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Name : Khafifah Indah

Nim : 1832013

Subject : Sociolinguistics

Lecturer : Andri Donal, M.Pd

The Final Examination of Sociolinguistics

English Study Program

University of Pasir Pengaraian

1. How important is learning sociolinguistics? Sharpen your argument by giving examples.
2. Describe the concept of language variety and what languages exist in your society.
3. The using of English in our society cannot be ignored. Therefore, please make the
dialogues containing English language in code switching phenomena by observing your
society. The dialogue must contain 1 intrasential code switching and 1 intersential code
switching. Underline the words, phrases or clause showing code switching.

1. Sociolinguistics is the study of language that use in social environment. language is the
essential thing that people need to communicate, share and get the information, feeling,
ideas, etc. We live in social environment called society. so, it show that we must learn
and comprehend our understanding of sociolinguistics to communicate with others in our
environment. the advantages of learn sociolinguistic are; to increase our awareness that
every region has different language, dialect and accent then, we know the different
characteristics of language that used in different region, the different culture of people in
different region, we also know that social factors such as class and gender influence the
language too. and we can get many vocabulary of language in a region to communicate
with people around the region.
When two people speak with one another, there is always more going on than just
conveying a message. The language used by the participants is always influenced by a
number of social factors which define the relationship between the participants. Consider,
for example, a professor making a simple request of a student to close a classroom door
to shut off the noise from the corridor. There are a number of ways this request can be
made: a. Politely, in a moderate tone “Could you please close the door?” b. In a confused
manner while shaking his/her head “Why aren’t you shutting the door?” c. Shouting and
pointing, “SHUT THE DOOR!”
The most appropriate utterance for the situation would be a. The most inappropriate
would be c. This statement humiliates the student, and provides no effort by the professor
to respect him/her. Utterance b is awkward because it implies that the teacher
automatically assumes that the student should know better than to leave the door open
when there is noise in the hallway. The inappropriateness is a social decision tied to the
social factors which shape the relationship between speaker ( the professor), and the
listener (the student).
When choosing an appropriate utterance for the situation, there are factors that you must
consider in order to effectively convey the message to the other participant.

2. The concept of language variation is central in sociolinguistics. The English language

varies on individual, regional, national and global levels. Unfortunately, some people are
unaware of various social and regional dialects, and different varieties of English in the
world. Understanding variation within a language is important for every member of our
community, and especially for those who receive a college education. Sociolinguistics
investigates all these language variations. In sociolinguistics, a variety, also called a lect,
is a specific form of a language or language cluster. The language exist in my society is
Malay’s language.

3. A : Nein er kam doch erst um neun, weißt du? (German + English)

B : I don’t know.

A : Do you want a cup coffee? (English + Spanish)

B : Sí, lo quiero.

A : Tum kya kar rahe ho? (Hindi + English)

B : I’m watching a movie.

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