Frit 7739 Instructional Design DC Unit

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FRIT 7739 Practicum in Instructional Technology

Digital Citizenship Collaborative Unit

April Davis and Shana Lampman

Dr. Downs
Spring 2021
Identification of Learning Problem

The target audience is 7th grade Math classes at Willie J Williams Middle School in

Moultrie, Georgia. There are 109 students enrolled in these classes and their ages range from 12

to 13 years of age. These students are online students and were chosen in part because of them

learning online. After talking with Mrs. Lampman about her classes that were online, we

decided that digital footprints and cyberbullying would be good topics for these students to learn

about. The students are technology savvy and are on social media sites every day. The students

need to be aware that their profiles can be accessed and teaching them about digital footprints

and what they put out there on the internet is important. With the students being online there still

exist bullying, just in the form of cyberbullying. Students need to be taught that any form of

bullying is not tolerated and how to report when it exists.

Learner Analysis

Willie J. Williams is a middle school in Colquitt County that includes 6th and 7th grades.

Willie J. Williams has a population that is 51% economically disadvantaged. The students in this

group of seventh graders are from 12 to 13 years old. There are 107 students which is composed

of 53% boys and 47% girls. None of the students have been identified as students with

disabilities. The unit will include learning activities that incorporates videos, a slide

presentation, reading materials and resources, and assessments. With these students learning

online throughout the year they may have experienced some form of cyberbullying and need to

be aware of how to report and be an upstander for someone who they may know is being bullied.

Instructional Goals
This learning module incorporates several resources including videos from Common

Sense Education, Graduate Recruitment Agency, Watch WellCast and a presentation developed

with Prezi. Upon completion of the lessons on Digital Footprints and Cyberbullying students

will be able to:

● Define the term “digital footprints” and explain how it can affect their online privacy.

● Identify ways to be an upstander or ally to someone being bullied in a cyberbullying


Task Analysis

I will be performing a procedural analysis. The students in these 7th grade classes will

follow steps to complete a lesson on Digital Footprints and a lesson on Cyberbullying. These

lessons will teach the students how to leave favorable, minimal footprints and how to identify

and handle instances of cyberbullying.

Digital Citizenship: Digital Footprints and Cyberbullying

Task 1 Students will watch introduction video on Digital Footprints to introduce/review

Watch what digital footprints are and how they can protect themselves while on the
Powtoon internet.

Task 2 Complete quiz Assessment will be used to find out what students already know
Complete What Do You about Digital Footprints
Assessment Know?

Task 3 Lesson 1: Digital Footprints

Watch Students will watch the video from Common Sense Education on what is in your
“What’s in digital footprints.
your Digital

Task 4 Lesson 1: Digital Footprints

Watch “What Students will watch the video from Graduate Recruitment Agency to help students
is a Digital understand the importance of a digital footprint.

Task 5 Digital Assessment will be used to find out what students learned about
Complete Footprints Digital Footprints after watching the two short videos.
Assessment Assessment

Task 6 Lesson 2: Cyberbullying

Watch “How Students will watch the video from Watch WellCast looking at the effects of
to Beat cyberbullying and ways to end it.

Task 7 Lesson 2: Cyberbullying

Prezi Students will go through Prezi presentation on Cyberbullying.

Task 8 Cyberbullying Assessment will be used to find out what students learned about
Complete Assessment Cyberbullying after watching the short video and going through
Assessment the Prezi presentation.

Task 9 Students will end the Digital Citizenship learning unit with a class collaboration
Class on Padlet by entering one statement they learned about Digital Footprints and
Collaboration Cyberbullying.
on Padlet

Development of Assessments

Pre-Assessment: A pre-assessment was created in collaboration with Mrs. Lampman for the

Digital Citizenship online learning module. This was a four-question assessment to see what

students already knew about Digital Footprints based on the Powtoon video that was developed

by April Davis. The results showed that 45 students out of 63 scored a 3 out of 4 total points on

the pre-assessment. There were 18 students that scored below 3 points.

Lesson 1: Digital Footprints

Learning Objective: Define the term “digital footprints” and explain how it can affect their

online privacy.
Assessment: Assessment is a six-question quiz to be used to find out what students learned

about Digital Footprints after watching the two short videos. This quiz is offered in multiple

choice format. The assessment is worth 10 points and students are expected to make a minimum

of 70%.

Lesson 2: Cyberbullying

Learning Objective: Identify ways to be an upstander or ally to someone being bullied in a

cyberbullying incident.

Assessment: Assessment is a four-question quiz to be used to find out what students learned

about Cyberbullying after watching the short video and going through the Prezi presentation.

The assessment is worth 4 points and students are expected to make a minimum of 75%.

UDL Principles: The quiz is offered as multiple choice and short answer which will follow the

principle of multiple means of expression.

Formative Evaluation

This online learning module provides instruction for online students in the seventh grade

and was created during FRIT 7739: Instructional Technology Practicum. Mrs. Lampman’s

classes consisted of 107 online students. A pre-assessment was created in collaboration with

Mrs. Lampman for the Digital Citizenship online learning module. This was a four-question

assessment to see what students already knew about Digital Footprints based on the Powtoon

video that was developed by April Davis. The results showed that 45 students out of 63 scored a

3 out of 4 total points on the pre-assessment. There were 18 students that scored below 3 points.

Out of 107 students there was 49 students that completed the Lesson 1 assessment for Digital

Footprints with 32 students scoring 90% or better. On Lesson 2 assessment for Cyberbullying
there were only 38 students that completed the assessment with 33 students scoring 75% or

better. This online module was originally created in Google Sites under my Georgia Southern

account. When the module was ready for the students to start learning using this module there

was a big problem, no students could open the module or see it. After talking with one of the

Network Administrators at our district, he concluded that because using my college account to

create the online module we could unlock our security level and have students access the

module. I had to then copy the module over under my Colquitt County account and this fixed

the security problem. Another problem occurred because of the age students we have. The

videos that I have embedded into the learning module cannot be seen by students because the

district must block any sites that are not considered safe for our students. The only recourse I

had was to screen record the videos and add those links to my online module. The quality of

those videos was poor but that was the only choice I had. I also used Pearltrees for my curation

tool for resources on Digital Footprints and Cyberbullying and that was another blocked link in

the module so I had create another curation list in Listly. I would probably change the pre-

assessment at the beginning of the module to a Padlet activity.

Appendix A

Digital Footprints Assessment
Cyberbullying Assessment

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