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Bismilllahhirrohmannirohim, Assalammu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Good morning ladies and gentle men.

First of all, let’s praise and thank to our god ALLAH SWT, for giving us the mercy and
blessings, so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation. Peace
and Salutation always be upon up to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the
darkness to the brightness.
 The Honorable / The Respectable/ The Excellency (Choose One) The principle of Pelita
Nusantara Vocational High School, Mr.Drs. Iyan Supiyan,M.Pd
 The Honorable / The Respectable/ The Excellency (Choose One) The vice principle of
Curriculum, Mr Nawawi S.Ag.M.Pd
 The Honorable / The Respectable/ The Excellency (Choose One) The vice principle of
Students affairs, Mr.Sopiyan,S.Hi,.M.A
 The Honorable / The Respectable/ The Excellency (Choose One) The vice principle of
School Facilities and Infrastructure, Mr.Rohajon,ST
 The Honorable / The Respectable/ The Excellency (Choose One) The vice principle of
Industrial Relation, Mr. Nugrah Dwi Saptaji,S.Psi
 The Respectable the teacher council and all staff.
Ladies and gentlemen
In this opportunity, I am (sebutkan nama) as a Master of Ceremony. Allow me to read the agenda
of this Morning Kultum and Briefing, they are:

1. Opening
2. Presenting speech or Morning Kultum
3. QnA (Question and Answer Session)
4. The speech of the principle
5. Closing

Ladies and gentlemen

 First, Let’s begin this agenda by reciting Basmalah.
 Second, Presenting Morning Kultum will be delivered by (………….)
 Thanks to (…….) for delivering nice kultum today.
 The third agenda is QnA (Question and Answer) Session. We start from … (Right Side / Left
Side). Do you have any question or additional message from this kultum?
 And next, The Additional Message from The Vice. Start from Mr Sopyan. Time is yours.
 Thank you, Mr Sopyan, for the additional message
 Next, Mr Nunu/ Mr Rohajon. Do you have any additional message?
 Thank you for the additional message.
 Next, additional message from The Vice of Curriculum. Mr. Nawawi, S.Ag.,M.pd. The time
is yours.
 Thank you Mr Nawawi for the additional Message
 Fourth, the guidance of the principle, Drs. Iyan Supiyan, M.Pd. The time is yours
 Thank you, Mr Iyan for the additional message
 The last agenda is Closing. Let’s close our agenda by reciting Hamdallah and Du’a
Kafaratul Majlis.
 And let’s start our activity by reciting Basmallah

Wassalamu ‘Alaikum Wr., Wb.,

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