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English Worksheet: Event planning template



Name of event – what

Inauguration of product for dogs.
(building opening, sports day, art show, launch of new
Date of event
December 29, 2020

Time of event
3 Hours.

Location of event (Address, building…)

Event coordinator/contact person

Coordinator: Catalina Gil.
Phone number: 3012282769

Target audience – who  The event will be aimed at people with

Who is this event targeted at? pets (Dogs)
What does the audience need to know?  A new product will be offered for dogs,
What will hold their interest? which will benefit both the owners
and the animals.
 The advantages that the new product
will bring you which is a toy-shaped
mint scent dog brush.
Message – what  It is a product that will make both
What do you want to say to the target audience? dogs and owners happy, improving
What do you want them to know/do? the quality of life of the animals.
 They should know that although it is a
toothbrush, it can also be used as a toy
since it comes in the form of a ball.
Objectives – why
Some people complain of bad breath that
Be clear about what you hope to achieve with this event.
dogs produce, with this product I hope to
satisfy and improve this problem for the
owners of these animals.
Description of event – what
It will be an event in which they can take the
dogs, there will be many activities for both
the animals and the owners and some of
these dogs will be awarded
Risk assessment – what
The event takes place in an open-air place, in
Identify possible risks and develop strategies to
case it rains there will be tents and there will
minimise risks. be replacement personnel.
If any equipment is damaged, there will be a
replacement and a mechanic will be nearby.
Pre-assessment criteria established
What were our aims/objectives?
Did we achieve what we set out to do?
Did it come in on budget?
What were the intended/unintended outcomes?
How do we measure effectiveness?
What tools do we use to measure our success?

Teachers’ space
Checklist (email)

Who will be involved in the event
Date/s of event determined
Location/venue for event booked
Target audience determined
Message determined (email)
Objectives set (summary for the audience)
Prices, accommodation, parking…
Contact information
Proper language

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