FinalExam - REPORT of Digitaziion - 03311942000008 - Ausa Ramadhan Agustawijaya

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Digital Cartography


Dr. Filsa Bioresita, ST, MT

Cherie Bhekti Pribadi, S.T., M.T

Written By :

Ausa Ramadhan Agustawijaya








Maps is one of the fundamental part in scope of geodesy and needed as one of
the basic elements in spatial data created by cartographic techniques. The data will
be presented graphically on a visible and easy-to-understand screen with a map.
The map is one of the products manufactured in the scientific field
of geomatics engineering and is one of the most important spatial data and is
needed to obtain information about the area. Maps created manually and using
conventional technologies are called analog maps. Along with the development of
technology, maps are also experiencing developments, one of which is the
emergence of Digital Maps

Digital Maps is typically a dynamic earth map model and is able to integrate earth
models with cartographic objects in a database and is governed by geographic
information systems. Digital maps can also be generated from the completed
conversion of analog maps through the digitization process by using software which
has been carried out by this project practicum using Raster Data Of Rupa Bumi
Indonesia Map. The cognitive process of digitizing the RBI map in this project uses
Wonokromo area map with Map Sheet number 1608-414 and a scale of 1:25.000
and processed by using the AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 software to digitize the process
up to topology process. The practical purpose of this project is to understand the
process of converting an analog map into digital by going through the rubber-sheet
process up to the topology process of points, lines, and polygon elements on the
map using AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 software.

In this digitalization the maps used are Peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia(RBI) with scale
1:25.000the steps and result of digitalization are these:

a. Inserting a map

In this step we insert the map that has been downloaded the maps used are

Wonokromo map 1608-414 Insert the map into the software by selecting the map

menu> image> insert then selecting the map and opening the file
b. Addersheet

Map was successfully inserted. Then do Zoom> Extents by typing the command

Z> Enter and E> Enter to display the RBI Map in the middle of the work screen.

After attaching the map we do the addrsheet for georefrencing.

Determine four control points from the map that has been inputted to be the base

point or the coordinates of the rubbersheet results. The control point or map

initial coordinates are at the intersection of the initial map coordinate lines. Then

do a rubbersheet to determine the new coordinates of the transformation. The

steps are: type on command Addersheet (pointer changes to point selection

mode) -> Select Base Point and Enter Reference Point -> Enter -> Select (s) ->

All (all) -> Enter (e) -> Zoom ( z) -> Extents (e).
Then enter the first coordinate value in the comment. Continued at the second

coordinate clockwise. After entering the last coordinates enter 2 times, after that

type S to select the object. Type all to mark all selected objects. Type Z to enlarge

the selected object, then enter. Then type e for extents (zooming in on the entered

coordinates). Then the map will automatically have new coordinates, according to

the coordinates previously entered.

c. Digitazion

At this step we start digitizing by creating multiple layer according to its type The

digitization process begins with creating layers as needed. Go to 'Layer Properties

Manager> new layer> name layer> set the layer color

Start digitazion layer by layer, tools used for this digitazion is polyline
This is what is look when few layer combined

d. Topology

After digitizing all kayers we do the topology in this topology we fix the error in

digitazion procces such as intersection of points, points that not include in any

polygon. In topology it devided into three parts first is nodes in this part it was for

independent point such as mosque

And after nodes there is network it includes linear objects, and can have nodes to

which linear objects are connected. Additionally, linear objects can have directions,

examples is road,railroads,river.
And after the networks there is polygon and it involves polygons defining the area,

such as area(pemukiman) rice fields, fields(ladang), plantation,empty land (lahan

In the topology, error correction appears, which is indicated by the geometry that

appears on the map. The octagon geometry is green, the cross geometry is red, and

the triangkle geometry is yellow. These mistakes were corrected one by one. If so,

check again until no errors appear as indicated by the notification "topology

successfully" on the command.


After all the steps of digitazion has been done, here is the outcome or the result of


Riyadi, Gondang. 2014. Kartografi Digital. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics

Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gajah Mada University.

Yulianto, Ir. Widi. 2003. Aplikasi AutoCAD 2002 untuk pemetaan dan SIG Jakarta:
PT Elex Media Komputindo

Prihandito,Aryono. 1988. Proyeksi Peta. Yogyakarta: Kanisius acessed on 14th januari 15.00
191B2661-61D0-4B6D-9B76-2C4121E22C3F-htm.html accesed on 13th January

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