Personal Insight Question 1

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Personal Insight Question

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have

positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed
to group efforts over time.
There is one time that I can recall that I do get to showcase my leadership skills like the
time I was doing my Eagle Scout Project that involved me doing the planning and the
setup including getting the funds. On the first day I have to be the first there at the
location while waiting for everyone else to come so I can provide a quick meeting about
how the day will work. I even have to provide a quick meeting about if anyone of my
volunteers have quick questions about their task they were assigned along with if they
wonder about if a first aid kit is provided. I took part in the setup by helping my
volunteers to get the task done along with being available when I was needed with
some decisions that can affect the progress of my project. There was a moment where I
had to make the decision to get a different paint for the hallway that has a thicker coat
or another time where I have to agree with the idea to recolor the mural. I even have to
keep staying organized to stay on track to be sure that I can be prepared when there is
any obstacle that I will potentially come across. I even check in on my volunteers to see
how they are doing and to provide any updates on upcoming breaks or lunch. I used my
time in the leader role to express how I will have a schedule and care about my
volunteers' health hopefully being the best leader I can be. Since some of my volunteers
are from Boy Scout Troop and my family and used the opportunity to show them what I
can do in the role of a leader by the final results of the project.

Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many

ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and
artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative
They usually say that inspirations can come from anywhere like if there was a source
where you can brainstorm an idea pop up. I can remember one time when in ninth
grade when we had to do a project on career’s my group picked marine biologist as our
main topic for our project. During the process me and my group took advantage of the
materials that have a similar theme like the borders with anchors along with some
pictures of some marine life. I eventually have an idea that will involve using some of
the available colored paper for a concept I thought of that will lead to the idea to make
fishes where the information can be put on. My group members agree with the idea that
thinking is something unique because I want to make our poster look different from a
usual project that will stand out from the rest. So I went with the idea of getting our
project to receive some attention when it was showcased along with other projects for
an assignment. I also know another time where I had an assignment where I was
supposed to design the number to represent the amendments. I admit some of them
were simple but there was one that was my favorite which is the first amendment that
involves the creation of the ones of freedom. It involves having four number ones to
represent a part of the amendment; it is one of my favorite creative drawings. It kind of
bothers me that the drawing didn’t get to be showcased to the class since the second
amendment drawing caught my teacher's attention more mainly because it’s the number
two decked out like it’s rambo at least there was one that a lot enjoyed to see to be

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you
have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.
They say that inspirations can come from anywhere that can be a part of what you want
to be or study in when you get to college. I have planned to study the subject of
environmental science. I always have an interest in the outdoors and the animals that
inhabit the biomes. It started when I used to watch pbs kids at my grandma house on
her TV. There was one show I was always excited to see which was Fetch with Ruff Ruff
Man and Zoboomafoo. Those shows entertained me when I was in elementary and
gave me knowledge that my classmates at the time didn’t know about in addition that
my mom even told me some science related facts. Especially my time when I first joined
Boy Scouts that gave me the opportunity to see the environment and do activities that
increase my interest to make me want to do more that is related to the environment. I
still have great memories out on the trails with my troop like the yearly tradition where
we spend a week out in the mountains which can be hard to go through at some point
but a good memory to look back on today. I am even currently taking AP environment
making me more excited to learn more about my interest and hoping that I can make a
name out of myself since I am also in ESET academy currently at my high school that
took part in helping me realize what I want to do after I graduate high school. I am even
hoping that I can still find the enjoyment pursuing that interest when I get to college that
will help me to get a bachelor’s degree once I get there, remembering how and what got
me to have an interest in the subject.

What have you done to make your school or your community a better
I did many volunteer work and projects that did benefit the community or my school but
my biggest achievement was my Eagle Scout Project because it gave me an
opportunity to do a project that will benefit the Catechism School at my church. I contact
the head of the school to figure out a potential project I can do, soon settling down with
a proposed project to repaint the halls, adding classroom signs, and a mural addition of
Jesus Christ with children. Once the project was approved I proceeded by getting the
funds from donations and fundraising along with recruiting volunteers to help with the
halls and mural. Work soon started on the first day with all the equipment where
everything went fine until I realized that the paint I bought wasn’t thick enough to paint
the wall in one coat wasting the gallon of paint faster. I have to get a thicker paint that
can cover most of the hall from one gallon. From there it went fine till we got to the point
it’s time to move on to one of the final phases which is the mural that took up a wall in
one of the hallways. The initial design went under small changes during the progress in
terms of color choices and additional details even going through a situation where a
redesign was needed at some parts while I included the classroom signs and the
inspirational quote by the mural. There was even an addition of the school name on one
of the halls finally giving the school it’s name since they didn’t have a proper school sign
where you can look at and know what the school is. The head of the school was even
inspired to make other renovations to the school who even received the leftover
equipment as a donation. Once the mural was finished it made me glad that we finished
a project that will be a great site for the students to see when they returned after the
pandemic bringing them inspiration to brighten their day.

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