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LNG501 Lecture 7

Plagiarism and Referencing

(APA 6th style)
Lecture Outline
• Plagiarism
• Referencing: in-text and full reference
• APA 6th – in-text:
• Direct quotation
• paraphrasing
• APA 6th – full reference
• Books
• Journals
• Internet sources
• APA 6th Guide on Moodle
What is Plagiarism?
• When you use somebody else’s ideas/words/images etc.
without referencing the source
• Pretending that somebody else’s (friend/relative/internet
source etc.) work is your own

• Using someone’s ideas but no referencing = PLAGIARISM

Why reference?
• To acknowledge the creator of the information/idea
• Makes your work credible, academic
• Always reference any idea/information you use from any type of source
• Many systems; LNG501 = APA6th

TWO things to do when referencing a source:

• In-text citation  some details
• Full reference  all details
APA 6th referencing: in-text
• In-text citation = referencing INside the TEXT

• APA 6th system of referencing:

3 parts

(Surname, Year, p. )
Last name of Year the Page number of source
the author information on which the
was published information appears
In-text citation: examples Put the direct (same)
words within “quotation
Direct quotation – same words from the source marks”

It has been argued that “economic progress damages the

environment” (Singh, 2009, p. 82). Full stop for sentence
Space after punctuation, after the in-text citation
In-text  within brackets closes
like comma and period.)

Singh (2009, p. 82) argues that “economic progress damages the


• If using 40 or more direct words from source  separate as block

In-text citation: example Note: multiple pages,
• Direct quotation – 40 or more same words from the source pp.

It has often been posited that there can be no economical progress without
some damage to the environment. There are several leading scientists and
economists who hold this stance.
One leading economical theory posits that, as natural resources need to be
utilized for development, the destruction of the environment for profit
purposes is inevitable. The large majority of scientific findings in the 20th
century seem to suggest the same. (Azam, 2008, pp. 5-6)
An example of this can be seen in the destruction of coastal mangroves for
tourism purposes in the Caribbean. This was done……
For block quotation, the
No quotation marks full stop is put before the
5 spaces indent from left needed for block in-text citation
margin for entire block quotation
In-text citation: multiple authors
• 2 authors  cite both names every time the reference occurs.

Example: Kumar and Bhindi (2014) found that…

• 3-5 authors, cite all the names the first time the reference occurs; in later
citations, use the surname of the first author followed by et al.
• Example: first citation Singh, Kumar, Azam and Bhindi (2010) found
second citation Singh et al. (2010) further argues that….
In-text citation: multiple authors
• 6 or more authors  use the surname of the first author followed
by et al. every time
• Example:
Naidu et al. (2007) showed that the….

Refer to the APA 6th Referencing Guide on Moodle for all your
LNG501 referencing.
Using sources without referencing or copying from others =
PLAGIARISM = zero/ disciplinary committee
Paraphrasing (indirect quotation)
• Better to put ideas in own words  shows understanding

• Paraphrasing = turning information into your own words

original meaning does not change

• Even if you put information in your own words by summarizing

or paraphrasing, you must STILL cite (reference) the original
author and the date of publication
Paraphrasing example:
Original source words:
“With rates of childhood obesity climbing over the last decade, some
parent and policy-makers have thought to consider whether the
availability of endless soda and junk food in school vending machines
might be contributing to the problem” (Price, 2012, p. 1).

Price discusses the possibility that the availability of unhealthy, sugary
snacks and drinks in school vending machines has contributed to the
rising epidemic of obesity in children (2012, p. 1).
APA 6th – full reference
• Full reference = all the bibliographical details
• Helps reader find the source
• Listed in alphabetical order on separate page at end
• You need to write BOTH in-text AND the full reference

APA 6th full reference =

Author(s) or editor(s), date of publication, title of work, other

publication details
Full reference: book
Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Book title:
Subtitle. Place of Publication: Publisher.
surname initials (Year) Title of large work = Capital
italics after colon
Franks, A. (2005). Margaret Sanger's eugenic legacy: The control
of female fertility. Toronto, Canada: McFarland & Company.

Singh, J., Azam, N., Kumar, M., & Hewson, M. (1997). Writing in
the new millennium in the Pacific. Suva, Fiji: Fiji National
University Press. Capital for
Indent the proper
second line noun
Full reference: chapter in edited book
Author Surname, First Initial. (Year). Title of chapter. In Editor First
Initial, Surname, Editor First Initial, Surname, & Editor First Initial,
Surname (Eds.), Book title: Subtitle (Page range). Place of
Publication: Publisher.
Title of smaller work within larger work = normal font

Stewart, B. (2007). Wag of the tail: Reflecting on pet ownership. In J.

Jaimeson, T. Bannerman, & S. Wong (Eds.), Enriching our lives with
animals (pp. 97-105). Toronto, Canada: Petlove Press.
Full reference: journals
Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Article title:
Subtitle. Journal Title, Volume(issue), page range. doi:xx.xxxx
xxxxxx OR Retrieved from URL of journal home page [if
Title of article in Next is title of journal – bigger
normal font work  italics
Pettigrew, T. F. (2009). Secondary transfer effect of contact: Do
intergroup contact effects spread to noncontacted
outgroups? Social Psychology, 40(2), 55-65. No “p”, just write
doi:10.1027/1864-9335.40.2.55 Volume in italics No space after page numbers of
doi if available Volume, give
Issue number in
If not, write: normal font in
Retrieved from then URL of site brackets
Full reference: newspapers

Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month Day).

Article title: Subtitle. Newspaper Title, page range.
Retrieved from URL [if viewed online]

Severson, K., & Martin, A. (2009, March 3). It's organic, but
does that mean it's safer? The New York Times. Retrieved
Full reference: general websites
Personal or Corporate Author. (Last update or copyright date; if not
known, use n.d.). Title of specific webpage. Retrieved from URL of
specific webpage

Gaiman, N. (n.d.). How dare you. Retrieved from

Human Resources Institute of Alberta. (2015). Protecting the public.

Retrieved from
APA 6th Guide on Moodle
• APA6th referencing Guide put on Moodle

• Consult it for all LNG501 References

• See video links on Moodle

• Consult tutor if needed


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