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Nama : Dimas Akmal Rifaldy

Prodi : Desain Grafis 3B

NIM : 19151014
Mata Kuliah : English for Costumers Pertemuan Ketiga

Look at the following vocabularies, and make in the sentences

1. Discipline: The design of any product requires the cooperation between many design


2. Achieve: Show which colors work to achieve the results you want.

3. Discovery: Discoveries are crucial to setting design projects off in the right direction by

focusing on the right problems and, consequently, building the right thing.

4. Provide: Pinterest provides many references for designers

5. Creativity: Graphic designer must have creativity when they do their work or design

6. Estabilishing: Establishing your design process is key for any kind of company

7. Encompasses: Graphic design can encompasses things that are rarely found

8. Strategic: Strategic design is an emerging problem-solving mindset that utilizes design tools

to meet business goals and objectives.

9. Develop: There are many ways to develop quick off-the-cuff concepts, but generating one

with meaning and depth that will help to support the development of your project

10. Effective: The principles of design are the rules a designer must follow to create an effective

and attractive composition

11. Inovation: Innovation by design is the utilization of a designer’s methods and sensibility to

address the needs of the consumer.

12. Decisions: Design has a tremendous impact on decision-making.

13. Environment: Environmental design can also refer to the applied arts and sciences dealing

with creating the human-designed environment.

14. Comperhensive: Good design matters, And what makes design truly good is when it

captures a comprehensive set of objectives.

15. Create: Graphic designer is able to create things that are beyond human reason

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