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1. Subject-Verb Agreement
Contoh paling sederhana adalah yang
ada dalam tenses. Seperti He, she, it
harus ketemu verb s/es dan I, they, we,
you ketemu verb 1.

Tapi, di sini akan ada pembahasan

baru yaitu, collective noun. Di mana
collective noun harus bertemu verb

The flock of birds, pack of dogs,
school of fish, dan opride of lions

The flock of birds is circling overhead.

2. Conditional Sentence
Conditional sentence atau biasa dikenal sebagai
kalimat pengandaian ada 4 tipe, nah untuk tau
penjelasannya langsung aja search di Youtube
dengan keyword "Conditional Sentence
Kalo udah nonton, di sini kita bahas inversion
nya. Inversion: inversi: pembalikan.

Normal: If he were here, he would help.
Inversion: Were he here, he would help.
Di sini "were" maju ke depan, jadinya berada di depan "he".

Normal: If I had studied hard, I would have been able to

answered the questions.
Inversion: Had I studied hard, I would have been able to
answered the questions.
Dan Di sini "had" maju ke depan, jadinya berada di depan "I".
3. Parallel Structure
Struktur yang paralel atau sama, yang berada:
A. Sebelum dan setelah conjunction.
B. Di antara conjunction.

A. Sebelum dan setelah conjunction.

1. She is not a teacher but a lawyer.
Di kalimat ini "a teacher" dan "a lawyer" berada
sebelum dan setelah conjunction "but".

B. Di antara conjunction
1. He wants to go either by train or by plane.
Nah, kalo di kalimat ini "by train" dan "by
plane" berada di antara conjunction
"either_____ or ______".

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