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Name : Khafifah Indah

Nim : 1832013

Semester :5

Subject : Writing IV

Lecturer : Andri Donal, M.Pd

Title : The Implementation of English Club at MAN 1 Rokan Hulu

The Implementation of English Club at MAN 1 Rokan Hulu



A. Background of the research

Language is fundamental to human life. People use it to communicate with one to
another. With language, people can express their feelings or idea orally and get some
information from others. English as one subjects in school has an important role because
it is a foreign language which is widely used in communication by people and most
countries in the world. Since years ago people use language which can be understood by
others. People need a language that can be universally understood by society. One of the
foreign languages used in Indonesia is English.
English is one of the languages used by people to interest each other. English is
used and learned much by people in the world. In this era, Indonesia also takes part to
learn the language. English has an important role since most of the information resources
were the English language. English in Indonesia has been taught to the students since
they were in the elementary school and even in kindergarten until university.
An English club is an organization of people with a common purpose or interest,
who meet regularly and take part in shared activities. Otherwise, it is a group or
association of people with common aims or interest. One of the problems faced by the
low quality of English, especially non-English students, is the lack of awareness of
students to learn English. One way to increase students' awareness of learning English is
to form student activities. English activities such as the English Club can be a place for
everyone students in order to communicate well using English and increase students'
knowledge and competence in English. Activities that are followed and carried out by
students both at school and outside of school, aim to enrich and expand themselves
especially in speaking English both orally and in writing.
There are several activities that can be done in English Club activities, including
first is an English Conversation. This activity is great for improving students' ability to
speak in English. In addition, this activity can train students' courage in expressing
opinions. The second activity is the English Wall Magazine. This activity can train
students in writing or compiling material in English. The third is the English
Competition, such as an English speech contest. Students are trained in how to make
speeches using English so that students can apply them during competitions.
Considering the optimal level of English Club activities at MAN 1 Rokan Hulu,
as well as the great benefits of English Club activities, students and English teachers at
MAN 1 Rokan Hulu consider it necessary to organize English Club development
assistance activities for MAN 1 Rokan Hulu students. The effectiveness of learning
English through student activities is still lacking, this can be seen from the goals that have
not been achieved learning, namely the competence of students in communicating using
English in spoken and written form well. Likewise, four English language skills are still
low, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. In supporting and helping achieve
the goals of learning English, MAN 1 Rokan Hulu organizes activities in the form of an
English Club.
Organizing English Club activities at MAN 1 Rokan Hulu has the goal of
developing talents, interests, intellectuals and skills by 1) providing assistance for
outstanding students. 2) holding activities that stimulate children's creativity and develop
talents, interests and explore student competencies. 3) motivating students to procure wall
Based on the situation above, the researcher is interested in conducting a study
entitled The implementation of English club at MAN 1 Rokan Hulu.
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Elnadeef Elsadig Ali Elsadig, Abdala Hamdan Elneil Hamad Ayman. 2019. The
Effectiveness of English Club as Free Voluntary Speaking Activity Strategy in Fostering
Speaking Skill in Saudi Arabia Context. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature
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Yuliandasari Aida, Kusriandi Wendi. 2015. Students Perception On English Club
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