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Toyota Celica Supra MK2 -84 Owner's Manual —_ i PDF created by joltcola@Finreactor. TOYOTA New vehicle warranty Your new vehicle is covered by the following Toyota limited vras- renties # New vehicle warranty © Emission control systems warranty © Others For further information, please refer to the sep: Guide™ or “Warranty Booklet” te “Owner's Your responsibility for maintenance—, ‘You vehicle's scheduled engine ail and ol filter change is at each, 10000 miles 116000 km) or 8 months. whichever comes first. You should check oil level between changes. Scheduled maintenance other than “engine oil and ol filter” ts at every 16000 miles (24000 km or 12 months, whichever comes first. Section § gives details of these maintenanee requirements, Also included in Section 5 is in formation regarding more frequent oll changes and other requite: ‘ments for vehicles used under severe driving conditions. Modification of your Toyota ———_ Please be aware that any modification of your Toyota could affect its performance, safety. durabitity or warranty. and may even vio- late governmental regulations Installation of a mobile two-way radio system ay radio system in your vehi- ‘As the installation of a mobile two» ‘le could affect yaur electronic fuel injection system. cruise control system. trip computer and electronically controlled automatic transmission system, be sure to check with your Toyota dealer for brecautionary measures or special instructions regarding installa: tion, Foreword Welcome to the groveing group of value-con- Scious people who drive Toyotas. We are proud of the advancad engineering and quality Construction of each wehicle we build We invite you to read through this Owner's Manual. tis designed to acquaint you with the features of your new Toyota and to help you enjoy many miles/kilometers of motaring plea: sure When it comes to service, romomber that your Torota dealer knows your vehicle best and is interested in your complete satistaction. He will provide quality maintenance and any other assistance you may require. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Please leave this Owner's Manual in this vehi le at the time of resale, The next ermer will need this information also. Table of contents Section Page 1 Information for the new owner........ 1 2 Driving tips. = pee alae 3 Incase of an emergency.........- 87 4 Corrosion prevention and appearance care ...... 5 Vehicle maintenance and care . 6 Do-i yourself maintenance 7 Consumer information . 109 115 119 8 Specifications ......... 9 Index . Catalytic converter ‘The catalytic converter is an emission control device installed in the exhaust system, it looks somewhat like-9 malts. but its pur pose ig 10 reduce pollutants in the exhaust gas WARNING: ‘A large amount of unburned gas tlowing into ‘the converter may cause it to overheat and teat a fio hazard To prevent this ang other sdamage, cbserve the following precautions: © Do not drive with an extremely low fuel level: running oul of ga5 could cause the engine 10 misfire, creating an excessive fad on the converter Information for the new owner—Section 1 © Do not allow the engine 10 run at idle ‘speed for more than 20 minutes. ‘© Keep your engine in good running ord. Malfunetions in the engine electrical ignition or carburetion systems could cewuse an extremely high converter tem= perature, © Do not push-stast or pull-siart your vehi- cle. ‘© Do not tum of the ignition while the veni- cle is moving, ‘© Do not drive, idle or park your vahicte over anything that might burn easily such 8 ‘grass, leaves, paper or rags © Keep people and combustionable materials away from the exhaust pipe ‘while the engine is running. The exhaust (gas is very hot. © Avoid racing the ongine © Use only unleaded gasoti ‘If the engine becomes difficult to start, stalls frequently or pings or knocks during acceleration, take your vehicle in for a ‘check-up as soon a¢ possible, Remember. your Toyota dealer knows yout vehicle ‘and its catalytic converter system best. ne. To ingure that the converter and the entire emission control system operate properly. Your vehicle must receive the periodic inspections requited by the Toyota Meinte- nance Schedule, Door locks— Locking from the outside Locking and unlocking with key Locking from the inside without key ~ = ae | 1 HN toc. 00x LIVER =, eal my fi | / e FRONT eo ra | | 2, OUD UP HANDLE ‘NO OSE DooR tna Turn the key towards the front of the vehicle to lock and towards the back to unlock. When the driver's door is locked. the passenger's door algo leeks simultaneously. ‘When either door is unlocked, the other door Unlocks simultaneously. [After closing the door, push in the lock lever. When the driver's door fock lever is pushed in, all the doors lack simultaneously The deor then cannot be opened with either the outside or inside door handle Belore dhving, be sure that the doors are ‘closed and locked, especially when small ‘children are in the vohiele. Along wrth the toner use of seat bels, locking the doors hells prevent the etiverand passengers from being thrown out from the vehicle during an accident It ls helps prevent the doors fram being opened unintentionally Push in the lock lever. Then hold up the handle as you clase the door. Be caredul not to fock your keys in the vehi- fe. Tips for driving the first 1000 miles (1600km) WT EXCEED 55 oh 8 bn Drive gently and avoid high speeds. You need not follow a break-in schedule with your new Toyota. But following a few simple tips for the fist. 1000 miles (1600 km) can ‘add to the future eoonemy and tong life af ‘your wehicle: # De nol drive over 65 mph 188 kev © Maintain engine speed between 2000.and 4000 rpm. © Avoid fullthratte starts, © Try to avoid hard stops during the fist £200 miles (300 ken De net dive slowly with the transmission in a high gear. © De not drive for a long time at any single spe0d, either fast or slow Do not tow 9 Wailer during the first 500 miles (600 kr, Two keys for your vehicle ie | ae [C= ‘The master key works in every lock. The subkeey will not work in the glovebox. To protect things locked in the glovebox when you have your vehicle parked, leave the subkey with the attendant, Since the doors can be locked without a key, {you should always carry a spare master key incase youaccidentally lock your Keys inside vehicle. fa ey BER PATE Keep the key number plate ina safe place such as your wallet, not in the vehicle. If you should lose your keys or if you need additional keys, duplicates should be made bby a Toyote dealer using the key number. You should also put a copy of the kay num ber with your important papers. Door locks— Locking and unlocking with key ~ tox Locking from the inside Locking from the outside without key 2. MILD UP WANDLE AND cUOSE DOOR sit Turn the key towards the front af the vehicle to lock and towards the back to unloek, When the driver's door is locked, the Dassenger's door also focks simultaneeusly, When aither door is unlocked, the ather door unlocks simultaneously, ‘After closing the door, push in the lock lover. When the driver's door lock lever is pushed in, all the doors lock simultaneously, ‘The door then cannot be opened with either he outside or inside dor handle, Before driving. be sure that the doors are closed and locked. especially uhen small children are in the vehicle, Along with the Dropar use of seat belts, locking the doors helps prevent the driver and passengers from being thrawn out from the vehicle during an ‘ccident. It also helps prevent the doors from ‘being opened unintentionally Push in the lock lever. Then hold up the handle 8 you clase the daor, e careful not to lock your keys in the veki- cle Te lock and untock simuitaneously, push the switch. You can. of course, lock and unoxk all tha doors manually. This powor doot look system ‘peretes independent of the ignition suite Front seats— Adjusting seat pesition Pull the lock rsleaze lever up. Then slide the seat to the desired position with sight body pressure and release the Attor aojusting the seat, ry sliding it forward fand backward Wo make Sut0 it ie Yooked position This adjstment should not te mode while the wehicle is moving. De not place anything under the front seats, rangi interfere vnth the seat lock mecnsn: Adjusting seatback angio forerard ond pull the leek + lever, Then laah back to the desired angie and rolanus the louse it desived, the seatbacks may be fully rec ined. They return to the upright pasinion ‘when the lever i hfted and no weight is an them This adjustment should not be mace while the vehicle Je moving, a8 tho seatback may cntxpoctodly move BoskWatG and cauEa the Siiver te loee control of the wahiete Adjusting seat cushion angle Adjusting thigh support Adjusting side supports ay ‘Turn the adjusting knob to-change the seat Turn the knob either way to change the Turn the knob either way to change the cushion angle, firmness of the front edge of the seat angle of the skie supports, This edjustment should nat be mode while cushion. This adjustment should not be made while the vehicle is moving. This adjustment shouts not be made while the vehicle is moving. the vehicle is moving. Front passenger's seat Lover typo— Pull the lever forward and release. You can do this two or three timas to achieve the desired support. ‘The original support will be recovered after six pulls. ‘Air pump type— Inflate the air begs with the pump, and ‘then push in the air releasing buttons. ‘Thate ave three ait bogs inthe seatback, and the amount of lumbar support can be Adjusted by releasing the air in each ait bag, [ | seat Sunes FoewaaD HESS ea, UF Lvs Lift the seatback lock release lever or press the release pedal—the passengor’s ‘seat will automaticaly slide forward. This allows passengers to get into oF out of the rear seat easily. After passengers arin lift-up on the seatback and slide the seat rearward. I il lack at the mid-way point Never rest your foot on the press pedal while the vehicle is moving To roise the headrest, pul it up. To lower ress the lock release button and push the headrest dawn, To move the headrest forward, pull on the top. Another pull wil ‘enable you to return it to the original uptight) position, Adjust the top of the headrest so that itis closest to the top of your ears, and Jock it ‘nto position De not ctive with tho eod- 8818 removed, The headrest is most fective when it ip close 10 your heed. Tratetore, using Cushion on the seatback is not recom: mended, 8 Front seat belts To fasten your belt, pull it out of the retractor and insert the tab into the buckle, You will hear a click when the tab locks inte the buekle, Make sure that the connection is secure and the belt is not twisted. The seat belt length automatically adjusts to YOUF Size and the Seat position The retractor wall lock the belt ducing a su ‘den stop oF on impact. also may leek f you In forward 190 quickly. A slow. cosy ‘motion wall allow the belt to extend, and yeu can move araund Irth, ‘Adjust the position of the lap and shoulder belts. Position the lap belt 2s love as possible on Your hjos—not on your waist Failure to dogo Could increase the chance of injury due to sliding under the lap belt during an accident, For your satety, do not place the shoulder belt under your arm. Rear seat belts a a 2 Z an To release the belt, press the buckle- release button and allow the belt to retract. HH the belt docs nat fully retract. pull it out land cheek for kinks or twists, Then make sure that it remains untwisted as it retracts To fasten your belt, pull it out of the retractor and insert the tab into. the buekle. Pail the belt out of the retractor in a single ‘motion to ebtain enough length to fit the tab into the buckle When extending the belt it will autornatical- ly Jock im the position where the putting ‘mation stops. Once ihe belt locks, it cannot be extended further unless it ig first fully retracted and then pulled aut again. You'will hear a click whem the tab locks into the buckle, Make sure that the connection is secure and the belt is nat twisted The seat belt length automatically adjusts 10 your size. ‘Adjust the position of the belt. Position the lap belt as low as possible on your hips —not on your waist. Failure ta do so could increase the Chance of injury due to sliding under the lap belt during an accident Rear seat belts (cont) To release the belt, press the buckle- release button and allow the belt to rota Make sure the belt is not twisted, or it may Pot retract smacthly, Seat belt precautions Toyota recommends that the driver and Passengers in the vehicle be properly restrained at ail times with the seat bel pro- ‘vided. Failure to do sa could increase the ‘chance of injury and/or the severity of injury in accidents * Children. We recommend that they sit in the rear seat and be restrained with the seat belts, f sitting in front, do nat allow the child to stand up or kneel on the seat, ‘and your ehild must be restrained by the seat belt. ® Baby or small child, Uso an infant carrier (oF child seat which fits your vehicle, See information for the child restraint system in this section, © Pragnant woman, Toyota recommends the use of a sest bell. Ask your doctor for specific recommendations. The lap belt should be worn securely and as low as Possible over the hips and not on the isis * Injured person. Toyota recommends the se of a seat bolt. Depending on the inju 1 however, frst check with your doctor. © Only one person per belt. De not use a single belt for two er more people—even children. Avoid reclining the seatbacks too much. The seat belts provide maximum protection when the seatbacks are in the uptight position, Be careful not to damage the belt web: ‘bing or hardware, nd tke care that they do not get caught or pinched in the seat of doors. Inspect the belt system periodically. Check for cuts, trays. and loose pans Damaged pats should be replaced. Do not disossemble or modify the system. Keep the belts clean and dry. If thoy ‘eed cleaning, use 6 mild Soap Solution or lukewarm water. Never use bleach, dye.or abrasive cleaners—they may severely ‘weaken the belts Replace the belt assembly if it has been used in a severe impact, The entire assembly should be replaced even if ‘damage is not obvious The driver and all passengers should fasten their seat belts whenever the vehicle is moving. Child restraint system TOYOTA recommends the use of an infant carrer or child seat for a small child or baby. The infant cartier or child seat should con- form to the size af the child and properiy fit the vehicle seat. For a higher degree of safety the infant carrer or child seat should be installed in the rear seat When installing an infant carier oF child seat refer tothe instructions provided by the ‘manufacturer of the carrier o seat and follow the directions fisted under the following trations. ‘Your vehicle is provided with anchors for securing the top strap of a child seat. The anchor nuts are welded beneath the sheet rmetal to permit installation of an anchor bracket fora child seat. ‘To install an anchor bracket, use en 8 mm X 30 mm X 1.25 mm coarse tinead metric bolt. Noie that the bolts accompanying many child restraint systems are not metric, You can damage the anchor nuts on your vehicle if you force bolts with different thread into the anchor nuts. In addition to the botts, you may also need a locking clip depending on the position in which the child seat is installed. If these parts do nat come with your child seet, You ean putchaso them from your Toyata dealer. Deiails are as follows: * Bott (Part No. 91511-60830) “Locking clip (Park No, 73119-22010) WARNING (© For effective protection in automobile accidents and sudden stops. children should not be transported unrestrained ‘The prelerred restraints for small children ae infant cartiers and child seats. if these ‘are not available, children should be placed in the rear soat and restrained with the lop belt if they are old enouah ta sit alone, © Holding @ child in your aims is not a substitute (or a child restraint system. In an accident, @ child held in 2 person's arms can be crushed between the vehi cle's interior and an unrestrained person. INSTALLATION ON REAR SEAT Fasten the lap belt over the infant carrier or child seat The automatic locking retractor will held it tight HW your child seat requires the use of @ top strap, latch the hook onto the anchor bracket ‘nd tighten the top strep. Child restraint system (cont) TOP STRAP ANCHORS AND LOCATIONS AAll models—On the rear cargo floor ', Using the illustration as @ guide, uncover the anchors by rolling back the covering on the rear cargo floor. The anchor holes are sealed, bs, Remove the seal of the anchor you wish to use and tighten down the anchor bracket in ‘your child seat with a bott . Cut a small hole in the floor covering to allow the anchar bracket te come through and then reinstall the floor covering. 12 cK cP nso INSTALLATION ON FRONT SEAT 1. Fasten the lap and shoulder belt over the infant carrier er child seat 2. Keon slack out of the lap portion of the belt 3. Holding the tab in that position, release the buckie, 4. Install a locking clip nesr the tab of the lap and sheulder belt. (See instructions in the next column) 5, Buckle the belt again. M necessary, slide the seat forward and remove any slack. 6. Place the shoulder portion of the belt bet- ‘yreen the vehicle seatback and tho ehild seat To install the locking elip. insert the lap an shoulder webbing through the recesses c the locking clip, Always remove the locking clip when th infant cartier or child seat is not in use, If your cil seat requires the use of 2 top ‘trop, pull out the rear seat belt and then let it rewind to where it locks, Latch the hook ‘nto the tab of the rear seat belt and tighten the top strap. WHEN NOT USING YOUR CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEM © en not using the infant carrier or child seat, keep it secured with the seat belt or remove it and place itn somewhere other than in the wehicle ta prevant injury to passengers in event of @ sudden stop or accident. ¢ When removing the top strap anchor bracket—If you remove the anchor brackets from the floor of the rear cargo ‘area, replace the bolts in the holes to pre~ vent eniry of exhoust emissions, water of ditt ‘© Transporting childien without a child restraint system-—Toyota recommends ‘the use of the child resttaint system for ‘children small onough for the infant car rier oF child seat. However, if conditions ‘do not permit its use, Toyota recommends the following procedures a. Babies who cannot sit up by themn- selves should be placed in a well-padded and covered bassinet. The bassinet should be placed crassways on the rear ‘eat and firmly secured with alap belt. Or you can place the bassinet crossways against the back of the driver's seat b. Do not allow the child to stand up oF kneel on the seat. Toyota recommends that the child sit in the repr seat and be resteained with the lap belt. f sitting in the front seat, the child should be restrained with the [ap and shoulder belt H the shoulder bel falls across the neck or face, place the child closer to the center of the vehicle. if the belt is still in an ‘uncomfortable position, the child should sit in the rear seat and use only the lap belt. 2 Overview of the instruments and controls (analog type) SPEEOMETER a ine Tren naa ort cause | pearan /-_/ Me PRESSURE Gace cen vewts| HCATOR UGH E gat ‘cauise conTAOL eee vourweren es woo eyo suc sioe vex WARNING UCAS = OOo LOCK REASE LEVER | AaTOMATIC AR ee FADD concen couraats | vewrcomaa | | WNGSHELO VIPER A CONGIINER ON OF SEH | Ano wasn Sa OUT OMER clswerre ome AN TURN SIGNAL SWITCH me Overview of the instruments and controls (electronic display type) NERO WOIATCR USAT exT mmeaTOR Ws fUEL BASE MUNG Li | tcsawern EGNE TEMPERATURE GAUGE ream /_/ Us cOrnELauw sax Lh. EATER VENTS. GLOVEBOK OD A RELEASE LEVER | ] ‘RADIO ‘WineSHagLo wren || | ey ore teover.oumer || | nicer sr | SEO toh es | ‘SCALE CHANGE SWITCH i : INSTRUMENT PANEL IEARETTE UGHTER Combination ignition switch and steering lock START" —Starter matar on, Bel od wil re N 6 tke clit e"ON" p Engine on and all accessories on. is is the nownal driving position, Bo not leove the kay in the “ON” position if the engine is wot runing Th boitery vill Dtge and the ignition could be damaged "ACC" Accessories such os the operate, but tho engine is tt 1 you leave the Rey in the “ACC” or “LOCK sil drive's door, a burr wil 10 temove the key ia RELEASE SUTTON L mee} “LOCK"—The steering wheel is locked. The key can be removed only at this posi- tion, Yous must poss in th *LOCK™ pasitic @ key mays Tote i, first be all ho way whoo! slightly wile tun Never press the lock release button, turn the Key to “LOCK” and remove the key when the vehicio is moving lock the slecring wheel oy only le “ACC” Newey press down the lock release button aout remove the Key Combination headlight, dimmer and turn signal switch Tail iho | 4 Beads se and w| 4 eos ot 5 Tal fig of) ras act ee | To raise the headlights and to turn them on, twist the knob at the end of the lever. If thete is possibility thal the retractable srstean could (reeee, ke0n the Headlights not attempt to the weadights are frozen, ct false oF relract them but wait until system thaves out TW the head m operate. see Section 3 for emergency mation For high beam, push the lever forward. Pull it back for low beam. To operate the headlight flasher. pull the lever all the way back and hold it, The headlights wilt rise and come on. By pulling an reteasin you can llash the headlights. satically etrset alter the They will auto er is released. ‘A blue light on the dashboard indicates hig beam, For signaling turns, move the lever up or down in the conventional manner. Tive turn signal ig sell-eancolling after a tum, b ange, you may have ta cancel i by hand. You can also signal a lana wer pat way eI the green dash board light flashes faster than normal. it ind ales that the front or eear aur ib thas burned cul. If the dashboard light docs 1 indica biy failed. Yo! even whi come on, isl has radligit by lights are flashing ” Tilt steering wheel i one | | Vee | l ‘To change the steating wh ‘up the lack release lever, tlt the steering ‘wheel to the desired height and release the lever, Alter adjusting the steering wheel. ry mov ing # up and dourn to make sue it locked in posi ‘Never make this adjustment vine the veni- cle is moving 18 Emergency flasher switch ‘To turn on the emergency warning push the ewiteh down, All he tur signal ights will lash. The emer gency warning lights wall wark with tne fengine running a clf without the ignition key Turn on the emergency flashers to warn ‘other Gewers Hf your vehicle must be stopped weliete it might be a trafic hazard, Alvrays pull a far off the road 9s possible The tuin signal lights wall net work vrs ‘emergency flashers ate operating Windshield wiper and washer switch f ‘To turn the wipers on, pul the lever down, To make the washer squirt, push the but- ton on the end ef the lever. The wipers wil operate at intervals when the lever is the “INT” position. With the lever in this postion, the wipers:can be adjusted to operate at intervals of 3 to 10 seconds depending on the swatch setting between "SLOW" and “FAST” ‘Also the wipers will automaticaly operate a ‘couple of times after the washer sauits even with the lever in the “OFF” position. ‘NTERMUTTENT FERATION Joo sme | \ | ee neve wail If the wesher does not work, check to see whether the washer tank is empty. For infor- mation on adding washer fluid, see “Adding washer fluid in Section 6 In eold weather, warm the windshield with the defroster before using the washer. This ‘wil holp prevent icing, which could block your vision, Rear window wiper and washer switch ‘WASHER ALSO ON ee lvaRaea. oFenatOh nee on OxTERMTTENT peRaTION rv ‘To turn the rear wiper on and washer on, push the switch. ‘The rear wigar will operate at intervals when the switch is in the “INT” position Ii the washer does not work, check to see ‘whether the veasher tank is empty. For infor mation on adding washer fluid, see “Adding washer fluid” in Section 6. Headlight cleaner it To spray fluid on the headlights, turn the headlight switch to the third slickstop and push the windshield washer switch twice in succession, CCheck the fluid level of the see-through headlight cleaner tank every 90 often. Do not turn the headlight clesner on with the tank ‘empty. it tiBy couse tha eleanor motor to overheat Use windshield washer fluid for replenish iment. For information on adding fui, £4e Aang washer tuid” in Section 6 Warning lights and buzzers ete uemron swe cos cous in 1 BRAKE A ping ae i ot orm ore 2 & eas tod aed 3 Occ moiog pate. oe + en ‘Stog and cheek 5 Bi twtr sen ie ‘& 7 lschtennl ‘Seep ard check. nao + pee Tae vie ENGINE to Toya deer rey ce ee tp Ott Tce Int wnng Toes 1. Brake System Warning Light This light hes the following functions: Parking brake reminder if this ight ison, make sure the parking brake is fully relessed The light should go off Low brake fluid level warning If this light comes on and stays on while you ‘rv driving, slowdown and pull off the road. Then stop the vehicle carefully. Rernember that stopping distance and pedal etfort may be increased. There may be a problem some- hero in the broke system. Check the Nuid level of the see-through reservoir. NOTE: To make sure that the parking brake has not caused the warning light to-come on, check to sbe that the parking brake is fully released, 11 the brake flid level i tow... At a safe place. test your brakes by starting and stepping “© ryou judge that te brakes still work ade- ‘quately. drive cautiously to your nearest -dedle’ or shop for repairs. Continued nor- mal driving is dangerous. © IF the brakes re not working, have the ‘vehicle towed in for repairs. (For towing information, see Section 3) If the broke fluid level is correct. Have the warning system checked by your Toyota dealer. 2, Seat Belt Reminder Light and Buzzer ‘As @ reminder to you and your passengers. ‘this light will came on for about 4 to B seconds each time the ignition key is placed a0 QN" of “START” The buzzer will operate ‘only ifthe drive's seat belt is not fastened. 3. Disehorge Warning Light ‘This light warns that the battery is being dis- ‘charged, Hit comes on while you are driving. stop the vehicle, tum off the énging, and check for the cause. Look first atthe engine drive bolt lanternator bel I it is loose or broken, the alternator wil ‘ot charge the battery property, «i the belt is OK, there isa problem some: where in the chorging system. ‘The engine ignition will continue to oper ‘ate, however, until the battery is dis- charged. Tum off the oir conditioner. blower, radio, ete, and drive directly 10 the nearest Toyota dealer or repair shop. Do not continue diving if the engine drive bolt atternator bet} is broken or loose. 4, Low Oil Pressure Warning Light “This ight warns tnat the ail pressure is low. Wt lickers or stays on wile you are diving, poll off the rood immectetely and stop the ‘engine. Fist check the oil level; it may be low, Unstructions for how to check and add oil are in Section 6) Hf the level was low but adding ol does not ‘cause the light te go OUx when the engine is restarted, tun it off immediately and call @ Toyota dealer or qualified repair shop for sssistance Do not drive the vehicle~even far one block—uotl the cause is fixed. It may rain the engine, Tie light may occasionally flicker when the engine 1s fang or it may come on briefly alter a hard stop. There is no cause for con cm if it then goes out when the engine is accelerated slightly. However, you should check the oll level at your next opportunity because it may be lov, 5. Low Fuel Level Warning Light Thislight comes on when the fuel vel in the tank becomes neatly empty. Fil up the tank 48 ston as possible 6. Open Door Warning Light This light remains on until all the side doors ave completely elased 7. Engine Overheat Warning (vehicles with electronic display) I. the top segment of the angine temperature (gouge lashes while you are driving. step the vahiele immediately and follow the pro cedure in Section 3. "If your vehicle over heats” 8. Engine Electrical System Warning Light This light warns that there is @ problem somewhere in your engine electrical system, Hf it comes on while you are driving, have your vehicle checked by your Toyoia dealer a8 s000 05 possible. 9. Key Reminder Buzzer This buzzer reminds you to remove the key vehwen you open the driver's door with the ignition key i the "ACG oF “LOCK” pesition 10, Brake Pad Wear Limit Warning Your disc brakes have @ pad wosr limit indicator that makes a squseling or scraping oie during driving when the brake pads ace vweoon oul. If you hear the noise, have the brake pads checked and replaced by your Toyota dealer as soon as passibe. How to check all the warning lights (except the low fuel level warning light: 1. Apply the parking brake 2, Open one of the side doors, The open dear warning light should come on, 8, Close the side door The open door warning light should go of. 4, Turn tha ignition key t@ “ON”, but do not Start the engine. Al the veatning fights except the open door warning light and jow Tuel level warning light should come on. Hf any warning light or buzzer does not funetion, either tho bulb is burned out or the Circuit isin need of repair. Have it checked as soan 45 possible. a Fuel gauge: rey wrt | wer ma ow uel uve sawn tnt ‘The gauge works when te ignition switen is anand indicates the approximate quan- tity of fuel remaining inthe tank Analog type—This fuel gauge has a non- return type needle. Therefore. the needie will remain at tha iicated (ual level pesiton regardless of the postion of the ignition switch Electronic display type—This fuel gouge has a scale charge sch. To obtain a mote accurate reading of remaining luel quantity ‘when the foe tank ess than 1/4 ful, push the switch The magnified reading, val remain lit for 6 seconds. a oa ORATION FI It is a good idea to keep the tank ever 1/4 Aull the low fuet level warning light comes on, fill up the tank as soon as possible ‘Do not drive with the fvel level below the “E” or with the low fua! ove! warning light ‘on. dt may cause engine mistire, and demage to the catalytic converter. Engine temperature gauge aaa, mane c H ovemvearg This gauge indicates the engine coolant temperature when the ignition is on, Engine operating temperature varies with ‘changes in weather and engine load. ‘Analog type—li the needle points to she ed zone of higher, stop your vehicle and allow the engine to cook Electronic display type—ti the top segment flashes. it indicates that the engine has over heated. Stop your vehicle and allow the engine to cool. Your vehicle may overheat duting severe operating conditions, such a: 1. Driving up a long hill on a hot day. 2, Reducing speed or stopping after high speed driving ‘Speedometer Odometer and trip meter | oe 1 EE ss i resem ext z: nom | Idling for a long period with the air condi- tionee on in stop-and.go tstfic, 4. Tewing a trailer, 8. Lugging the engine by driving slowly ina high gear Do not remove the thermostat in the engine cooling system as this may cause the engine to averheat. The thormostet is designed to control the flowr of coolant to keep the tem: perature of the engine within the specified ‘eperating range. Do net continue driving with an overheated engine. See "Mt your vehicle overheats” in Section 3. To change the speedometer indication from mph to km/h or vice versa, push the ‘scale change switeh. However, the odometer and trip meter will rot change. ‘The odometer records the total distance the vehicle has been driven. The trip meter may be set to 000.0 to record the distanee on each trip. To set the trip ‘meter, press the knob in and release it. 2 Tachometer Oil pressure gauge [ ‘OlMG _ RORNAL OAT Voltmeter The tachometer indicates engine speed in thousands of rpm revolutions per minutel. Use it while driving to select correct shift points ang to prevent engine lugging and overrev ving. Diving with the engine running too fest causes encossive engine wear and poor fel economy. Remember. in mast cases the slower the angi sped, the greater the el ccerom Do not rum the needle into the red zone. This may cause severe engine damage. Check the ol pressure gauge tomake sure the engine is receiving proper lubrication. I the oil pressure should stay below the nor: imal range, pull off the road immediately and ‘op the engine. The ol lovel is probably iow, I oding oi does nat restore normal cil pres sure, turn the engine off and call a Toyota dealer oF tepair shop for assistance. Do not drive the vehicle until the cause is fs- edit may ruin the engine RAL at 2) we | scan ‘WBN UGHT J ‘The voltmeter tells whether the battery is. ‘charged or discharged. Check it while the ‘engine is running—the needle should always indicate as shown above. 1 the needie reads below or above the nor ‘mal range while the engines running, 1 ind ‘cates the charging system needs immediate ropait. 1 is normal for the needle to drop. ‘horral range during engine stat: Clock The digital clock indicates the time with the ignition key at the “ACG” or “ON” Position, When the headlight switch is on. the bright: ness of the time indication will be reduced To reset the time To reset the hour, depress and turn the ‘eset knob counterclockwise. b To reset the minute, depress and turn the ‘eset knob clockwise Electrical power disconnection warning Once the electrical power source has been disconnected from the clock, the time is au- {omaticaly set to 1:00 fone o'clock) Adjusting the time (on the hour only) Time adjustment can be made by pulling the reset knob, For example, ifthe knob is pulled ‘when the time is between 1:01~1:29, the time weil change to 1:00. Ifthe time is bet ‘ween 1:30-1:69, the time will change 10 2:00. Instrument panel light control ‘To adjust the intensity of the inst pane! lights, turn the knob. rumen 8 Rear window defogger switch tt To turn on the electric defogger, push in the switch. Another push will turn it off ‘The system will automatically shut off alter the defogger has operated about 15 minutes It turther defrosting or detogging is desired. simply actuate the switch again. The thin beater wires on the inside ofthe roar window will quickly clear the glass, Use it only when the engine fs running. ‘When the glass hss clesred, turn the defeg- (er off. Continuous use may cause the bat: tery to discharge, expecially during stop-snd 0 driving. The defogger is not designed for “Srying rain water oF for meting snow. When cleaning the inside of the rear wine dove, be careful not to serateh or damage the heater wires. How the automatic air conditioner contrals work This is an air conditioner thst automatically, ‘maintains the set temperature Operation of the sx controls is simpla ‘© The air conditioner on-off switenis used 10 tum the aic conditioner on and off, Pugh the switen in ta turn the air cond tioeer on, Anarther push will tun it off {© The ait intake control is used to select either fresh air from outside oF recireu- tated air. © The airflow control is used to select the Bir flow outlet (to the floor, ta the center ‘nd side wants, oF to the windshield and side windows), © The fan speed contral is used to turn the fan on and cif and to select ono of the three fan speeds. In the "AUTO" position te fan delivers the most suitable amount of oir at the temperature you have selected © The temperature control is used to select, the desired temperature. The figures on the panol indieate the temperature © The right-left heater output controls ‘used to regulate the volume of heater ai at floor level of the driver's and passenger's seats Tae con ‘MR CONOTIONER 08-0 SwaTCH ‘COOLING © Push on the ‘switch, ‘© Move the air flow control to the VENTI- LATING position. This ditects all the sir to the center and side vents. © Move the air intake control to the FRESH” positien for normal cxaling of te the “RECIRC™ position for faster cooling © Tum on the fan speed control © Move the temperature contral to select the dosirad torperature ir conditioner an-off SiMevEe HeaTING VeNTUATING | | earig "oerrosrine ano oon po os © Move the air flow control to the HEAT ING position. This directs mest of the air to the floor outlets, ere love the air intake control to the RESH"” position far normalheating or 10 the “RECIRC” position for faster heating Remember the windows fog up easier when the sit intake control is in the CIRC position. # Turn on the fan speed control. © Agjust the temperature control for the most comfortable setting. © | desired, push on the air conditioner on- ‘off awiteh, Ochumiified air will be Selivered with decreased heating effi: sency. ‘© Move the right-left heater output con ‘trol to the dasited positon. BI-LEVEL HEATING This is 0 heater setting in which there i = temperature difference batween the ait from the dash vents and the tir from the flac out iets # Move the air flow control to the BI: LEVEL HEATING position. This vides the ‘ir flow between the center and side ‘vents and the floor outlets, with the air from the floor outlets warmer than that from the center and side vents. The tern porotue difference varies frorh one tery perature soting to another. © Movp the alt intake eantrol tothe FRESH” postion ‘© Tuim on the fan speed control © Adjust the temperature control for the most comlorlable satting © Move the righttett heater output con- trol to the desired positon. VENTILATION ‘© Moke sure tho air conditioner on-off switch is off 21 How the automatic air conditioner controls work (cont) ‘© Move the air flow control to the VENT! LATING position. © Move the air intake control to the FRESH” position © Turn on the fan speed control. © Adjust the temperature control for the ‘most comnortable setting DEFROSTING OR DEFOGGING © Push on the air conditioner on-off switch. ‘© Move the air flow control tothe DEFROS TING position This directs most of the ai to the windshield and side windows, © Move the air intake control to the “FRESH position, * Adjust the temperature control for the most comfortable setting © Tum on the fan speed control OPERATING TIPS Be sure the air inlet giles infront cl the windshield are not blocked by leaves or ther obstructions. ‘# When driving on dusty roads, keep the air ntake control af the “RECIRG” position to prevent outside air from entering After parking in the hot sun, drive for the first fere minutes with the windows open Alter the excess heat has blown away, ‘close the windawrs to keep out hot ait For best cooling efficiency, keep the win dows closed. Move the air intake control to the “FRESH” position for normal air condi tioning For maximum cooling, place the control in the "RECIRC” position. However, sine this does not allow fresh sir to enter the vehicle, move the contral 40 the “FRESH™ position rom time to time io change the air in the vehicle, Inextremely humid weather. do not place the airflow contiol in tha DEFROSTING position during cooling operation. The iflorence between the temperature of the outside air and that of the windshield could cause the outer surface of the windshield to fog up. blocking your vision, (On fong uphill drives, the additional load ‘of the ait conditioner may cause engine overheating. Watch the engine tem- pe‘alure gauge carefully. W the gauge indicates overheating. turn tha air condi toner of ‘The side vents may be opened or closed as shown, Radio— ‘You can listen to the radio when th tion keys at "ON" or “ACC. However, if the engine is not running, the key must be in the “ACC” position. The antenna automatically extends to it full height when the radio and ignition are turned on, and rexracts when eithers tumed of Before extending the antenns, confirm thet there is n0 one elose enough to get poked. To prevent damage 10 the antenna make sur itis retracted before running your vehi- ‘le trough an automatic car wash. FM broadcasts have 9 range of about 25 miles oF 0 km. When driving away trom 9 Slatin you may have to fine-tune your radio {and turn up the volume as the station gets weaker. Because FM uses 2 line-of-sight sig- ra, tall buildings or hills may sometimes black reception. These are all normal charac- teristics of FM reception and do not indicate any probiom with the radio isel AM-FM radio with electronic tuner | Stari SELECTOR BUTTONS | Push the "SW.VOLUME" knob to turn the radio on. Then push the AM/FM" button to selget either an AM or FE broadcast and push either side of the “SEEK” button to tune in the desired station. Each time you push the “SEEK” button. ane after another station is tuned in. For manual tuning, push either side al the “TUNE” button. ‘The radio will change automatically to stereo reception when an FM stereo broadcost is, being received, At the sasne time, the “ST” light will come on. If g stereo broadcast becomes weak with lots of static. the radio ‘will automatically switch over to monaural reception. To retain a station in memory: 1. Tune in the desired station. 2, Push the “MEMO” button 3. Push one of the station selector buttons. 4 Repeal this operation for the other but- tons. Five stations each of AM and FM can be retained in memory but a station can be re placed with diferent one by the same pro- ‘cedure. The memory station cannot be 62" celled out except when the power source is severed (battery disconnected, bumt fuse eich To.recall a memorized station, push cnoot the station selector buttons, To adjust the volume SW.VOLUME” kncb. To emphasize high: and low-pitehed tones, push the “LOUD” button in This will help Keep the sound in equal hearing level ‘aver 8 wider range of frequencies. Another push wil turn it off turn the 2 AM-FM radio with electronic tuner (cont) To increase reception sensitivity, push the “SENS” button in. This additional boost wil assist seeking the weak broadcasts during station searching. Another push will turn it oft To turn off the illumination lights, push the “LIGHT” button in. To turn them on. push it once again. For easier adjustment, the “FADER” BALANCE”, “TREBLE” and “BASS” knobs can be extended by pushing on them. ‘Another push will conceal them. To balance the sound botween the right ‘and left speakers, turn the "BALANCE" knob. To adjust the high-pitched tone, turn the “TREBLE” knob, To adjust the low-pitched tone, turn the "BASS" knob. To turn the radio off, "SW.VOLUME” knob once again. push the AM-FM radio with electronic tuner and cassette tape player FAST TRAVERSE agSETTE JECT TONS un art RECT ‘sorarOR aart HO 0 kocdpeaaeSSo| Ett a ‘STAT SeLeCrOR BUTTONS anes Push the '$W.VOL" knob to turn the radio. fon. Then push the “AM/FM” button to select either an AM or FM broadcast and push one of the SEEK” buttons to tune in the desired station. Each time you push one of the “SEEK” but- tons, one alter another station is tuned in. For manual tuning, turn the "PRO-TUNE” knob. The radio will change automatically to stereo reception when an FM stereo broadcast is being received. At the same time, the "STE- FEO' light will come an Ita stereo broadcast becomes weak with lots of static, the radio will automatically switch over to monaural reception. To retain a station in memory: 1. Tune in the desired station, 2. Push the “M” button 3. Push one af the station selector buttons 4, Repeat this operation for the other but- tons. Five stations each of AM and FM can be retained in memory but a station can be re- placed with 3 different one by the same pro- ‘cedure. The memory station cannot be can- celled out except when the power souree is severed (battery disconnected, burnt fuse, etc), To recallla memorized station, push one of the station selector buttons ‘To adjust the volume, turn the “SW.VOL" knob. ‘To emphasize high- and low-pitehed tones, push the "LOUD" button in. This wil help Keep the sound in equal hearing level over a wider range of frequencies, Another push will turn it off ‘To increase reception sensitivity, push the “SENS” button in. This additional boost will assist seeking the weak broadcasts during station searching. Another push will turn it off ‘To turn off the illumination lights, push the LIGHT” button in, To tuen them on, push it ‘once again. To balance the sound between the front and rear speakers, turn the “FAD” keob To balance the sound between the right and lett speakers, turn the “BAL” knob: To adjust the high-pitched tone, turn the “TRE” knob, To adjust the lovrpitched tone, turn the “BASS” knob. To turn the radio off, push the "SWVOL nob once again. Tolisten to a cassette tape, simply insert the cassette, with the tape side to the right, into the slot as far as it will go. ‘This will automatically turn on the tape play= er end turn off the radia, The play will auto matically change directions at the end of the tape to play the other sida When using a Doiby*-encoded tape, push the “DOLBY NA” button in. To play @ normal tape, push it once again. ‘When using a metal or chrome tape. push the "METAL” button in. Another push will return it for normal tape To fast forward or rewind the tape, fst note the direction the tape is tuning by the diteetion ingieator. Then push in one of the fast traverse butions for the direction desired. To stop either fast forwarcing or rewinding, lightly push the eppasite button “The tape will resume playing. ‘To ehange to the other side of the tape, push the "PRO-TUNE” knab. To eject the cassette, push the cassette ‘ject bution al the way in Cassette tape player AST TRAVERSE TTONS. Tolisten to. cassette tape, simply insert the easeette into the slot as far as it will 9 This will automaticaly tui an the tape play- and turnoff tha rao. The player wil auto- ‘matically change directions atthe end of the tape to play the other side. To fast forward of rawind the tape, fst note the direction the tape is turing by the diveztion indicator Then push in one of the fast traverse buttons for the direction desired To stop fast forwarding or revnnd- ing. lightly push the “STOPEJECT” button The tape will resume playing When using a Dolby*-enceded tape, push the “DOLBY NR" button in To play a normal tape, push it once again. Cassette tape player (cont) When using a metal or chrome tape, push the “METAL CiO7" bution in. Another push wil ‘turn for normal tape To change to the other side of the tape, push the "PROGRAM" To eject the cassette, push the ‘STOP.EJECT™ button all the way’ in Make any other adjustments with the radio controls 2 Graphic equalizer LEVEL INOEATORS, To adjust amplification or suppression of each frequency band, push the SQUALIZER” bution in and move each lever to the desired position. Another push vill turn it off. To diffuse the phase of sound, push the PHASE DIFFUSION” button in. Push once again to turn it off. Trip computer Ta display information helpful to your trip, [push in one of the function keys with the ignition key at "ACC" or "ON". The following information can be displayed t the corect data input has been made and the clock has been adjusted 10 the current time, ‘Clock —Push in the “CLOCK key Possible travel distance (in miles) with ‘remaining fuel quantity and the present rate of fuel consumption (miles per ‘gallon) — Push in the "MPG" key onee for dis tance and once egain for consumption [Estimated arrival time and remaining dis- tance lin miles) to destination ~Push in the “ARRIVE” key once for arrival time and once again for remaining distance Ihis important that correct dot ‘eemputer for calculation of dasired informa tion. Therefore, the time should be adjusted and data set as follows. To adjust to current time: 4. Push the “CLOCK” key. 2 Push the “DATA” koy. 43 Push the “H’ key to set to correct hour. 4 Push the “10M” key ta set 0 coerect unit f 10 minutes, Push the “Mt” key to set tocomrect unit of 1 minute 6 Push the “SET” key, IEEE appears on the display, it indicates a data input enor. In this case, the above pro: cedure must be repeated is fed to the To set the time to on the hour only. push in and hold the “CLOCK” key and push the “SET” key. For example it the time displayed is between 1-01 and 1:29. the display will ‘change to 1:00 when the “SET” key is pushed. If between 1:20 and 1:59, the dis- play will change to 2:00, To fend data necessary for possible travel distance and fuel consumption; Holdin the FULL” key for atleast 3 seconds immedia~ ely after having your fuel tank refilled. Your tank should always be refilled tothe top. fit is not ar you forget to holdin the "FULL" key. ingorreet information may be displayed. To feed data necessary for astimated artival time and remaining distance: Fist. ‘ake sure the current time is set correctly. If rot. refer to the procedure given previously. Then, using the following procedure, feed the distance to destination inta the com- puter: 11 Push the “ARRIVE” key. 2 Push tho “DATA” key, 3.Push the "K100" kay to set the 100-mile unit 4 Push the "X10" key to st the 10-rile unit 5 Push the “XT” key t0 set the tile unit 6 Push the "SET" key. The estimated arrival time will be displayed after driving atleast one ond half minutes When the displayed remaining distance 12 destination reaches zero, the current time wall blink on To turn it off, just push any function key To cancel data for estimated arrival time and remaining distance: First. push the "ARRIVE" key, naxt the “DATA” key and then push the “SET” key To illuminate the keyboard, push the “LIGHT” button in, Another push will wen off. ‘© Asa safety precaution, never attempt data input while the vehicle is in motto. ‘© Possible travel distance will vary with changes in the road and driving cond tions. Therefore, be sure ta keep sufficient ‘wel in your tank All data previously fed into the computer ‘will be canceled if the power source is severed (battery disconnected, burnt out fuse, ete) Cigarette lighter and ashtray Parking brake Glovebox - | ae a J meg l sora} | == Se} To operate the cigarette lighter, press it in. When it Becomes heated, it automat- ically pops out ready for use. IF the engine is not running, the kay must be in the "AOC" position. Do not hold the cigarette lighter pressed in After using the ashtray, push it dsck in Gom- ‘pletely. ot, the flame of a cigarette may ‘cause other cigarette butts to bur, resulting ina fire ‘Use a Toyota genuine cigarette lighter oF ‘equivalent for replacement. To set: Pull up the lever. To release: Pull up slightly, press the ‘thumb button, and lower. Before leaving your vehicle, firmly apply the parking brake {As a reminder. the parking brake reminder light will come on ifthe parking brake is not fully released when the ignition is on. Before driving, be sure thatthe parking brake is fully released and the parking brake remin= dor light is off To lock and unlock the glavebox door, use only the master key. To apen the glovebox. door, compress the lock release buttons. With the headlight switch on, the glovebox light will come on when the door is open. To reduee the chanee of injury in ease of an accident or # sudden stop, always keep the glovebox door elased while driving Power windows. Remote controlled rear view mirror Touse the vanity mirrors, swing down the sun visor and raise the cover. ‘Thevanity light comes on when you raise the cover. 3 | | To raise o lower the windows, use the switch on each dear. All windows can be Controlled by the switches on the driver's ‘The ignition key must be in the “ON” posi- tion, The window glass moves as long as the switch is pushed Be careful not to catch someone's fingers or neck in the window. 1 WASTER STE. conta — SWITCH | en, To adjust the outside rear view mirrors first place the master switch at “R’ right) or “L" Geft) depending on which mirror needs adjusting, then push the con- trol switch on each direction, ‘Adjust the miror so you can just se the side of your vehiculé ithe portion of the mirror closest to the vehicle if ice should jam the miror. do not operate the control switch ar scrape the mirtar face Use a spray desieer to free the miror Be careful when judging the size or distance af any object seen in the outside rear view ‘mirror on the passenger's side.|\ is & convex mirtor with @ curved surface. Any object seen ina conwex mitror will Jook smater and farther away than when seen in a flat mitor. ee To turn on the front fog lights. push the switch. They will come on when the head lights are.on low beam. Day-night rear view mirror Pull the lever backward to reduce glare from the rear vehicle headlights: during night driving. Before adjusting the mirtor to the position ‘with most clarity, push the day-night change lever forward (daylight driving position). Remember that by reducing glare you also lose some reas view clarity Interior light weal ‘The interior light switch has three posi: tions. SQN’: The light stays on with the door opened or closed regardless of anyother switches. DOOR: The light comes on while any door is opened “MOFF's The light remains off even with a door opened. To tum the map light on, first turn the headlight switch to the second or third clickstop. Then push the switch. Another push will turn the light off To gain access to the map light, open the console bok The coiled cord allows you to move the map. light around treely Personal light (vehicles with sun roof) [ To turn on the personal light, push the switch. ‘To turn the luggage compartment light on, ‘open the back hatch and push the switch. Closing the back hatch will turn the tight off a Electric sun roof Fold-down rear seat ‘To open the sun roof, push the switch in ‘on the “OPEN” side with the ignition ‘switch on, To close it, push the switch in ‘on the “CLOSE” side while pushing the lock button. ‘The sun roo! will move while the switch i ‘being pushed and stop when released ‘You may open the sun root to any desired Position Do not stick your head, arms, etc ‘out of the opening while the vehicle is mow- ng Do not sit on top of the vehicle around the opening Ifthe sun root does not close, see Section 3 for emergency information. 38 Unlock the seatback. and fold it down. When returning the seatback to the upright, position, make Sure it is securely locked by pushing forward and rearward on the top of the seatback ‘Never alfow anyone fo ride in the cargo ares. {tis not designed for passengers. They could be injured in sudden braking. To prevent luggage or packages from sliding orward during braking, do not stack any- ‘thing in the cargo ares higher than the seot- backs, Never exceed the vehicle capacity weight. (See section 8 Toopen the back hatch wile sitting in the river's sent, pull the lever up. To open the back hatch, insert the key and turn it clockwise. The back hatch wall open completely by itself ater it is raised halfway up. To close the back hatch, lower and press irwn on it. After cfosing the back hatch, try pulling it up to make sure it is securely closed. Keep the back hatch closed while driving This prevents exhaust gases from entering the vehicle. To use the luggage cover, pull it outof the retractor and hook it to the inside of the back hatch, For additional luggage space, remove the luggage cover. First detach the rear hooks, and then pull up the retrac- tor. To secure your parcels, hook the parcel strap to the catch as shown and tighten the strap by pulling on the free end. To prevent luggage or packages from slicing forward during braking. do not stack any- thing in the cargo area higher than the roar seatback Never exceed the vel ‘weight (See section 8) le capacity 39 Fuel tank cap Hood release “ke aL auouuaRY ‘eaten LEASE on 00 100x ‘To open the {uel filler door, pull the lover up. Te remove the cap, open the fuel filler door with the fuel filer door opener and turn the cop counterclockwise, it i not unusual to hear a slight swoosh when the cap is opened. When instaling turn the can clockwise til you hear a click. Make sure thet the cap is tightened securety to prevant fuel spillage in case of an acc dent Use only 5 genuine Toyota fuel tank cap for replacement, thas 3 built-in check valve. Pull the hood lock release lever under the dash and the hood will spring up slightly In front of the vehicle, press up on the ‘auxiliary catch lever and lift the hood. When closing, check to se6 that you hive ‘not forgotten any tools. rags, etc. lower the Rood and make sutait locks into place. H ne Ccessary. press down gently on the front edge to lock it With the headlight switch on at the second oF third clickstop. the inspection light wil come on when you open the ‘ngine hood. Closing the hood will turn it off You may move this light anywhere in the engine compartment by lengthening the (ord. Tur the Body counterclockwise, and take it out from the socket ‘An important warning about the engine exhaust ‘Avoid inhaling the engine exhaust. it con tains carbon monoxide, whieh is a colorless and odorless gas. It can cause unconscious: ness er even death Make sure the exhaust system has no holes or loose connections. The system should be checked each time the oil is changed or the vehicle is raised If you hit Something, of notice a change in the sound ‘of the exhaust, have the system checked im mediately, Do not run the engine in @ garage or enclosed area except for the time needed to drive the vehicle in or out. The exhaust g8se3 cannot escape. making this a particu: larly dangerous situation, Do nat remain for a long tims in a parked vehicle with the engine running. | it is unavoidable, however, do so only in an unconfined area and adjust the heating or cooling system to force outside air into the vehicle Keep the back hatch closed while driving. ‘An open of unsealed back hatch may cause ‘exhaust qates to be drawn into the vehicle. I ‘you must drive with the back hatch open to ‘accommadate a large abject. force fresh air inside the vehicle with the fan 1. Close the windows. 2 Set the air intake contro! at the OUTSIDE ‘AIR position. the air flow control at the HEATING position or VENTILATING position Wor fresh air through the heater or center vent ducts} and the fan on high speeds 2. Open the side vents To allow proper aperatian of your vehicle's ventilation system, keep the inlet grilles in front of the windshiald elasr of snow, leaves, fo other obstructions. back hatch closed. Have the cause imme- diately located and corrected. a Before starting the engine 1. Cheek the area around the vehicle before entering it 2 Apply the parking brake 4. Agjust seat position, seatback angle, heed: rest height and steering wheel height 4 Adjust inside and outside rear view mir 1008 5. Lock all doors. 6 Fasten seat belts. 7. Tuin off unnecessary lights and accesso- es, Remember to check that the warning lights function when turning the Key to "ON", and check the fuel gauge to see that you have suficient fuel, Driving tips—Section 2 How to start the engine ‘Normal starting procedure “The electronic fuel injection system in yout ‘engine autematically contols the proper ai fuel mixture for starting So you can start the cold oF hot angine as follows 1, Manual transmission: Shift into neutral and hald down the clutch pedal until the engine is stated Automatic transmission: Put the selector lever in “P” of “N". ("P* preferred) 2, With your foot off the accelerator pedal crank the engine by tuning the Key 10 START". Release it when the engine starts Do not crank for more than 15 seconds at 3 time ifthe engine does not start immediately 3. Alter the engine warms up for about 10 Seconds, you are ready to drive. I the weather is below freezing, lat it warm up for afew minutes belore driving. Do nor race # ‘cald engine and seave the vehicle while the engine is: warming up. If the engine will not start, it may be flooded. ‘© Depress the accelerator pedal and hold it to the foot, ‘White holding the accelerator pede! to the floor, cari the engine It may take about 16 seconds of continuous ranking to clear the excess fuel ‘© After cranking. release the accelerator pedal and crank te engine ntl it starts, Ifthe engine stalls... ‘© Simply restart it using the correct pro cedure given in normal starting ‘# If the engine stalls frequently, have the ‘engine checked immediately, ‘The shift pamern is convertional 2s stows aber, (Uae the check comectty. Frest Pe pea soar 40 tee tng and then soles & siomty. Do not st yout ‘ct oF De cktce white Grong. tecaese ¢ veel cause rendiess mesr And donot sights retace the Chtch to hoid the vehicle whee stopped on an uphill gade—ate the patrg este Recommended sifting spetés: The rersission is fully syachonced and weeheng & doerenting Seay, For the best compomce betwcte tusl economy aed wenicie perlomance You Posid epshtior dowashit at he lowe seco = InZe2zwt 2w303m2 Stated Sn5a5m6 Openchft the appropriate gaa ¢ arose maton needed mites you se cuSn bebe te siove dowestiting speeds Upstehing moo s00n o Goamsttanng te late wil cause legging Inc. pombe pega Rogdarty reeeg Pt teptt W TEnmE sored © each Gee wil Coss eee eget ete and Bp al cormumpton Maxum atowsbe speecs Ta get ona higheay ot pet Somer rete. marmot xeodermor may be eceusry Make suse you cboene the follewng max mum sloaatie Speect m eck gee ~ mach ted a ae 2 3 3 aap Donce domestit d you are going faster tha [hg maemom slzastis speed bor te eo ower peer ‘Good driving practice 4 When driving down a long hill reduce your speed and downshift toa lower gear The engine will provide a braking effect Remember, i you ride the brakes, they may overheat and not work properly, 4 Aoid overrowing the engine by slowing down belore downshiting—especially on wel icy. of sow covered roads—because it Could cause a loss of action. 4 Always slow down in gusty crasswinds Siowing down wil allaw you much beter control 4 Make sure the wehice is completely stop- pid before shifing into reverse tit is dificult to shift into reverse. put the transmission in aural, elease the clutch Badal momentarily, and then try again # Be carelul when accelerating, upsiftng, downshting or broking on a slippery sut- face. The abrupt change in engine speed, such 8 sudden acceleration or engine braking. could cause the drive wheels to Spin oF hid Driving with an automatic transmission LOCK RELEASE hana x cr | samo ele => Is ‘The 4-speed electronic controlled auto- ‘matic transmission uses a conventional ‘sequence of s¢lacter lever positions, an ‘overdrive switch and a driving pattern lector, Depress the lock release button to select the "R’,“Z" or" range Tha function of the selector lever positions is described below. Use 10 hold the vehicle in place alter the parking brake is set. The engine can be Started in this range, Never select this range with the vehicle moving oR range (Use for backing up the vehicle Select this Tange after the vehicle has stopped com pletely. EY ncawe p« ‘sce “N" range No gears are engaged. The engine can be started in this range=or restarted while moving “D" range This i the postion for normal dewving 2" range Use for diving in heavy traffic on moun tain roads. 1 range Use for hard puling through sand, mud ot snow, for driving up and down steep fills ‘and for engine brating Driving with ‘an automatic transmission (cont.) ot For normal driving, we recommend that ‘you put the selector lever in the “"D'" range, turn the overdrive switch on and ‘slect the NORM" driving pattern. The Toyota automatic transmission isa high: ly efficient 4-speed unit. For best fuel eeonemy, accelerate the vehicle from a stop by gradually increasing pressure on the pedal The transmission will automatically shift to the second, third and overdrive gears However, if engine coolant is below 95°F (35°C), the transmission will not shift into the third gear. I engine coolant is below 140°F (60°C). the tansmission will not shift into the ‘overdrive geer even with the overdrive switch on. oan if you need to accelerate rapidly, push the ‘accelerator pedal al the way tothe floor. The \tansmission will automatically downshift to the third. second or first gear, depending on your speed. Overdrive switeh \When the overdrive switch is turned off, the transmission will automatically upshitt from the fist to third gear but will not upshift 19 the averdrive gear at all Driving pattorn selector You can select a driving pattem suitable 10 existing daving conditions NORM" position—For general driving con- ditions. PWR” ponition—For powerful acceleration Using the “2 and “L" ranges |With the selector in “2, the vehicie wil start in the first gear and automaticaly shift tothe ‘second gear. With the selector in "L", the twansmission ‘will not upshift tall. This gives you positive ‘control over engine speed similar to that which you would have in a vehicle with & ‘manual transmision. The usval reason for selecting # lower range is to obtain engine braking when driving in the mountains or in heawy tatte Be careful not to exceed the following speeds when accelerating: 195/70 226/60 SR 14 tie HR 14 tire 38 moh 37 mph (61 evn) (59 kn) “2... Tmo 70 mph (112 kmh) (110 km/h) Good driving practice © Make sure the vehicle comes to 8 com plete stop betore selecting or moving out of the "R" range ‘© Never put the selector into “P™ until the vehicle is fully stopped. And always ust the parking brake, Do not count on the tansmission to hold the vehicle ‘© Whan driving down a long hill, reduce » your speed and select a laver range. Th ‘engine will provide a braking effect. Re: ‘member. if you ride the brakes. they may ‘overheat and not work propery. } rt ee ees ¢ Be careful when accelerating, upshiting downshitting oF braking ons slippery sur- face, The abrupt change in engine speed, such a5 sudden acceleration or engine baking, could cause the drive wheels t0 ‘Spin oF Skid, '# Always slow down in gusty crosswinds. This wil allow you much better centro. © Do not ga from "P" or "N” to "R or "D” With the accolerator pedal depressed ‘© Always turn the overdrive switch on to impcove fuel economy and quiet drive However, if engine braking is needed when going downhill in the “D” range or ifthe transmission is repeatedly upshifted and downshifted between the third and cverdrive gears when climbing gentle slope itis suggested that the overdrive switch is tured off. Be sure to turn the ‘witch on immediately afterward Limited-slip differential MANUFACTURES PLATE hoes rnc FTF Peeters Some Toyotas are equipped with a limited- slip differential. if one rear wheel begins to spin on a slippery surface. the limited-slip ifterential is designed to aid traction by au- tomatically transmitting driving force to the ‘other wheel If your vehicle is equipped with a limited-sip differential, the differential gear ‘housing has a abel with the letters "LSD™In event the label is tarn of or illegible, you can ask your Toyota dealer, oF eheck the ‘manufacturer's plate in the engine compart- ‘ment. Ifthe last digit of the axle code is a “3° or "6", your vehicle has a limited-siip differential WARNING: Do not start or run the engine ‘while your vehicle is supported by a jack. ‘The vehicle could be driven off the jack ‘and could pose a danger or result in ‘serious injury. Use onty a spare ire of the same size, con- struction and leed capacity a8 the original tires on your Toyota because damage to the ‘rear axle could possitly occur with another type tire, 47 Driving with the cruise control MAIN STEN OCATOR LIGHT oa 2) CONTHOL KNOB tat The cruise control allows you ta cruise the Vehicle at a desired speed over 25 mph (40 km/h) even with your foot off the ac- celerator pedal, Your cruising sped ean be maintained up or dot grades within the mits of engine per formance, although @ sight speed change may cccur when deving up ar down the graces On steeper mils greater speed change wil occu sits beta ocive with- aut the cruise contol (Do not use the cruise control when driving ia heavy or varying vatfic orn slippery (any. ‘Jey ar snow-covered) or winding roads. Main switch and indicator light To operate the cruise contol, push the main witch in. This tums the system on. The indicator light shows thal you can now set the vehicle at a desired cruising speed. Another push on the switch wil turn the system completely of Sotting at a desired speed Bring the vehicle to. desired speed. turn the contral knob downward in the SET (COASTI” direction and release it. This sots the wehicle at that speed. Now you may take yout feot off the accelerator pedal. f you need acceleration for example, when pass ingdepress the accelerator pedal enough for the vehicle to exceed the set speed. \When you release it. the vehicle wil return to the speed set prior to accaleation Canceling the preset speed You can cancel the preset speed by 8 depressing the brake pedal bs depressing the clutch pedal manual rans mission) ¢. placing the selector fever in" ig wansmission) 4, sighly pulling on the parking brake lever. The preset speed will also automatically ‘cancel out ifthe vehicle slows down to lass ‘than 25 mph (40 ken/) (automat: CAUTION (to: manual transmission): While sriving with the

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