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Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

Neotech Institute of Technology

A Report On-

“Development of floating wastage removal in water bodies”

Under subject of
B. E., Semester – V
Mechanical Branch
Submitted by:


1. BUDHELIYA YOGESH H. 181173119521

2. PAREKH RUSHABH M. 181173119060
3. PATEL SHIVAM N. 181173119085
4. PATEL SHIVAM S. 181173119086


(Faculty Guide) (Head of the Department)

Academic year

1. Design Engineering………...........................................4
1.1 What is design? 4
1.2 What is design thinking? 5
1.3 Design thinking process 5
1.4 Why design thinking is needed? 5
2. Why we selected our project? …………………………7
3. Canvas…………………………………………………8
Empathy mapping…………………………………9
3.1.1 User 9
3.1.2 Stake holders 10
3.1.3 Activities 11
3.1.4 Story Boarding 12
3.2 Ideation Canvas……………………………………16
3.2.1 Props 16
3.2.2 Situation 17
3.3 Product Development……………………………...19
3.3.1 Product experience 19
3.3.2 Product features 20
3.3.3 Customer revalidation 21
3.4 AEIOU Summary…………………………………..23
3.4.1 Activities 25
3.4.2 Environment 25
3.4.3 Interactions 25
3.4.4 Objects 26
3.4.5 User 26
3.5 Mind mapping……………………………………...28
3.5.1 Mind mapping canvas 28
4 Conclusion.....................................................................................29

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Drainage pipes are been used for the disposal
and unfortunately sometimes there may be loss of
human life while cleaning the blockage in the
drainage pipes. In order to overcome the
problems in manual drain cleaning, we are
SYSTEM, to clean and control the drainage level.

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1 Design Engineering

Design Engineering is a subject newly introduced in 3 rd Sem. of whole

engineering branches. In this course, the students have the flexibility to earn
design credits beyond classroom. This subject emphasizes how engineering
acts as a filling fuel by using of fuel-dispenser.

A brief introduction of design engineering regarding its origin, case and

desired result was being given by us at initial stage. Than onwards we
proceeded with briefing about canvas filling and its four stage namely
empathy canvas, identical canvas, production development canvas one by
one i.e. instead of focusing on all canvases altogether we made us to think
only on general user. Then after we proceeded with narrowing it down to a
specific problem regarding specific user group.

1.1 What is design?

Design is a plan of a system, its implementation and utilization for attaining

a goal. It is to change undesired situation into desired situation means to

find solution for undesired/uncomfortable situation.

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1.2 What is design thinking?

Design thinking gives students a taste of the rich internal-remunerations

associated with knowledge-creation and in curiosity and problem-driven

1.3 Design thinking process:

 (1) Find goals or need

 (2) Evaluate goals or need
 (3) Generate proposals to satisfy goals
 (4) Evaluate proposals
 (5) Improve goals and proposals

1.4 Why design thinking is needed?

The main aim of this subject is to encourage the students to analyse the
things and to find some problems and to modify it.

This is needed to make the things more efficient and with least of negative
points. By analysing various problems, students will become technically
trained and their thinking ability will improve. They will be able to observe
the things technically in order to make it more efficient and reliable.

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This can be done through discussion, mapping and journaling”…”talking,
sharing, and discussing are critical; we are biologically wired for language
and communicating.” actively construct and reconstruct knowledge out of
their experience in the world.” Constructivists believe that individuals learn
through their experience and that meaning is rooted in experience. The key
to learning is for the learner to find multiple ways to link new information
to previous experience.” To facilitate the constructivist learning approach in
an online environment, concept maps are often used to link the information
together. The process of actually creating a concept map is a significant
learning strategy that is graphic and forces the learner to think about the
relationships between terms. Students can identify key concepts and show
the relationships between them, which aids their understanding more clearly
the meaning of material.

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For reducing human effort and easy cleaning of water
bodies, we selected this project. In order to remove a
certain amount of solid waste and undesirables from the
waste water we use the automatic gutter cleaning machine
which is intended to as a check point at various focus points
where the waste get accumulated. Thus it reduces the work
done by the treatment plan and facilitates smooth flow of
waste water system.



1.Empathy Mapping
2.Ideation Canvas
3.Product Development Canvas
4.AEIOU Summery
5.Mind mapping canvas
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3.1 Empathy Mapping:-
Empathy Map is the canvas where designer has to observe and understand
the emotional needs of the user, and on the basis of empathy of user he
will think of its solution. A User Empathy Map can help us to tie up a
discussion about the needs that the user has. The discussion will be
focused on what was observed, and what can be done about these user
groups’ beliefs and emotions. An empathy mapping is a tool which helps us
to summarize our observations and take out unexpected ideas with no
restriction & any bound.


 In this stage, we find the various users which are directly or indirectly
related to our project.
 From canvas: -
 Corporation
 Company

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Fig.3.1.1 User

 Stakeholders mean a person or organization with an interest.
In this stage, we find the user who will directly or indirectly related to
 From canvas:-
 Corporation
 Company

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Fig.3.1.2 Stakeholders

3.1.3 Activities:
 The function performed by our product is included in it.
 From canvas:
 It is use to clean swimming pool, lake, rivers and
other different water bodies.

Fig. 3.1.3 Activities

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3.1.4 Story boarding:-
 Happy story:-
Due to manufacturing of this project, cleaning of canals is to be done
on regular basis and due to which accumulation of water doesn’t takes
place and pollution can be prevented.
 Happy story:-
Due to manufacturing this machine, man don’t have to go in directly
to clean & it doesn’t affects on his health.

 Sad story:-
Once a man’s duty is to clean canals or drainage lines of city. Due to
this daily work of cleaning drainage lines, it affects his health and
after some time he dies.

 Sad story:-
Due to improper cleaning of drainage lines in monsoon, water can be
choked in lines and this cause diseases.

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Fig. 3.1.4 Story Boarding

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Fig. 3.1.4 Empathy Mapping canvas

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3.2 Ideation Canvas:-
 After some days we have started working with people where we
simply thought about the people for whom we want to solve the
problem. We started with our ideation canvas.
 For our product we have listed the people who can generally use our
product. All general people like floor-manager, shopkeeper, students
etc. are people who will use our product.
 The thought for context/location /situation and finally for possible
3.2.1 Props:-
Cannot take heavy loads.
High motor can be applied.

Fig.3.2.1 Props

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3.2.2 Situation:-

 Canal
 Lake
 Drainage Lines
 River

Fig.3.2.2 Situation/Context/Location.
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3.3 Product development Canvas:-
In which canvas we were doing work start with the product development
canvas. Product canvas will require us to start building a structure of our
product around the emotional needs of the user. Building solution around
the emotive needs of user is central to design thinking.

3.3.1 Product experience:-

 Easy to maintain
 Reliable

Fig.3.3.1 Product experience

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3.3.2 Product Features:-
 Easy to control
 Less expensive
 Less manpower require

Fig. 3.3.2 Product Feature

3.3.3 Customer Revalidation, Reject/ Redesign:-

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 It is less costly.
 It has best design.
 It has low maintenance cost.
 It can’t take heavy loads.
 It can be redesigned by attaching high HP motor.

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Fig. 3.3.3 Customer Revalidation, Reject/Redesign

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Fig. 3.3 Product Development Canvas

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3.4 AEIOU Summary
 After finishing all 3 canvas, we started working on AEIOU summary
o A: Activities
o E: Environment
o I: Interactions
o O: Objects
o U: Users
 This canvas is totally based on the observation.
 After observing some places like farm, manufacturing industry and also
in different season we have started to develop the machine.

 These are goal-directed sets of actions paths towards things people
want to accomplish.
 What are the modes people work in, how long do they spend doing
something? And the specific activities and processes they go through?

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 From canvas: - It can be used for cleaning lake, rivers, drainage lines
and different water bodies.

 It include the entire arena where activities take place.
 What is the character and function of the space overall, of each
individual's spaces, and of shared spaces?
 What scenario does the environment create?
 From canvas: - It’s eco-friendly and prevent diseases.

 These are between a person and someone or something else; they are
the building blocks of activities. What is the nature of routine and
special interactions between people, between people and objects in
their environment, and across distances?
 From canvas:- Industries.

3.4.4 OBJECTS:

 These are building blocks of the environment, key elements

sometimes put to complex or unintended uses (thus changing their

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function, meaning and context). What are the objects and devices
people have in their environments and how do they relate to their
 From canvas: - DC motor, frame bed, nuts & bolts, shaft.

3.4.5 USERS:

 Users are the people whose behaviors, preferences, and needs are
being observed. Who is there? What are their roles and relationships?
 What are their values and prejudices?

 From canvas: Cleaning staff, Industries.

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Fig. 3.4 AEIOU Summary Canvas

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3.5 Mind Mapping (Data analysis):-
While this Update has a more practical than theoretical orientation, we start
with a brief overview of the origins of the mind-mapping technique. It was
first described by Tony Buzan, a psychologist and brain scientist. The
method builds on the idea that the two hemispheres
Of the human brain are responsible for different tasks. Mind-mapping was
designed to use both sides to increase memory retention and productivity
(Buzan, 1976; Buzan, 1993), although critics argue that there is insufficient
evidence to support this. It was first developed for note-taking and visually
representing information in an interesting format without the limits or
formality of standard written text.

One of the key advantages of mind mapping over standard note-taking is

that the open flowing format appears to support the natural thinking process,
which is thought to Mind-mapping tool for eliciting and representing
knowledge held by diverse informants Practical investigation of the use of
mind-mapping at different stages of the research process: eliciting,
representing and integrating knowledge

EPSRC-funded MAGNET project (developing theoretical models of

gun crime to inform stakeholder decision-making about interventions)
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Mind-maps were particularly useful for communication within our trans
disciplinary team and brainstorming, interviews and focus groups with a
diverse range of stakeholders.

Since then, mapping has been used in a variety of contexts, and has
developed into a tool used to represent an individual’s or group’s knowledge
and ideas about one particular theme. More recently, mind-mapping
software that integrates with common project
Management programs is increasingly being used as a visual aid in
discussing key components, tasks or risks of projects.

3.5.1 Mind Mapping Canvas

Water cleaning is being one of the major topics to be discussed. The
possible solution for this is to provide a machine that can use for cleaning
garbage from water bodies. We have presented the idea to save human
effort and it is a small scale project.

 Cheaper

 Easy to Operate

 Low maintenance.

And our final prototype model came into reality.

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Fig. 3.5 Mind Mapping Canvas

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Thus, the planning of the project is done. This project saved human effort
and time. This is simple design. Possible to use in practical and reality. Low
investment is required and and work for long time.

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