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Dated: Oct 2017

To: The Secretary Health

Punjab Civil Secretariat

Subject: Application for Nomination as Member National Council for Homeopathy

On Provincial Reserved Seat - UAH Act 1965=2002 Clause 5(c)

Dear Sir,
With due regards, it comes to my notice through print media that Govt of Pakistan has
announced Homeopathic Election 2017 for National Council for Homeopathy. Govt has also to
nominate one member from each province on provincial reserved seats. I hereby apply for the
above-mentioned post on Provincial Reserved Seat for Punjab in the category of General
Homeopathic Practitioner UAH Act 1965-2002 Clause 5(c). As per requirement and eligibility, I
am a qualified Registered Homeopathic Practitioner and my name is mentioned in National
Council for Homeopathy Govt of Pakistan Practitioner List. My CV along with my credentials is
attached for your kind info and perusal please.

I have rendered services in the field of Homeopathy and also on social level. I have the
passion to work for the betterment of Homeopathic System of Medicine. Therefore, please
consider my application for Nomination so that my dreams may be fulfilled. I will be loyal with
the Punjab Govt and will help in providing healthcare services to our people of Pakistan.

Sincerely Yours

Homeopathic Doctor
Serial No at NCH Practitioners List: _______
Address: ____________________________
Cell. ________________________________
Email. ______________________________

Curriculum Vitae for Nomination

On Provincial Reserved Seat - UAH Act 1965=2002 Clause 5(c)

I. Personal Information: (Serial Number at NCH Practitioner List: )

S/O, D/O
Date of birth
N. I. C No.

Present Address

Phone No.
Mobile No.

II. Academic and Professional Qualifications:

Degree /
Year University / Board Institution Main Subjects
Any Professional
M.Phil (if any)
Ph.D (if any)

III. Welfare Activities and Experience in the Field of Homeopathic Science (if any):
Designation / Position / Name of Department / Years of Nature of Work / Duties/
Title Association experience Experience

Note: My all Personal, Academic and Professional Documents are attached.

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