Paper Airplane Scientific Method Lab Activity Xavier Kenfe

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Airplane Lab

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Build 3 paper airplanes in an attempt to determine the optimal design to maximize flying distance.
Each airplane needs to be built slightly differently. With each of your airplanes, you must keep
everything the same (to the best of your ability) except ONE variable (weight, wing length, plane
length, wing diameter if using circular wings, etc.). The choice of the variable is up to you and will
be the basis behind your research.

Your lab must contain the following subheadings:

Introduction: This should include relevant background information on paper airplane design
specific to what you are testing (weight, shape, etc). This section should be around two
paragraphs (~200 words) in length. You will need to do some research about paper airplane
design here.

Independent variable (what you change) –
Dependent variable (what changes because of the IV) –
Control variables (what never changes)–

Hypothesis – If/then/because of the format. Make sure your because touches on aspects in the
introduction. This must be done PRIOR to performing your lab.

Procedure –You are free to look up paper airplane designs online and simply copy and paste the
steps here. Each plane will have a similar procedure with the exception of the altered variable.
Please make your last point, for the remaining planes follow the above procedure but [insert your
change here and be specific]. You must then explain the steps involved in collecting your data.
Pictures of you building the planes are an excellent way to demonstrate the steps involved.

Observations –
Quantitative: Include a data table for flight distance as well as a graph. Include figure numbers for
graphs and table numbers for tables underneath each. You should perform 3 throws per airplane
but your graphs and tables should only include the average of the 3 throws.

Qualitative: Anything else that you notice which is not measurable i.e. Plane nosedives after a
certain weight stops or starts barrow rolling, etc.

Analysis – In this section, you should be using words to state the results, DO NOT try to explain or
rationalize, you are simply putting your data into words. Identify patterns and trends in results.
State what occurred/was found by referring to the tables and graphs (i.e. “According to Figure

Conclusion – Combine the discussion and conclusion section here. You are to summarize and
discuss your results, restate your hypothesis, and state whether or not it is accepted based on your
findings. You should also be putting pictures here to help the reader visualize your results. You
should be using terms researched and used in the introduction.
Template to use for Lab Write Up (rename this for your lab)

Introduction: On this paper airplane it is meant to glide through the air and is not to be thrown
hard because of its flimsier wings. Also, I added a back wing to help it soar through the air. Also, I
bent the wings a little to help it fly up more. The wings are also bent so when the plane won’t stall
when it goes to high up and falls to the bottom. I tried to make my folds a perfect as possible while
I was making my paper airplane. I flipped the wings up a little because it would help the plane fly
up and be a little bit more balanced while gliding. On another paper airplane, I bent the trailing
edge to the edge left because it was turning to the right to much. That works because the air will
travel onto that side of the plane and will get stuck on the bent you made to the trail end. Also on
one of the wings, I pushed it up to even it out with the other wing. I changed how the wings were
bent at the end to go hire up in the air.

Independent variable (what you change) – I changed the wing and the trailing edge. Also wing
Dependent variable (what changes because of the IV) – How hight the plane flys and which way it
Control variables (what never changes)– How I made the plane and how the wings were made
before adding differences.

Hypothesis – If_I change the trailing edge. Then the plane will not flip upside down. because __The
air on the plane will get caught on the trailing edge and will turn to the left. This must be done
PRIOR to performing your lab.

Procedure –(step by step, use numbers)

I changed how the back of the plane was angled by changing it to go to the left. I also being the
edge of the wings to go hire and not stall.

Observations –
Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Design 1 11ft 15ft 12ft
Design 2 4ft 7ft 11ft
Design 3 2ft 6ft 8ft

Qualitative: Something that happened a lot with plane 3 is that it would weather fly high and turn
around or fly to the left or right which shorten the length it could go.
Analysis – According to Design 1, My plane flew so far and well because I angled the wings so it
would go straight and would fly higher. Design 2 didn’t work as well because I changed which way
it went because it keeps turning to the right and coming back to me. Design 3 was the worst
because it keeps going high in the air and flipping right back at me no matter how hard I threw it
or how soft.

Conclusion – My hypothesis was correct for my airplane because it used to flip all the time and
when I flipped the trails end it flew a lot better. It also flew the second farthest than any of the
other ones. The reason my first design worked so well was because I took more time on it. I folded
more precisely and I was able to even out the wings better. Design 2 didn’t work as well because I
messed up and the wing was a lot more flimsier so I couldn’t throw it that hard, all it did was glide
down slowly. Design 3 was so bad because I kept turning no matter what I would do Also, if I
threw it too hard it would do a loop and come back to me so the only way I could through it was if
I got lucky and it hit the wall before turning. So that is how I got such short measurements for
design 3.

-Design 1 -Design 2

-Design 3

Airplane Lab Rubric:

R Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Introduction No research Very little Some research All relevant All relevant
has been done. research has has been research has research has
been conducted. been been conducted
conducted. conducted. thoroughly.
Variables and Very little 2 of the 3 Variables are All variables All variables
Hypothesis effort. Variables are mostly are correctly are correctly
incorrectly correctly labelled. labelled.
Variables are labelled. labelled.
not done Hypothesis is Hypothesis is
correctly Hypothesis is Hypothesis is well done and very well done
done but done and follows the and follows the
Hypothesis is doesn’t follow mostly follows correct format. correct format.
not done the correct the correct
correctly. format. format.
Procedure Procedure is Procedure is Procedure is Procedure is Procedure is
incomplete. either not complete and complete, complete,
complete or correct but correct and correct and
correct. lacks detail. detailed. very detailed.
Observations Observation Graphs and Graphs and Graphs and Graphs and
components Tables are not Tables are Tables are neat Tables are very
are not neat and/or included and correctly neat and
included correctly done done correctly done
Figure and Figure and Figure and
Table numbers Figure and Table numbers Table numbers
are not Table numbers are included are included
included are included
Analysis All 3 of the 2 of the criteria Either 1 of the criteria Results are
criteria are are missing and is missing clearly stated
missing the third is 1 of the criteria
poorly done. is miss and the Trends are
other 2 are clearly
poorly done identified

or Tables and
Graphs are
2 of the criteria referred to
is missing
Conclusion All three of the 2 of the criteria 1 of the criteria Results are Results are
criteria is is missing is missing summarized clearly
missing. summarized
or or Results are
discussed Results are
1 criteria is Very little effort clearly
missing and was put into Hypothesis is discussed
other two the required restated and
poorly done criteria. accepted or Hypothesis is
rejected restated and
accepted or

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