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Spider Haiku

Learning zazen from

the spider; all the night's web
centered and still.

Patience she waits for

dusk to complete it's last light
and she takes her place.

Each evening's work

spin upon nightfall - there are
critters to catch.

In a circling spin
swaying plump rears - a spider
dances fast her web.

Then centered stillness

'ln a measureless ceasing
Suddenly a flinch !

Flinch in disturbed
movement; shock wave in the web
explore - nothing.

Centered again still

till morn's first rays of light,
then disappear.
Go ln Beauty

The heavens declare

the Wonder of God
(Mide Psalm 19): the bear
leaves tracks
in the clouds across the sky
. billowy white soaring high
in blue contrast.
The sun shows forth all His handiwork
in daily nature's laws;
day after day puts forth a silent speech
night after night thunders bear claws
-a wordless knowing
the cloud of unknowing.
ln the morning dawn dances (and finds)
fast the lady ant
At dusk: the bear reclines.
The daystar comes forth from its chambers
runs its course through its suspended tent
the firmament upheld without pillars
(while the moon away is sent):
marks time
And by design;
it allgoes in beauty.
"Nih-Zhoni-go" the Navajao say
it allgoes in beauty.
A Dark Night of The soul
We have fallen back
Time has changed
darkness comes quick now.
This terrestrial orb spins'in a control
out around a ball of immense fire.
From such, turning back,
A big white spot meanwhile hovers
and rules any sleep in the celestial night.
Although silver lined dark clouds
Pass through a crescent white
she still reigns her force of pull
upon the water everywhere.

When on the underside brother water in the sky

relaxes he spreads his reach in to the rocks,
Other family members in the mount tops
soften and long to humble themselves
Overflowing the streams rushing to the lowest level.
The beams of the moon please me more
'than the sun.
I am comfortable with the night.
1f (il,e,,sto"ltje -lts- . r

luh"' j't,lq s' thrl

A Rubber Chicken Life f,raw ,v,s,rl 7x Z Z7 os

"Charles Emmerson Winchester lll" pulls a rubber chicken from his symphony. Moments earlier
seeking a calm relax rapt in tender escape from the insanity and death of the place. Jolted back
to reality by that rubber chicken he cries out and screams to his father; "Get me out of here!
Get me, the Hell, out of herel"

But ah, to accept, to bless, to even love

that rubber chicken: that is the meaning
and the secret to life.

Hugh Gallager wrote as an NYU applicant

to the question to define himself:
"l can make Thirty- Minute Brownies in twenty minutes."
How about Minute Rice in half an hour?
ln that sentiment I write:
lf men are from Mars and women from Venus
I must be from Pluto;
and Pluto is no longer even a "planet."
I am a refugee of a wounded love, and an outlaw in America.
I am the property of the state yet am a free man.
I believe what is "normal" is simply a setting on a washing machine
And what is"fair" is a carnival in the Fall.
I make abstract art; floral arrangements on paper, and I don't
watch t.v. I sleep about 4 hours at a time, and l've made
extraordinary four-course spreads using rammen noodles,
pickles and chili packs.
The laws of Karma and seeds of sin apply to me
but the norms of society do not.
I am unforgiven, yet I have received much Grace.
I live, I love, I meditate, I take and give, yet I no longer
take my life so seriously.
I read, I write, I draw, and sing, and slow dance
to songs on my radio.
On weekends I stay in my house (my cell) for sometimes
three days straight.
I work and I pray, I eat and sleep and face the days
h fl,,ll,un Cticku L,{e -y'z
tr/ePAe^ Sto'eltje sp 't
one at a time. - \i,les Ll,"t
I make friends with weird, uncool, nerdy guys &ear'rnml Tx VVv
and I do no longer cuss.
I believe Elvis and Hitler are long dead but I have
heard from Jesus. I believe I see him in others.
Long ago I discovered the meaning of life and I

found it meaningless,
and therein is my peace.
And I am not defined by any of this.
Love ls Friendship Set To Music

ls this you and I making love as music?

A nice arrangement; do we have what it takes?
The smooth relation between notes and lyric.

Sometimes you play me; I feel it is tragic.

Other times you soothe me of my inner aiches.
ls this you and I making love as music?

Then other times the play is really comic.

Can we feel gentle melodies we emote?
The smooth relation between notes and lyric.

Do we have a musicale to make magic;

The sensitive connection between the notes?
ls this you and I making love as music?

Am I here just feeling lonely and lovesick?

Or do I hear harmony between lovers?
The smooth relation between notes and lyric.

ls this you and I making love as music?

Or is this our love something of another?
At least I feel us as we're both soul suitors.
The smooth relation between notes and lyric.

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