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1. Rewrite these sentences into a different 2. Rewrite these sentences using have/get
passive voice: something done:
E 1. People believe that the new government will 1. The technician has just fixed the TV aerial.
P do their best to tackle the crisis. We
It ……………………………………………………
O ………………………………………………… ………
R …… 2. Dr Brown is testing Peter’s eyes next week.
T 2. Economists predict an increase in Peter
unemployment. ……………………………………………………
I Unemployment …
N …………………………………… 3. The gardener will replant our garden next
G 3. Scientists expected that more money was Friday.
spent on research in stem cells. We
It ……………………………………………………
V ………………………………………………… ……
E ……… 4. Tom’s mother washed his jeans yesterday.
4. Some TV viewers think that gossip Tom
R programmes are rubbish. ……………………………………………………
B It ……
S ………………………………………………… 5. I’m going to the go the hairdresser’s on
……… Monday. I need a haircut.
5. The critics believed that Brad Pit’s film was a I
failure. ……………………………………………………
H Brad Pit’s film ………
……………………………………… 6. The painters have already redecorated the
A 6. People say that life is hard for today’s teens. classrooms.
V Life The classrooms
E ………………………………………………… …………………………………………
…… 7. Mary’s husband is making coffee for her.
7. The public think Woody Allen’s films are Mary
G great. ……………………………………………………
E It …
………………………………………………… 8. The vet will vaccinate her dog on Monday.
T ………… She
8. The review thought Dean’s books were boring ……………………………………………………
S and uninteresting. ……
Dean’s books 9. The cobbler has mended the children’s shoes.
O ………………………………………… The children
M 9. The reporter said the earthquake had caused ………………………………………………
E lots of casualties. 10. Someone stole my mum’s purse last week.
It My mum
T ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………
H ……… 11. The dressmaker hasn’t made Sue’s wedding
I 10. Everybody believed that Picasso’s exhibition dress yet.
had been a success. Sue
N Picasso’s exhibition ……………………………………………………
G ………………………………… ………
11. Some neighbours said the porter didn’t work 12. A famous architect designed London’s new art
well. gallery in 2010.
It London
D ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………
O ……… 13. The windows look brilliant! Who has cleaned
N 12. Nobody expected that the meeting ended in them?

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