2020-2021 Formal Peer Observation - Teacher Evaluation

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Comprehensive Evaluation 2020-2021

Formal Observation Peer

for Vazquez, Sheila Marie
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A  Connie Elizabeth Pilkinton 03/25/2021 at 11:23 AM Formal Observation Peer

Standard I: Teachers Demonstrate Leadership

Element Ia. Teachers lead in their classrooms.
Teachers demonstrate leadership by taking responsibility for the progress of all students to ensure that they graduate from high school, are globally competitive for work
and postsecondary education, and are prepared for life in the 21st century. Teachers communicate this vision to their students. Using a variety of data sources, they
organize, plan, and set goals that meet the needs of the individual student and the class. Teachers use various types of assessment data during the school year to
evaluate student progress and to make adjustments to the teaching and learning process. They establish a safe, orderly environment, and they create a culture that
empowers students to collaborate and become lifelong learners.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Understands how Takes responsibility 0 ...and 0 ...and
they contribute to for the progress of Communicates to Encourages
students students to ensure students the vision students to take
graduating from that they graduate of being prepared responsibility for
high school. from high school. for life in the 21st their own learning.
1 ...and
1 Uses data to 0 ...and
understand the Provides evidence 0 ...and Uses classroom
skills and abilities of data driven Evaluates student assessment data to
of students. instruction progress using a inform program
throughout all variety of planning.
classroom assessment data.
activities. 0 ...and
0 ...and Empowers and
1 ...and Creates a encourages
Establishes a safe classroom culture students to create
and orderly that empowers and maintain a
classroom. students to safe and
(Observation) collaborate. supportive school
(Observation) and community

Element Ib. Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school.

Teachers work collaboratively with school personnel to create a professional learning community. They analyze and use local, state, and national data to develop goals
and strategies in the school improvement plan that enhances student learning and teacher working conditions. Teachers provide input in determining the school budget
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and in the selection of professional development that meets the needs of students and their own professional growth. They participate in the hiring process and
collaborate with their colleagues to mentor and support teachers to improve the effectiveness of their departments or grade levels.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Attends Participates in 1 ...and 0 ...and
professional professional Assumes a Collaborates with
learning learning leadership role in colleagues to
community community. professional improve the quality
meetings. 1 ...and
learning of learning in the
Participates in community. school.
1 Displays awareness
of the goals of the developing and/or 1 ...and 0 ...and
school implementing the Collaborates with Assumes a
improvement plan. school school personnel leadership role in
improvement plan. on school implementing
improvement school
activities. improvement plan
throughout the

Element Ic. Teachers lead the teaching profession.

Teachers strive to improve the teaching profession. They contribute to the establishment of positive working conditions in their school. They actively participate in and
advocate for decision-making structures in education and government that take advantage of the expertise of teachers. Teachers promote professional growth for all
educators and collaborate with their colleagues to improve the profession.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Has knowledge of Contributes to the 1 ...and 0 ...and
opportunities and improvement of the Promotes positive Seeks opportunities
the need for profession through working to lead professional
professional professional relationships growth activities
growth and begins growth. through and decision-
to establish 1 ...and
professional making processes.
relationships with Contributes to the growth activities
colleagues. establishment of and collaboration.
positive working
1 ...and
Contributes to the
school's decision-
making processes
as required.

Element Id. Teachers advocate for schools and students.

Teachers advocate for positive change in policies and practices affecting student learning. They participate in the implementation of initiatives to improve the education
of students.
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Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Knows about the Supports positive 0 ...and 0 ...and
policies and change in policies Participates in Actively
practices affecting and Practices developing policies participates,
student learning. affecting student and practices to promotes, and
learning. improve student provides strong
learning. supporting
evidence for
implementation of
initiatives to
improve education.

Element Ie. Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards.

Teachers demonstrate ethical principles including honesty, integrity, fair treatment, and respect for others. Teachers uphold the Code of Ethics for North Carolina
Educators (effective June 1, 1997) and the Standards for Professional Conduct adopted April 1, 1998.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Understands the Demonstrates 0 ...and 0 ...and
importance of ethical behavior Knows and upholds Models the tenets
ethical behavior as through adherence the Code of Ethics of the Code of
outlined in the to the Code of for North Carolina Ethics for North
Code of Ethics for Ethics for North Educators and the Carolina Educators
North Carolina Carolina Educators Standards for and the Standards
Educators and the and the Standards Professional for Professional
Standards for for Professional Conduct. Conduct and
Professional Conduct. encourages others
Conduct. to do the same.

Pilkinton, Connie Elizabeth: Ms. Vasquez is a memeber of several Early Childhood organizations and has recently renewed her membership for NAEYC. She was also chosen to be a ClassTag Advisor and is
training some new teachers at her site how to use the application. She is also working with her administration on developing plans for a school remodel and talking about the needs of the school. She
participates in PLC's bi monthly and plans with other PK teachers from her site.

Standard II: Teachers Establish a Respectful Environment for a Diverse Population of Students

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Element IIa. Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults.
Teachers encourage an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive, and flexible.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Appreciates and Establishes an 0 ...and 0 ...and
understands the inviting, respectful, Maintains a Encourages and
need to establish inclusive, flexible, positive and advises others to
nurturing and supportive nurturing learning provide a nurturing
relationships. learning environment. and positive
environment. learning
environment for all

Element IIb. Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and in the world.
Teachers demonstrate their knowledge of the history of diverse cultures and their role in shaping global issues. They actively select materials and develop lessons that
counteract stereotypes and incorporate histories and contributions of all cultures. Teachers recognize the influence of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and other aspects
of culture on a student's development and personality. Teachers strive to understand how a student's culture and background may influence his or her school
performance. Teachers consider and incorporate different points of view in their instruction.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Acknowledges that Displays knowledge 0 ...and 0 ...and
diverse cultures of diverse cultures, Uses materials or Promotes a deep
impact the world. their histories, and lessons that understanding of
their roles in counteract cultures through
1 Demonstrates shaping global stereotypes and the integration of
awareness of the issues. acknowledges the culturally sensitive
diversity of contributions of all materials and ideas
students in the 1 ...and cultures. throughout the
classroom. Acknowledges the curriculum.
influence of race, 0 ...and
ethnicity, gender, Consistently 0 ...and
religion, socio- incorporates Capitalizes on
economics, and different points of diversity as an
culture on a view in instruction. asset in the
student's classroom.
development and

Element IIc. Teachers treat students as individuals.

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Teachers maintain high expectations, including graduation from high school, for students of all backgrounds. Teachers appreciate the differences and value the
contributions of each student in the learning environment by building positive, appropriate relationships.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Holds high Communicates 0 ...and 0 ...and
expectations of high expectations Encourages and Helps students
students. for all students. values hold high
contributions of expectations for
students, themselves and
regardless of of their peers.
background or

Element IId. Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs.
Teachers collaborate with the range of support specialists to help meet the special needs of all students. Through inclusion and other models of effective practice,
teachers engage students to ensure that their needs are met.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Recognizes that Collaborates with 0 ...and 0 ...and
students have a specialists who can Understands the Anticipates the
variety of learning support the special roles of and unique learning
needs. learning needs of collaborates with needs of students
students. the full range of and solicits
1 Is knowledgeable of support specialists assistance from
effective practices 1 ...and to help meet the within and outside
for students with Provides unique special needs of all the school to
special needs. learning students. address those
opportunities such needs.
as inclusion and 0 ...and
research-based, Effectively engages 0 ...and
effective practices special needs Adapts instruction
for students with students in for the benefit of
special needs. learning activities students with
and ensures their special needs and
unique learning helps colleagues do
needs are met. the same for their

Element IIe. Teachers work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students.
Teachers recognize that educating children is a shared responsibility involving the school, parents or guardians, and the community. Teachers improve communication
and collaboration between the school and the home and community in order to promote trust and understanding and build partnerships with all segments of the school
community. Teachers seek solutions to overcome cultural and economic obstacles that may stand in the way of effective family and community involvement in the
education of their students.
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Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Responds to family Communicates and 0 ...and 0 ...and
and community collaborates with Recognizes Promotes trust and
concerns. the home and obstacles to family understanding
community for the and community throughout the
benefit of students. participation and school community.
seeks solutions to
overcome them.

Pilkinton, Connie Elizabeth: Ms. Vasquez's class is very positive and nurturing. She has pictures of the children throughout the room and pictures of their families. During the building study she is
incorporating the types of homes her children live in. In the book center, she has diverse books for her children to explore. During the observation, it was noted that Ms. Vasquez went over expections for
various activities. When one child was having a hard time, she reminded him of his calm down strategies and gave him time so that he could rejoin the group discussion. Throughout the year, Ms. Vasquez
has used a variety of methods to communicate with families. She has included family acvitivies to help connect what they are doing at school to home. Possible next steps: begin including individual plans
onto lesson plans and who is going to be in the small groups Using initials instead of names for confidentially purposes.

Standard III: Teachers Know the Content They Teach

Element IIIa. Teachers align their instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
In order to enhance the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, teachers investigate the content standards developed by professional organizations in their specialty
area. They develop and apply strategies to make the curriculum rigorous and relevant for all students and provide a balanced curriculum that enhances literacy skills.
Elementary teachers have explicit and thorough preparation in literacy instruction. Middle and high school teachers incorporate literacy instruction within the content
area or discipline.

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Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Demonstrates an Understands the 0 ...and 0 ...and
awareness of the North Carolina Develops and Assists colleagues
North Carolina Standard Course of applies strategies in applying such
Standard Course of Study and uses it in based on the North strategies in their
Study and preparation of Carolina Standard classrooms.
references it in the lesson plans, and Course of Study
preparation of applies strategies and standards 0 Elementary: Makes
lesson plans. to make the developed by necessary changes
curriculum professional to instructional
1 Elementary: Begins rigorous and organizations to practice to improve
to integrate literacy relevant. make the student learning.
instruction in curriculum
selected lessons. 1 Elementary: balanced, rigorous 0 Secondary: Makes
Integrates effective necessary changes
0 Secondary: literacy instruction and relevant. to instructional
Recognizes the throughout the 0 Elementary:
practice to improve
importance of curriculum. Evaluates and student learning.
integrating literacy reflects upon the
strategies within 0 Secondary: effectiveness of
the content areas. Incorporates a wide literacy instruction.
variety of literacy
skills within 0 Secondary:
content areas to Evaluates and
enhance learning. reflects upon the
effectiveness of
literacy instruction
within content

Element IIIb. Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty.
Teachers bring a richness and depth of understanding to their classrooms by knowing their subjects beyond the content they are expected to teach and by directing
students' natural curiosity into an interest in learning. Elementary teachers have broad knowledge across disciplines. Middle school and high school teachers have depth
in one or more specific content areas or disciplines.

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Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Demonstrates a Demonstrates an 0 ...and 0 ...and
basic level of appropriate level of Applies knowledge Extends knowledge
content knowledge content knowledge of subject beyond of subject beyond
in the teaching in the teaching the content in content in their
specialty to which specialty to which assigned teaching teaching specialty
assigned. assigned. specialty. Motivates and sparks
students to students' curiosity
investigate the for learning beyond
content area to the required
expand their course work.
knowledge and
satisfy their natural

Element IIIc. Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines.

Teachers know the links and vertical alignment of the grade or subject they teach and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Teachers understand how the
content they teach relates to other disciplines in order to deepen understanding and connect learning for students. Teachers promote global awareness and its relevance
to subjects they teach.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Understand the Demonstrates 0 ...and 0 ...and
links between knowledge of links Demonstrates Collaborates with
grade/subject and between knowledge of the teachers from
the North Carolina grade/subject and links and vertical other grades or
Standard Course of the North Carolina alignment of the subject areas to
Study. Standard Course of grade or subject establish links
Study. area and the North between
1 Displays global Carolina Standard disciplines and
awareness. 1 ...and Course of Study. influence school-
Promotes global Relates content to wide curriculum
awareness and its other disciplines. and teaching
relevance to the practice.
subjects. 0 ...and
Integrates global 0 ...and
awareness Promotes global
activities awareness and its
throughout lesson relevance to all
plans and faculty members,
classroom influencing
instructional curriculum and
practices. teaching practices
throughout the

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Element IIId. Teachers make instruction relevant to students.
Teachers incorporate 21st century life skills into their teaching deliberately, strategically, and broadly. These skills include leadership, ethics, accountability, adaptability,
personal productivity, personal responsibility, people skills, self- direction, and social responsibility. Teachers help their students understand the relationship between
the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and 21st century content, which includes global awareness; financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy; civic
literacy; health awareness; and environmental literacy.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 0 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Identifies Identifies 0 ...and 0 ...and
relationships relationships Integrates core Deepens students'
between the North between the core content and 21st understandings of
Carolina Standard content and 21st century content 21st century skills
Course of Study century content. throughout lesson and helps them
and life in the 21st plans and make their own
century. classroom connections and
instructional develop new skills.

Pilkinton, Connie Elizabeth: When planning, Ms. Vasquez refers to both their assessment curriculum and Foundations. Throughout the room she has writing materials and books that relate to their current
study. She has plans for both indoor and outdoors and incorporates literacy, math and science throughout the room. Throughout the building study, the children are learning about global awareness. She also
reviews what they have previously learned and connects it to new materials. The materials throughout the room facilitate play to expand learning in all domains. Possible next steps: Create a center lesson
plan for each center to document all the awesome things you are doing in the classroom as well as document your intentional planning.

Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students

Element IVa. Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical,
social, and emotional development of their students.
Teachers know how students think and learn. Teachers understand the influences that affect individual student learning (development, culture, language proficiency,
etc.) and differentiate their instruction accordingly. Teachers keep abreast of evolving research about student learning. They adapt resources to address the strengths
and weaknesses of their students.

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Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Understands Understands 0 ...and 0 ...and
developmental developmental Identifies Encourages and
levels of students levels of students appropriate guides colleagues
and recognizes the and appropriately developmental to adapt instruction
need to differentiates levels of students to align with
differentiate instruction. and consistently students'
instruction. 1 ...and
and appropriately developmental
Assesses resources differentiates levels.
needed to address instruction.
strengths and 0 ...and
weaknesses of 0 ...and Stays abreast of
Reviews and uses current research
students. alternative about student
resources or learning and
adapts existing emerging
resources to take resources and
advantage of encourages the
student strengths school to adopt or
or address adapt them for the
weaknesses. benefit of all

Element IVb. Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students.

Teachers collaborate with their colleagues and use a variety of data sources for short- and long-range planning based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
These plans reflect an understanding of how students learn. Teachers engage students in the learning process. They understand that instructional plans must be
consistently monitored and modified to enhance learning. Teachers make the curriculum responsive to cultural differences and individual learning needs.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 0 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Recognizes data Uses a variety of 0 ...and 0 ...and
sources important data for short- and Monitors student Monitors student
to planning long-range performance and performance and
instruction. planning of responds to responds to
instruction. individual learning cultural diversity
Monitors and needs in order to and learning needs
modifies engage students in through the school
instructional plans learning. improvement
to enhance student process.

Element IVc Teachers use a variety of instructional methods.

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Teachers choose the methods and techniques that are most effective in meeting the needs of their students as they strive to eliminate achievement gaps. Teachers
employ a wide range of techniques including information and communication technology, learning styles, and differentiated instruction.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Demonstrates Demonstrates 0 ...and 0 ...and
awareness of the awareness or use Ensures the Stays abreast of
variety of methods of appropriate success of all emerging research
and materials methods and students through areas and new and
necessary to meet materials the selection and innovative
the needs of all necessary to meet utilization of materials and
students. the needs of all appropriate incorporates them
students. methods and into lesson plans
materials. and instructional

Element IVd. Teachers integrate and utilize technology in their instruction.

Teachers know when and how to use technology to maximize student learning. Teachers help students use technology to learn content, think critically, solve problems,
discern reliability, use information, communicate, innovate, and collaborate.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Assesses effective Demonstrates 0 ...and 0 ...and
types of technology knowledge of how Integrates Provides evidence
to use for to utilize technology with of student
instruction. technology in instruction to engagement in
instruction. maximize student higher level
learning. thinking skills
through the
integration of

Element IVe. Teachers help students develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
Teachers encourage students to ask questions, think creatively, develop and test innovative ideas, synthesize knowledge, and draw conclusions. They help students
exercise and communicate sound reasoning; understand connections; make complex choices; and frame, analyze, and solve problems.

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Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Understands the Demonstrates 0 ...and 0 ...and
importance of knowledge of Teaches students Encourages and
developing processes needed the processes assists teachers
students' critical to support students needed to think throughout the
thinking and in acquiring critical creatively and school to integrate
problem-solving thinking skills and critically. critical thinking
skills. problem-solving and problem
skills. 0 ...and solving skills into
Teaches students their instructional
the processes practices.
needed to develop
and test innovative
0 ...and
Teaches students
the processes
needed to
0 ...and
Teaches students
the processes
needed to draw
0 ...and
Teaches students
the processes
needed to exercise
and communicate
sound reasoning.
0 ...and
Teaches students
the processes
needed to
0 ...and
Teaches students
the processes
needed to make
complex choices.
0 ...and
Teaches students
the processes
needed to frame,
analyze and solve

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Element IVf. Teachers help students work in teams and develop leadership qualities.
Teachers teach the importance of cooperation and collaboration. They organize learning teams in order to help students define roles, strengthen social ties, improve
communication and collaborative skills, interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and develop leadership qualities.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 0 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Provides Organizes student 0 ...and 0 ...and
opportunities for learning teams for Encourages Fosters the
cooperation, the purpose of students to create development of
collaboration, and developing and manage student leadership
leadership through cooperation, learning teams. and teamwork skills
student learning collaboration, and to be used beyond
teams. student leadership. the classroom.

Element IVg. Teachers communicate effectively.

Teachers communicate in ways that are clearly understood by their students. They are perceptive listeners and are able to communicate with students in a variety of
ways even when language is a barrier. Teachers help students articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Demonstrates the Uses a variety of 0 ...and 0 ...and
ability to effectively methods for Creates a variety of Anticipates
communicate with communication methods to possible student
students. with all students. communicate with misunderstandings
1 ...and
all students. and proactively
0 Provides Consistently develops teaching
opportunities for 0 ...and techniques to
students to encourages and Establishes mitigate concerns.
articulate thoughts supports students classroom practices
and ideas. to articulate which encourage 0 ...and
thoughts and ideas all students to Establishes school-
clearly and develop effective wide and grade
effectively. communication appropriate
skills. vehicles to
throughout the
school to develop

Element IVh. Teachers use a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned.
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Teachers use multiple indicators, including formative and summative assessments, to evaluate student progress and growth as they strive to eliminate achievement gaps.
Teachers provide opportunities, methods, feedback, and tools for students to assess themselves and each other. Teachers use 21st century assessment systems to inform
instruction and demonstrate evidence of students' 21st century knowledge, skills, performance, and dispositions.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Uses indicators to Uses multiple 0 ...and 0 ...and
monitor and indicators, both Uses the Teaches students
evaluate student formative and information gained and encourages
progress. summative, to from the them to use peer
monitor and assessment and self-
1 Assesses students evaluate student activities to assessment
in the attainment progress and to improve teaching feedback to assess
of 21st century inform instruction. practice and their own learning.
knowledge, skills, student learning.
and dispositions. 1 ...and 0 ...and
Provides evidence 0 ...and Encourages and
that students attain Provides guides colleagues
21st century opportunities for to assess 21st
knowledge, skills students to assess century skills,
and dispositions. themselves and knowledge, and
others. dispositions and to
use the assessment
information to
adjust their

Pilkinton, Connie Elizabeth: Ms. Vasquez uses TSG to add in the assemesnt of children by entering anecdotal notes and using that information to determine where the child is with each objective. She utilizes
the TSG reports to determine who needs to work on what goals. The classroom has appropriate materials and is arranged to allow for all children to be engaged. Materials focus on current study and
children's interest. Ms. Vasquez also using technology to enhance learning for children by encouraging them to serach for their own answers. Throughout the day, children are asked open ended questions to
enhance their critical thinking skills. They are encouraged to discuss questions with peers and think about their answers. Ms. Vasquez uses a variety of languages to talk with her children as well as visuals
and gestures. Possible next stpes: begin creating individual plans for children who need it. When planning for small groups, include that information on your main lesson plan and be sure that those are the
children that you are working with. Think about assigning partners for children to work with during turn and talks.

Standard V: Teachers Reflect on Their Practice

Element Va. Teachers analyze student learning.
Teachers think systematically and critically about student learning in their classrooms and schools: why learning happens and what can be done to improve achievement.
Teachers collect and analyze student performance data to improve school and classroom effectiveness. They adapt their practice based on research and data to best
meet the needs of students.

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Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 0 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Recognizes the Provides ideas 0 ...and 0 ...and
need to improve about what can be Thinks Provides a detailed
student learning in done to improve systematically and analysis about
the classroom. student learning in critically about what can be done
the classroom. learning in the to improve student
classroom: why learning and uses
learning happens such analyses to
and what can be adapt instructional
done to improve practices and
student materials within
achievement. the classroom and
at the school level.

Element Vb. Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals.

Teachers participate in continued, high-quality professional development that reflects a global view of educational practices; includes 21st century skills and knowledge;
aligns with the State Board of Education priorities; and meets the needs of students and their own professional growth.

Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Understands the Participates in 1 ...and 0 ...and
importance of professional Participates in Applies and
professional development professional implements
development. aligned with development knowledge and
professional goals. activities aligned skills attained from
with goals and professional
student needs. development
consistent with its

Element Vc. Teachers function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment.

Understanding that change is constant, teachers actively investigate and consider new ideas that improve teaching and learning. They adapt their practice based on
research and data to best meet the needs of their students.

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Not Looked For Developing Proficient (Action) Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated
(Knowledge) (Interaction) (Extension)
0 Not looked for. 1 ...and 0 Not demonstrated.
1 Is knowledgeable of Considers and uses 0 ...and 0 ...and
current research- a variety of Actively Adapts
based approaches research-based investigates and professional
to teaching and approaches to considers practice based on
learning. improve teaching alternative, data and evaluates
and learning. research-based impact on student
approaches to learning.
improve teaching
and learning and
uses such

Pilkinton, Connie Elizabeth: Ms. Vasquez is constatnly reflecting on her practing and adjusting to maximize student learning. She participates in PD as required by Meck PK and attends additonal PD to learn
more about topics that relate to her classroom. She

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