%) — nev 135° we. — ae 25 { = i ‘ol, ‘Boer eae pe 125, Beoraar wn oes ad ngs Sisoekaneearteirenics Lb 1823 aIpPIW ABojouy>94 psemoH, aoueuaqureW pue uoresedo 3UR}d JaMog JeUOYL, ‘349 orm 989 s9poAoan 1 Fe of JOU 64 FuyY 405 pasn Bau UN Pio pir zezzuseuos9 at ut uoqsou0 pu pao josivo> oy pasnsojeayaidsartaipand “9-21 aundig “aaqeapeay ain Uy sea se F9]90q FANE LL, SENS OHA wT HOM asap AsaAoddy JeaH aISeM ona YY aor 1 Fate pen ceed ann weed Sept cea enna soy ood mi batng Soslneteee ek Spacers sy ond bag Seeks ree ek “Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Waste Heat Recovery Dew Point Temperature (F) Natural Gas a | esc ir Figure 12.7. Relationship between initia water vapor downto ue gasses ad the ences aleve YU ‘mal Power Plant Operation Maintenance Waste Heat Recovery Pate hea exchanger tor gence ‘Figure 12.16, Gasgas plate heat exchanger, “Thermal Power Pant Operation —______—af andiaintenance Waste Heat Recovery Figue 12:17, Outline of roxary aie heater H.R.S.G 9 38€3 oIPPIN ASoIoUyDe] LEME fuons9s, [>_> eee Patjeisul Atewozuoy eyo en Aq weais eleiaueb 0} fyjeomsh ouiginy seB e wey se6 JsneUKo staNpUOS OUI OMNIA BSUH Ieante,, »ONa qn} sgjsues way OSzHH ewozu0} ‘9SuH I Palle1sut Aijearian ay) jo asn Aq wieeys oyesoue6 o} AyeluozlioY eulginy seB e woy seB jsneyxo syonpuoa woZHOH edAL 9SYH aoueuaqurew pue woHje1adO quUeld JaMod JeWay, 2b 3803 a1ppIM ABOjOUy>aL premoy e2ueuaqurey pue uoesado qUe}g JaMog JULY, s2joWiayrs Wass a)A> pauiquiod parfijduns soueuaqurew pue uonesadg quejg JaMog [eWay Heat Recovery Steam Generator The heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is sometimes referred to as a waste heat recovery boiler (WHRB) or turbine exhaust gas (TEG) boiler. The latter designation indicates the main application for these units today - waste heat recovery and steam generation from gas turbine exhaust gas. The HRSG is a key element in a combined cycle plant affecting initial capital cost, operating cost, and overall cycle efficiency. int Operation and maint Heat Recovery Steam Generator HRSG’s are flexible in design depending upon the specific application. The gas flow through the can either be horizontal or vertical with a tradeoff being made between the cost of floor space for the horizontal flow unit and structural steel requirements of the vertical flow unit. The horizontal flow case is the most common in North America, while the vertical design is popular in Europe. HRSG’s are suitable for use with gas turbine sizes from a small 1 MW unit up to modern machines exceeding 250 mw. VY Thermal Power Plant OF and Waintenance Heat Recovery Steam Generator Depending on the cycle configuration, the HRSG may consist of one to four separate boiler circuits (high pressure, two types of intermediate pressure and low pressure) within the same casing. The high pressure boiler is used for power generation (up to 1005F (541C) superheat. The intermediate pressure boilers can be used for power generation, steam injection for NOx control (water or steam injected into the gas turbine combustor to limit NOx formation) and/or process steam. The low pressure boiler is normally used for feedwater heating and/or deaeration. Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) arrangement “Thermal Power Plant Operation Heat Recovery Steam Generator Operating pressures can range from 300 to 1800 psig (2068 to 12,410 kPa) for the high pressure and intermediate pressure sections and 30 to 100 psig (206.8 to 689.5 kPa) for the low pressure section. aes ony is respi caer el ait Seen cera ad oe een ry ‘Supplemental firing 2 eee area aor meta urady perme (2400 psig (2.76 MPa) Eee BEEP ayy 2 se Rimean arm Steam temperature up to 1005F (6410) Supplemental fuels #2 ol, natural ges Toble 4 HRSG Parameters Heat Recovery Steam Generator Technical considerations The HRSG is basically a counterflow heat exchanger composed of a series of superheater, reheater, boiler (or evaporator), and economizer sections positioned from gas inlet to gas outlet to maximize heat recovery and supply the rated steam flow at proper temperature and pressure. To provide the most economical and reliable design, it is necessary to evaluate the following: ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Heat Recovery Steam Generator 1. Allowable back-pressure - Back-pressure is, significantly influenced by the HRSG cross-sectional flow area. 2. Steam pressure and temperature - The steam pressure and temperature are selected to provide and economical design. 3. Pinch point and approach temperatures - The pinch point temperature and approach temperatures have a significant impact on overall unit size. Heat Recovery Fraction, % Temperature profile in single pressure HRSG Thermal Power Plant Operation Maintenar Heat Recovery Steam Generator 4, Stack outlet temperature - As with feedwater temperature, the minimum flue gas exit or stack temperature needs to be controlled to avoid corrosion due to acid condensation. 5. Load response and cycling requirements - Many HRSG’s today are cycled. 6. Emissions - Emission requirements can have a physical impact on the design of an HRSG. Depending on permit requirements and the type of fuels fired in the duct burner, an SCR or CO catalyst may be required. In some instances, it may be necessary to have both. ermal Power Plant and Maintenance Heat Recovery Steam Generator Unfired, naturat-circulation HRSG Supplementary-fired HRSG's Heat Recovery Steam Generator ‘ermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Exhaust-fired HRSG Options for improving energy recovery in HRSG's 79.383 eIppin ABojoMDa1 premeH S.OSUH Ul Alaaodas AB1aua BULACIUIL Jo} suoldo, ‘ron aii tes sm merase ‘sdf sara ony a2ueuaqurew pue UoHesedo que}g JaMog JeWaY | uon295 YW Catalyst arrangements for NOx, and CO reduction Heat Recovery Steam Generator Use of catalysts With stringent environmental regulations for carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, the use of catalysts for controlling emissions is becoming commonplace. Steam and water injection and modifications to the gas turbine combustor can reduce NOx levels to 30-40 ppm. However, some states require that NO, be reduced further to 9-15 ppm. Catalysts, in the form of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) can be used in the HRSG to achieve this lower emission level. Thermal Power| ana Maintenance Heat Recovery Steam Generator Turbine exhaust characteristics Two important variables that affect flow rate and temperature of the gas turbine exhaust are ambient temperature and load, as mentioned earlier. These parameters, in turn, affect HRSG performance. Thermal Power Plant and Maintenance Heat Recovery Steam Generator for Cheng Cycle Application In this system, a large quantity of steam is injected into a gas turbine to increase electrical power output. In addition, the ratio of process steam to electrical power can be varied by modulating the fuel input to the duct burner located between the superheater and the evaporator. ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Heat Recovery Steam Generator for Cheng Cycle Application Process steam or is {tz / ~ad xs TURBINE SUPERHEATER DUCT BURNER EVAPORATOR. Cheng Cycle System ant Operation Heat Recovery Steam Generator for Cheng Cycle Application Process Diagram 69 1583 2IPPIY ABoIOUL221 prEMEH e2ueuaquley pue woIe4ado Ue}q JaMog }EWaYy #uon205 2 oueomta worm ‘eee omen rey won) ‘Hon Ain ewer 40) eoveyeg wo eureL-10H0q 8 en ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation andaintenance Thermal Power Plant Operation ana Maintenance Steam Distribution Systems and Steam Trap Transporting a Source of Energy ® Electricity (from power plant users) through wires Natural gas (from gas plant to users) - pipelines/pumps Gasoline/petrol (from refinery to station) - by truck tankers Steam (from boiler house to user e.g. Turbine, industrial plant etc) through steam piping Loss of energy through distribution “Thermal Power Plant Operation Maintenance Single Extraction Steam Plant Pique 25, Single Eatnstion Stem Pat ZL 3883 e1ppIW ABOIOUWDAL prEMEH a2ueuaqurey pue Worerado que} Jamog ;PWaYL. wo1.295 seria eos HONE aputs “5-7 andy nevais asin saa unas ont omnes ‘unsaid UR} Wes UOI}9LIXq a]SuIs i ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Closed Cycle Steam Heating Plant ‘aan Figur 26, Closed Cyete Stam Hetng Pt. Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Steam Distribution Pressure Drop Ted aO0 waa + 10% cuok 185 550 cuit ware Hester Bay 68a 8s) 210%gh 85(bhe rrmal Pow 1d Maintenance Steam Mains and Drainage i Operation oo = Contessa ee a Tan tap at Fig. 103.2 Trp pocket oo small oo Pace ~ Carcenate Pree _ Si Aa Su Tape Fg. 10.33 Trap pocket propery sized “Thermal Power Plant Operation md Maintenance Steam Quality and Dryness = Saturated steam 97% dry - 480ml water/1kg steam = Saturated steam 96% dry - 960ml water/1kg steam = Saturated steam 91% dry - 1440ml water/1kg steam road Water Hammer and its Effect ~ Vacuums Steam ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Water Hammer How it Happens. Condensate Figure 5-6. Illustration of How Water Hammer Happens. Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Branch Line Connections Incorrect Condensate Concentric reducer Figure 10.37 Eccentric and concentric pipe reducer > > & wuse an my € > ere Figure $1. Moisture and Fasticle impingement nd Maintenance Flow Flow zi Tuming Nozzle Figure 5-2. Moisture and Pacticle Impingement Protection. 8 1823 eIppIW ABO}OUYDa, piemEH Fuons95 Sumy wo|suedxe pue ywod soysue eqa}EA “wujod pexy mnien ouyodid 0 weseig py oL Bi ‘v wuod giuied ‘2 aujod a aiujod vamjod soypuy ‘voddns burpys, ‘Buy iy uorsuedky roddns Guipys, voypuy =o (POLREISUy 8} Yromodid uoYr UOHEURdXe 405 r8DRds Jo ORD Ey OL By wontsod yo ——»F Lyibue) wontsod jen | Jano uorsuvdo sod ane —» peIeMo}e9 ye} ‘es pjoo 1918 uowtsog —>! ood saedg 7 yoddns pue uolsuedx saurq Wed}S5 a2ueuaqurew pur uonesedg qUe}g JeMog JPWdYy | ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Steam Lines Expansion and Support T ij dose Sig appt ‘Spenco ing ‘Sing spe, dost: aah nme poe =n Fa 1044 Dire ef ipte with nad ptt vara anchor pint nd epansio ting “Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Fig. 1045 Chair andlor Fig. 1046 Chair llr and sade “Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Tip sat Fig 1048 Horseshoe orlyre loop Expansion loops The I Pawer Plant Operation Maintenance Welded ant 2] due = 150 [eae Wied Fig. 104.9 Expansion loop VY soueuajurew pue Uore1ado jue}g Jamog jeWaYyL Hinged stay bars Long Axial distance ‘movernent Sinalt angular ‘movement xing point Figure 10.4.13 (c) Angular and axial movement of bellows Why Steam Traps? ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation and Maintona “The duty of a steam trap is to discharge condensate while not permitting the escape of steam” re Plant Operation Types of Steam Traps Thermostatic (operated by changes in fluid temperature) Mechanical (operated by changes in fluid density) Thermodynamic (operated by changes in fluid dynamics) Thermal Pow ang Maintenance Operation Thermostatic Steam Trap Fig. 11.210 Operation ofa bite stam trap with two leaf slement| (THERMOSTATIC) wer Plant Operation Mechanical Steam Traps Thermal Power Plant Operation ana Maintenance Ball Float Steam Trap 0. Air cock, Figure 11.3.1 Float trap with alr cock Figure 11.3.2 Float trap with thermostatic air vent £6 3803 a1ppIW ABojouN>eL premey don wears gmeuhpouow © 30 uopesedy Ly'11 “big e2ueuaquley pue uonesado que}g Jamog jeWay) Wey) apiny uo1Da}a5 e2ueuaqurey pue Yoneiado yue}g Jamog eWay uon205 SuULJOOYsa}qnol| des) wears 11 1563 aIPPIW ABOjoUy>] preAey ¥ von>es J wowdynbs won}oo}—p uoHeUNeWOD eLesuepUEY Z'5'PL “Bly ‘esq t aysen 01 ‘axesvapuco Paveunteruoy 1 osu m sno ayesuapung | ; 03498 2u) yGnong Moy sioword 7 2ouesisas pews e Buyears anjen yous, a}esSUsPUO) payeulWwe}UO) e2ueuazuleW pue uorresadg quelg JaMog JeWayL Contaminated Condensate =" wae SE oe i i cs ‘Thermal Power Plant Operation ane Maintenance COURSE RECAP COURSE RECAP Day 1 (0800 - 0815 | Registration & Coffee (0815 — 0830 _| Welcome & Introduction (0830 — 0845 | PRE-TEST ‘Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries 0845 1000 | Economizer & Feed Inlet Pipework Steam Drum & Circulation System © Primary Superheater © Secondary & Final Superheater © Reheater System © Dain € Hi Vcheat Sony: Septem = Baler Blows Dusan Syste 1000-1015 | Break ‘Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries (cont 101s 1209 | Combustion Air & Flue Gas System e Furnace & Windbox ¢ Burner Rows @ Burner Detail © Ignition Oil - Burner Rows @ Light Oil Supply & Return System_e Heavy Oil Supply & Return 7200 - 1300 _[ Lunch ‘Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries (contd) 1300-1445 | 500 Blowing System © Atomizing Steam System © Steam Coil Air Heater System © Fuel Additive System © Forced Draft Fans © Gas Recirculation Fans 1445 - 1500 _| Break ‘Steam Generator (Boiler) & Auxiliaries (cont’@ 1500-1550 | Induced Draft Fans © Air Preheater © Electrostatic Precipitator © Ash Handling System © SCR_¢ Flue Gas Desulphurization 1550-1600 | Recap 1600 End of Day One Day 2 ‘Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries 0300-1000 | Steant Jet Air Ejector SJAE_ © Waterbox Vacuum Pump © Condenser Tube Cleaning Systent CTCS for Condenser 1000-1015 _| Break Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries (cont’@) 1015-1200 | Debris Filter for Condenser © Tube Cleaning System for Closed Cooling Water H/EX_@ Debris Filter for Closed Cooling Water H/EX 7200 - 1300__| Lunch Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries (cont'd) 1300-1445 | Lube Oil System for Steam Turbine © Steam System for Steam Turbine @ Lube Oil Tank for Steam Turbine 1445 - 1500 _| Break ‘Steam Turbine Generator & Auxiliaries (contd) 1500-1550 | Hydraulic Fluid System for Steam Turbine © Boiler Feedwater Pump Turbine Driven BEPT 1550-1600 | Recap 1600 End of Day Two Day 3 Balance of Plant (BOP) 0800-1000 | Condensate System © Feed Water System © Aux Steam System © Steam Transformer @ Fuel Oil System 1000-1015 _| Break Balance of Plant (BOP) (con?) 1015-1209 | Clean and Dirty Oil System © Circulating Water System © FGD Supplementary Seawater Supply System © Auxiliary Cooling Water System © Compressed Air System 7200-1300 _| Lunch Balance of Plant (BOP) (contd) 1300-1445 | Service Air System © Instrument Air System @ Closed Cooling Water CCW System _» N Gas Systent 1445 ~ 1500 _| Break Balance of Plant (BOP) cont : Miscellaneous Seawater Supply System e Potable Water System & Service & 1500-1550 | Fe Water System « Distilisted Water Supply System © Lemineraliod Water Supply Syster (Make up Water System) 7550 - 1600 | Recap 1600 | End of Day Three Day 4 Electrical Equipment 0800-1000 | Generator Transformer © Unit Transformer & Station Transformer Auxiliary Transformer 1000 - 1015 Break Electrical Equipment (cont'd) 1015-1200 | sav Switchgear « LV Suitehgear 1200 - 1300. Lunch Electrical Equipment (contd) 1300-1445 | Chand UPS Syotem @ ECMS 1445 - 1500 Break Electrical Equipment (cont'd) 1500-1550 | rvectricity Power Metering System © Panel 1550-1600 | Recap 1600___| End of Day Four Day 5 T& C Equipment 800-1000 | Control Valve » CEMS 1000 - 1015 Break c T& C Equipment (cont'd) 1015-1200 | Condition Monitoring System 1200 - 1300. Lunch z 1 & C Equipment (cont'd) 1300-1430 | oi Metering Equipment 1430 - 1445 Break 1& C Equipment (contd) 145-1515 | riot instrument 7515 ~ 1530 _| Course Conclusion 1530-1545 _| POST-TEST 1545 - 1600 _| Presentation of Course Certificates 1600 End of Course’

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