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Certified Nursing Assistant Project Hours

Makena Jensen

1-11-2021 5:00-6:00
First zoom class of the semester. We discussed expectations for the class and the overview of
the course.

1-13-2021 12:00- 1:00

I took unit 1 notes for homework and learned about what would be learned about in unit 1.

1-13-2021 3:00- 5:00

Unit 1 homework. Education and Credentials and Qualities of a Nursing Assistant: Personality

1-14-2021 10:30- 11:00

Unit 1 homework. Qualities of a Nursing Assistant: Appearance module

1-19-2021 10:30-11:00
Unit 1 homework. Healthcare Teams module

1-20-2021 4:00-9:00
Lab day #1. Pre-op steps were gone over which included hand-washing, unoccupied
bed-making, occupied bed-making, the proper way to remove gloves, and the proper way to
wash hands. Skills were practiced, including blood pressure, fluid output measuring, denture
care, hearing aid care, Heimlich maneuver, and lifts.

1-25-2021 4:00-9:00
Lab day #2. Pre and Post Steps were reviewed. Automatic and manual blood pressure were
taught and practiced. Bedpan placement and removal were taught as well as bedside manner.
We were taught how to clean catheters and how to care for them. Vital signs were taught,
including respiration and pulse.

1-30-2021 4:00- 5:00

Unit 1 Homework. Legal Conduct and Scope of Practice module.

2-1-2021 5:00- 6:30

Discussed expectations for skill videos over zoom.
2-8-2021 2:00-8:00
Completed Skillset 1&2 which includes fingernail care, foot care, dressing, and applying a
support sock. Zoom class took place from 5:00- 6:00 and the next lab day was discussed as well
as the next skill set.

2-10-2021 4:00-7:30
Lab day 3. We practiced perineal care, bed baths, and wheelchair transfers. I tested out of blood
pressure and took lab pictures.

2-13-2021 2:00-5:30
Filmed skillset 3& 4 which comprised of side-lying positioning, supine positioning, passive range
of motion including (elbow, shoulder, knee, hip, ankle)

2-17-2021 5:00- 7:30

Zoom on skills 5&6 as well as discussion number 1.

2-19-2021 8:00-9:30
Unit 2 fill-in notes in manual and vocab notes

2-20-2021 10:00- 12:00

Completed unit 2 modules: Human Growth and Development, Early Adulthood, and Late

2-21-2021 1:00-7:00
Redoing skillset 1 due to technical issues and completing skillset 5&6

2-23-2021 4:00-7:00
Completed unit 2 online modules: Late adulthood, Elderly Patients, Effects of Aging, Grief and
2-28-2021 12:00-4:00
Completed unit 3 modules and manual notes. Unit 3 is on Communication.

3-1-2021 6:00-9:00
Discussion 3 and test 3. Unit four manual notes.

3-2-2021 10:00- 12:00

Completed Unit 4
3-3-2021 6:15-8:00
Unit 4 discussion and test.

3-15-2021 3:00- 9:00

Unit 5 notes and Modules. Unit 5 discussion and test. Unit 6 notes and modules (Activities of
Daily Living, Skin Observations, Patient Comfort, Bathing.)

3-17-2021 2:00-2:35
Finished unit 6 modules.

3-17-2021 6:15-8:00
Unit 6 discussion and test.

3-21-2021 10:00-12:30
Unit 7 notes and 2 modules.

3-22-2021 6:15-8:00
Unit 7 discussion and test

3-24-2021 5:00-8:00
Unit 8 Modules. Unit 8 discussion and test.

3-29-2021 11:00-12:30
Unit 9 notes and modules.

3-29-2021 6:15-8:00
Unit 9 discussion and test.

4-5-2021 5:30-7:30

4-7-2021 5:30-7:30

Total Hours: 79

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