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(Quarterly Examinations)
Active Starter UKG Set - 1 50
Time : 2½ hours MATHEMATICS [ Max. Marks : 50 ]

Name : ___________________________ Class :_______ Section : _______ Roll No. : _______

1. Write ‘M’ to more objects and ‘L’ to less objects. 6 x 1 = 6M


2. Count the objects and write their number in the box. 5 x 1 = 5M


S.A-I Senior KG (UKG) - Set - 1

3. Write ‘L’ against long objects, ‘S’ against short objects. 6 x 1 = 6M

4. Fill in the blanks. 3 x 2 = 6M

1. Symbol for less than is _______________.

2. Symbol for equal is _______________.

3. Symbol for greater than is _______________.

5. Fill the missing numbers. 10M

151 156 159

163 165 168

172 175 178 180

S.A-I Senior KG (UKG) - Set - 1


6. Write ‘B’ to big object and ‘S’ to small object. 6 x 1 = 6M


7. Write below numbers in words. 6 x 1 = 6M





S.A-I Senior KG (UKG) - Set - 1

8. Match the numbers in the left with right. 5 x 1 = 5M

86 34

52 12

76 86

34 52

12 76


S.A-I Senior KG (UKG) - Set - 1

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