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Defra Project No.

Sustainable production of the
natural product galanthamine Supply Chain Project
Fact Sheet
This Factsheet gives an overview of one of the projects in the competitive R&D programme ‘Non-Food Uses of Crops – Supply Chain
Assessment and Development’. This programme was initiated in April 2004 and the NNFCC has overseen the delivery of the projects on
Defra’s behalf.

Objectives Report Summary

Alzheimer’s disease is a common form of dementia with an

1. To conduct a desktop review focusing on the economics, opportunities and estimated population of 15 million sufferers worldwide and
constraints for developing a sustainable UK-based supply chain for the plant-derived this number expected to treble by 2050. Alzheimer sufferers
natural product, galanthamine. Merigan Ltd will have a major role in the conduct of the exhibit a gradual decline in cognitive faculties with loss of
memory, judgement and ability to comprehend the external
2. To produce a model of the supply chain to inform the industry about the potential for environment. These patients require considerable care and
developing sustainable commercial production of galanthamine in the UK. Merigan Ltd their inevitable disease progression can exert a heavy toll
will have a major role in the development of the model and contribute, under objective emotionally on carers and financially on the health service
1 above, to the conduct of the review. and the patient’s family.

3. To analyse the levels of galanthamine present in commercially-acceptable daffodil Alzheimer patients can be treated with a class of drugs,
varieties grown on a relevant scale at upland and lowland sites using material called acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. These drugs slow
provided from Alzeim’s trials. Data from this objective will contribute to inform the the progression of the disease and alleviate many of the
review and supply chain model described under objectives 1 and 2 above. IGER symptoms. One of these drugs is a compound called
will be responsible for the design of these trials and the analysis (identification and galanthamine and is marketed in the UK as Reminyl by
quantification) of galanthamine. Shire Pharmaceuticals. Galanthamine is an alkaloid
compound found in plants such as daffodils and snowdrops

Project Leader:
Professor M. Theodorou, IGER,
Merigan Research Services Ltd., NNFCC
Aberystwyth; Alzeim Ltd., Brecon Programme Advisor
Image courtesy of Alzeim Ltd Image courtesy of Alzheimer’s
Disease Education and Referral
and Secretariat
Centre, USA
and this natural product was used in the original Possible UK/EU supply chains for generic The financial feasibility of expanding the current
drug formulation. A synthetic route was found drugs from daffodil galanthamine supply chain has been modelled: particularly to
to produce galanthamine which reduced the consider the effects of generic formulations on the
requirement for daffodil-sourced drug but the price of galanthamine in a markets-based model.
impending loss of patent protection for the use A production and extraction-based model has also
of galanthamine as a drug treatment in Alzheimer been constructed to describe the likely sensitivities
patients may change this situation. of galanthamine price with daffodil bulb price,
extraction costs and extraction efficiency. These
This report describes the current and historical UK models showed that a UK daffodil-based supply
supply chain for galanthamine production and sale chain for the extraction and supply of galanthamine
for production of the branded drug, Reminyl. The for generic drug manufacture is feasible, that
production of generic formulations of galanthamine extraction efficiency has a considerable impact on
is discussed and a potential supply chain for the economics of the supply chain process and
a generic producer from UK-grown daffodils that cost-effective research to increase the overall
is outlined. Interviews with actual or possible level of galanthamine in the daffodil bulb stock
suppliers for the galanthamine supply chain, the would be beneficial.
regulatory bodies and patient organisations have
been carried out and the intelligence gained
incorporated into the report. Each component of
the supply chain has been considered and the
commercial and legislative requirements of the
different parts of the chain reported, alongside
possible hurdles and interactions between supply
chain members. Alternative routes to market, such
as health supplements, are considered together
with the cost implications of related pricing strategy Image courtesy of Alzeim Ltd
and legislative issues.

The technical component of this study is described in the Technical Further Information
Annex to the report and used commercially grown material from test
plots supplied by Alzeim Ltd. to analyse levels of galanthamine in a
A full listing of all reports and the full reports themselves are
range of commercially-available daffodil varieties including the normal
accessible through the NNFCC website at
galanthamine stock, Carlton, from upland and lowland sites in Wales.
The level of galanthamine present in Carlton bulbs at the two sites Detailed summaries of the project proposals are available from the
has also been analysed for variability, the distribution of galanthamine Defra website at:
throughout the plant tissues determined and the levels of compound
compared with the plant growth cycle in time course experiments.

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