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Examining the persistence of human Coronavirus 229E on fresh produce

Madeleine Blondin-Brosseau, Jennifer Harlow, Tanushka Doctor, Neda Nasheri

PII: S0740-0020(21)00045-9
Reference: YFMIC 103780

To appear in: Food Microbiology

Received Date: 4 December 2020

Revised Date: 24 February 2021
Accepted Date: 24 February 2021

Please cite this article as: Blondin-Brosseau, M., Harlow, J., Doctor, T., Nasheri, N., Examining the
persistence of human Coronavirus 229E on fresh produce, Food Microbiology (2021), doi: https://

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1 Examining the Persistence of Human Coronavirus 229E on Fresh

2 Produce

3 Madeleine Blondin-Brosseau1, Jennifer Harlow1, Tanushka Doctor1, and Neda Nasheri1, 2

4 1- National Food Virology Reference Centre, Bureau of Microbial Hazards, Health Canada,
5 Ottawa, ON, Canada
6 2- Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine,

7 University of Ottawa, ON, Canada

9 Corresponding author: Neda Nasheri

12 Abstract

13 Human coronaviruses (HCoVs) are mainly associated with respiratory infections. However, there

14 is evidence that highly pathogenic HCoVs, including severe acute respiratory syndrome

15 coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), infect the

16 gastrointestinal (GI) tract and are shed in the fecal matter of the infected individuals. These

17 observations have raised questions regarding the possibility of fecal-oral route as well as

18 foodborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV. Studies regarding the survival of

19 HCoVs on inanimate surfaces demonstrate that these viruses can remain infectious for hours to

20 days, however, there is limited data regarding the viral survival on fresh produce, which is

usually consumed raw or with minimal heat processing. To address this knowledge gap, we
22 examined the persistence of HCoV-229E, as a surrogate for highly pathogenic HCoVs, on the

23 surface of commonly consumed fresh produce, including: apples, tomatoes, cucumbers and

24 lettuce. Herein, we demonstrated that viral infectivity declines within a few hours post-

25 inoculation (p.i) on apples and tomatoes, and no infectious virus was detected at 24h p.i, while

26 the virus persists in infectious form for 72h p.i on cucumbers and lettuce. The stability of viral

27 RNA was examined by droplet-digital RT-PCR (ddRT-PCR), and it was observed that there is

28 no considerable reduction in viral RNA within 72h p.i.

29 Keywords

30 Human coronavirus, persistence, fecal-oral transmission, foodborne transmission, plaque assay,

31 droplet-digital RT-PCR, decay rate

33 Introduction

34 Coronaviruses that infect humans (HCoV) belong to alpha and beta genera of the Coronaviridae

35 family. Four common HCoVs (229E, OC43, HKU1, and NL63) are responsible for 10-30% of

36 common cold symptoms that can be mild to moderate (Perlman and Netland. 2009). SARS-CoV-

37 2, which is responsible for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, is a

38 betacoronavirus that uses angiotensin conversion enzyme 2 (ACE-2) for entry into the host cells.

39 ACE-2 is abundantly expressed in the epithelium of the respiratory tract as well as the oral

40 cavity, intestine and colon (Lamers, et al. 2020, Qian, et al. 2020). It is evident now that a

41 considerable proportion of COVID-19 patients demonstrate gastrointestinal symptoms including

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain (Cheung, et al. 2020, Zhou, et al. 2020,
43 Scaldaferri, et al. 2020). SARS-CoV-2 RNA has been detected in more than 50% of patients’

44 stool specimens (Wolfel, et al. 2020, Wang, et al. 2020, Huang, et al. 2020, Cha, et al. 2020), and

45 several studies have confirmed that the virus detected in stool is infectious (Xiao, et al. 2020,

46 Zhou, et al. 2020). Moreover, persistent fecal viral shedding has been observed in pediatric

47 patients (Xu, et al. 2020) and there is evidence that SARS-CoV-2 can replicate productively in

48 human enteroids and enterocytes (Lamers, et al. 2020, Zhou, et al. 2020). More recently, it was

49 demonstrated that multi-route mucosal inoculation (including oral inoculation) of African green

50 monkeys with SARS-CoV-2 results in infection in both the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract

51 (Hartman, et al. 2020), and orally inoculated golden Syrian hamsters develop respiratory and

52 intestinal infection (Chak-Yiu Lee, et al. 2020). Collectively, these observations suggest that

53 fecal-oral transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is possible.

54 Although the primary route of transmission for HCoVs is inhalation of contaminated respiratory

55 droplets and possible direct contact with contaminated fomites, there is concern that food could
56 also act as a vehicle of transmission if contaminated with HCoVs. Food may become

57 contaminated with HCoVs by contact with body secretions or fluids or by contact with soiled

58 hands. Also, HCoVs may become aerosolized via talking, sneezing, or coughing of food handlers

59 and then be deposited on food surfaces. Food not only may act as a fomite, but can also transport

60 the virus to the potentially susceptible oral cavity and the GI tract (Xu, et al. 2020). There is

61 evidence that certain HCoVs including HCoV-229E and MERS can survive GI conditions

62 including low pH, digestive enzymes and bile (Zhou, et al. 2017). If this is the case for SARS-

63 CoV-2, the relatively high viral titre in stool and rectal swabs of the infected individuals could be

64 explained by active viral replication in the GI tract. Furthermore, fecal-oral is the main route of

transmission for enteric coronaviruses such as swine coronaviruses (Wang, et al. 2019), canine
66 coronaviruses (Decaro and Buonavoglia. 2011), and equine coronavirus (Pusterla, et al. 2018) ,

67 demonstrating that these viruses are not sensitive to the GI fluids.


68 Although the results should be cautiously interpreted, China has reported the finding of SARS-

69 CoV-2 in imported frozen food commodities (Roxanne, 2020; Yusha, 2020), and it was shown

70 that the isolated virus from imported frozen cod is infectious in tissue culture (Liu, et al. 2020).

71 More recently, genetic evidence was provided that would link COVID-19 resurgence in Beijing

72 to cold-chain food contamination (Pang, et al. 2020). It was also demonstrated that this virus is

73 stable for weeks in cold storage (-80°C to +4°C) on artificially contaminated pork, chicken and

74 salmon (Fisher, et al. 2020). However, there is limited data on HCoVs survival on fresh produce.

75 Contamination of fresh produce may result in the transmission of not only the enteric viruses that

76 are traditionally considered foodborne pathogens, but also possibly respiratory viruses such as

77 adenoviruses, coronaviruses, and influenza viruses that can infect via contact with mucosal

78 membranes (O'Brien, et al. 2020). This is of particular concern for uncooked fruits and
79 vegetables. Additionally, food handlers infected with respiratory viruses could potentially

80 contaminate “cold foods” such as salads and sandwiches (Yepiz-Gomez, et al. 2013), and spread

81 the infection through various routes such as close contact and fomites. Thus, it is imperative to

82 examine the viral behaviour and inactivation on fresh produce.

83 Since working with SARS-CoV-2 requires biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory containment

84 conditions, the use of surrogate HCoVs have been suggested to expand the current knowledge on

85 coronavirus survival and inactivation under various conditions (Guillier, et al. 2020). For this

86 reason, we chose HCoV-229E as a surrogate virus, since it has similar physicochemical

87 -p
properties to the more virulent HCoVs responsible for MERS and SARS (Warnes, et al. 2015).

88 In this study, we examined the ability of HCoV-229E to retain infectivity on the surface of select
89 fruits and vegetables, and thus obtained representative survival data that can be used to conduct

90 risk assessments of SARS-CoV-2 transmission via food.


91 Materials and Methods


92 Cells and Viruses:


93 HCoV-229E and human embryonic lung cell line MRC-5 were obtained from the American

94 Type Culture Collection (CCL-171 and VR-740, respectively). Cells were grown at 37°C and

95 5% CO2 in culture media composed of Eagle’s minimal essential medium, supplemented with

96 0.23% (w/v) sodium bicarbonate, 500 µg/mL Penicillin-Streptomycin (ThermoFisher scientific),

97 1% Glutamax-1, 1% non-essential amino acids, and foetal bovine serum (FBS) 5% (v/v).

98 -Sample preparation:

99 Four different produce types, all purchased from local grocery stores in Ottawa, Ontario, were

100 tested: Royal Gala apples, Traditional Series tomatoes, English cucumbers, and Romaine lettuce
101 (PLU code 4173, 4799, 4593, and 4640, respectively). Ten time points were selected, in

102 triplicates: 0h, 0.5h, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 16h, 24h, 48h and 72h. For Romaine lettuce, only 4 time

103 points were tested: 0h, 24, 48h and 72h. Each of the produce items was rinsed with water, dried

104 with Kimwipes and disinfected with 70% ethanol. On the surface of each produce item, a 5cm by

105 5cm square was delimited using tape. For Romaine lettuce, the square was carefully drawn on

106 each leaf to include both the rib and the leafy part. This area was inoculated with 100µL of

107 HCoV-229E (ATCC VR-740, 5×105 PFU/mL). The liquid was spread using the tip of the

108 pipette, then allowed to fully dry for 1h. After the appropriate time lapse at ambient conditions

109 (22°C; relative humidity, 30% to 40%), the surface was sampled with a cotton swab, according

to the ISO/TS 15216-1:2017 (ISO. 2017) method, which was then placed into the MRC-5 culture
111 media previously described (Nasheri, et al. 2020). Samples were processed immediately after

112 swabbing.

113 Viral quantification:


114 - plaque assay:


115 Viral quantification and survival time were determined by plaque assay using MRC-5 cells. Cells

116 were grown at 37 °C and 5% CO2 in the culture medium previously described for up to three

117 days, before being seeded, transferred into 12-well plates at a targeted concentration of 5×105

118 cells/mL and incubated to reach a confluency of 80-90%. Samples were diluted in culture

119 medium and 100µL of at least two dilutions were used in duplicate to infect the prepared plates

120 for 90 min at 35°C and 5% CO2. Plates were manually rocked every 10 min during the infection

121 phase. Cells were then washed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and covered with 2mL of

122 overlay media, composed of a 50/50 mix of 2× culture medium previously described and 0.5%
123 agarose. Plates were incubated at 35°C and 5% CO2 for 3-4 days. Cell monolayers were fixed

124 using 3.7% paraformaldehyde for 4-16 h, freed from overlay plugs by running under tap water

125 and stained with 0.1% crystal violet for 20 min. Plaques were counted for each dilution to

126 determine the viral titre.

127 - Determining limit of detection

128 Each produce item was artificially inoculated with a serial dilution of the viral stock in triplicate.

129 At T0, the virus was extracted and assayed by plaque assay as described above. The plaques were

130 counted for each dilution and results were analyzed to determine the highest dilutions (lowest

titre) for which plaques were still obtained in triplicate experiments.
132 - Recovery rate calculation

133 The recovery efficiency was determined by calculating the ratio between the viral titre recovered

134 at T0 and the viral titre that was used to inoculate the sample.

( / )
135 Recovery rate (%): × 100
( / )

136 - Estimating the decay rate:

137 Viral decay rate was calculated as described previously (Long and Short. 2016). Briefly, linear

138 regressions of the natural logarithm of virus abundance versus time (in hours) was calculated.

139 The slope of the regressions represent the decay rate and when multiplied by 100, represent

140 percentage of infectivity lost per hour. Viral half-life was calculated by dividing ln(2) by the

141 slope.

142 - ddRT-PCR:
143 For each produce item, except lettuce, all triplicates of 10 time points were tested. Viral RNA

144 was isolated using a QIAamp viral RNA kit (QIAGEN) and diluted in sterile molecular biology

145 grade water (Corning). The QX200 ddPCR system (Bio-Rad) was used for quantification and all

146 PCR reactions were prepared using the One-Step RT-ddPCR Advanced Kit for Probes (Bio-Rad

147 Cat# 1864022). Primers used were previously described in (Vijgen, et al. 2005): Forward primer

148 229E-FP (5-TTCCGACGTGCTCGAACTTT-3; GenBank accession no. M33560; nt 474 to 493)

149 and reverse primer 229E-RP (5-CCAACACGGTTGTGACAGTGA-3; nt 523 to 543). A new

150 probe that would complement the primers and be compatible with TaqMan qPCR requirements

151 (ABI 7700 Users Manual) was designed by using Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT)

OligoAnalyzer tool. The new probe had the appropriate dissociation temperature and a minimal
153 likelihood for duplex or hairpin formation: 229E-PR (5’-/56-



155 contained 5µL of RNA, 1000 nmol/L of each primer, and 280 nmol/L of each probe. All samples

156 were tested in duplicate. Droplets were generated using the QX200 droplet generator (Bio-Rad)

157 according to the manufacturer’s protocols, and PCR was performed using the following cycling

158 conditions: an initial reverse transcription at 48°C for 30 min, followed by PCR activation at

159 95°C for 10 min and 45 cycles of amplification (15 s at 95°C and 1 min at 60°C). Droplets were

160 detected in the QX200 droplet reader and analyzed using the Quantasoft version (Bio-

161 Rad) software.

162 Results

163 Recovery Efficiency from Produce

164 As shown in Table 1, the recovery efficiency for infectious HCoV-229E from all the tested

165 commodities is well above 1%, with the highest recovery rate (10.8%) from tomatoes and the
166 lowest (4.1%) from cucumbers. The limit of detection (LOD) for each commodity is determined

167 as the lowest spiking concentration that produced plaques for all three replicates. As indicated in

168 Table 2, the LOD was approximately 125 PFU for tomatoes and apples, and 50 PFU for

169 cucumbers.

170 Persistence of infectivity

171 We artificially inoculated the surface of apples, tomatoes and cucumbers with 5×104 PFU of

172 HCoV-229E, which is consistent with the amount of virus that is typically exhaled by an infected

173 individual (Ma, et al. 2020). Figure 1 shows the persistence in infectivity of HCoV-229E at RT

174 -p
within 72 h p.i. The change in infectious viral titre is similar in apples and tomatoes with a

175 progressive decline in infectivity up to 16h p.i. (Figure 1, Table 3). No infectious viral particles
176 were isolated from tomatoes and apples at 24 h p.i., which demonstrates that viral infectivity is

177 reduced below the LOD (i.e. >3 log reduction). However, infectious viral particles were detected

178 on cucumbers up to 72 h p.i. Within the first 4 h p.i, viral infectivity reduces over 1 log on

179 tomatoes and apples (1.18 and 1.27 log, respectively), while the reduction on cucumbers is only

180 0.75 log (Table 3). The reduction in infectivity is less than 2 log at 24 h p.i on cucumbers and by

181 72 h p.i. reaches approximately 2.5 log. No infectious viral particles were detected on cucumbers

182 at 96 h p.i.

183 The median decay rate of HCoV-229E on apples and tomatoes was similar at 30%/h and 34%/h

184 respectively, while the median decay rate on cucumbers was considerably lower at 7.7%/h. The

185 median half-life of the virus on apples and tomatoes was 2.3h and 2.05h respectively and the

186 median half-life on cucumbers was 9.05h (Table 4).

187 Many factors might have contributed to the difference in viral survival on apples and tomatoes

188 compared to cucumbers, but we hypothesized that the difference in surface pH between the

189 examined produce could partly explained this observation. The surface pH of cucumbers (5.7) is

190 considerably higher than the surface pH of tomatoes and apples (4.2 and 3.9, respectively)

191 (McGlynn. 2016). For this reason, we examined viral survival on the surface of Romaine lettuce,

192 which has a surface pH close to cucumbers (5.8) (McGlynn. 2016). As shown in Figure 2,

193 similar to what has been observed for cucumbers, infectious HCoV-229E was consistently

194 isolated at 24, 48, and 74 h p.i from the surface of lettuce. The gradual pattern of infectivity loss

195 on lettuce resembles to what has been observed on cucumbers (Figure 2). This might indicate

that the surface pH might play a role in viral survival at ambient temperature.
197 Persistence of viral RNA

198 We next set out to investigate the persistence of viral RNA on the examined produce over 72

199 h.p.i. at ambient temperature. As demonstrated in Figure 2, no drastic reduction in viral RNA

200 titre was observed over a 72h p.i. period. On apples, tomatoes, and cucumbers, viral RNA

201 decreased by approximately 0.7 log, 0.5 log, and 0.3 log, respectively compared to T0,.

202 Altogether, these observations demonstrate that viral RNA is more resistant to degradation

203 compared to viral infectivity on the surface of produce.

204 Discussion

205 Currently, SARS-CoV-2 is not considered a foodborne virus, and to date, there is no conclusive

206 evidence of foodborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2. However, the traditional epidemiological

207 foodborne investigation is unlikely to be employed with COVID-19 patients. For example, it is

208 unlikely that infected people are asked to recall foods that they may have consumed during the

209 period when they became infected. Without this information, any association between SARS-
210 CoV-2 and foods cannot be made, and understanding the role of foodborne transmission remains

211 elusive. Obtaining this epidemiological information would be helpful for efficient contact-tracing

212 and source-tracking as about half of COVID-19 patients can not recall how and where they

213 contracted the virus (Tenforde, et al. 2020).

214 In this study, we used the ISO/TS 15216-1:2017 (ISO. 2017) method for the recovery of HCoV-

215 229E from the examined surfaces, and we assessed the recovery rates by plaque assay, which

216 indicate that the recovered viruses were infectious. The recovery range that we obtained was

217 from 4.09% to 10.77%, which is significantly higher than 1% recovery rate that is considered

218 -p
acceptable by the method. However, we speculate that the recovery efficiency would be higher if

the genetic materials were assessed instead of viral infectivity.


220 Environmental persistence of HCoVs has been examined by different groups, who have obtained

221 contradictory results (Aboubakr, et al. 2020). One study has shown that the stability of SARS-

222 CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 on dry surfaces at RT is similar, with no infectious virus being

223 retrieved after 72h p.i. (van Doremalen, et al. 2020), while, Chin et al recovered infectious

224 SARS-CoV-2 from plastic and stainless steel up to 7 days p.i. (Chin, et al. 2020). Keevil and

225 coworkers reported that HCoV-229E remains infectious for 5 days at RT on a range of surface

226 materials including glass and PVC, while it is rapidly inactivated on the surface of copper alloys

227 (Warnes, et al. 2015). In another study, more relevant to this work, it was shown that the

228 infectivity of HCoV-229E is completely abolished within 4 days p.i. on lettuce at 4°C (Yepiz-

229 Gomez, et al. 2013). Recently, it was demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 remains infectious on

230 salmon at RT for 2 days (Manman. 2020). Herein, we only examined viral survival at ambient

231 temperature and we have shown the infectivity of HCoV-229E is reduced to below LOD

232 followed by 24h incubation on tomatoes and apples, and 96h on cucumbers, and lettuce.
233 At this point, we speculate that the longer survival on cucumbers, and lettuce compared to apples

234 and tomatoes could be partly explained by the difference in surface pH of these commodities.

235 The influence of pH on the stability of several coronaviruses has been studied and it has been

236 shown that in general, coronaviruses are more stable at near neutral pH as compared to acidic or

237 alkaline pH (Aboubakr, et al. 2020). As such, the near neutral surface pH of cucumbers, and

238 lettuce (5.7, and 5.8, respectively), compared to the more acidic surface pH of tomatoes and

239 apples (4.2 and 3.9, respectively), could be more suitable for the survival of HCoV-229E

240 (McGlynn. 2016). It should also be noted that the LOD on cucumbers was lower compared to

241 apples and tomatoes (50 PFU compared with 125 PFUs, respectively). Thus, it is possible that

HCoV-229E remained infectious by 24 h p.i. on apples and tomatoes but the titre was below the
243 LOD. However, the decay rate on cucumbers is considerably slower compared to apples and

244 tomatoes (Figure 1 and Table 4), and the viral half-life on cucumbers is very close to the viral

245 half-life on plastic (van Doremalen, et al. 2020) (9.05h and 9.04h, respectively). Further

246 investigation is needed to determine whether the surface of apples and tomatoes has some

247 virucidal properties that may lead to a more rapid viral inactivation. Thus, our results are in

248 accordance with the previous findings that HCoVs lose their infectivity within a few days on

249 inanimate surfaces at RT (Sizun, et al. 2000). Therefore, if produce becomes contaminated with

250 HCoVs through irrigation or contaminated hands during pre- or post-harvest, while being stored

251 at ambient temperature, the risk will be considerably reduced by the time it reaches the

252 consumers. However, if the contamination occurs at the end of the food processing chain, for

253 example by infected personnel in a restaurant setting, where the prepared food is consumed

254 within a few minutes, there is a potential risk for infection (Zelner, et al. 2020, de Wit, et al.
255 2007). Although, to date there is no evidence that ingestion of SARS-CoV-2 could lead to

256 infection.

257 The persistence of viral RNA on the studied produce for several days despite the loss of

258 infectivity, can be explained by the high environmental resilience of the coronavirus shell, which

259 protects the viral genome (Goh, et al. 2020).

260 It should be noted that our study involved experimental inoculation of fresh produce with HCoV-

261 229E, and thus may not be fully representative of potential natural contamination. However, the

262 infectious titre of virus used for inoculation of samples in the current study is representative of a

worst-case scenario, if virus was found to be present on fresh produce. Herein, we attempted to
264 address an important knowledge gap regarding the survival of human coronaviruses on fresh

265 produce at ambient temperature, although to date, there is no conclusive evidence that food could

266 be a vehicle for SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Potential foodborne transmission poses important

267 public health implications and may partly explain the possible recurrence of the disease and its

268 persistent transmission. Thus, our results could support more robust decision‐making concerning

269 risk assessment for foodborne transmission of human coronaviruses.

270 Acknowledgements
271 The authors would like to thank Dr. Brent Dixon and Dr. Franco Pagotto from the Bureau of

272 Microbial Hazards for kindly reviewing the manuscript and providing insightful comments. This

273 study is financially supported by the Bureau of Microbial Hazards, Health Canada
274 Figure legends

275 Figure 1. Persistence of infectious HCoV-229E on commonly consumed fruits and vegetables.

276 Approximately 5×104 PFU HCoV-229E (100 µl viral stock) was applied to the tested surface and

277 incubated at ambient conditions (22°C; relative humidity, 30% to 40%). Virus was extracted and

278 assayed for infectivity at various time points as described in the text. The data represent the

279 average of three independent experiments. Error bars represent standard deviation.

280 Figure 2. Persistence of infectious HCoV-229E on Rromaine lettuce. Approximately 5×104 PFU

281 HCoV-229E (100 µl viral stock) was applied to the tested surface and incubated at ambient

conditions (22°C; relative humidity, 30% to 40%). Virus was extracted and assayed for
283 infectivity at various time points as described in the text. The data represent the average of three

284 independent experiments. Error bars represent standard deviation.


285 Figure 3. Persistence of viral RNA on commonly consumed fruits and vegetables.

286 Approximately 2×108 RNA copies of HCoV-229E (100 µl of viral stock) was applied to the

287 tested surface and incubated at ambient conditions (22°C; relative humidity, 30% to 40%). Virus

288 was extracted at indicated time points and viral RNA was quantified by ddRT-PCR. The data

289 represent the average of three independent experiments. Error bars represent standard deviation.


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435 Table 1. Recovered viral titre at T0 and recovery rate in percentage for each produce type. The
436 results are the mean of 3 independent experiments.
Produce Titer at T0 Recovery rate
(PFU/mL) (%)
Apple 1.45E+03 5.81
Tomato 2.69E+03 10.77
Cucumber 1.20E+03 4.09


439 Table 2. Detection of HCoV-229E on the surface of different produce. Samples were inoculated

440 with 104 to 101 PFU of HCoV-229E and examined by plaque assay at T0. ND is not detected.
Produce Viral Inoculum (PFU)
10,000 1000 500 250 125 50 10
Apple 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 ND ND
Tomato 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/3 ND

Cucumber 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 ND

442 Table 3. Log reduction in viral titre compared to T0. The results are the mean of 3 independent
443 experiments ± Standard Deviation.

Time point Apples Tomatoes Cucumbers

0.5h 0.09±0.01 0.09±0.05 0.10±0.01
1h 0.23±0.06 0.14±0.04 0.33±0.11
2h 0.90±0.12 0.68±0.05 0.38±0.11
4h 1.08±0.18 1.05±0.02 0.76±0.01
6h 1.27±0.08 1.18±0.06 0.79±0.04
16h 2.40±0.33 2.37±0.09 1.26±0.06
24h 3.16 3.43 1.92±0.15
48h 3.16 3.43 2.09±0.16

72h 3.16 3.43 2.48±0.035

446 Table 4. Decay rate (DR) in percentage and viral half-life (HL) in hours (h) on each produce
447 type. The results are the median of 3 independent experiments ± Standard Deviation.


DR (%) HL (h)
Apple 30±0.25 2.3±0.02
Tomato 34±0.1 2.05±0.06

Cucumber 7.7±0.6 9.05±0.75

450 Figure 1


Viral Titre (PFU/mL)

100 Apples

0 0.5 1 2 4 6 16 24 48 72

Hour Post-Inoculation

454 Figure 2.



Titre (PFU/mL)



0 24 48 72

Hours Post-Inoculation


459 Figure 3.




RNA Copies




0h 0.5h 1h 2h 4h 6h 16h 24h 48h 72h

Hours Post-Inoculation


• HCoV-229E remains infectious on the surface of apples and tomatoes for 16h
• HCoV-229E remains infectious on the surface of cucumbers and lettuce for 72h
• Viral infectivity decay rate is significantly slower on cucumbers compared with apples and
• Viral RNA remains stable on all produce with no significant decrease

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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