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123 First Ave

Anytown, USA


Tyler Olsen
1234 N Street
California, US 90210

Dear Tyler Olsen,

PriceRight would like to thank and congratulate all employees who completed their evaluations.
The evaluations were used to compile the highest scoring performers to be placed onto the newly
developed project team. Due the nature of the appointment, the selections were highly
competitive and were chosen with great care and consideration.

Every employee was evaluated on their teamwork, leadership, and technical competency within
their perspective team, and was then determined if they met the qualifications required for the
new project development. With that being said, employees who scored the highest in all three
categories were chosen to be a part of the newly developed project team.

We regret to inform you Mr. Olson that you were not chosen to be a part of the new project team
after analysis of your employee evaluation. However, PriceRight does want to facilitate growth
in the company for all employees, so we will be hosting a workshop for all employees who want
to increase their performance for the next employee evolutions.

Once again, PriceRight would like to send its utmost appreciation for all employees who applied
to be a part of the new project development. We also strongly encourage to attend the upcoming
workshop so we can continue our growth as one. If you have any questions regarding the
decision process or the upcoming workshop, please reach out to me at


Zack Dirmeyer

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