Senior Project Shot List 1

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Working Title Shot List

scene type int/ext location action

1.1 ECU Int. Bedroom Shifty eyes open

1.2 Medium - Int. Bedroom Foot bounce


1.3 Medium - Int. Bedroom Doubled over in chair/chest heaving

push in

1.4 ECU Int. Bedroom Teary eyes

1.5 Wide?? Int. Bedroom Shoves chair

2.1 CU + OTS Ext. Backyard Shaky hands wrap in boxing wraps

2.2 Medium Ext. Backyard Step to bag

2.3 CU Ext. Backyard Shift feet

2.4 Medium - Ext. Backyard Lands first punch


2.5 Insert Int. Unknown

2.6 Medium Ext. Backyard Pulls back punch

2.7 ECU Ext. Backyard Shifty eyes again

2.8 CU Ext. Backyard Feet shift

2.9 Medium - Ext. Backyard Two more punches


2.10 Insert Int. Unknown

2.11 Medium - Ext. Backyard Punches bag harder


2.12 CU Ext. Backyard Twists wrist

2.13 Medium Ext. Backyard Clutches wrist

2.14 Wide Ext. Backyard Clenches wrist to chest - fetal position

3.1 Medium Int. Living Room Rolling out yoga mat and lays down
3.2 CU - push in Int. Living Room Taking deep, shaky breaths

3.3 CU Int. Living Room Hands stop fidgeting

3.4 ECU Int. Living Room Eyes unclench and open, lets out deep breath,
uncovers eyes

4.1 Medium Int. Bedroom Sits down at desk, picks up pen

4.2 CU - slow Int. Bedroom Chewing on pen, staring off into space
pull out

4.3 Insert Int. Bedroom Drops pen

4.4 Wide Int. Bedroom Picks up pen, tries to write

4.5 ECU Int. Bedroom Sad eyes

4.6 Wide Int. Bedroom Throws down pen, grabs phone and gets up
from chair

4.7 Medium or Int. Bedroom Lays down on bed


5.1 Medium or Int. Bedroom - Night Scrolls on phone


5.2 Medium or Int. Bedroom - Night Glow on face from phone


5.3 Medium or Int. Bedroom - Night Eyes blink closed


6.1 ECU Ext. Dreamscape Eyes opening in field thing

6.2 CU Ext. Dreamscape Running hands over weeds

6.3 CU Ext. Dreamscape Tilts face up towards sun

7.1 ECU Int. Bedroom - day Blinks open eyes

7.2 Medium Int. Bedroom - day Rubs eyes, stares at ceiling

7.3 Insert - rack Int. Bedroom - day Door to phone

7.4 Medium Int. Bedroom - day Sighs, tries to get up

7.5 Medium CU Int. Bedroom - day Blankets tighten around her

7.6 Medium Int. Bedroom - day Struggle continues, cries out in frustration

7.7 Medium Int. Bedroom - day Curls up under blanket again

8.1 Medium Int. Bathroom Reflection, brushing hair

8.2 CU Int. Bathroom Deep sigh

8.3 Medium Int. Bathroom Hair up in bun

9.1 wide Int. Bedroom - day Back to desk

9.2 Insert CU Int. Bedroom - day Picks up pen

9.3 Medium Int. Bedroom - day Trying to write

9.4 CU Int. Bedroom - day Chews on pen

9.5 Insert Int. Bedroom - day Leg bouncing

9.6 Wide Int. Bedroom - day Throws pen

9.7 Wide Int. Bedroom - day Flops on bed

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