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Cesar Vega

Dr. Auge
The Constitution of Hindus

In the new constitution of India, there is a vision of equality. This vision is thought
to be fair by the British governor generals and the people who signed it. The Muslim
League was wise enough to not sign it because they can see truth of the constitution,
specifically, part A in the constitution, Legislative Composition Concerning Minorities.
In this section, it describes how there be will representation of minorities and Hindus by
having reserved seats in proportions according to our population. It seems fair, until it
describes that everyone can vote for the Muslims, Sikhs, untouchables’ reserved seats.
This idea that anyone can vote for whomever leads to chaos for the minorities. The
representation would be of favor in the Hindus’ view. There is a majority of Hindus that
overrule all the minorities and therefore their votes towards reserved seats from
minorities will lead to false representation.
False representation is does not resemble the values and morals that a certain
population has or wants. Such false representation can lead to corruption and even to an
extinction of a certain population. There is a reason why there are Sikh, Muslim and
Hindu beliefs present in India because each of them has their own way of living. Muslim,
Sikh, and Untouchable representatives in the reserved seats will be corrupted by the
Hindu beliefs because only in that route will Hindus vote in favor of them. Hindus will
want people who are willing to abide in their beliefs because it will make their laws
become present among them. Although the constitution may say it is fair; it is absolutely
a route to a Hindu-India.
How will part A in the constitution lead to false representation? The population
numbers represent it all. There’s approximately a proportion of 300 million Hindus to
100 million Muslims (Carnes and Embree, pg. 9). Considering other minorities, the
Untouchables consist of 17%, and the Sikhs who are approximately 1-2% of the
population (Leader of the Muslim League, pg. 5). If these numbers aren’t enough to
prove that Hindus will overrule the votes of the minorities according to their desires, then
there is proof elsewhere. In the time when the British generals presented the constitution,
the majority of the vote was Hindus. The minority groups who were non-Hindu did not
vote for the constitution because they knew that this outcome of false representation
would occur. It is evident that the minority groups that are not associated with Hindu
beliefs will be overruled by Hindus. There’s more than just an overrule of Hindus but
corruption within representation. Azad, a congressman in the INC who is supposed
represent the Muslims, did not do so. Even he signed the constitution that would lead to
an extinction of Muslim identity. He adheres to Hindu beliefs and now Muslims are in
danger of becoming a part of a Hindu-India because of the population of the majority,
votes overruled by Hindu beliefs, and corruption of Hinduism in the reserved seats. It is
now a threat to Muslims more than ever, and therefore unified action is vital; it is through
Direct Action Day that the government will adhere to our request.
Direction Action Day is a day where Muslims will not partake in their work and
instead gather at their local mosque. This is a representation of unity and that as Muslims,
we will not participate in the threat of a Hindu-India. It is not only a threat to losing a
Muslim identity, but a threat to God. It is a threat to God because Hindu beliefs will reign
in India. If it is a threat to God, violence might even occur because God is above all. An
anti-Hindu coalition will be present in India and they do not necessarily have to be
Muslims as, this representation of Hindus is not just a threat to Muslim identity. All
these actions must be taken in order to ensure that our representation is not a false one. In
this route, we are ensuring that Muslim identity around India is present. We must not let
false representation of Muslims be present in reserved seats and therefore every Muslim
must represent their morals and beliefs as Muslims. Our request is to give us a Nation, to
give us Pakistan, and all of the potential violence can be prevented. In this, we look for
Gandhi to prevent this outcome of potential violence and convince his followers that
Pakistan is the route for justice.
Gandhi is worldwide viewed idol and he has many followers. His followers are
majority of Hindus who are endured with non-violent protests. He is also a man of
justice, and therefore if he is true to himself and others, he will have to support our
request. If he refuses to support our view, then he will be cause of the violence that can
potentially occur. The constitution is unjust and there will be consequences among those
who supported it. Those who did not support it, may we seek unity against Hindu-India.

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