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Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology

Assignment No 02
Subject: English
Student Name: ALI AHMAD
Teacher Name: Mam BUSHRA PARVEEN
Date: Jan 30 2021
Section A
Q.1) Write a brief introduction of the poet Rudyard Kipling.
Answer; Rudyard Kipling – an English littérateur, well known for his works such as The Jungle Book, Kim,
and the iconic poem If, was an eminent poet, a novelist, and a prolific writer of short stories. He was
born on Indian soil on 30th December 1865, in Bombay, then under British rule.

He became a renowned literary figure in the early 90s. His works started to publish in the National
Observer, which later got compiled in the Barrack-Room Ballads. At this time, he was fast becoming one
of the most revered poets of the British Empire, and the soldiers at war were one of his most preferred

Kipling finally settled in Sussex with his family in 1992, where he spent the rest of his life devoted to the
pen. This man of letters left us on the 18th January 1936. The poet’s other important works include The
Seven Seas, The Day’s Work, Traffics and Discoveries, Debits and Credits, Thy Servant a Dog – for a few
to name. Kipling received many honorary degrees and awards in his lifetime, such as the Gold Medal of
the Royal Society of Literature in 1926, and he turned down many honors such as a knighthood and the
Poet Laureateship. His contribution received the most recognition when he was awarded the Nobel
Prize in Literature in 1907.

Q.2) based on your personal experience, how do you control your anger when people tell lies
about you?
Answer; although it is difficult to control one's anger, especially when you are stigmatized by someone.
I have strong nerves to keep myself at calm when someone lies about me or blames me for nothing, I do
not get furious and ready for confrontation. I prefer to resolve the problem using dialogues and mutual

Q.3) how can you treat success and failure on equal bases. Explain with the reference of the
poem IF.
Answer; Success cannot be commanded and failure is not always destined. According to the poet that a
man has to face both success and failure in his life, so success is not supposed to make him proud or
arrogant and never forgets being stepped on ground. In the same way, he should not be affected by
failure and he has to come out of the state of despair and try again.

Q.4) if a man is so much educated and intelligent, does he suppose to express it in front of
the people even when there is no need of it? Why he shouldn't?
Answer; Education and intelligence make the man well-aware of the ways of the world. One does not
need to be boastful about his education and intelligence because this serves him nothing.
Q.5) How can your Will help you in a difficult situation?
Answer; Your strong will helps you remain determined and stick to the purpose even in difficult
situation. Your will become a force to stretch you out from a gloomy and weary situation.

Section B
Q.1) which practice makes a man "exact" according to Francis Bacon. Elaborate your answer
with an example.
Answer; According to Francis Bacon people have different approaches towards learning. They deal with
books in different ways. If a man has a tendency of writing, this practice makes a man "exact" because
he learns to remain precise and accurate about the things and he avoids beating about the bush.

I refer here the example of Authors, who being writers, are exact, because they are highly impressive,
subtle and accurate in bringing about their point of views.

Q.2) what are some of the defects of human mind? How Bacon deals with a wandered mind?
Answer; Francis Bacon states here that human mind does have some defects because mind is always
tempted by a new ideas and mind stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimension. Bacon
suggest that human mind needs to be made to work on specified objects rather than stray randomly.

Q.3) Tell the name of your favorite book. Which thing makes it your favorite?
Answer; my favorite book is the rise and fall of Great Powers, written by Paul Kennedy. It examines the
deep history of politics and contains the most relevant events that appeared in the past. This
text is all about how politics develops the core of the world order. It highlights the influence of
the Great Powers, their impact on different states and people. Besides, the authority; explains
the reduction of the Great Powers as how they crumble from a dominant position. Politics is not
about winning and being in a dominant position, but it dispenses with failures and how to erupt
from being in a dangerous spot? Politics is how you play your motilities and when you do it
wisely. The rise and fall of Great Powers is a sublime book for those who want to know every bit
of politics. It identifies the secrets and the elements of Politics.

It is my favorite book because it keeps you busy and makes you understand the loopholes of politics in
the best of ways possible.

Q.4) According to Bacon, how can we use studies for ornament?

Answer; Francis Bacon says that studies are used for the purpose of ornament because they serve for
delight and ability. Studies make one's mind flourish and grow stronger.

The ability of perception and conception becomes stronger when you study. So studies make the man
distinguish in the society in terms of his language, habits and choices.

Q.5) why extracts are like distilled water in the essay?

Answer; Francis Bacon points out that exact are like distilled water because they with their brief
knowledge remain half-learned person because they have to utilize the brief skills and learning they
have which never win the acclaim of being accomplished.

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